
"A woman is recovering from a serious car accident. She'll be fine, but for now she's still blindfolded and immobilized by casts..."

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Ivy was completely unprepared for the incident. In one moment, she was driving to work, gathering her notes for an upcoming interview. The next, the large trailer to her left blew a tire, lost control, and crushed her light car. The airbags deployed but were of little help. The last thing Ivy remembered was a terrible pain from her crushed bones. She did not even have time to scream.

She came back to her senses, feeling very dizzy, numb, and in a dull pain. She tried to open her eyes but could not. She heard muffled voices, soft footsteps, and the clanking of metal instruments around her.

“She’s awake,” she heard a man’s voice to her left.

“Thank you, Sam,” a woman to her right replied. “Ivy? Can you hear me? Move your fingers if you do.”

Ivy tried to move her fingers. She did not feel them, but the woman responded.

“Good. Very good. Listen to me, Ivy. You’ve been in a terrible car accident. Fortunately, you were brought here in time, and our surgeons have done wonders to put you back together. You’re going to be fine, but your recovery will take a few months. For now, you are immobilized. Don’t worry about your face, your eyes are intact and the rest was plastic surgery. For now, your face is bandaged, so you can’t open your eyes. But there’s nothing to worry about. Do you understand me, Ivy? Move your fingers.”

Ivy moved them.

“Excellent. Now you will be taken to your ward. From now on, we’ll be together until you get better. Don’t worry about money, everything is covered by the insurance. Don’t worry about anything at all, just relax and heal. Try to sleep now, you need rest.”

She did not feel herself being moved, she fell into something between a deep sleep and unconsciousness.


For the next few days, she focused on simply being alive. Just breathing was a conscious effort. The only things she could move were her fingers, toes, and tongue. Everything, including her jaw, was encased and immobilized.

She was dizzy from the painkillers, but she still felt a dull ache everywhere. At least her skin was gradually regaining sensitivity. She never thought how agonizing itching could be when you can’t scratch.

The nurses did their best to clean her, give her water, and say reassuring words, but that only helped her hold on. For the first few days she was fed intravenously, then they replaced that with the feeding tube that was put in her esophagus. It did not feel good either.

Ivy prayed for the end of each day, hoping that tomorrow would be easier. And it did get easier, bit by bit, but so slowly!..

From the nurses’ touches, Ivy understood that she was naked (where not covered by the casts), spread-eagled to facilitate her cleaning. In other situations, she might have been embarrassed by this, but now it was her least problem.

She wasn’t even embarrassed when Michael was visiting her. After all, he had seen her naked and exposed many times before. She was rather sorry that he saw her in such bad shape. But he did not mention it. He told her that he still loves her and will wait for her recovery, and help her in any way he can, and they will be married and happy together. He touched her fingers and kissed her dry lips gently, and she felt better.

She was glad that at least Mike came to see her. She wondered what her friends and colleagues thought of her now. Well, probably no one would visit her here anyway – who wants to look at someone so injured and immobilized in casts? Only Mike… Ivy realized how much she loved him and looked forward to his visits.

Later she was told that her friends remembered her and sent her their love, but she was not allowed to have visitors yet. They’ve made an exception just for Michael.


Within a week, she began to recognize the nurses. There were three of them, working in shifts on her ward. They were equally caring and professional (Ivy wondered how they managed to change her sheets, but they did it with ease), but they had different voices, footsteps, and smells.

Ivy soon became accustomed to their hands touching her entire body. Cleaning was accompanied by caressing, and it seemed to her that their caresses became bolder and more intimate as the days went by. Yes, they were professionals, but they were still women, and they clearly enjoyed the beauty of her body and wanted to make her feel good. Ivy blushed and moaned softly at these touches. At times she wished she could move.

But the climax came on the seventh day when one of the nurses ran her fingers over Ivy’s clit and began to caress it, gently at first, but then faster and harder. Ivy shuddered and moaned. She did not know if she was the only patient in the ward (at least she did not hear others), but now she did not care. She had not even remembered about sex in the last few days, she had more important things to think about, but… The pleasure was so sharp and so contrary to her other painful experiences…

The nurse slipped two fingers into Ivy’s pussy and she moaned louder. Ivy involuntarily remembered the last time she had sex with Mike before the accident. She felt guilty for not thinking about him more often, but… His touch was somehow restrained compared to this nurse…

The nurse kept moving her fingers inside Ivy’s pussy and rubbing her clit with her thumb. Ivy was shaking all over, trying to arch her hips, but of course, she could not.

The climax shook her violently. She jerked her hips or tried to, and screamed. Then she relaxed back on the bed, breathing heavily. The nurse laughed softly, kissed Ivy’s lips gently, then kissed her pussy and left.

Ivy lay back and felt the warm pleasure slowly dissolve into her body. At that moment, she felt more alive than she had in the past week.

The nurses must have conspired, because from then on, every nurse’s visit ended with them bringing Ivy to orgasm, sometimes twice.


In a few days, the doctors removed the cast from Ivy’s jaw and the feeding tube from her mouth.

“It’s not completely healed yet, so no chewing for the next few weeks,” the nurse said. “But any kind of food can be made into a smoothie, you know.”

And she spoon-fed Ivy some delicious cream soup. It tasted like the best thing in her life! Ivy swallowed greedily and smiled at the nurse.

When Mike came to visit later that day, they talked a lot (mostly sweet nonsense). It was the first time Ivy had been able to speak after days of silence. Then Mike paused and said: “You know, the doctors have allowed us to do one thing…”

Ivy gasped as she felt Mike’s hands caressing her belly and slowly moving down to her crotch. The nurses’ hands were much softer, but she loved Mike’s strong ones! Then he paused and she heard him unzip.

Mike carefully placed himself between Ivy’s legs and leaned forward, pressing against her pussy. She shuddered. He thrust slowly and she moaned. Her pussy was already wet with anticipation. Mike moved slowly at first, then sped up and drove his cock deeper, hitting all her nice spots inside. Ivy cried out with delight and began to moan as he thrust. Oh, how she wanted to hold him now!

Mike fucked Ivy for about five minutes, but to her, it felt like a sweet eternity. When Mike came, filling her with warmth, he caught his breath again and started kissing her all over, every open spot. Ivy felt wonderful. This was just what she needed.

“I love you,” she whispered.

“I love you too.” He kissed her. “Sleep and heal, my love, I’ll be back the day after tomorrow.”

She slept better than ever that night.


Tomorrow, just after the nurse had fed and cleaned her and given her a nice morning orgasm, Ivy was lying there, trying to stretch her muscles where she could, and wondering if she should ask for some ambient music to listen to during the day, or if she’d get tired of it too soon if she couldn’t stop it herself. Then she heard the door open and someone entered her ward.

“Hello,” the male voice said. “I hope I’m not disturbing you. I’m John, a patient from another ward on this floor.”

Ivy parted her lips in surprise. She would raise her eyebrows if they weren’t still bandaged.

“H-hello… John… Um…”

“Don’t worry, I mean no harm. I just wanted to get acquainted and offer some words of reassurance. You know, I was maybe in even worse shape than you, and now I’m walking again. I’m sure you’ll be fine.”


Ivy was so used to being naked, with only the doctors, nurses, and Mike seeing her like that, that she didn’t realize until now that she was naked and helpless in front of an unknown man. She blushed. Um… he probably noticed her blush… She blushed even more.

John approached Ivy and sat down in a chair beside her bed. Ivy instinctively tensed.

“Oh, please relax,” John smiled. “I’m not going to hurt you. I don’t even mind if you don’t want to talk to me. You know, it’s boring to lie here all day with no one to talk to except the nurses who are busy with us, so I wander the corridors and chat with patients. We all are, those who can walk. I’m sure you’ll be visiting the others as well when the doctors put you back on your feet again.”

True. But she still felt awkward and embarrassed and… excited by him seeing her? Gosh, she never thought of herself as an exhibitionist…

“No problem, John. I’m just not used to all this yet.”

“I bet you’re not.” John chuckled. “None of us were prepared to spend months here. Um… Can I tell you something?”

“Go ahead.”

“You’re very pretty, even as you are now. I bet you are simply beautiful without all those casts. I envy your man!”

Ivy smiled. “Oh… thank you!”

“And one more thing…” She heard him get up, and the rustling of clothes. “They said you’ve recovered enough to have some fun…”


She gasped at the touch of his fingers to her crotch, to her… already wet… pussy. “Oh… John! Please…” She shivered. She had not expected to be so aroused by this situation!

“Don’t worry, dear. I won’t hurt you. I’ll be very careful.”

He unzipped his pants and Ivy felt his erect cock against her pussy.

“Please… John… Ah!…”

“Shh, calm down, Ivy. Relax, I’m going to fuck you very slowly and gently, you’ll love it.”

And he really was slow and gentle. Ivy shivered as his cock slid into her pussy. It was shorter but thicker than Mike’s… Oh God, how could she do this?.. She was in a hospital ward, immobilized and helpless, unable to defend herself against any pervert, and he… Ahhh!.. She moaned softly and bit her lip.

He moved faster. She heard him panting, and she breathed sharply with each of his thrusts.

“Damn, Ivy, you feel so good! I wish I could see your beautiful eyes, but it doesn’t matter now… Mmm…”

Ivy whimpered and arched her back, or tried to, but she could not move much. She just moaned louder. He fucked her for a few more minutes, then came, shuddering and grunting. Then he pulled out and helped her to climax with his lips and fingers. Then he kissed her lips.

“Thank you, Ivy… You are so beautiful…”

“John… How could you… Do this to me…” Ivy murmured.

“I’m not going to apologize. It was so clear that you needed it and enjoyed it no less… So I’ll do it again sometime. See you soon!”

He zipped up and left.

Ivy lay there, catching her breath, still blushing and trembling with excitement.

A little later, another man entered. “Hello, I’m Sam…” And then the same scenario continued, with excellent minor variations.


“What was that?” Ivy asked the nurse as she was fed and cleaned. “Those men… They just came in… and… how dare they…”

“It’s all right,” the nurse smiled, Ivy could tell by her voice. “Your doctor has given her approval. It’s our unofficial but widely used method of rehabilitation. It’s very effective. Regular, intense pleasure helps our patients heal much faster, it’s backed up by the statistics.”

“Statistics?..” Ivy muttered. “B-but… What if I don’t want them to… use me like that?.. And… what if I get pregnant…”

“Don’t worry about pregnancy, we are keeping you on birth control. As for refusal… Of course, you can opt-out at any time. Would you like to refuse now?”

Ivy paused and licked her lips. She could refuse at any time? Well… then she is in no hurry, really…

“N-no… I guess not now… I-I don’t want to refuse…”

“Very well. Rest and heal, Ivy, we’ll take good care of you.”

Two more men visited her that day.


When Mike visited her the next day, she did not know how to tell him. They talked sweet loving nonsense, he hugged and kissed her tenderly, then stroked her pussy and fondled her clit. Ivy sighed and shivered.

“Mike… Listen… I have to tell you something…”


“Yesterday… I had visitors…”

“Visitors? You mean the nurses let someone else in?”

“Y-yes… Four men…”

Mike chuckled and inserted his finger into her pussy.

“I know. The doctors told me.”

“You know?.. And what do you?..”

He kissed her gently. “Ivy, you are the most wonderful woman I have ever known. You survived a terrible injury and got better in record time. If having sex with strangers makes you stronger and happier, I fully approve and support you.”

“Oh… Mike…” she cried in gratitude. “You’re so good to me!”

“And I’m going to get even better…” he chuckled, unzipping his pants. “You know, they put a bottle of lube in here, so nice of them… Remember, we wanted to try anal, but didn’t manage it before your accident? Let’s try it now…”

“Ohh… Mike! Ahh!” Ivy screamed softly as he thrust into her ass, and they both laughed with joy.


From that day on, Ivy became an eager fuck doll. She counted eight patients who visited her from time to time, and several male nurses did their share as well, and of course, her nurses continued to please her with their tender fingers. Ivy began to anticipate the next visit as soon as the previous guest left. And she really did feel stronger and happier and more energetic every day.

After a week, they finally removed her blindfold. It took a full ten minutes for Ivy to adjust and begin to see again.

“Wow! Can I…”

“Of course.”

The nurse brought in a large mirror to examine her face and body. Ivy looked intently. She was thin, pale, and emaciated from immobility and rapid healing. Her breasts looked smaller, her lips were chapped, her cheeks sunken. Her long brunette hair was cut short, her nose was crooked, and there was a scar above her upper lip. Her body, still in plaster casts, was also getting thinner, with old bruises and stitches still visible. Well… it was better than she feared.

“How do you feel?” the nurse asked. Ivy turned to her. She was a middle-aged blond woman with a beautiful smile. Ivy smiled back.

“Much better, thank you very much!”

“I’m glad to hear that! If all keeps going as well, we’ll remove the remaining casts and bandages in a few days.”

“I cannot wait!”


When she could finally see every man and woman getting intimate with her, it got even better. And when she was freed from the casts and finally allowed to turn on her side… Ivy cried and laughed. The bed was soft and comfortable, but turning on her side after weeks of lying on her back… It was better than a dozen orgasms!

Now she could caress Mike herself, run her fingers along his strong chest, kiss his lips, his cock, suck it, and swallow it whole. Now she could caress the men who fucked her and wrap her legs around their waists. She enjoyed every day, every minute, every touch, every orgasm.

During those months, as she could eat properly, she lost a lot of weight. She liked her new shape. And since she became lighter, she could begin to stand on her four and fuck doggy style sooner… Normally, patients begin their rehabilitation by learning to sit and walk again. Ivy started it with the full range of sexual poses and movements. Once she was able to walk freely, she began visiting other wards and helping new patients, men and women alike, recover faster. She did this voluntarily, without payment, as everyone else. Ivy simply loved sex, and the clinic was happy to allow it.


When she was released from the hospital, she hugged and kissed everyone. They exchanged contacts and promised to meet later (except for the doctors and nurses, they laughed and wished her to do not get into the hospital ever more).

Mike has brought her best dress and helped her to walk out. She was overwhelmed by the sights, sounds, and smells. She leaned to Mike, and he hugged her.

“You know…” she whispered in his ear. “I would miss those moments. Being so helplessly bound, fucked by many men that I cannot even see… I was so aroused every time…”

“I know,” he laughed and whispered back. “I’ve already found a couple of places where you can be treated like that…”

“Oh?.. Mike! I love you!..”

They kissed passionately.

Published 1 year ago

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