An Outside Chance: Chapter 5

"Can Josh trust Troy and take a chance on love? Series finale."

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As I watched Troy and Alex, panic gripped me like a tight hand around my throat, making it hard for me to breathe. I couldn’t utter a sound, and my mind was reeling when I slid off the stool and started toward them.

“Josh, wait!” Holly called after me, but my entire focus was on the man who had been in my bed, and inside me, last night. The noise of the bar, along with all the people surrounding me, faded until I wasn’t aware of them at all. It seemed to take years for me to reach Troy, and when I finally stood before him, he lifted his head. Whatever he saw in my face made him freeze, and even Alex stopped talking.

“Josh,” Troy began.

“Everything okay here?” I asked. Somehow I managed a weak smile while looking from him to Alex.

Troy’s ex-boyfriend let his stare travel over my body from head to toe, as if that single glimpse could tell him all he needed to know about me. When his eyes locked with mine once more, he wore a smile of mild amusement, and I felt the sudden urge to punch him. “Everything’s fine,” he told me. “And you are?”

I turned to Troy again, hating myself for the entreating look I gave him. Tell him, Troy, I wanted to say. Tell him who I am to you. As I waited for him to respond, I could have sworn I felt my heart stop beating.

When Troy did speak, it wasn’t to reveal how much he cared for me, and how much I meant to him. Instead, he shot Alex a furious look, his eyes flashing. “It’s none of your goddamn business who he is, Alex. You don’t get to ask questions like that anymore!”

A wounded sound, faint and pathetic, escaped me then. Alex ignored me while feebly insisting his question was an innocent one. But Troy’s stare was fixed on my face, and I knew he could see the anguish threatening to overwhelm me. Again he said my name, but I held up my hands, desperately wanting them both to be quiet. “Sorry I interrupted,” I said, my voice amazingly steady. “You two enjoy your night.” When Troy reached for me, I shook him off, my eyes holding a warning. “Don’t.”

Turning on my heel, I strode toward the bar counter where Holly waited. On the way, I noticed Kayla watching me. As soon as I saw her pained expression, I had to blink back tears. Not long ago, she’d had her heart broken as well, and I couldn’t bear the wordless understanding we shared in a single glance.

Holly appeared stricken as well, her fingers pressed to her lips. “I’m leaving,” I told her in a shaky voice. She’d given me a ride to the bar, and I figured she might not be ready to head out yet; she wasn’t even halfway finished with her drink. “You stay and enjoy yourself, Holly. I’ll call an Uber and wait outside.”

“Absolutely not!” she said, quickly rising to her feet. “I’ll take you home, Josh.”

As we made our way to the door, I refused to look in Troy’s direction. He must have tried to follow us, because I heard Holly say, “Not now, Troy. Let him go.”

Even Hank looked solemn as he held open the door for me and Holly. “Take care of yourself, Josh,” he said, sounding as if he never expected to see me again. And maybe he wouldn’t. While my lips trembled violently under the weight of unshed tears, I didn’t trust myself to speak, so I only nodded in reply.

“Thanks again for the drink,” Holly murmured to Hank.

“Hope you’ll come by for another soon,” he said.

As Holly and I walked toward her car, neither of us spoke. A mild breeze ruffled our hair, but the beautiful night was wasted on me. Taking a few deep breaths to quell my tears, I grew a little calmer. Hadn’t I expected something like this all along? I asked myself. Hadn’t the doubt always lingered in the back of my mind, whispering that I’d end up losing Troy to someone else?

Only after Holly pulled out of the lot and started driving toward my apartment did she say, “Josh, I’m sorry.”

I couldn’t look at her. Instead, I gazed out the passenger window. “It’s okay,” I told her, my voice soft and distant. “We don’t need to talk about it.”

Holly fell silent again, leaving me to my tormented thoughts. The drive to my apartment didn’t take long, and when she parked in front of the building, I had to swallow back tears as I turned to her. “I’m sorry I ruined your night.”

“You didn’t!” She reached for my hand. “I’m sorry about what happened at the bar, but I have no doubt you and Troy will work this out. And if you need me for anything at all, I want you to call me, okay?”

I forced a wan smile for her benefit. “Thanks for being such a wonderful friend.”

Holly hugged me then. “You’re sure you don’t want me to come inside with you?”

“I’m sure,” I whispered. “Get home safe.”

As soon as I let myself into my apartment, I strode toward the cabinet and retrieved the bottle of bourbon. I was shaking so much I could barely pour myself a drink, sending some of the liquor sloshing over the side of the glass. The first several gulps made me wince, but the booze soon did its job, numbing me into a stupor.

There was no way I’d be able to sleep, I knew, so I sat on the couch, staring into the darkness. As minutes stretched into hours, I prayed Troy would come, prayed he would reveal to me that he’d told Alex to go fuck himself. It was well after two in the morning when I heard his familiar knock. After turning on a lamp, I hurried to open the door.

We stared at each other for a long moment. “Can I come in?” Troy finally asked. Wordlessly I opened the door wider so he could come inside. “I’m sorry Alex upset you tonight.”

I wanted to say that he’d upset me plenty, too. Instead, I watched him sink down on the couch, his stare lingering on my empty glass on the table. As I sat down next to him, I realized that while we were just inches apart, it might as well have been miles. “Why the hell was your ex-boyfriend even at the bar tonight?” I demanded.

Troy released a heavy sigh, avoiding my eyes. “He wanted to apologize.”

“After all this time?” My laugh was bitter. “No, Troy, he wanted more than that. I saw the way he looked at you. And why didn’t you ask him to leave?”

Troy finally looked up at me, his expression one of indignation. “It’s a public place, Josh. I couldn’t just order him out!” Running his fingers through his hair, he slumped back against the couch, and I could tell he was choosing his next words carefully. “The thing is, Alex and I were good friends long before we got involved. He was the one person I could count on to be there for me. He understood all the shit going on with my family, and…” Troy’s voice trailed off for a moment. I clasped my hands tightly together in my lap, wishing I didn’t have to hear about how wonderful Alex had been. “While we were dating,” Troy continued, “Alex’s drinking became an issue, and we fought about it a lot. In fact, he was shitfaced when I caught him blowing a guy at a friend’s party. After that, he promised he would stop drinking, but I was done.”

“So why is he showing up now?” I asked again, trying to understand how my world had been turned upside down in a single evening.

“I told you, he wanted to apologize, and he wanted me to know he hasn’t touched a drop of alcohol since we broke up.”

“Okay, so he’s apologized, and he’s sober. That’s fantastic. Now he can leave you the fuck alone.”

I could sense Troy withdrawing from me; the distance between us was turning into a chasm. “It’s not that simple, Josh,” he said quietly.  “Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have romantic feelings for Alex, but I do miss his friendship.”

Briefly closing my eyes, I struggled to subdue my pain and anger. When I spoke again, my voice trembled with emotion. “Do you understand the position you’re putting me in here?” I asked. Troy started to look away, but I grabbed his arm. “No, look at me. If I say I don’t want you to be friends with your ex, I come off as a controlling asshole. And if I say I don’t mind him being in your life, I will be lying through my teeth, because I have always feared losing you to someone like him.”

“You’re not going to lose me.” Troy covered my hand with his and gave it a squeeze. “I need you to trust me, Josh.”

I quickly pulled away as if his touch burned me. “I’ve tried to be everything you need,” I whispered. “I don’t understand why I’m not enough.”

“Josh, come on.” Troy shook his head like he was disappointed in my reaction.

It was killing me that he wouldn’t say our relationship meant more to him than Alex’s friendship. Tears filled my eyes, and I pressed my palms hard against my closed lids. I would not break down right now. Again Troy reached for me, and again I pulled away. “I think we should take a break,” I blurted out before I could stop myself.

“What?” Troy cried. “Baby, you don’t mean that.”

Giving him a hard stare, I said, “I do mean it. You need to figure out what you want, Troy.”

“Goddammit, Josh, you know I want you! But am I not allowed to have any friends?” He held out his hands as if pleading for me to be reasonable.

“Not ones you used to fuck!” I snapped. “Not ones who clearly still want to fuck you.”

Troy set his jaw in a firm line. I knew that look by now; it meant he was digging in his heels, refusing to back down. “This is really what you want?” he asked in a low voice.

I turned away, unable to meet his stare. The pain inside me was so raw, it robbed me of my very breath for a few seconds. Yet I managed to nod.

Troy climbed to his feet. “Fine, I’ll give you space, Josh,” he said. “But just remember, you made this choice, not me.”

I stayed where I was, my muscles screaming with tension. I feared if I moved at all, I would crumble before Troy and beg him to stay. It was only after he left the apartment, closing the door softly behind him, that I covered my face with my hands and began to sob.


Days turned into a week, and then another, and still I didn’t hear from Troy. During that time, I barely ate or slept. My grief felt like a weight draped over my shoulders, and I feared I would buckle beneath it.

I could tell Holly was hurting for me; each time our eyes met while we worked together in the library, her expression darkened with concern. As much as I wanted to, I didn’t ask her about Troy, since it wouldn’t be fair to put her in the middle, but she made a point to reveal that Troy was clearly upset. She also mentioned she hadn’t seen Alex at their place. Though her words provided me with a little solace, my anguish soon morphed into depression, and not even Mrs. Sinclair’s antics could make me smile. The first time the elderly woman playfully teased me about Troy, I had to flee the front desk, leaving Holly to quietly explain the situation. After that, Mrs. Sinclair was far more subdued around me, careful with her words.

Two weeks of silence from Troy became three, and I began to think I’d never hear from him again. While I often hated myself for pushing him away, and for ruining the best thing that had ever happened to me, I also knew I needed more from Troy than he was apparently able to give.

It was when I was at my absolute lowest, feeling emotionally stripped and weak with longing for Troy, that a man strolled into the library, catching my eye. I’d never seen him before, and even through the haze of my sadness, I noted his tall, wiry frame, and the fine suit he wore. He looked to be in his mid-thirties, and his light brown hair, cut short and neat, held a bit of a wave. When his eyes met mine, he gave me a lovely smile.

For the first time in weeks, I managed a genuine smile of my own. I left the front desk, unable to resist the pull of this man. Ignoring Holly’s curious stare, I approached the stranger. After greeting him, I asked if I could help him find anything. When he mentioned a novel currently receiving much critical acclaim, my smile widened. “I’ve read that one,” I told him. “You’ll love it. And you’re in luck, because a copy was checked back in just this morning.”

“Wonderful!” He held out his hand, and I readily shook it. “I’m Graham, by the way. I just moved here, and the office where I work is only a little ways down the street.” His dark green eyes were warm as he regarded me.

“I’m Josh. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Graham and I chatted, making easy conversation while I got him signed up for a library card. Once he was all set and ready to check out the novel he wanted to read, he clasped his hands on the desk, leaning toward me. “I really appreciate your help today, Josh.”

“I’m always happy to help,” I replied, and I realized my voice had lowered to a murmur. It sounded seductive, which wasn’t what I’d intended. “You’ll have to let me know what you think of the book.”

A smile played at his lips. “Forgive me if this isn’t appropriate, but would you be interested in having coffee with me later? I hardly know anyone in town, and it would be great to talk with you and learn more about the place.”

I blinked at him, momentarily stunned into silence. Was this man actually asking me out? Behind me, I heard Holly clear her throat softly just before she left the front desk. It was obvious she’d overheard everything. I watched her walk away, then turned back to Graham. God, he had a gorgeous smile! “I’d love to have coffee with you,” I told him. While I spoke, a little of the weight seemed to lift from my shoulders, and I stood up straighter.

We made plans to meet at a nearby coffee shop after work. As Graham headed out of the library, I allowed my stare to move over his retreating form. Taking in the sight of his long legs, I imagined myself kneeling before them. That thought made a spark of lust ignite low in my belly, and I hurried to focus my attention elsewhere. Graham and I were getting together as friends, I told myself firmly, nothing more.

Hours later, I entered the coffee shop and found Graham waiting for me. He greeted me with a warm smile, climbing to his feet as I approached the table. “Thanks for joining me,” he said.

“I’ve been looking forward to it,” I replied, then tried not to cringe at my words. Jesus, why did I sound like I was flirting every time I spoke to this man? If Graham noticed my discomfort, he didn’t show it. We ordered our coffees and lingered over the drinks while sitting across from each other and chatting. I suggested some local shops and restaurants for him to check out, along with a museum and a park with plenty of nature trails.

“Sounds perfect,” Graham told me. “I’ll be working long hours for the foreseeable future, but at least I’ll have plenty to do when I’m not in the office.” He tilted his head, studying me for a moment. “I hope you don’t mind me asking, but I was wondering how old you are, Josh.”

“Twenty-four,” I said, then hurriedly added, “almost twenty-five.”

“Ah, I remember those years.” Graham sighed, looking downright nostalgic. “Everything seemed possible at that point in my life.”

I couldn’t help but grin at his wistful tone. “You can’t be all that much older than me.”

“I’m thirty-six,” he said. “Practically an old man.”

“You certainly don’t look like an old man,” I murmured before I could stop myself.

Graham raised an eyebrow, appearing pleased at my words. “And are you single, Josh?”

“Uh, yeah.” Staring down at the table, I thought of Troy and felt the familiar pain wash over me yet again. “I was seeing someone, but we’re taking a break.”

“I understand,” Graham said. “Relationships are a lot of work. I’m not sure I’m cut out for a serious one, but I certainly enjoy spending time with gorgeous men like you.”

I looked up at him, my eyes widening a little. He made no attempt to hide his desire, and the realization that he wanted me made my cock twitch. Though my heart might still be broken, my libido was apparently just fine. “Would you like to go to my place?” I asked. Simply uttering those words caused my pulse to quicken.

“I’d love to,” Graham said without hesitation. “I’ll follow you in my car so I can learn my way around this town.”

Less than fifteen minutes later, Graham was standing in my apartment. He immediately gravitated toward the bookcase, studying the titles. “Ah, you have some of my favorites here!” he said. We began discussing novels we’d read countless times, referring to those books the way we would old friends. Eventually, we ended up on my couch, still talking literature. Graham turned to face me, his arm propped up on the back of the couch. “I’m really glad you and I met, Josh.” His smile encouraged me to inch closer.

“Me, too,” I replied. My cheeks flushed with a pleasured warmth, and my blush only deepened when Graham placed a hand on my lower thigh. Staring down at his long, elegant fingers, I imagined how they would feel inside me. I had to close my eyes for a moment to keep from reaching for him.

“Sorry,” Graham said, “I’m being too forward.”

“No it’s okay really,” I spoke in a rush. My attraction to this man had me growing harder by the second, and he must have sensed my arousal, for he slid his palm upward, moving ever closer to my cock. When our eyes locked, Graham licked his lips.

It was then that a knock sounded on the door. I froze as if I’d been caught doing something wrong, and Graham withdrew his hand from me. “Uh, excuse me for just a sec,” I said, hurrying to my feet. I wondered if Holly was stopping by to check on me. Maybe she was curious and wanted to find out more about Graham.

Opening the door, I released a faint cry of surprise. Troy stood before me, his smile tentative. Though we’d last seen each other less than a month ago, I felt as if we’d been apart for years, and I had to resist the urge to throw myself into his arms. My entire body was filled with a desperate need for him. I somehow managed to rasp out a hello, and Troy’s smile widened. “I wanted to see how you’re doing,” he said. “I’ve missed you, Josh.” Before I could reply, his stare drifted past me to settle on Graham. His expression grew stricken; I didn’t think I’d ever seen him so wounded. “Sorry,” he told me in a strained voice. “I didn’t realize you had company.” He turned and strode away from me.

“Troy, wait!” I said, but he didn’t stop. Swearing under my breath, I looked at Graham, my face full of apology, and he nodded in understanding. “I’ll be right back,” I promised him.

I had to run to catch up with Troy. Only when I grabbed his arm did he stop walking. We stood in the parking lot, the daylight fading around us. “I need to explain,” I said, breathing hard and fast. I thought I’d never see Troy again, and now that he was here, I had to let him know I still cared for him.

Troy gave me a bitter smile. “No, you don’t, Josh. The situation’s pretty fucking clear.”

“I only met him today at work!” I cried. “We’re just friends. Like you and Alex,” I added pointedly.

Troy leaned toward me, bringing his lips close to my ear. “Alex and I aren’t friends anymore. When he invited me back to his place for a fuck, I realized you were right about him all along, and I was an idiot for asking you to accept our friendship. I told him I wasn’t interested and that I didn’t want to hear from him again. Then I came here to ask for your forgiveness, but it looks like I’m too late.” He straightened up to his full height, and as I looked up at him, I saw the raw anguish in his eyes.

“You stayed away all this time,” I said, choking back tears. “I didn’t hear a fucking word from you.”

“You’re the one who wanted space, for Christ’s sake! Don’t try to make this my fault, Josh.” I started to speak again, but Troy held up a hand to silence me. “It’s rude to keep your guest waiting. I hope you two enjoy your night.”

For a few seconds, I couldn’t move at all. Troy’s harsh dismissal felt like a slap, and I reeled from the pain of it. It was only when he reached his car that I spun on my heel, refusing to stand there and watch him leave.

Back in my apartment, Graham was patiently waiting on the couch, but whatever he saw in my face made him move to stand. “I should be going.”

“Please stay,” I said, rushing to sit next to him. “I’m really sorry about that, Graham.”

“You don’t need to apologize.”

I was desperate to put him at ease, for the last thing I wanted was to spend another evening alone. “Would you like a drink? Or maybe you’re hungry. I could order something.”

He placed a hand on my knee. “I’m fine. And I hope I’m not overstepping, but I have to ask, are you and Troy still taking a break?” Graham’s question made me lower my head in an attempt to hide from his gaze. “I don’t want to interfere, Josh,” he went on, “and I’ve told you I’m not looking for anything serious. I just want to make you feel good tonight. You looked so damn sad when I met you today.” I finally dared to look up at him. Could he see how much I craved his touch? I felt emotionally gutted, but my body responded to his words, and the warmth of his palm as it moved along my thigh. “Will you let me, Josh?” he whispered. His stare was hot with arousal.

As soon as I nodded, Graham moved to unfasten my pants. Sliding a hand inside, he began stroking me through my underwear, his touch almost teasing. It made me desperate for more. “You’re so fucking sexy,” he said. My loud moan of pleasure encouraged him to slip his hand into my boxer briefs. “Back in my office this afternoon, I kept thinking about you, and I got quite excited sitting at my desk.” While Graham spoke, he brought his lips close to mine. Again he teased me, kissing the corner of my mouth. “Did you think about me today, Josh?”

“Yeah,” I breathed. “I, ah fuck, I thought about kneeling before you and sucking your cock.”

Graham released a throaty growl at that. “I’m so fucking hard for you right now. Take out your dick, baby.” I immediately tugged my pants and underwear down my thighs so my cock sprang into view. “Now that’s gorgeous,” he sighed in appreciation. “And look at all that precum you’re making for me. I can’t wait to taste you.” His eyes locked with mine once more. “But I want to kiss you first.”

Our lips met, and while Graham eagerly explored my mouth with his tongue, he continued stroking me until I was practically writhing from my excitement. I was horny as hell, my dick aching for more of Graham’s attention, yet I couldn’t stop thinking about Troy. When I closed my eyes, I vividly remembered his devastated expression as he turned to leave.

Knowing that I’d hurt him so deeply made my arousal wane. I tried to focus on Graham and the undeniable pleasure he gave me, but my efforts proved futile. “I can’t do this, Graham,” I blurted out. “I’m sorry. You’re so goddamn sexy and I am so turned on, but I keep thinking of Troy, and I… I just can’t.”

“Hey, it’s fine,” he assured me. “I understand.”

I yanked up my underwear and pants. “I’m really sorry I wasted your time.”

“You didn’t,” Graham insisted. “I’m still glad we met. And I hope you can work things out with Troy, because it’s obvious you two care about each other a great deal.”

I gave him a grateful smile. “Thank you for being so understanding.”

“Of course,” he said, smiling in return. “I have to admit, I loved playing with your cock. It’s definitely one for the spank bank.”

I let out a shocked laugh while blushing at the thought of Graham masturbating to the memory of my dick. “You sure know how to make a guy feel good, Graham,” I said.

“That was my goal for the evening. Glad I accomplished it.” We both stood, and I walked Graham to the door. Turning toward me, he flashed another gorgeous smile. “Good luck, Josh. And I’ll let you know what I think of the book.”

After Graham left, I took a few minutes to compose myself, then texted Holly: Is Troy off tonight? Is he home right now?

She replied almost immediately: Yes, he’s here.

I sent one last text: Good. I’m on my way.

Grabbing my keys, I rushed out of the apartment. It was a short drive to Holly and Troy’s place, but it felt endless that night. I grew impatient, struggling to keep my speed down. When I finally reached their building, I broke into a run toward the door.

Holly must have told Troy I was coming, for he answered almost as soon as I knocked. Standing before him, I took a deep breath and said, “I’m sorry, Troy. I’m sorry I told you we needed a break, and I’m sorry for hurting you.”

Troy grasped my hand and pulled me inside. Before I could say another word, he lowered his lips to mine, giving me a deep kiss that revealed his hunger. “You don’t need to apologize, Josh,” he whispered. “I’m just happy you’re here.”

Holly appeared in the living room then, her eyes widening when she saw me. I gave her a huge grin, unable to hide my joy while Troy held me close. Holly seemed just as thrilled to see me and Troy together. After telling me hello, she said, “I’ll just be in my room. Listening to music. So I won’t hear anything at all.”

Troy waited until she’d gone down the hall to her bedroom before he lifted me in his arms. As he carried me to his own room, I kissed his neck, inhaling his scent all the while. He gently set me down near his neatly made bed, then hurried to shut the door. Glancing around, I noticed a framed photo of him and Emily, both of them smiling.

And I saw another picture on his bedside table. It was of me and him at the bar. His arm was wrapped around my shoulders, and we were grinning at Kayla, who had snapped the photo of us. I had to blink back tears as I realized Troy had never stopped caring for me, even when I’d pushed him away.

He didn’t give me time to get too emotional, however. Drawing me close, Troy slid his powerful hands over my body. His kiss started out gentle and then grew more insistent. I moaned as our tongues met. Soon we were practically ripping each other’s clothes off. I couldn’t wait to feel his skin against mine; it was as if I was starved for that contact. When we were both naked, I wrapped my hand around his erect cock, shivering with my pleasure at touching him.

Troy drew back the covers of the bed, and I hurried to lie down at his side. He playfully nibbled at my neck, then moved lower, flicking his tongue over my nipple. I gasped when he took it between his teeth, but his bite was gentle, only feeding my lust. “I need you inside me!” I said. “I’ve been dying for it, Troy.”

He didn’t require any more persuading. We were both breathing faster as he lubed up my hole, using his fingers to stretch me a little. They felt so good inside me, but I was desperate for his cock. After Troy smeared some lube on his tip, getting it slick, he eased me onto my side and then lay behind me so his muscled chest was pressed against my back. He entered me faster than usual, and I realized he was as desperate for my ass as I was for his dick.

“Oh, fuck yes!” I breathed as he stretched my needy hole wider. “I’ve missed this so much!”

“Me too, baby,” Troy said. “And I’ve missed you.” He began moving inside me then, and each slow, deep thrust sent a fresh wave of pleasure through my entire body. Soon he found the perfect angle and rhythm to continually stimulate my prostate.

“My God, that’s intense!” Lying before him with my eyes closed and my lips parted, a blissful smile on my face, I surrendered to his passionate fucking. His big cock filling my ass satisfied me so much, I didn’t even feel the need to stroke my dick. The sound of his fervent grunts let me know just how much he enjoyed this as well.

“Always so nice and tight for me!” he said, his thrusts growing more powerful. His arms were wrapped around me, and I began trembling in his embrace.

“You’ve got me so close already!” I moaned. His cock was relentless against my prostate, drawing forth what I knew would be an earthshaking climax. “Fuck, Troy!” I clung to him as my skin flushed with heat.

“Let go, baby,” he urged. I was vaguely aware that he didn’t sound close to orgasm, and while I wanted to wait for him, I knew I couldn’t. It was impossible to resist the pleasure overtaking me.

“You’re gonna make me come!” The tension in my muscles grew almost painful. Troy sensed I was right there, and he started pounding me with a ferocity that made me want to scream. Even as I shuddered, his hips never slowed their rhythm. Only a little cum dribbled from my cock, but oh fuck, the orgasm was so powerful! Every time the ecstasy began to ebb, Troy’s steady fucking caused it to build yet again until I lay quaking in his arms, moaning so loudly I feared Holly might be able to hear me over the music.

“Oh, Christ!” Troy abruptly grew still inside me. “You almost made me come, gripping my cock like that!”

“I want you to come,” I managed to say while reeling from my climax.

“Not yet, baby. I want to last a little longer for you.”

“You just made me come harder than I ever have in my entire life!” I told him. “You don’t need to worry about lasting longer!”

“But your ass feels so damn good.” He kissed my hair, and I tilted my head back, inviting him to lower his mouth to mine. Our kiss was slow and sensual, reminding me of the ones we shared the first time we made love. “This is where you belong, Josh,” Troy whispered. “Right here with me.”

When he began fucking me once more, I bit down on my bottom lip, trying to suppress a whimper. My ass was growing tender, almost sore, but I wasn’t about to deny Troy what he wanted. I couldn’t believe his staying power! Looking down, I saw that my cock was still hard. While my ass needed a break, my dick was clearly ready for more. Wrapping my fingers around my shaft, I gave my erection a tentative stroke.

“Ah yes, let me see you jerk that cock!” Troy said. I mercilessly pumped away at my dick, groaning as Troy’s body slapped against mine. Our fucking had become raw, almost brutal, but I loved the way I made him lose control like this. “I’m close!” he panted. “I want you to come with me, Josh!” I looked up at him, my eyes pleading. I wasn’t sure I could give him what he wanted this time. Yet I kept stroking my cock, and sweat beaded on Troy’s skin while he drove himself inside me again and again.

“Fuck!” I shouted as my second orgasm seized me with little warning. This time, a rope of semen erupted from my cock in a powerful spurt. I cried out for Troy, pleading for his cum while the contractions pulled my muscles taut.

I heard him draw in a sharp breath, and then I felt each fierce pulse of his cock as he reached his own release, filling me with his seed. His groans were almost as loud as mine. When he was finally spent, he remained inside me, still breathing hard. “You are something else, baby,” he told me with a smile.

“Me? You’re the one who made me come twice!” I said. Troy laughed, but I knew he was rightfully pleased with his performance. He’d always been amazing in bed, but our lovemaking tonight was out of this world.

Eventually he pulled out, his movements slow and careful. I immediately turned so we were face to face, and he slipped his arms around me. Pressing a hand to his cheek, I whispered, “I love you.”

Troy beamed at my words. “I love you, too, Josh. And you know what else?”

I grinned up at him. “What else?”

He gave me a tender kiss, then whispered, “I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”


Six months later, I was a married man. Troy and I had a small wedding ceremony, with Holly, Hank, and Kayla in attendance, and of course Mrs. Sinclair was there, too. Troy left his job at the bar for one in security, and I was happy we now worked the same hours. He and I moved into an apartment with plenty of room for more books, and soon afterward, Hank moved in with Holly. The two of them were madly in love, and I predicted there would be another wedding in the near future.

Emily eventually contacted Troy to let him know she was in treatment. I could see how much it meant to him to have a relationship with his sister again, and when he revealed to her he was now married, I heard her excited squeal through the phone. She said she couldn’t wait to meet me.

Troy and I occasionally stopped by the bar where he used to work. One night we met Holly there, and while the three of us talked and laughed with Kayla, Hank came over to give Holly a kiss. Troy and I watched, grinning, as he whispered something in Holly’s ear that made her blush. Then my husband turned toward me with a wicked gleam in his eyes and asked, “Want to go to the back for old times’ sake? I’m sure Hank and Kayla won’t mind.”

My eyes widened a little as my pulse quickened, but I said, “Hell yes!”

Troy asked Holly to excuse us, and she gave him a knowing wink. When he took my hand, I allowed him to lead me down the hall. Already I was growing hard at the thought of him stripping off my clothes and having his way with me in the employee restroom. “Are you going to leave the door unlocked again this time?” I dared to ask.

Troy only grinned in reply.

Published 1 year ago

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