Would You Like Ketchup With That? 11

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I had plenty of time to process what had happened at Jupiter and, afterward, at Amber’s place. In a way, it scared me a little.  I’d done things I’d never even dreamed of doing, partly because I wanted to please Violet and Amber and partly because… I wanted to. I think I liked that side of me. That ultra-dirty side of me that would do anything for an orgasm. I liked how it made me feel. Yes, it was a little out of control, or at least out of my control, but I liked that too. Violet had opened up a side of me that I hadn’t even known existed a few months ago.

Over the next few days, I found myself unable to stop thinking about, not only what I’d done, but what was next. Each time we got together she pushed me further and further out of my comfort zone. I hadn’t forgotten the promise to let Amber hurt me. I still wasn’t sure what that meant. Not entirely, despite her having given me a little taste, biting and scratching me while I was tied down on her bed.  The idea both scared and fascinated me. What would she do and would I actually like it? Would I get off from pain? I had no idea, but I found myself constantly thinking about it and needing to know. Strangely, I began looking forward to it.

It didn’t help that Violet teased me about it. The constant reminders kept me thinking about it at random times. As always, she kept me off-guard. It was her game and she played it well. I’d get texts at all times of the day.

Good evening, dirty girl. Amber says hello.  


Have you been a good girl today? Remember, good girls aren’t allowed to come without permission.


It was nice seeing your soaking wet panties at the drive-thru. How long has it been since you’ve come?

Six days. Six days since they’d tied me down on Amber’s bed and made me come. Six days since they’d taken pictures of me naked and sent them to a guy I’d fucked at a glory hole at a club and then filmed me as I was coming and sent him that too.

Six days of not being able to think about anything but the next time…

Getting desperate yet, dirty girl?

Yes, Miss. Very.

Good. Soon. Promise.

Followed by one from Amber that took my breath away.

What do you want, Jenny?

I thought about that for a moment before replying. I wanted to come. But… I didn’t think that was what she wanted to hear… I typed out my reply and hit send before I could think about it too much. Before I could change my mind.

I don’t know?

A moment later, my cell pinged.

I think you do know. You’re just afraid to admit it.

I felt a little sick. My heart was pounding wildly in my chest. Even worse, I could feel my pussy soaking through my panties.  


Soon wasn’t soon enough, at least for me. Three more days of waiting. Three more days of being able to think about nothing else. Three more days of getting a diet Pepsi and fries at the drive-thru. The first time I’d had my skirt hiked up so she could see how wet my panties were. The second… I wasn’t wearing any…. And the third?

“Would you like ketchup?”

“Yes, please.”

She dropped some packets in along with a folded piece of pink stationery. I felt my breath catch as she gave me a sly smile and briefly puckered her lips.

“Have a nice day.”

I made it as far as the other end of the parking lot before I opened it with trembling fingers, my snack forgotten.

Tomorrow night. 8. My place. Wear a dress.  Something cute and girly. Kisses.

I groaned. Waiting was going to drive me mad. Instead of going straight home, I decided to stop at the mall and look at dresses…


I found a minidress that combined cute, sexy, and trendy at Victoria’s Secret. Not something I would typically wear, but I thought Violet would appreciate it and it made me feel sexy when I tried it on in the dressing room. On impulse, I also picked up a couple of bras and panties with an eye toward what she would like to see me in. A little overwhelmed, I ordered Chinese from GrubHub, and decided to put on a movie to take my mind off of what was to come…

I’d intended to watch an action flick. Or maybe even a stupid romcom. I couldn’t seem to concentrate on the story and eventually started watching porn on the internet. I started with a few lesbian vids then moved on to bdsm vids. Eventually, I found myself surfing sites that catered to very specific fetishes. Pain Porn. I found myself watching some things that scared the hell out of me. They also made me… wet. At least the ones that weren’t too extreme did.

Certain things held no appeal, but I found some things… interesting. I wondered how extreme Amber was. I found myself having trouble not thinking about what she’d told me. ‘I want to hurt you’, after all, was vague. I’d meant to get myself tucked into bed at a decent time but instead, I got hooked and stayed up way too late, finally falling asleep sitting up with my laptop on my lap and a video still playing, my fingers smelling of pussy.


I skipped the drive-thru that day. I wasn’t sure I could take it. I did some days, so I was sure Violet didn’t think anything of it. I did send her a text, though. Just in case.

Thinking about you. xoxoxo

A response arrived about 15 minutes later.

Good girl.

That was it. No hint of what was going to happen. Nothing. I wondered what she had planned. I wondered if Amber would be there.  I wondered how she was going to degrade and humiliate me this time. Every time she pushed me farther and farther past my comfort zone. I was sure this would be no exception.

I arrived at Violet’s place before 8. Half an hour before, actually. I didn’t want to risk being late. I ended up sitting in my car until 7:55 and then hurrying across the street and ringing her doorbell. I was wearing the dress I’d bought. And the panty and bra set. Heels too. That was it. It was a little chilly, but I figured I wouldn’t be outside long. Unsurprisingly, I was wet. My nipples were quite visible too, poking through the material, eager to be kissed. Or bit. Or pinched. Or worse.

Violet looked amazing when she greeted me.  She was wearing a bright red kimono, tied at the waist.   Her hair fell loose over her shoulders as she scrutinized me, her eyes bright.

“On time. Good girl. I like the dress. It looks good on you. Come in.”

I blushed a little when she groped my ass as I passed, the door shutting behind me. I felt like I’d just entered the lion’s den.

“We’re going to have so much fun tonight.” She was practically beaming. I felt a shiver running through me.

“Is Amber here?”

“Just you and me. She might come over later. Depends.”


“You,” she said, her voice sultry. She laughed, shaking her head.

“You really are cute, Jenny.”

She took my hand, her fingers curling in between mine, and led me to her bedroom. It was softly lit with several strings of colored lights giving it a festive feel. There was also… a cage. Sitting on the floor next to the bed. One of those cages you put your dog in, only… it wasn’t.

“Ambers. I borrowed it. What do you think?”

“I…” I swallowed, staring at it knowing that I was going to end up in it. And then?  I looked carefully. It was equipped with leather straps. It wasn’t meant for dogs. It was meant for girls like me…

“It’s intimidating?”

She laughed at that, squeezing my fingers, then releasing them. She moved behind me and wrapped her arms loosely around me, resting her chin on my shoulder as I stood transfixed.

“Amber bought it on a whim. It’s just been sitting down in her basement. Thought we could break it in for her.”


She laughed, kissing the nape of my neck and sending shivers through me.

“Thought we’d play a little first. No hurry, is there? Oh, and Jenny?”


“I’m not going to let you come unless you’re in the cage.”

I groaned inwardly. I really needed to come. I had a feeling it was going to be a long night.


I sat. On her bed. Nervous and excited and horny. She sat next to me. It felt intimate. Like a lover. Or even a girlfriend. Not that she was… I wasn’t sure what she was to me.  The girl who drove me insane and made me come and pushed my limits. The girl who had some sort of hold over me. The girl who controlled my pussy.

She sat down next to me and kissed me. A soft kiss. I responded, kissing her back, a surge of longing burning deep within. My pussy wanted her. I wanted her. And I wanted all the things she did to me. The things she made me do. The… humiliation and… all of it.

We made out. I felt her hands on my breasts. Caressing. Groping. She pushed me down on my back and lay on top of me. I pulled her closer, spreading my legs enough for her to lie between them. I felt her hiking up the hem of my very short dress. Her hand on my wet panties, fingers teasing my pussy through them, making me tremble with anticipation and moan with need.

“You sound like a slut,” she teased.

“Your slut,” I panted softly.

“I know,” was all she said as she slipped her fingers into my panties and stroked, stoking the fire inside of me.

“This is nice.”

I fumbled with the tie on her kimono, wanting to feel her against me. She let me undress her. Underneath, though, she wasn’t naked. Leather. Red leather. A corset and panties. It laced up the back.

She straddled me and pulled my dress off. And then stripped me of my panties and bra, a hungry look in her eyes.

“Tell me what you want, Jenny—what you really want.” She reached under one of her pillows and pulled out my collar, dangling it from her fingers above my face.”

I thought about it for a moment before answering.

“I want to please you.”

“Whatever it takes?” she asked, running her fingers through my hair.

“Yes,” was the simple answer.

“Even if it means getting into my cage?” She kissed the tip of my nose and buckled the collar around my throat, locking it on with a small padlock. It wasn’t going to come off for a long time, I guessed. I didn’t care. I felt my pussy flooding as she kissed the tips of my nipple, her teeth teasing it playfully. Sucking it into her mouth, her teeth closing as it swelled between her lips, the tip of her tongue flickering as she bit down until I began to squirm, pleasure mixing with pain.

“Yes,” I hissed.

She pushed her fingers back into me. Not just one. All of them. Stretching me uncomfortably. Twisting them inside of me until it hurt.

“Amber’s not the only one who wants to hurt you.”

I answered the only way I could. Spreading my legs for her gasping as I felt her teeth sinking into my sensitive flesh, almost breaking the skin. And then… she did. I let out a short scream, pain blossoming and radiating through my tit.

She kissed me, the coppery taste of my blood smearing against my lips and tongue as I whimpered into her mouth.

And then, her mouth on my other nipple. I tensed, feeling the press of her sharp teeth on the sensitive tip.

“Beg me, Jenny,” she said, releasing my nipple for a moment, her fingers filling my cunt. I could feel her start to curl them inside of me. Tears began to wet my lashes.

“Please?” I managed, shaking as I felt a fist forming inside of me, her teeth pressing harder. Until I let out a cry of pain.

My cunt clamped around her wrist as she bit me, drawing more blood.

“Too bad Eric can’t see you now.”

Eric. The guy I’d fucked at the club. Not fucked. He’d fucked me. Through a glory hole. Later, Amber and Jenny had sent him a picture of me tied down and coming. I wondered if he still looked at them. Masturbated to them. Probably…

I started moaning as she uncurled her fingers, relief flooding me, my nipples aching and throbbing.

“Want me to tie you down?”


She just smiled, taking her time as she got out her leather cuffs and some rope. And a crop.

“Amber’s not the only one who wants to hurt you, slut.”

She tied me down on her bed, a pillow under my head, another one under my hips, raising them. Spread eagled and helpless. And I let her.

“Smile for me.”

I smiled and she took a picture.

“One for Amber…” she hit send. “And one for Eric. Hope you don’t mind. I invited him over. See what happens…

Shutting my eyes I tried not to think about it. Had she really? God, what was she thinking? What would happen if he actually came over? What would she let him do? And then she picked up the crop and started using it on me and I stopped thinking about Eric.

The first blow landed on my abused nipple. Not a gentle blow. The slap of leather against flesh was loud. It hurt. A lot. I let out a scream as pain exploded in my tit. She didn’t give me a chance to catch my breath and struck me again, this time the other nipple. Panicking, I fought my bonds, yanking and pulling in a vain attempt to escape.

“You’re making a mess on my bedspread,” she taunted.

I was. I could feel myself seeping out all over her bed. Embarrassed, I turned my face away, much to her amusement. She rewarded me with a blow to the side of my tit. At least it wasn’t my nipple. This time, I didn’t scream. Tears were leaking out of my eyes, though.

Her phone pinged.

“Amber says she can’t wait to get her hands on you,” she teased and then hit me again, this time the other breast.  And then she held her phone up to my face. I could only imagine what I looked like. Panting softly, cheeks wet with tears. Eyes full of pain and lust.

She hit send again. And then added a red patch on the inside of my upper arm…

By the time the phone pinged again, She’d left marks on my upper and lower arms. My calves. Inner thighs. Bottom of my feet… those were the worst. I began to sob openly after. Not that it stopped her. My stomach came next. Then… my pussy. That stung enough to make me scream again. The first time. Not just one blow. Two. Then three… I started to beg in earnest.

“No, please, no more,” I sobbed.

“If I stop, you go into the cage, Jenny.  Be my little doggie.”

“I don’t care. Please stop.”

She stopped. And she was… tender. Uncuffing me. Massaging my sore muscles. Soothing the marks she’d made with the crop. Kissing my pussy sweetly which felt… nice. Really, really nice.

And then, she helped me into the cage. It was obviously designed for human bondage. It was rectangular and the bars were chrome. At one end was a door with circles in the bars on either side. And leather cuffs. In the middle of the door was a smaller door. At the back was another set of larger cuffs. A pair of straps dangled from the bars on top. It didn’t take much imagination to figure it out.

The strange thing was, I probably could have just stopped. Told her enough. That I wanted to go home. But I didn’t. I couldn’t. She was right. On some level, I wanted this. I needed this. Violet had awoken something inside that I hungered for.

She had me back in until my ass pressed up against the back bars and my feet and calves stuck out between the bars. Then she simply closed the door and locked me in.

Neither of us said a word. It was all done in silence. The room was quiet. No music, nothing. I could practically hear my heart pounding in my chest. I may have let out the occasional soft moan. And I was panting quietly. That was it. I stayed still as Violet reached through the bars and fastened the cuffs to my thighs, keeping them spread and pressed against the bars. Pliantly let her guide my arms so that she could cuff them to either side of my head. Fasten straps around my body, one just above my hips, the other beneath my breasts so that my back was against the top of the cage. I couldn’t move. Not much, at least.

“Perfect,” she remarked. And then she peeled off her panties, opened the smaller door of the cage, and presented her pussy to me. I didn’t need to be told what to do. I leaned forward as best I could and began to lick her, savoring the taste of her. Her pungent juices were soon smeared all over my mouth and chin. I concentrated on her clit, lapping at it like a lapdog while she gripped the top bars of the cage, obviously enjoying herself.

“Good girl. Good little doggie,” she praised me, breathing heavily as I did my best to pleasure her. I felt her trembling and redoubled my efforts to get her off, frustrated at not being able to touch myself. Still, I was truly committed and felt a sense of satisfaction, of pride, when she let out a gasp and climaxed, her cum coating my tongue and face. Afterwards, she gagged me. Not with a ball gag. Something different. A metal gag that forced my mouth wide open. I was soon drooling uncontrollably.

And then came the ‘photoshoot’.  Close-ups of my cum wet face. Shots of me in the cage. And then she added text and sent them off. To Amber? Eric? Someone else? My imagination started to spin out of control, especially when her phone pinged in response.

“Amber says you’re inspiring her.”

I tried to respond but my words were intelligible. Just as well. She giggled a little and knelt in front of me, kissing me on the nose before shutting the door on me. Then she put down the phone, removed the corset, and started to torment me, touching me with feather-light touches. Strokes. Caresses. My sort nipples. My breasts. Stomach. Thighs. Calves. Feet. Arms. Everywhere but my  pussy. It didn’t take very long before I was a quivering mess. Sometimes she’d tickle me until I writhed in my bonds. A few times she’d push her fingers into her own pussy then feed them to me so I could taste her. I’m not sure how long it went on. Time lost all meaning. I became desperate for more. By the time the doorbell rang I was ready to do just about anything…

 “Stay put,” Violet teased, her eyes twinkling with mischief as she put her kimono back on, tying if off around the waist once more. It was Amber. I was sure of it. Possibly to follow through on her promise to hurt me. I felt suddenly vulnerable and a little scared. I wasn’t sure exactly what that meant but all those pain porn videos had given me plenty of ideas.

It wasn’t, though. It was Eric, the guy who’d written his number on my arm at the club. Then I’d let fuck me through a glory hole and then watched as I drank his cum out of a condom. All I knew about him was he was black and had a nice cock.     

Yes, she’d texted him. With pictures of me, helpless in the cage and, apparently, her address. I hadn’t seen him before. Not really. What I hadn’t known was how good-looking he was. He worked out. That was obvious. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a hoodie. He’d already seen me, of course. Through the hole. And the pictures Violet had taken of me while I was tied down and naked on her bed. He already knew what I was. A slut.

“Fucking hot,” he said, staring at me. “She lets you do this?”

“Not just lets,” Violet smiled, glancing down at me.  “She begs me. Don’t you, Jenny?”

Shame-faced, I tried to say something, but the gag got in the way, forcing me to simply nod.

“Cute, isn’t she.”

“Hell, yeah.”

“You want a blow job?”

“Fuck. Seriously?”

Violet grinned and shrugged. “Sure. Why not?”

He nodded, his eyes full of hunger as he slowly undid his jeans. The gag suddenly made sense. I wouldn’t be able to close my mouth. All he had to do was shove his cock in…

“Mmmph,” I managed. That was about it. He really did have a nice cock. I would have sucked him off if Violet had just asked me. Or told me. But like this? Like I didn’t have any choice? He was simply going to fuck my mouth. Use me while I was trapped, unable to do anything but take it. It was beyond humiliating so why was I so turned on at the thought? Violet caught my eyes and nodded, knowingly, not even needing to hear the question to answer it.

“Because you’re a nasty little slut, Jenny. A cock hungry little whore who craves to be used.”

I felt my cheeks burning as her words cut into me, all the more because I knew they were true.

Eric didn’t waste any time. Simply stepped up the to cage and positioned himself.

“Stick out your tongue, bitch,” he growled playfully and then pushed himself – his cock – into my drool-filled mouth. All I could do was take it, moaning softly as he pushed himself past my lips. It wasn’t big. Not in length. Average. But it was thick and meaty. A mouthful. Reaching through he grabbed hold of my hair, using it as leverage, and pushed deeper. Apparently, I was going to be deep-throated. I gagged a little as I felt his swollen head pushing into my throat. I hated it. And craved it. Being used like this.

I was vaguely aware of Violet recording. Not just pictures. Video. I didn’t care. All I could concentrate on was not gagging as he face fucked me. Slow and gentle. At least at first. Slowly picking up speed. His cock was slick with my drool so it was… not too bad. I tried to relax, opening up my throat for him as he went deeper until his balls were slapping against my chin. I found myself fighting for breath. And then I felt something against my pussy. Violet’s fingers. Prying my swollen lips open. She pushed something in. Egg-shaped. A vibe. A moment later she switched it on and gave it a shove, seating it deep inside of me. It was on high. It felt… good, if felt good. And it took my mind off of the cock being shoved down my throat. I swallowed or did my best to while Erick kept fucking my face. I felt myself growing warm. And wet. I was going to come. Not right away, but… fuck. With his cock in my mouth. He was pulling my hair. It hurt a little. I liked how it hurt. And calling me names. Bitch. Slut. Whore. I didn’t hate it. After all, they were all true.

And Violet was pressing her finger against my asshole. Pushing slowly, opening me up, twisting her digit into me. Drool dripped down my chin and onto the floor. If I could have moaned, I would have. I was trembling with lust. With ecstasy. Getting closer…

He came. No warning. I felt him twitch and then swell a little and then he shot a load down my throat. It felt like a lot. Not just one, either. Twice more. And then, without warning, he pulled out and shot another all over my face, tugging on his cock with his hand, the head inches away as he spewed one final shot all over my cheeks triggering my own climax. I came hard. Gasping and shaking, my ass smacked back against the bars as the vibe and Violet’s finger violating my ass sent me over the edge. I kept on going, too. My orgasm bled into another and then another until she took pity and pulled her finger and the vibe out. Not that I thanked her for it. I wanted it to last forever. If I could have sworn, I would have.

And then, the ultimate humiliation. Eric wiped his cock against my forehead before zipping up again and pulling out his wallet. Not sure how much he gave Violet. Whatever he thought I was worth. I really was a whore. Somehow that made it worse. Or better. I was too muddled to make up my mind which. After which she simply led him out of the room. When she returned, she was alone.

“I think that’s enough for today,” was all she said as she went about releasing me, starting with the gag, thankfully. It had grown uncomfortable. As for the rest of me… I was sort of all over from being forced to kneel in the steel cage and from being cropped. And from having a cock shoved down my throat. Violet helped me up, steadying me as I stood, and guided me back to her bed. Sitting me down, she collected photographic evidence of my cum covered face before cleaning it off gently and giving me a playful push so that I was sprawled on top of her bedding once more. This time without the cuffs and rope.

“Such a dirty girl,” she teased, only kissing me after my face had been wiped clean. “You smell like cum. Yuck.”

“Yuck,” I agreed, giggling softly and kissing her back, not protesting when she trapped my face between her hands and gazed deep into my eyes.

“You enjoyed yourself though. I think?”

“Yes,” I admitted shyly. “I think so?”

“Good. You’re in no shape to go home. Stay here with me. I’ll make you breakfast in the morning.”

“Fries and a Pepsi?”

She just giggled and wrapped her arms around me, holding me like that until I drifted off to sleep.

Published 1 year ago

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