Brian and Donna slept together every night, and they never spent time alone; they were either at Brian’s or hers. They went out on dates to the cinema, restaurants, and bars. Donna discovered a penchant for cocktails, and though Brian tended to stick to his beer, he took great pleasure in her enjoyment. Of course, all the neighbours, even Mrs Wilson next door, soon discovered what was happening. Well, not exactly; they thought that two lonely souls had found some company together. When Brian’s son, Josh, came home from uni, he was thrilled to see how happy his dad was with Donna. They were slowly falling in love.
Josh and the neighbours would have been shocked to learn that, as well as genuine affection between them, Brian also spent much time educating Miss Donna in passion. Even Donna would have been surprised if she knew that her lovely, experienced Brian was actually a novice, too, at some of the things they tried. He was learning alongside her, and he was loving it.
He had certainly never tied his ex-wife Gillian to the bed and teased her till she begged to be fulfilled. He had edged Donna till she was on the brink of an orgasm so many times that when he eventually allowed her to come, he was worried at one point that it would never stop. The tremors of the most powerful orgasm Donna had ever experienced were both scary and wonderful for them both. Donna was willing to explore and try anything, as long as it was only with Brian. They were both intent on that. They could never share each other.
One day, he was standing at the sink, and Donna came behind him, pulled down his joggers and pants, and covered his bottom with little kisses, eventually dipping her head below to take his balls in her mouth one by one. By the time he turned around, his cock was pointing to the ceiling and was soon enveloped in Donna’s warm and willing mouth. Distracted by her amazing skills, he did not initially notice when her fingers snaked around his buttocks, and, for the first time, she inserted a finger into his bottom. It was not something that Brian had ever experienced apart from an embarrassing exam by the doctor, but when Donna did it, it made him come so loud and hard that he briefly blacked out.
“Next time, remember to breathe,” Donna said, concerned as she cuddled him.
“Well, next time, give a bloke some warning before you enter unchartered territory,” he laughed before returning the favour to his sweetheart.
Donna wanted to try to massage Brian, and he certainly wasn’t going to complain. She had seen videos on the internet of Nuru massages with warm oil. It looked sensuous and both erotic and exotic. The only problem was that she was worried about making a mess with the oil. Eventually, Brian solved that problem by digging out the old air mattress he had used for camping when Josh was younger. The oil couldn’t ruin that.
As Brian lay naked on the mattress with Donna at first massaging him before slithering her oiled-up naked body against his, he had never been more happy, relaxed or hard. He felt like he might explode. The feeling of Donna’s breasts pressed up against him, or the wetness of her oiled pussy sliding along his spine was as amazing as it was exhilarating. Her moans above him as she used his body to turn herself on; masturbating herself on his prone form was just too much. She rubbed their oiled bodies together in ways that he could never have imagined, sliding his leg between hers and pleasuring herself on his thighs.
Then she was teasing him again, rubbing over and over against his hardness, reversing until he could see her gaping wet pussy. Finally, he could stand it no longer and slid her back down his torso to devour her, licking and probing her pussy with his tongue as she took his length into her mouth.
Finally, he could take no more, and he plunged himself into her and massaged those round breasts whilst pinching and teasing her nipples. Their warm, slippery bodies entangled together until they both came long and hard.
Brian blushed when Mrs Wilson from next door eyed him, hosing down the air mattress the next day. Donna blushed when the girls at work teased her for being finally taken off the shelf and grabbing some life for herself. They had net Brian at the staff Christmas party and had declared him quite dishy for an older bloke and perfect for their colleague.
They spent more and more time together. They eventually considered selling their houses and buying one together. They knew that they didn’t want to be apart. Donna was conscious that Brian had suffered financially in his divorce and that they could have a good life and a secure future if they pooled their resources. Brian resisted, but not for the reason Donna thought. Brian didn’t want their relationship to be a mere financial consideration; he was going to ask Donna if she would like to become Mrs Jones. He even had the ring hidden in his sock drawer, waiting for the perfect moment to ask her, but then it all went wrong.
He and Donna were cuddled up on her sofa when he saw a shadow pass the window and heard his garden gate open. He looked and was amazed to see his ex-wife, Gillian, standing there with a large wheeled suitcase at her side.
“What the hell is she doing here?” Brian thundered, “There is nothing left for her here, and she took everything she wanted. Including half my savings and the money I paid her out for her share of the house. There is nothing left.”
“Well, Brian,” Donna said quietly, “She must be back for you, then.”
“Well, she can forget it; she can’t have me. I belong to someone else now.”
“Oh, and who is that?” Donna asked, stroking his cheek, still tense with his anger.
“You, of course, I love you, you silly cow. I’m yours if you want me.”
“Oh Brian, this silly cow does want you. It must be your way with words that attract me to you. Silly cow indeed,” she laughed.
“Sorry, sweetheart, she just gets me so mad. I don’t want to speak to her.”
“Don’t you worry; I’ll sort it out for you. I’ll quite enjoy it. I’ll nip in around the back of yours. You follow in a bit if you want to listen.”
With that, she was gone, and Brian stood there, stunned.
Gillian was impatiently tapping her foot when Donna finally opened the door to her.
“Oh, what are you doing here, Donna? Where’s Brian? Shouldn’t you be at home attending to your mother?”
“She’s dead, Gillian. Not long after you left. Brian’s just popped out. He won’t be too long.”
“Sorry to hear about your mother,” Gillian said, swiftly changing the subject, “Well, can I come in then? Or are you going to leave me standing on my own doorstep whilst I wait for my husband?”
“You can come in if you want, but it certainly isn’t your doorstep, and he certainly isn’t your husband.”
Before Gillian could say anything, Donna had disappeared upstairs. She was soon back with a smirk on her face.
“What do you want, Gillian? Brian won’t be happy to find you here when he returns.”
“Well, not that it is any of your business; I’ve come home to Brian. I realise I made a terrible mistake.”
Donna laughed long and hard at that. “Well, tough tits, bitch. You’re too late. You divorced him, and Brian is not available; he’s far too busy keeping his fiancee happy,” with that, she brought her left hand out from behind her back and showed Gillian her engagement ring. She had gotten fed up with waiting for Brian to ask and had often retrieved it from his sock drawer to admire it, but she had never tried it on before.
She heard something clatter in the kitchen. Brian had stumbled when he’d heard her say fiancée.
“You’re kidding? You and Brian? Well, I did catch him perving over you a couple of times when you were in the garden; he always had the hots for you. Well, I’ll soon put a stop to that. You wait and see.”
“No, Gillian, you won’t,” said Brian, strolling out of the kitchen to put his arm protectively around Donna’s shoulders. “I want nothing to do with you. I’ve promised Josh that I will be civil to you in the future if there are weddings and christenings. Other than that, I want nothing to do with you.
You thought the grass was greener, didn’t you? Now you have found it isn’t you want to come back here after everything you’ve done. I loved you, and I thought we were together for life. How ironic that I have found the grass was greener elsewhere. I had no idea I could ever be this happy and feel this way.
You were always hard work, but I loved you, so I worked hard to keep you happy, but it was never enough, was it? With Donna, we enjoy being together because it feels easy; it feels right. Love shouldn’t be hard work. It should be easy.
You’re the past, and Donna is very definitely my future. I can’t wait to marry her, sell the two houses and buy something of our own together. Now take your case and get out of my home – now!”
Gillian had never heard Brian talk like this before; he was always placid and did everything she asked. Maybe that was why she had become dissatisfied with him. She had wanted him to fight for her, to stand up to her; well, now he had, and she didn’t like it one bit. She blamed Donna for this. Why should Donna get her Brian? Yes, she’d divorced him, but that was a mistake. A big mistake. Now, her lover had left her after he had been unfaithful to her. Who would have thought that someone who would pursue a married woman would be untrustworthy?
“I’m all alone now,” thought Gillian, dragging her case back up the path.
“Well, fiancee, I hope you realise you’ve missed out on the romantic proposal I had planned.”
“You mean – I love you, you silly cow. I’m yours if you want me – wasn’t my proposal?”
“No, it went more like this: Miss Donna, I’ve loved you since the first time you flashed at me. You’ve made me so happy. Marry me, please.”
Donna stared at him for a second or so, but she couldn’t make him wait, “Yes, Mr Jones, I will marry you as I think I’ve loved you since the first time you kissed me.”
“Not the first time I flashed at you, then,” Brian laughed.
“No, I’ve loved your cock since the first time you flashed it at me. It took a little longer to fall in love with the rest of you.”