Winter In Camp Sunshine Part 1

"The Winter camp for Trans girls is under new management, and the young, energetic founder is forced to make a very difficult decision about one of her new attendees."

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The bus ride so far had been eerily quiet, and they were almost there. The last sign on the side of the road said they were only forty miles away, and that was some time ago. Sunshine was even more suspicious because the bus was nearly overflowing with sixteen-year-olds. But she supposed they’d just been too nervous to do anything other than stare at their phones. That would change as soon as they got there though, when their phones were taken from them and locked away for the entire week.

The senior camp counselor cringed at the thought of trying to pry their social media from their fingers and asking them to socialize. She’d left out scary details like that when she pitched her plan and got funding for her little experiment.

“It would be the world’s first summer camp for transgender girls, and many more would follow. There’s a huge market for it,” she had explained.

And even if she had proven that last part by selling all their tickets within a few hours, she wasn’t sure how she’d fare in the post-camp surveys. That was as important to the backers as the money since it meant more money.

She took a deep breath and tried again with Penny, “So, did you bring your bathing suit.”

“It’s raining,” the cute Russian girl said, making quick work of Sunshine’s latest attempt.

“Come on, this is your chance to meet more people like us. Did you bring anything fun to wear at all?”

She waved her phone over her jeans and her thick, gray coat. “Is this cute enough?”

“Honestly, yeah. But you’d look cute in anything. I’m jealous of your eyes too, and I think you’re the only blonde – well the only natural blonde.”

“Yay me,” Penny said sarcastically while she flipped through image after image on her phone.

“Well, I brought extras if you ever need anything. Seriously I have so many clothes I thought we’d have to pay for an extra bus,” she joked.

Penny glanced at all the luggage surrounding them and worried they were barricaded in so securely they wouldn’t be able to get out. She’d been trapped back there with the owner and proprietor of this new endeavor without having been consulted. Even if she wanted to be more social the nearest other person was several seats in front of them.

The young girl snarled her lip. “God forbid you get a second bus, you might actually lose some of your profits. Yeah, I know how business works, and I know you’re only being my friend because you want my parents’ money.”

The short Asian woman kept her mouth shut, she knew better than to argue with a teenager. Her plain, round face turned into a warm smile. While she was still optimistic and cheery, she said, “Well, I think we’re the same size.”

“Are you kidding? I’m a monster.”

“You’re just tall, but the rest of you is just perfect. You’re lucky.”

“Quit saying that,” Penny protested as she swiped past an image of a dog wearing a three-piece suit. It even had a monocle.

“I say it because it’s true, you better get used to that. Oh come on, seriously, you’re beautiful. You’re tall, thin, blonde, and you’re totally passable. I was going to have the other counselors check you before you even got on. But we’ll do it when we get there just like everyone else.”

Penny ripped her face from her phone and said, “You were going to ‘check me’? What does that even mean? What are you talking about?”

Although Sunshine still had a big smile, it was now composed of smugness rather than warmth. She turned away from the confused girl and stared out the window at the passing trees and mountains.

Penny waved her hands, saying, “Hello? Are you deaf?”

The senior counselor loved being out in nature away from all the noise and people in the city. She was especially glad to be rid of traffic, and at present, she counted zero other cars on the road.

The girl beside her gently nudged her shoulder, now suspiciously more polite. “Excuse me, hey excuse me! You mean you were going to like, uh, do what exactly?”

“Oh, you have nothing to worry about—and we explained it all to your parents. The medical evaluation is important for the integrity of our program.”

Penny shifted in her seat and muttered, “Medical evaluation?”

But now that the young Asian woman had subdued her, she was going to let her stew for a while. She knew from experience in Japan that it was nerve-wracking to be grouped with strangers and to be told you were going to be examined. No one liked stripping down to have their private areas methodically judged by some foreign third party. But Penny had taken to visible discomfort, her face turned pale.

Sunshine finally relented and said, “Want me to do your hair? I bet you’d look super hot in braids. What do you think? We have time!”

“Why me though?” Penny asked sullenly. “There’s so many other girls here, why’d you want to sit with me?”

Sunshine scooted closer along the bench. “Well we don’t get a lot of white girls, we’re mostly Asian if you haven’t noticed. And we certainly don’t get a lot of blonde girls, so I just thought you could use someone to talk to, that’s all. Now come here.”

“Aren’t you cold?” Penny asked, taking note of Sunshine’s creamy white, knee-length dress.

“Not really, no. And it’s thick too, see?” Sunshine pinched the material proving that it was more of a long sweater than a dress. “It’s even got long sleeves too,” she added. And sure enough when she peeled back one of the arms of her jacket, that same yarn-like material sprouted from the opening.

“It’s still weird,” Penny pointed out.

“Well, I like it. It’s warm and professional, and well, I like it. You’d look good in it too if you wanted to borrow it?”

“I’m like 5’9, and you, you’re like a dwarf—no offense,” Penny mentioned.

Sunshine did some quick math in her head and countered, “You’re only about seven percent taller than me, does that sound like a lot?”

She shook her head. “No, but it feels like a lot.”

Sunshine shrugged and then moved the bag that was sitting between her feet. She shoved it under the seat and sat up tall. “Well? If we don’t start now, you’re going to look really weird when we get there and you only have a braid on one side of your pretty little head.”

Penny eyed the peculiar woman doubtfully, but eventually, Sunshine’s smile won her over. She stood, carefully hoisted her loose jeans up to her stomach, and then eked into the small, cramped space between Sunshine’s legs. Penny barely had enough room for her knees, which slid forward under the chair in front of her, and she kept her chest forward, leaning as far from Sunshine as she could. But she could still feel the Asian woman’s socks rubbing against her shoulders, even through her thick jacket, like those warm legs were smothering her. When she was finally settled, small fingers began to pluck at her hair and began weaving.

“So, what brings you to Japan anyway? It’s a long way from home, isn’t it?” Sunshine asked eventually.

“Oh, uh, we don’t really have places like this in Russia, and my parents—well mainly my sister—kind of convinced me to go. It’s not like I had a choice,” she confessed.

“You have nothing to worry about, and you’re going to have fun. You’re going to miss all the other girls when you’re gone, trust me.”

“Easy for you to say,” Penny mumbled. She winced when Sunshine pulled too tightly, but didn’t complain. “So, why do you call yourself Sunshine?” she asked.

The woman paused. “Because it’s happy and warm. But also it’s a name I used in a previous life.”

“Previous life?” Penny wondered out loud.

“Don’t worry about it, it’s nothing. And you’ll get a name too before we’re done.”

“Good. I hate Penelope. Ugh! I hate my parents too! And I’m so mad at my sister for convincing me to do this.”

“Oh you don’t mean that, and I’m sure they love you.”

Penny scoffed. “If only you knew…” she mumbled. “Seriously! Twins are supposed to look out for each other, not send them halfway around the world!”

“You’re a twin! That’s awesome! Is it a he? She? Trans girl?” Penny inquired.

Penny took a long time to respond but finally came up with an answer. “It’s a, uh, she. She’s a she, I mean.”

“Kind of weird to say this stuff out loud, right? You’ll get used to it, and you’re seriously doing great. When I was younger, like before I took over, things were much different. Now there’s a waiting list!”

“I wish I was on that list,” Penny said dryly.

Sunshine stopped. Her hands veered down to Penny’s shoulders and squeezed. She leaned in close and said softly, “You’re going to learn a lot of stuff, like how to relax. I know you’re going to fight it, but whether you like it or not, you’re going to realize this is the best part of your life. I just hope you don’t realize it too late…”

The woman’s strong, comforting grip actually worked. The more Penny scowled and pretended to be angry, the more she felt consoled and at ease. She even felt herself slipping backward into Sunshine’s legs. And the Asian girl accommodated by spreading her knees a little wider to make room.

But unlike her outward appearance, Penny’s mind wasn’t just pretending to be comfortable. That temporary feeling of calm was soon replaced by foreboding, the idea of being naked in front of strangers worried her. It terrified her. She meekly spoke up, trying to get more information, “So, does everyone have to be like, looked at? Can I skip that part?”

“What? Why? Hey, Penny, you seriously have nothing to be afraid of.”

“It’s just that, I’m worried that, you know—I just don’t want anyone looking at me down there…”

In a soft, reassuring tone, Sunshine addressed her concerns, “Don’t worry about size, it doesn’t mean anything. I’m not very big either.”

Penny coughed and lurched forward, butting her nose into the back of the seat.

When she rubbed at her face and it was clear her nose wasn’t broken, Sunshine went on, “I’m sure whatever you have down there is beautiful. I know it’s weird to hear someone say that, but it’s true. There are lots of different types of girls here.”

“Who does the inspections, is it you?” Penny asked.

“Yes, just me, and no one else. But it’s not like I give you a score, it’s mostly just to make sure you belong here—we’re not perverts if that’s what you’re wondering. We’re regulated by the government. And their eyes are all over us.”

The tall girls’ shoulders slumped. She didn’t even react when Sunshine untangled some hair, and very forcefully completed another section.

Sunshine thought for a minute, then leaned in close to Penny’s ear. She whispered, “But if you did find a nice Japanese girlfriend while you’re here, I wouldn’t tell. You could probably choose whoever you wanted too.” She waited a bit then tugged at Penny’s hood. “Does this thing come off? It’s getting in the way.”

“I don’t think so, no, it doesn’t.”

The counselor made it obvious what the problem was when she reached blindly into the back of her fluffy jacket and fumbled around with her fingers digging for hair. Penny giggled and slipped backward.

“Oh my God,” she said in a huff, “that tickles! Stop! Sunshine! No!” More quiet laughter.

“See? You’re going to have fun! But your hair though… I can’t finish like this, and all your girlfriends are going to think this is how people wear their hair in Russia.”

“Ugh!” the excitable sixteen-year-old said, then unzipped her coat. She managed to peel the lumbering, shiny material over her shoulders and was careful to not unravel the half-finished braidwork. Underneath was a grayish-blue long-sleeve shirt. Penny shivered.

“Don’t you have snow in Russia?” Sunshine asked, setting the girl’s jacket down on some nearby luggage.

“Yeah, but we also have coats.”

When Sunshine didn’t reply, Penny turned to see the woman removing her coat as well. She set it down in front of Penny and said, “Here, use it like a blanket.”

“Why can’t I just use mine?”

“Because mine is better. Also, it’s more expensive and I don’t want to set it on any of that dirty stuff—no offense.”

The confused girl contemplated for a while but was happy to be warm and snug again. She settled back a little further, then to Sunshine’s surprise rose a bit taller on her knees. Penny sat up, held her small chest out, and arched her back.

Sunshine went back to work in silence. The girl’s figure was remarkable. Most of the girls had a more boyish shape, and where they were narrow and straight, Penny had curves. And even that limited band of skin that flashed beneath her shirt seemed exceptionally warm and vibrant. Sunshine caught herself leaning forward and peeking down her pants, but they were so high she wasn’t able to make out anything other than the small dimples on her lower back.

The normally bubbly and friendly teenager was completely out of her element. She’d never imagined she’d be in a situation like this, it was the first time in her life she wasn’t in control. And she’d certainly never allowed anyone to touch her like that. It irked her the way that Sunshine just so casually and confidently integrated her soothing massage into the work she was doing with her hair. Penny would never admit it, but she missed those gentle fingers every time they’d let go of her shoulders or her neck and go back to work.

“Are you almost done?” she asked impatiently.

“Almost! No, it’s real close I promise, just hold still.”

But that was just the thing, Penny found it increasingly more difficult to be still. And the more she tried, the more she felt herself slipping backward. She took hold of Sunshine’s knee through one sock and was surprised to feel the bare skin of Sunshine’s thigh on her forearm. Penny was too afraid to look, but she knew that the woman’s dress was slipping. They both knew it.

Sunshine scrambled to finish, but her red, silky undergarment was already peeking out between her legs. It was a thong designed for petite, gay men, and had extra capacity in the front to accommodate and secure a penis to her body, even an erect one. Hers she knew was below average, but the last thing she wanted on her maiden camp adventure was a public incident with a foreign teenager. She pinched a rubber band on each braid and wrapped them around the ends on both sides.

“There! It’s perfect, well it could use some work, but on you, anything would look good,” Sunshine said, then started scanning her surroundings. “Let’s see, I know it’s around here somewhere. Ah! Can you check my bag under the seat, and get my mirror? You’re going to love it.”

Penny did just that, after an awkward tug she had the bag in her lap and unzipped it. “What is this? Oh my God, are you a perv?” she said as she stared in wonder at the assortment of delicates.

Sunshine ignored her. “No, in the side pocket. Ugh, here let me.” She reached around the girl, snatched up the small mirror, and held it out front. She could see herself smiling behind and just to the side of Penny’s stunned face.

“It’s uh, yeah, I guess it’s fine. No, I like it actually,” Penny admitted, then took the mirror and inspected it herself in more detail.

Sunshine took the opportunity to lower her dress. She fought with the tight thing, but it always ended the same way, brandishing skimpy, red cloth between her legs that was just able to conceal her erection.

Penny caught her struggling and angled the mirror down over her shoulder so she could get a better look. She gasped then abruptly turned away. She knew what they looked like, and how everything worked, but the way it was all wrapped up like a present, but at the same time still very vivid, intrigued her. Slowly she adjusted the mirror and took another peek.

But this time she was met with Sunshine’s smile. It wasn’t the same as earlier, more a product of desperation and nerves, and it barely held together. Sunshine apologized, “Don’t you hate when this happens? Sorry though. Really.”

Penny turned back to the box of thongs in front of her. And thankful for the opening, Sunshine was quick to change the subject.

She said, “See anything you like? You can take whatever you want, that’s what I was talking about earlier. And it doesn’t matter if you’re tall—or a dwarf.”

“I didn’t mean that,” Penny said. “I was just mad. I still am, but yeah, sorry.”

Those gentle hands once again found her shoulders. They washed down and worked over the strap of her bra. Just then though, Sunshine paused. “You’re not wearing a bra?”

Penny shook her head, embarrassed that she’d done something wrong.

“You’re lucky then, it totally looks like you are. Ah to be young and perky…” Sunshine lamented.

But that wasn’t all to the story. As it happened, Penny was also lacking the lower half of the pair. She kept it to herself though, and really started to regret it, especially when the prospect of a medical exam loomed in her future. Penny suddenly perked up. “Maybe, uh, maybe I will take one if that’s alright,” she said.

Sunshine leaned in and squeezed through the girl’s shirt. “Fun! Which one do you like?”

“Well they all look OK I guess, but I just need to find one that, well, fits me, you know?”

“No, of course. Well, the red one I’m wearing is for four inches, so how big are you, Penny?”

The girl straightened up and her hand dug into Sunshine’s knee. “I, uh, well, do you have anything that’s like, extra small?”

Sunshine leaned in and hugged the girl, her arms coming to rest just above Penny’s ample chest. And her chine perched atop Penny’s shoulder, whispered, “Oh come on, I’m small.”

“It doesn’t look very small,” Penny said plainly.

But Sunshine just went on, “And a tall girl like you? I bet you’re real big, I bet your big, white dick is bigger than everyone here.”

Penny wanted to protest, she wanted to tell her the truth but was trapped in stunned silence. Sunshine’s hands slowly came to life, and her fingertips dug into the front of her skinny frame. The only thing she could do was shoot hot, warm air out her nose.

Sunshine pulled her in closer, and breathing into her ear, whispered, “Do you want to do it now?”

“Huh?” Penny replied in a daze, almost like she’d had the wind knocked out of her by that dense object bumping into her shoulder blades.

“The exam,” Sunshine reminded her, “we can do it right here if you want?”

“But… I’m trying to tell you… And I… I don’t think I’ll pass,” she said just as quietly.

Those hands, as soft as snowflakes, gently brushed over Penny’s breasts, even past the erect nipples piercing her shirt. They landed firmly on her tummy and once again hugged the stunned, skinny teenager. “See the green one there, right in the corner at the top? That’s for eight inches. Is that the one you need?”

Penny sighed and shook her head.

“What about seven? That’s the purple one just beside it.”

“No! You don’t understand!” Penny quietly shouted at her. “Go ahead! Go on, inspect! See for yourself!”

Sunshine was too flustered to give it any thought, and when the young girl opened her legs, her hands immediately went to work on her fly. Sunshine banged into her back with her cock and wiggled herself around while she fumbled with the girl’s jeans. She used both hands but finally separated the baggy denim in front to make enough room for her small hand.

Penny tensed and held her breath while Sunshine punched her way inside. Her bumbling hand swept past the light tuft of hair, made no qualms about the lack of underwear, and kept going. The combined panting and wheezing from the two culminated in an abrupt, and complete silence.

Sunshine kept her hand right where it was, right there on the girl’s pussy.

“I’m… I’m just a girl,” the frightened teenager explained. “An actual girl! My stupid sister made me go for her—she was too afraid! She was begging and crying and I didn’t know what to do so we swapped! I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry Sunshine!”

“But… But this camp is… It’s for… You can’t be here, it’s not for you!” Sunshine tried to explain with as much sympathy as she could find.

Penny pressed her hips into Sunshine’s hand. “But can’t you do something, just this once?” When Sunshine didn’t answer, it gave her a little more time to think. She went on, reasoning, “Shouldn’t you welcome everyone? Not just transgender girls? I could still be everyone’s friend right?”

“Yeah, I mean, but if we get caught, then we’d get shut down. This is serious Penny! How could you do this!”

“Just… Just don’t make me go home, if my dad finds out he’ll kill me—he’ll kill both of us! Please! I’ll behave I promise! No one will find out! And it’s raining so I can hide in all my baggy clothes!”

Sunshine finally withdrew her hand, but Penny caught her by the wrist just above her belly button. She held her there firmly against her tummy for a while, then carefully started gliding the woman’s hands upward, taking her shirt with them.

“You’re going to be sleeping in a room with ten trans girls though, and—hey! What are you—stop that! Penny! What are you doing?”

Sunshine’s actions defied her words. Without any trepidation, she cupped the young girl’s naked breasts and let her fingers fold into her perky flesh. Hard nipples scraped against her palms, and all Penny could do was quietly moan.

“Please,” she begged, “I’ll be good I promise! I swear! And I’ll do whatever you say, you’ll see!”

Sunshine gently slapped her breast. “You are so bad! I can’t believe this, and now you’re trying to bribe me? Really? I could lose everything! Everything!”

“I won’t tell, I can keep a secret, I can be real quiet,” she pleaded.

The dark, terrific storm of scandal that had caused her so much consternation when she dealt with the regulators had finally arrived. It swept in instantly in the form of heavy, gray clouds, and Sunshine herself went dark.

She scanned her immediate vicinity then up and down the aisle. She found Penny already turning, wobbling awkwardly on her knees with her shirt bunched up and her loose pants nearly slipping from her hips. Sunshine raised her butt and started pulling her thong down her legs.

Penny was more than accommodating and quietly helped until the woman was comfortably leaning back into her seat, legs spread wide, and four inches of hard, pale cock upright and waiting. The aloof, distant look on Penny’s face almost had Sunshine erupting. She savored that glassy-eyed anticipation of youthful lust and inexperience.

“Have you ever done this before?” Sunshine asked softly.

Penny nodded. “With my… My boyfriend—but just a few times. And he’s… He’s just like yours.” She placed a hand on either hip, framing the throbbing erection, then paused. Her voice lowered a few tones, and she said, “I’m not very good at it though, sometimes I go too far and I choke.”

Sunshine squirmed underneath her, and her cock wobbled around in the air. The woman spoke quickly with panic in her voice, “Hurry, suck it, put it in your mouth!”

Penny lowered herself so close she could taste her breath bouncing off the shaft. Her bright blue eyes met Sunshine’s. She said, “If I do this, I can stay?”

A sign on the road read: “Camp Sunshine 2 Miles”. Sunshine noticed and shouted down to her, “Yes! Just do it, suck my cock!”

It wasn’t long before those tight, closed lips butting into her shaft, came apart. Sunshine forcefully pried her way inside, past her lips, past her teeth, then took hold of Penny’s new braids and pulled her in.

She squirmed again, grunted, and pressed her hips up into the sixteen-year-old’s small mouth. Sunshine was no longer panting. Her medium-sized breasts heaved under her dress. “That feels so good, I’m almost there, keep going—I’ve never had a white girl suck my dick before,” she confessed, then found the strength to lift her head and admire what she could see of the girl’s exposed bottom way back behind her. Sunshine looked lower and devoured her perky, young breasts with her eyes. They had unusually light, pink nipples, and stood up proudly on their own even as she bobbed up and down with a cock in her mouth.

A new sign warned that their destination was less than a mile away. And the girls on the bus began to murmur to each other.

“Do you swallow?” Sunshine asked.

Penny shook her head.

“OK, just… Just jerk me off,” she said, then started hoisting her dress up. It rose to her bra, revealing an average frame with more of that soft white skin.

The girl took the sloppy shaft in her hand and did as she was asked. Within seconds, torrents of semen rained down all over the pretty woman’s upper half. She was looking down, watching Penny’s hand as cum mixed in between her fingers. But Penny just continued sloshing up and down, eager to keep her word, until a satisfied grin stretched the corners of her mouth as the orgasm slowed to a trickle.

“How was that?” she asked playfully, sounding very much like a sixteen-year-old.

But Sunshine was still reeling. She sat up quickly, and cum started to run down her body onto the vinyl seat below. Their foreheads came together, and their lips were just an inch apart. Sunshine could taste her dick on Penny’s breath. “I can’t believe we just did that,” she said.

Penny grinned stupidly and nodded. “Me either.”

Sunshine gently slapped her cheek, wiping the grin away. She glanced over the seat one more time then brought her attention back to Penny, squeezing the soft round cheeks of her face. She said in a low, warning tone, “You can’t tell anyone, OK? Nobody can know about this, and I won’t tell anyone about you—but you need to keep to yourself, got it? Don’t talk to the other girls, don’t even look at them! Tell me you understand the rules!”

“I… Ow! I got it! I got it! I’ll be a good girl, I promise!”

“Oh and one last thing, take these,” Sunshine said, handing her a very small, but very green thong.

The bus pulled into the large, dirt parking lot and came to a stop. Little drops of rain appeared from the sky and began plinking into the thin roof.

Published 1 year ago

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