Curiosity 7

"The party continues at home."

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I took Debby’s hand and led her toward our newly remodeled bedroom. I paused in the hallway and pulled her into a hug. I kissed her lips and looked into her eyes. “Everyone in that room and myself only want you to have a good time. You decide how far you want to go and with whom. I promise that they will accept that. That won’t stop them from trying, though. You are a beautiful and desirable woman, and if they think even a little bit like I do, they won’t be able to resist their attraction to you.

She grinned at me, and then her face changed. She looked into my eyes as her hand came up to caress my face. “You are the most wonderful man. You make me feel amazing, and I trust you completely. I’ve never been in an orgy before, so will you please watch over me?

I hugged her to me. “You’ll never find a more caring bunch of sex fiends. You’ll be safe as can be, but I promise to watch over you until you decide you don’t need me to do that. It shouldn’t take long.

She kissed me hard and deep with absolutely no objections from me. Our lips parted, and her wanton gaze captured mine. “I would be perfectly happy spending the night with you alone.”

“I would like that too, but I would like to point out that there are four major league studs in there ready to make your erotic dreams come true, and I don’t know when we will see them again. It’s up to you, but you should keep in mind that I live here and don’t plan on leaving anytime soon. You’ll have lots of chances with me in the future. Them? Not so much.”

She looked a little down. “You don’t mind sharing me with those guys?”

“Debby, I have no claim on you. My opinion doesn’t matter; your husband’s does. Would he be okay with you participating in an orgy?”

She sighed. “You’re right, Gary. It’s just that you make me feel things, and while I’m with you, I consider myself yours.”

That little statement made me very nervous. “Debby, you have no idea how wonderful that makes me feel. We need to be real here, too, though. Please don’t let the heat of the moment get your emotions out of whack.”

Debby smiled softly. “I understand my heart, Gary. I’m not saying I’m in love with you, although that would be wonderful. I love my husband more than I can say. That doesn’t mean I can’t be happy in this moment with you. I love being with you. You make me feel wonderful, and it isn’t just the sex. I love being with all of you because you are wonderful, happy people. The fact that I’m having the most amazing sex of my life doesn’t hurt.

“So, don’t worry. I’m not in love with you…Yet.”

She winked at me, and her lips muffled any possible response of mine. Honestly, it wasn’t so much that I forgot what I was going to say. It was that words were no longer available to me after that. We got ourselves nearly to the point of molesting each other in the hallway before a modicum of sanity returned. It took superhuman strength to separate my lips from hers. I still lacked words, but a tilt of my head toward the bedroom door and her lustful smile did the trick. I pointed her to the doorway and followed her inside.

I expected grunts and moans, thrashing and thrusting, bodies entwined until it was hard to tell whose arm that was, or cock, for that matter. I saw a bunch of naked people for sure, but they were a rather calm group, at least until Tina spotted us. “They’re here! Let’s get this party started!”

She hopped off the bed and walked up to Debby. “Hi, Debby. We are going to have so much fun!”

With that said, she threw her arms around Debby and kissed her. Debby was shocked at first, but it didn’t take my little sprite long to change her attitude. They were making out quite vigorously in no time at all. I left them to it while I looked at my wives. They each raised an arm and waved at me from the bed. “Hi, Honey!”

I waved back. “It was very nice of you to wait for us, but you didn’t need to.”

Rachel put the hand she had raised back around Ken’s cock. She had Scott’s cock in her other hand. “It gave us time to plan.

“Oh, really? And what may I ask, do you have planned?”

Lisa took Zach’s rigid pole out of her mouth long enough to speak, “Tina is saying hello to Debby and Rachel, and I will be joining her shortly. You guys watch for a while. We’ll let you know when we’re ready for you.”

Tina took her tongue out of Debby’s throat long enough to add her two cents. “Yeh, why don’t you guys get snacks and drinks for everyone while we ladies have a chat?”

I suppose some guys would have been disappointed being run off by four smoking hot women, but we took the long view. Sure, we were given our marching orders for the moment, but I expected the wait would be well worth it. Instead of arguing, the five of us guys had a mission to complete and we set about it with vigor. None of us wanted to spend a second that we didn’t have to away from the bedroom. Just to be sure, I broadcast my phone camera to the big screen in the living room. I propped my phone up with a good view of the bed, and we took off for the kitchen.

I’ll admit it may have taken us a bit longer than we planned. The view of the television from the kitchen kept distracting us. It’s hard enough to get anything done when there are four smoking-hot women having sex on a big screen. We kept bumping into each other and getting in each other’s way. It got so good at one point that we were all standing in the living room, the kitchen forgotten.

On the screen, the ladies had a daisy chain going and were clearly enjoying themselves. We would probably still be standing there if they hadn’t shared a few orgasms and fallen apart. It still took us a few moments to get our minds back on task. Watching them kissing and caressing each other was almost as captivating as watching them make love.

As we scrambled to get stuff together, I formed a plan of my own. I knew a couple of things that my loves might not have considered or felt were a bit too far and would be hesitant to ask about. I doubted that Zack and Trent would be able to hang around for long. When they left, we would likely never see them again. The same could be said for Ken and Scott, although they lived within driving distance.

Add to that the fact that Debby had already had a busy evening. She wasn’t used to this much activity, and I didn’t want her to overextend herself. I didn’t think a gangbang was a good idea this evening. I’m sure we could work something out if she expressed interest in the future.

“Guys! Set everything up in here. I’ll get the girls. They need a break anyway.”

I went to the bedroom, stood at the foot of the bed, and in my best Drill Seargent voice hollered, “Alright, you lazy bones. Up and at em! Let’s go! Let’s go!”

Four sets of bleary eyes looked up at me, then down at my rather obvious erection. Tina giggled. “Instead of us being up and at em, how about you get down and fuck us?”

I grabbed my phone and ended the broadcast. “There’s something I want to talk to you about while we have the chance.”

That got their attention in a hurry. Lisa and Rachel looked concerned, Tina looked confused, and Debby looked curious.

“Lisa, Rachel, you must know this may be the last time you see the guys. I want you to enjoy your time with them fully.

“Debby, you’ve experienced a lot this evening, and I don’t want you overdoing things. I want you to remember this night with a smile. That won’t happen if you’re in pain tomorrow. Plus, I don’t think Bill would appreciate us putting his wife on the bench, so to speak.

“I suggest that we hang out for a while, then Rachel, Lisa, and the guys take over this bedroom for the night. Tina, Debby, and I will use the other room. I want this night to be wonderful for all of you. So, what do you think?”

Lisa climbed off the bed and pressed her naked body up against me. My raging erection pressed against her belly as her mouth met mine. She kissed me as only she could. When our lips parted, she looked into my eyes and smiled gently. “Thank you, my love.”

We joined the guys in the kitchen and ate like we hadn’t had a bite for a week. The conversation ebbed and flowed as we enjoyed the evening. I couldn’t help but notice the way Zach and Trent were watching Rachel and Lisa. There was something there that disturbed me, especially because both men seemed to be avoiding talking to me. I chalked it up to the situation and my natural paranoia when it came to my wives.

Before long, the hunger for food was replaced by the hunger for sex. Some serious making out began between Lisa and Trent. Zach was holding Rachel close and kissing her deeply as well. Something was disturbing me, but I couldn’t put a finger on what it was. It wasn’t long before Tina, Debby, and I were alone in the kitchen. We hung around long enough to clean up the mess before finding our way to the guest bedroom.

Tina was her usual joyful self, although her tender side replaced her usual exuberance. Tina watched and offered kisses and caresses as I made love to Debby. I knew I was done for the night after one last wonderful orgasm. I rested my head on a pillow and watched as Tina and Debby made love. The last thing I remember before falling asleep was the deep kiss they shared in the afterglow.

A car horn beeping woke me up around two in the morning. I got up when I heard moving around and went to investigate. Ken and Scott were in the living room and heading toward the door. “You guys don’t have to leave now. Why don’t you get some rest and have breakfast before you take off?”

Ken shook his head. “We got the distinct impression that Zach and Trent weren’t interested in sharing. They’ve gotten real possessive with your wives, man.”

Scott didn’t look happy. “I don’t know what’s going on with those guys, but I suggest you keep an eye on them. I think they want your wives. Not that I blame them, but I respect what you guys have together. I’m not sure that they do.”

I shook their hands and gave them both a hug. “I hope we see you guys again. You are both good people, and we’ll miss you.”

Ken had a tear in his eye. “We feel the same about all of you. The thing is that we’ve been offered a contract out west, and we can’t turn the opportunity down. We’re leaving next week for the coast. We will stay in touch, but getting together will be difficult at best. I wish things could be different, but life happens.

“Do Lisa and Rachel know?”

Scott nodded sadly. “Yeh, we told them.”

I watched them walk down the sidewalk to the waiting taxi and watched as it drove away. I sat down on the recliner and considered what they had told me. I dozed for a while but was up and working on breakfast when the others began stirring. Debby and Tina joined me, and things moved along quickly until Zach and Trent walked into the kitchen. They looked like men on a mission. I soon found out why.

 The two men stood in front of me while Trent acted as spokesman. “So, here’s the deal. We have a job starting in Jamaica, and we’ve asked Lisa and Rachel to go with us. Do me a favor, and don’t make it hard.” 

I shook my head, stunned. “Is this how you repay our friendship? I’ll make it as hard as I have to because there is no way in hell that I’m agreeing to this. It’s time for you both to go.”

Trent was in full intimidation mode. “You don’t own Lisa and Rachel!”

“I never said I did. Now, get out.”

Zach stepped up. “We’re going to talk to Lisa and Rachel first.”

“No, you’re not. You’re leaving now!”

Zach moved toward me. “I don’t think so. Get out of the way.”

“That’s not happening. If they want to go with you, they’ll let you know soon enough. Now, get the fuck out of my house!”

Zach stepped toward me and was met by a flurry of punches. He reeled back, and I connected with a crushing knee to his groin before spinning toward Trent, ready for his attack. Zach fell to his knees and began puking on the floor. “What’s it going to be, Trent?”

He raised his hands. “No, man, this has gone far enough. Lisa and Rachel will decide what they want to do. They know how to get a hold of us.”

He helped Zach to his feet, and the two of them went outside. Tina rushed to me and held onto me for dear life. Debby was shocked at the confrontation, but I didn’t have time to comfort her. I was feeling shocked myself. “Tina, I need to talk to Lisa and Rachel alone.”

She reluctantly let me go, and I walked down the hall to the master bedroom. Lisa and Rachel were getting dressed after their shower when I walked into the room. “Zach and Trent told me that they were taking you two with them on their next job. I told them to leave, and things got rough. They are outside waiting for a ride.

“Let me be as clear as I can be. You know I want you both to be happy, and I’m willing to do many things to make that happen. Zach and Trent are trying to take you away from me, and I’m not giving you up without a fight. It’s your choice, but know that if you go, you are choosing them over me, and that will be the end of us.”

I watched their stunned faces as they processed my ultimatum. It felt like hours passed in those few seconds before they both responded. Tears ran down their faces as they rushed to me. Lisa was sobbing and trying to talk. “No, no, Baby. We’re not going anywhere. I promise we’re not!”

I looked into her eyes. “They seemed pretty sure that you were.”

Rachel shook her head. “NO, Gary! They did ask us to go, but we didn’t say we wanted to. We told them that we would talk in the morning. Lisa and I didn’t want to spoil the evening talking about it.”

Now for the million-dollar question. “If I hadn’t said anything, would you go?”

“No way!” Lisa was nearly frantic in her need to convince me. “Rachel and I knew when they asked us that things had changed. Especially when they practically pushed Ken and Scott out of the room. They both tried to fuck us again, but we told them we were too sore to continue.

“We thought they would get their heads on straight by morning, and we could end things amicably. The last thing we wanted was a bunch of drama in the middle of the night. There was no way we were going with them, whether you said anything or not.

“There is no way either of us would go away with someone else without you. I wouldn’t last a day without you near me. I’m glad that you took a stand. It would have hurt us both deeply if you hadn’t. I love how giving you are, but we would have been crushed if you just went along with their plan.”

Rachel leaned against me. “We love that you want to make us happy and let us have our adventures, but there are times we need you to take control of what is yours. I like knowing I’m yours and always will be.

“What happened anyway?”

I shrugged. “Zach decided to test me and didn’t enjoy the outcome. They really blindsided me. I thought we were friends, and now I know we aren’t.”

Lisa’s phone rang, and she grabbed it from the nightstand. “It’s Zach.

“What have you done, Zach?”

She put the phone on speaker so Rachel and I could listen in. “Gary attacked me when I told him we were taking you with us. You are coming, right?”

Lisa shook her head sadly. “I never told you I would come with you. I said we could talk about it in the morning. The truth is that I would never leave my husband to run off with you or anyone. If I had known you would pull something like this, I would never have invited you home with us.”

“I love you, Lisa. We could be so good together. Talk to Rachel. I’m sure she wants to go.”

Rachel immediately piped up. “No, Rachel does not want to go, and I never said that I did.”

Zach started to say something, but Lisa cut him off. “Stop it, Zach! I don’t love you. I thought I liked you, but I guess I liked who I thought you were, not who you turned out to be. The one good thing between us was sex, and you’ve ruined that too. We are done. I’m deleting your number and blocking your phone. I never want to see you or hear from you again.”

She hung up and began digging in her contacts. Rachel picked up her phone and did the same. I hugged them both. “I’m sorry things ended the way they did. Debby and Tina are waiting for us. Let’s have some breakfast and put this shit behind us. Sound good?”

I was rewarded with their tentative smiles and took a moment to kiss them both thoroughly. When we walked into the kitchen, Tina was nearly frantic with worry. Debby was sitting at the kitchen table with Bill, holding his hand tightly. They visibly relaxed when they saw that we were obviously fine.

I walked over and shook Bill’s hand. “I apologize to you and your amazing wife for the drama. I had no idea they would act like that. I’m very sorry that Debby had to witness the violence. I would have avoided it if I could have.”

She smiled at me lustily. “Gary, I’m fine. More than fine to tell the truth. You’re studly as hell when you’re fighting for your women.”

She stood up and, without one glance at her husband, put her arms around my waist, grabbed my ass, and pulled me into a heated kiss. I didn’t let the crowd inhibit my enjoyment one little bit. Her eyes were hooded with desire when we broke the kiss. “Fuck me again, Gary. Fuck me like you did last night.”

I so wanted to do that, but the timing was horrible. I really, really wanted to take her right there and then. That’s when I had the most wonderful epiphany. Why not take her right here? It would certainly lighten the mood. Bill wanted to watch so badly that he was grinning from ear to ear in anticipation.

I grabbed her amazing ass with both hands and squeezed those succulent cheeks. “How about right here, right now?”

Her gasp of desire was all the answer I needed. Our mouths met with a hunger that wasn’t for bacon and eggs. I had her naked and on the kitchen table in no time at all. Her legs spread eagerly for me, and I wanted a taste. The perfect omelet could wait while I ate her perfect little pussy.

We were having a wonderful time as Debby’s moans got louder. I was a bit surprised that her husband hadn’t filled her mouth with cock by now. Her mouth remained unmuffled through a rather loud orgasm. I think the situation had magnified her libido to a ridiculous degree. I understood completely. The situation and the woman on my table were smoking hot.

I kissed my way up her belly and bypassed her super-sensitive nipples to kiss her sweet lips. She grinned up at me when our lips separated, then glanced to the side. I followed her gaze and discovered why her husband hadn’t stuffed her mouth. Lisa, Rachel, and Tina were on their knees in front of him, taking turns sucking his cock. His eyes kept flashing back and forth between his wife and mine. I’m sure his mind was in an erotic vapor lock, trying desperately to take in both scenes at once.

Tina stood and braced herself on the table next to me. She wiggled her ass at Bill and grinned over her shoulder. “Why don’t you stick that cock in me?”

Bill caught his wife’s eye, and the look he gave her reminded me of a little kid in a candy store begging his mom for money. She couldn’t help but laugh at his obvious lust for the little redhead. “Give it to her, Baby.”

He was more than willing to do that. The look of ecstasy on his face as he slid deep into Tina was priceless. I decided that what he was doing seemed like an excellent idea. Debby braced her arms against the table next to Tina, and I proceeded to do the same to his wife as he was doing to mine. She was very appreciative and thrust her cute ass back to meet me.

Bill and I stood next to each other and plunged our cocks into the women bracing themselves on the table. Somehow, we got in sync with each other, and as they say in physics, every force has an equal and opposing force. In this case, the opposing force overcame friction, and the table began sliding across the floor in time with our penetrations. A laughing Lisa and Rachel ran around the table and braced it from the other side. Tina and Debby were distracted for some reason and were completely oblivious to the assistance.

The slap of skin and the moans of ecstasy got louder and more intense with each passing second. Tina’s moans came between Debby’s in a wonderful sexual duet. I had to stop looking at Lisa and Rachel or risk cracking up. Both were bracing the table like they were holding back a truck, with dramatic grimaces on their faces. Lisa attempted a deep voice. “Come on, Bro! We got this!”

Rachel tried a manly grunt in response while both watched to see if anyone noticed and, if they did, how long they could last without laughing. I gave Debby’s sweet ass a squeeze to refocus on the task at hand, and a lovely task it was. I managed to maintain my focus until Debby’s orgasming pussy took me over the edge. I had barely stopped cumming when Debby’s sudden blurt of laughter made me pop out of her pussy.

Tina must have seen Lisa and Rachel as well because I heard her laugh and Bill stumble back a step, ejected from paradise just as I had been. I made myself useful and grabbed the paper towels. Lisa and Rachel shooed us off to the bathroom while they took over breakfast. I helped Debby clean up, and she helped me, but we kept the shenanigans to the minimum, focusing more on tender washing and kissing.

Breakfast was a joyful time with friends. Shortly afterward, my happy neighbors left for home after promising more fun to come. Our household was very happy with the developing relationship with our neighbors. I was a bit shocked at how easily Lisa and Rachel handled the sudden departure of Zach and Trent. When I asked them about it, they both shrugged, and Rachel put it succinctly. “Sure, they were fun to fuck, but they crossed a line they shouldn’t have. We liked them well enough, but we were never going to love them. It was over as soon as they asked us to go away with them.”

Tina still has a lot of hours left to complete her surgical residency at the hospital, and the rest of us have demanding careers as well. I would say that our opportunities for the kind of adventures we’ve been having are limited, but I’ve been surprised before. If experience is any indicator, I will happily be surprised again. I like those adventures, for my wives’ sake. As far as I’m concerned, I’m living the best fantasy adventure possible every day with the three most amazing women in the world. Being me definitely doesn’t suck.

Published 1 year ago

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