Like Mother, Like Daughter, Sore Bottoms And Sex- Chapter 4

"Phil gets his first caning and learns the depth of Carolyn’s erotic desires and psyche."

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Carolyn came home for one night midweek a few days after her last meeting with Phil.  Norma and I were very interested in hearing her uninhibited account of events, which was music to our ears. Two canes had arrived at her flat by mail order. Hopefully, within a few days, she would feel both of them applied with vigour to her golden botty!

We had a chat about positions for spankings, canings, and sex. My construction of a spanking and sex bench for Norma and myself had started. Its designer had published the plans for this thing on the web with measurements and suggestions for its construction. I put the downloaded spanking bench construction article on a spare memory stick and gave it to Carolyn. She would show it to Phil and encourage him to build one.

Norma could be so naughty. She described how I caned the inside of her thighs to get at skin not normally touched by the cane. For the first time, I saw Caroline visibly blush, but she said she was going to take the idea to Phil! I resolved to give Norma a few disciplinary cane strokes for being so naughty!

We were so pleased to see Carolyn was happy with her life.

The following weekend, Carolyn spent Friday night, all day Saturday, and the night with Phil. On arrival in the early evening, she gave him the memory stick and asked him to open the spanking bench design file. He was interested and said he was sure he could make one, but wanted to vary the design a little. It was ideal for erotic and corporal punishment, but a modification would improve it for sex. A semi-circular indentation on the top of the bench where the body is bent at the waist would allow for better access to both male and female genitalia.

Carolyn took the canes out of her bag. “Please give me six of the best before we go out for a drink and supper,” she begged. She quickly got out of her clothes, showered, and went into the bedroom with a bath towel. She stood on the towel to catch any drips and presented her bottom to receive the cane. Phil took up the thinner of the two and said, “Are you sure, please?”

“Yes,” replied Carolyn. “Please, I’m so ready for it, and don’t be afraid to do it hard.”

The cane went tap, tap on her bum, then ‘whistle CRACK’ and she received her first cane stroke at Phil’s hands. He had not disappointed, and it was a real stinger, to her delight.

“That’s fantastic,” she said. “I’m ready for the next one.”

‘Whistle CRACK’ the second stroke landed almost on top of the first one. Carolyn wondered how Phil had become such an expert so fast.

“Ready,” she said, and stroke number three landed very close to the first two.

This hard and accurate caning had an immediate effect on her. She felt very turned on but famished, having not eaten all day. For once, she preferred to eat rather than to have sex, which was unusual. Carolyn took all six strokes and stood up to look over her shoulder at them and to look in the mirror. The strokes lay evenly across both cheeks of her bottom and the grouping was less than two inches in width. They had only wrapped a little, and this increased the sensation.

She rushed over to Phil and flung her arms around him. “Darling, please, feel the marks. You are so accurate and the feeling is wonderful. But I’m starving! Can we go out for a bite or get a takeaway, please?”

don’t we walk to the shopping parade? There are several restaurants.”

Phil replied, “Of course. I was flat out all day and missed lunch. I’m starved too and I would like some exercise. Why

Carolyn said, “I will spend ten minutes on the bed massaging the marks. It’s long enough for the sensation to begin. This will replace the slight pain. My bottom has received enough canings, so I know how I will react, at least to a moderate caning. Please don’t worry.”

A little while later, they walked down to the parade of shops and restaurants and found the Italian had tables to spare. Each had a Wiener schnitzel Italian style. Not needing to drive, they finished a bottle of red wine, aware that a certain amount of drink would increase their horniness. During the meal, Phil asked her quietly how she felt.

Carolyn replied equally quietly, “This chair is too soft. If it was a hard one, I could, you know, ‘enjoy’ sitting on it.”

Phil smiled. Six strokes of the thin cane didn’t cause Carolyn much discomfort.

Back home, they got naked and showered. Carolyn was in a very naughty mood and showed Phil the thin vibrator. She turned it on and adjusted it to give the sensation she might like. Lying on the bed, Carolyn inserted it in her pussy while Phil looked on.

“Phil,” said Carolyn. “With it running in my pussy, please, can you play with my clitoris? I cleaned up just now.”

Being a gentleman, he gave her a gentle licking and nibbling of her little wet peanut, with the vibrator buzzing away. Carolyn was on Cloud Nine as the sensations in her bottom amplified by the vibrator added to the feelings Phil was producing in her pleasure centres.

Within a couple of minutes, Carolyn rolled off the bed, stood on the towel, and said, “Cane me, please, with the vibrator running inside me. I want to see how it feels.”

Phil took aim, trying to avoid the existing marks on her bum. ‘Whistle CRACK,’ a good stinger landed and Carolyn gasped, wagging her bum from side to side with a hand between her legs.

“Again,” she said, “Hurry.”

A second stroke cracked across her shapely young rump and she sank to her knees. Moaning in what was mostly pleasure. She struggled back to her feet and said, “Again, please.”

The third stroke cracked home and the added stimulus from it was more than Carolyn could handle. She eased the vibrator out of her pussy and dropped it on the towel.

“It’s too much with it running inside me,” she said. “I will shake to pieces. Phil, give it to me, please.”

She bent forward, head down on the bed, with her legs parted. Phil had found the proceedings so erotic it had given him a diamond cutter of an erection. Carolyn’s efforts at toning her pelvic muscles were reaping their reward for both of them. Within less than half a minute, he climaxed, but it was hard to tell if Carolyn climaxed too, because she was in such a frenzy of sexual activity already.

As she recovered, Carolyn said, “I’m going to be in good shape at uni next week. I have been waiting for this. It’s the first time someone has caned me in nearly two months.”

They were in bed together, and Phil was still curious about what went on in Carolyn’s head.

He asked, “Why does it help you so much, please?”

Carolyn said, “Almost two years ago, I woke up to the fact that I need sex and spanking or caning to satisfy me. My earlier caning experiences with my father during my relative youth started giving me what I needed. But as I grew a little older, I needed sex as well. I so badly wanted to experience sex that even with the age difference, I asked Uncle Arthur to do it. He had caned me so carefully it told me I could trust him. In his way, I found him attractive enough. I talked it over with my mother first and she said it was fine to do it.”

“During the week, I don’t need to fret about a relationship because I know I am in an excellent one already. I can concentrate on my studies. Tonight has taught me you can handle caning me without a problem and that answers my only question about us. Phil darling, is it OK with you, please? The fact I can relax about this sort of thing helps me so much, you can’t believe it.”

Phil replied, “It’s a relief to me to see you so happy. I was concerned that I might not be ‘enough’ for you. But it seems I have ‘hit the spot.’ I don’t have a problem with caning you as long as it’s not physically or mentally harmful to you. I’m ready to be on the receiving end of a caning. It will be a novel experience for me.”

Carolyn naughtily took hold of his dick and gently squeezed it, saying, “Phil, look after your little brother here. When I’m away at the flat, please exercise him every day, if possible. It will be so good for your prostate gland; my mum has told me that. While you do it, you can fantasise about caning me or the other way round, or any other fantasy involving us.”

Phil replied, “Margaret thought masturbation was dirty and abnormal. It’s so wrong.”

Carolyn said, “There’s one other thing I would love us to try, apart from me caning you. The insides of my thighs never receive the kiss of the cane. Please, can we fix that?”

“I will lie on the bed on my back, legs up and apart, and I will show you with my fingers where I want you to cane me. My mum says she has tried it and the sting is ‘electric.’ You need to hold the cane ‘short’ to control it accurately because even a moderately hard stroke landing on my clitoris will cause me agony beyond belief.”

“The medium cane may be better for this purpose. The velocity of the cane held short will be lower and the increase in weight because of the medium cane will partly compensate for that. What do you think, darling?”

“You are such a naughty girl,” Phil replied. “I’m delighted to do it and I think I have visualised your intent. Do you want to try it tonight, please? But one question, your mum seems to be uninhibited in the way she talks to you?”

Carolyn replied, “Mum has found relief in Uncle Arthur and is making up for lost time. With my awakening at his hands, Mum and I have had several long talks and I have to tell you, Mum watched him make love to me and both of them caned me, taking turns. Later Uncle Arthur and I caned mother. So there are no secrets.”

“But, again, I assure you, it’s over regarding a sexual or spanking relationship between Uncle Arthur and me. You should know what went on. Yes, I would love you to cane the skin of my inner thighs tonight, please.”

“Fortunately, I think I have sufficient understanding of your sexuality, which is the other side of the coin from poor Margaret,” replied Phil. “Although it is a source of wonderment to me. Would you like me to do it now, please?”

“Let me clean up first,” she replied.

Carolyn got up, cleaned in the shower, dried, and came back. She lay on the bed with her bottom very close to the edge, and lifted her legs up and back, holding them apart.

She said, “You see where the cane marks end and there is an area of unmarked flesh between the fat part of my botty and my pussy? That’s where you need to cane me. Please, take great care not to hit my pussy with the cane.”

Phil decided that the best position to allow him access to her inner thighs was to kneel on the floor, which helped him hold the cane close to the vertical in front of her opened legs.

He said, “Are you ready?”

“Yes,” replied Carolyn. “I can’t wait!”

‘Tap-tap crack,’ the first stroke landed on her left-hand inner thigh.

“Lovely,” breathed Carolyn. “More please.”

Phil carried on slowly caning this area, which showed the red stripe marks from each stroke. Carolyn kept still enough after her reaction to each stroke, so as not to make aiming too difficult. After the sixth stroke, Phil paused and said, “Is that enough, please?”

Carolyn replied, “It’s amazing. The sting happening so close to my parts is so erotic. Please, can you move to my right inner thigh?”

Phil did as requested, using his left hand to hold the cane. He was a little naughty, wondering how Carolyn would react if he slightly increased the force of the caning. At the start of the next six strokes, he used about the same force as well as he could judge it, but at the third stroke, he used a little more force. Carolyn didn’t seem to notice at first, but he could see that she was in a state of high arousal with deep crimson labia and her clitoris was standing up.

As the caning of her right side inner thigh continued, he steadily increased the force. At the finish of the set of six strokes, Carolyn yelled out, “Naughty boy, give it to me, please.”

The sight of her parts right in front of him was a tremendous turn on and he was worried that, if not relieved, he might have had an orgasm as he tried to cane her. Phil was in the perfect position to enter her, and they had a tremendous orgasm within a few seconds.

Knowing Carolyn’s occasional desire to sit on a hard chair on her freshly caned bottom, Phil had put one in the bedroom. This was one of those moments. Carolyn got up and sat on the chair, wriggling about.

“Some cane marks are in contact with the wood,” she said. “It’s painful, but so erotic,” she said, rubbing her thighs together to produce another orgasm.

After a few minutes, she got up and went to the shower to clean up. She came back and lay on the bed. “Darling,” she said, “Would you like a ‘69’?”

“Yes please,” replied Phil. “I will clean up.” Once done, he lay on the bed beside her.

“You are younger and lighter. Why don’t you lie on top of me, please?” he said.

Carolyn got up and got into the perfect ‘69’ position on top of him. For an older man, Phil was in good sexual order and produced an erection which Carolyn could use to great effect. They had orgasms within a few minutes. Phil took it slowly with her, as he realised that Carolyn often had a ‘hair trigger’ regarding orgasms and didn’t seem to tire at all. What it is to be a lucky and greedy girl!

He could feel the cane marks on her inner thighs. They had formed hard ridges, and he wondered how they would affect her over the next few days. Phil’s ability to maintain an erection slowly faded, and Carolyn knew it was time for a softer approach. She lay down beside him and pulled the duvet over them.

“How was that?” she asked.

Phil replied, “It was beyond words. Are you sore inside your thighs?”

“Yes,” replied Carolyn. “It is so erotic. The discomfort is worth it. Right now there is a lot of sensation as I walk about, but I can handle it and I’m sure it will decrease over the next day. I can’t believe it’s only Friday night. Phil, I haven’t caned you yet. Shall we do it tomorrow if you feel like it?”

Phil replied, “Yes, please, let’s do it tomorrow. This session has been beyond words and I am having trouble staying awake.”

“Thank you for caning my inside thighs,” replied Carolyn. “Mum said to try it, but not the night before a long walk the next day. Have you ever thought of making a little lightweight leather ‘pussy spanker’?”

Phil became alert and said, “No, I haven’t. What do you have in mind, please?”

Carolyn replied, “I’ve got an off-cut of thin leather I bought from a haberdashery place near the college. I will draw you what I have in mind, but it’s roughly a spoon-shaped piece of leather. The whole thing will be six or seven inches long and the spoon head perhaps two inches in diameter. The idea is to diffuse what would be the ‘sting’ which accompanies a caning over a bigger area and with less impact force. It might work wonders on my pussy. I have read about it online and I think it’s worth a try. Let’s think about it tomorrow.”

Was there no limit to her imagination?

Phil said, “Your idea about caning the inside of the thighs was brilliant. It’s such an erotic experience to do it, with your ladies’ bits right in front of my face!”

She replied, “Well, I didn’t truly think of it. I saw the thigh caning on the internet after Mum told me about it and thought I must try it. The girl on the website was in ecstasy. It’s a similar matter regarding the pussy spanker. I saw it on the web with details of how to make it. I nearly had orgasms watching those two.”

So it wasn’t just her imagination! Long live the internet, provider of information about how to produce erotic spanking implements, etc.

In the morning, Carolyn said, “How about a morning glory, but no spanking or caning?”

They got ready and after fingering Carolyn’s G spot and giving her clitoris oral attention, Phil entered her and this time, took it slowly. This gentle approach was just what she needed after the frantic previous evening.

Still hard inside her, Phil said, “I will make a list of all the parts and timber I need to build the bench. There’s a hardware store a few miles away that will probably have the lot. Let’s visit them. Think of yourself relaxed on the bench, being given a sore bum and sex to your heart’s content!”

He felt Carolyn’s vagina twitch while he talked.

She said, “I feel horny just thinking about it. You must tie me down on it and cane the daylights out of me. I will love it if I can’t escape and the Cloud Nine sub-space experience will be incredible.”

Soon, they drifted into a deep and happy sleep. The early arrival of the post woke them up, and they had breakfast. Afterwards, Phil made…

Published 1 year ago

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