I started taking these notes because Dr. Brown asked the four of us to write everything down.
“We’re making history here,” he said. “For the first time, we are not just enabling or improving existing systems, but creating an entirely new organ. Your journals are the historical documents!”
“Therefore,” he added, “we do not know who will read them, when, or what their knowledge of the context might be. So explain even the most mundane details, as if you were addressing children or people from the past decades.”
So we all write these diaries, even those who, like me, have never written diaries and do not know how to write them well.
As I am going to write for possibly ignorant people, then I think I should tell a little bit about myself and the topic.
I am Kiara, a twenty-five-year-old woman. Geneering became a routine thing long before I was born.
Um… should I explain that too? Geneering is just short for “genetic engineering.” In other words, most people alive today have a lot of useful body enhancements. We almost never get sick, we heal very quickly, we do not get overweight, we keep our sight, hearing, teeth, and hair until old age, and so on.
Also, like most people, I have enhanced feelings of pleasure, from sex and taste to sight, hearing, etc. Have you ever felt ecstatic pleasure from good music or painting? I feel it quite often.
So when they called for volunteers to test a completely new and different source of pleasure, a new body organ with that sole purpose, I immediately signed up and by sheer luck was selected. You know, they had about a hundred thousand volunteers applied in ten minutes, and they only needed four for the first run.
They gave us a nice four-bedroom in the research complex. You see, now that diseases and unplanned pregnancies are a thing of the past, people are much more relaxed about nudity and sex. You won’t see separate facilities for men, women, and other genders in our time.
Also, we are literally required to test the new sensations of pleasure and compare them to sex, among other things. We are all perfectly happy with that.
We are two women (me and Lessie) and two men (Tim and Roger), all about the same age, all eager to participate in the experiments.
In fact, we are very lucky because we all like each other and have agreed to have sex together whenever we feel like it. It’s fun and it helps us collect data.
They injected us with the rypchynes add-on, a standard retrovirus delivery package. So far, it does not cover our reproductive cells. The hereditary version will be released after we make sure it is worth it.
“Why are they called ‘rypchynes?'” Roger asked curiously.
Dr. Mendosa smiled. “That’s our internal joke. We named them after a similar thing in one of Stanislaw Lem’s old stories… Well, we copied his idea, to be honest.”
“He seems like a curious man, that Mr. Lem,” Lessie said.
“He was a genius and a visionary,” Dr. Mendosa replied solemnly. “Try reading his works sometimes. Anyway, you have a week before your rypchynes are fully formed and ready for experimentation.”
I tried to read Lem’s stories, at least this one about rypchynes. What a complicated old language! I did not read much. But the guy really had a weird imagination… and he really predicted a lot of present-day things.
During that week we got along, explored the research complex, slept, had sex, played games, and were generally bored. We could not wait for the rypchynes to grow.
We have the rypchynes! They look like palm-wide bands of beautiful iridescent emerald indigo color that cover the inside of our forearms, from the elbow to the wrist, and run down both sides of the body, from the ribs over the hips to the knees. The color is so beautiful! It reminds us of some butterfly wings, beetle elytra, and peacock feathers. We admire them all day long. It’s so strange to be so fixated on a simple color, however beautiful.
“Nothing strange,” Dr. Brown chuckled. “It’s part of your brain upgrades. As a rypchine bearer, you are attracted to the sight and smell of rypchynes, just as all humans are attracted to the sight and smell of the bodies of suitable sex partners.”
We sniffed the rypchynes, our own and each other’s. A very strange, inhuman smell, like creosote, bitumen, and something chemical. Need I say how pleasant this smell is? And it’s slightly different for each of us. I like Tim and Lessie’s smell best, and Lessie likes Roger’s.
“Wonderful!” Dr. Mendosa took notes. “FYI, I can’t tell the difference. And no unaltered human would. Only rypchyne bearers are sensitive to the individual scent variations that control attraction.”
I sniffed Tim’s forearm again and felt an unfamiliar tickling and goosebumps along my rypchynes. I looked at them and was amazed to see that my hands were swelling and bulging, turning into something like thick fur made up of thin feathers. My rypchyne scent grew distinctively stronger, too. I touched them with my finger, and they felt soft and silky, but nothing special.
“This is what rypchyne arousal feels and looks like,” Dr. Mendosa explained. “Excellent. Everything matches the models so far.”
“What now?” Roger asked. He also touched his rypchynes.
“Now you could stop sniffing and touching and observe how the excitement subsides. Or… you could continue to the climax.”
Stop at this point? Never!
“The rypchynes are stimulated by the rypchynes,” Dr. Mendosa explained. “For the first time, I suggest you do this in pairs, forearms only.”
We sat on our beds, facing each other, extended our forearms, and touched, rypchyne to rypchyne.
We hardly noticed when we started rubbing our rypchynes together. The geneers made our rypchyne reflexes perfect.
Now comes the complicated part of my notes. It’s hard to describe the feeling. It’s really hard. With sex or tasty food, it is so easy because everyone has experienced it, so with a few words you can imagine it clearly. But how do you explain the taste of pineapple to someone who has no taste buds? How do you explain the colors of butterfly wings to a person who was born blind? That’s my present task. But I will do my best.
As I continued to rub erect rypchynes, I began to feel the faint echoes of rypchynic pleasure. It’s the hardest to explain because it’s so unlike anything you could feel in your body. The closest you can get is some sort of vibration or after-pleasure. Or pins and needles in a sleeping arm that comes back to life. When you are so tired that you can barely move, when you are just lying relaxed on a bed, there may be some slight pleasant but distant vibrational sensations on your skin and muscles. As if the parts of your body are slowly fading away one by one, but those fading parts are still tickling pleasantly in the distance. Like that, but orders of magnitude stronger.
That’s still not exactly the rypchyne sensation. Another analogy might be touching a barbecue grill or a very frozen object. For a brief moment, you can’t tell if it’s burning hot or cold. The rypchyne sensation is like that, hot and cold at the same time.
It’s still not quite right. Let’s try again. Have you ever been so tired that you could hardly sleep, your whole body ached, and there was nothing you could do to relieve the pain? Then you go to bed, and even though you can’t fall asleep right away, your body feels both the wonderful relaxation and the slight, dull pain all over. That’s how it is.
So let’s put it all together. Slight vibration and fading, pins and needles, hot and cold, dull pain and relaxation, all mixed together and intensified into a very specific, slightly painful delight.
Have you imagined the feeling yet, even a little? Well, you still haven’t imagined the real experience. I’ve given you all the clues, but you won’t really know it for yourself until you get the rypchynes. It’s like descriptions of sexual orgasm: you can get all hints from the texts, but then the thing comes for the first time, and bam! All the descriptions were just the pale shadows of the real thing. It’s the same with the rypchyne sensations.
The feeling got stronger and stronger and stronger until I felt nothing else. And it was a distinct pleasure and delight all the way. We did it clumsily for the first time, too fast and eagerly, I suppose, so we all four reached the climax just in a few minutes. Me and Roger fainted.
Ohhh. I never felt anything so strong…
Dr. Mendosa enthusiastically took notes. “Yes! Yes! Excellent! Fantastic! You have all successfully passed the first stage. Congratulations!”
We all lay exhausted on the beds, breathing heavily.
“How do you feel?” Dr. Brown asked.
Lessie giggled. “Like we just had great sex!”
“No! Much better!” Tim corrected her.
We laughed. They were right.
“Well, yes, of course,” Dr. Brown nodded. “Now rest. You have days ahead of you to test and explore your… hmm, what do you call it? like ‘sexuality’… rypchynality. In all its aspects. But now sleep and rest.”
We agreed. But of course, we did not fall asleep right away. Lying in our beds, we tried to press our forearm rypchynes against our hip rypchynes… Well, that must be the rypchyne masturbation thing.
We spent the next week mastering rypchyning. No fancy experiments, just getting to grips with our new skills.
The rypchynal arousal is pleasurable and exciting in itself and makes me want to keep stroking and rubbing rypchynes until the feathers are fully erect. When overstimulated, the feathers become stiff like hard rubber and almost painfully sensitive. If done carefully, we can prolong this prelude to arousal for hours.
Then comes the rypchynal climax… we needed a shorter word for it, so it’s now called rypchasm. If I do it fast and brutal, I can reach the howling climax in a few minutes, sometimes to the point of fainting. If I do it slowly, tenderly, teasingly, with little pauses, I can extend the fun for hours, with the sweet sensation growing so slowly that it floods every cell of my body, as if it were all one big rypchyne, where any touch to any part of the body only adds to the pleasure… awww… sorry, I got carried away.
In this last slow case, I can hardly control myself. I cry, sob, laugh, scream, breathe heavily, growl, and beg for more. My body alternates between complete relaxation and stiff spasms. When the climax finally comes, it lasts for minutes, and my body bends, curls, and twists by itself so much that it looks frightening to an unprepared observer (and so sweet and arousing to us, rypchyne-bearers!). Well, the sight of intense sexual orgasms looks no less frightening to unprepared children.
I like it more and more!
For several days we experimented with how orgasm and rypchasm mix together. It looks like this: I start rypchyning with Tim, and Lessie dives into my crotch with her magical lips, fingers, and some toys (she’s really unrivaled at this!). Or vice versa, with Lessie or Roger on the rypchynes and Tim warming me up and entering from the bottom.
Sigh. What a disappointment. The initial arousals, sexual and rypchynal, mix beautifully, but then at some point, one of the stimulations wins (it seems that simply whichever is stronger at the moment wins) and completely nullifies the other. So much for simultaneous orgasms and rypchasms.
“Of course,” said Dr. Brown. “We’ve implemented new dedicated brain circuits for new feelings, but the old good reward system is still single, and it still holds only a single focus of excitation.”
“Awww, ” I said. “Could you make it at least two-channel?”
“Not for you at the moment, sorry,” Dr. Brown made notes. “But obviously there will be a huge demand for it in the future. It’s in our next plans.”
“Great! We’ll wait.”
With these experiments, we also tested the possibilities of group rypchyning. Well, it’s just rubbing body parts together, right? A single person can easily share their rypchynes with four others, and with some acrobatic skills, with six others. And they, in turn, can have more people join in their free rypchynes, with no limit to the total number of participants.
“A human polymer!” Lessie giggled, imagining the scene.
And indeed, it looks like a giant polymer structure – people could form a ring, a grid, or any other pattern by touching rypchynes to each other wherever possible, and then moving, swaying, rubbing, and dancing to the rhythm. It looks so strange, unreal, obscene, funny, and extremely erotic (yes, also erotic, not just rypchyne-exciting) and arousing at the same time.
All in all, it should look like a loony mix of group dance, gymnastics, and porn. It’s a shame that there are only four of us and we can’t try it until there are at least a few dozen.
We explored ways to arouse our rypchynes with something other than other rypchynes, both from resting and aroused states.
We started with obvious kissing, licking, caressing, and fingering, then tried literally everything we could think of. We rubbed our rypchynes against blankets, walls, three cats and two dogs, several brushes, showered them, tried vibrators, electrostims, ice cubes…
Conclusion: medium-hard brushes work best, we managed to brush ourselves from zero to moderate arousal. But no more. Rypchyne toys are yet to be invented. (But who needs those toys when rypchynes work so well on their own?)
We finally convinced Tim and Roger to rypchyne each other. Our boys are so boringly heterosexual! It was so fun to watch them cringing, preparing for contact, and even touching each other’s forearms as if in arm wrestling. But then the arousal and rypchasm they got were just as good as any other.
“Guys, why so tense?” Lessie asked teasingly when they got their breath back. “Rypchynes are completely gender-neutral; we all have the same ones! What’s the difference, is it a boy or a girl?”
“Genitals are also gender neutral, what’s the difference in who you fuck, a boy or a girl,” Tim replied grimly. “The difference is not in the organs. It’s in the mind.”
Roger nodded, agreeing.
I shrugged. Lessie shrugged, too. Boys!
“I’m sorry to ask, but there is one more thing we need to test,” Dr. Mendosa said. “We need to see how the rypchynes work when used involuntarily. How much they depend on the will of all participants to have contact.”
“In other words,” I translated, “is it possible to rypchyne rape someone?”
“Exactly. Sorry.”
“No problem. I’m afraid humans would be exposed to that possibility too soon. So, of course we have to test it first,” I nodded.
“A difficult question,” Tim said thoughtfully. “We like each other, and we like rypchyning. How do you get someone against their will under such conditions?”
“Well…” Lessie said. “Sometimes I’m just not in the mood. We could keep an eye on each other and pounce on someone when he or she is really, really not in the mood…”
“It could work.”
We all agreed to participate.
They caught me two days later. I had been sleeping badly and had headaches, and my period was at its worst. I was lying on my bed, trying to read in vain and just snarling at everyone.
They exchanged glances and sat around me, grabbing my hands and moving closer to my hips.
“No! Stop it! I don’t want to!” I yelled, but they just nodded, grinned, and kept going.
Damn, it worked! As always, Lessie started, brushing her forearm rypchynes over mine. Roger joined in from the left and Tim from the right. They moved closer and pressed our hip rypchynes harder.
No! It was uncomfortable and disgusting. I hate periods, I hate headaches, I hate books, I hate them. I snarled and cursed and screamed and cried and begged them to stop… for about a minute. Then I was literally drowning in familiar painful pleasure. Damn.
“Wow! Kiara, you’re a little stiff today!” Lessie admitted.
I growled something vague. I couldn’t move, I was immersed in sweet agony. Damn it.
When I came to my senses, I yelled at them all and punched them. They apologized, we hugged and I forgave them. After all, I felt much better after the rypchasm.
Drs. Mendosa and Brown watched the experiment intently, taking notes.
“It’s very good!” Dr. Brown summarized. “Voluntary rypchasm works well, involuntary rypchasm works well as well. BDSM lovers would be happy. Now let’s see what happens when one participant is unconscious.”
This part was easier, taking someone in a deep sleep, and the next time under general sedation. Rypchynes worked in all cases. Waking up in the middle of rypchasm, mmm… And while sedated, the body still responded, even if the mind was not participating.
Our experiments are complete. Drs. Brown and Mendosa showed us the first rypchyning manual, with descriptions, warnings, guidelines, and best practices. Just like those sex education manuals for kids, only about rypchynes. It will be the only one for a while, and it will certainly remain the classic one. And it was full of excerpts from our notes, with our photos and videos depicting all phases and cases of rypchyning. We are famous now! And we are part of history.
In a week the lab starts to release rypchynes to the public.
They even found the grand descendants of Stanislaw Lem and paid them considerable royalties for using the name and the idea.
And we’ve already signed up for the hereditary upgrade and multi-channel reward system.