Weeks passed, and Troy and I continued to spend plenty of time together. We would often meet for dinner after I got off work and before he started a shift at the bar. On the rare occasions when our work schedules permitted us to do more, we would sometimes go to the movies, and I discovered Troy enjoyed all kinds of films, including dramas, which were my favorite. As the weather became more spring-like, I also accompanied Troy to the park. Though he could have left me in the dust, he always maintained a leisurely pace so I could keep up with him while we walked. And he never asked me to join him at the gym, thank God.
We most often saw each other, however, after he left the bar late at night. I started going to bed earlier in the evenings so I would easily wake when I heard his quiet knock on my door. I’d let him in with a smile, and we’d almost immediately begin undressing. In minutes, we would be beneath the covers of my bed. Troy never stayed till morning, and I never pressed him to. But after we made love, he would hold me for a long while as we spoke softly in the darkness, sharing details about our day.
One night at the very end of March, I was already awake and watching the clock, eagerly awaiting Troy’s arrival. When he knocked on the door, I quickly got out of bed, pulling on a pair of sweatpants before hurrying to let him in. As soon as I opened the door, my smile vanished. “My God, Troy, what happened?” His left eye was swollen almost completely shut, and I could see the very beginnings of a bruise forming.
“Ah, it’s nothing,” Troy said while stepping inside.
I closed and locked the door, then turned to face him. “Like hell it is! Did someone hit you?”
He ran a hand through his hair, his expression one of mild exasperation. “I should have seen it coming. Hank and I were trying to get this belligerent asshole out of the bar, and the guy took a wild swing. He got lucky and managed to land a punch.”
“That fucker,” I said through clenched teeth. The thought of someone hurting Troy sent a surge of fury coursing through me. Stepping closer to him, I stroked his cheek. He’d recently shaved his beard, and I still delighted in the smoothness of his skin. “I’m so sorry,” I murmured. “Why don’t I get some ice for your eye?”
Troy brought my hand to his lips so he could kiss my palm. “I promise I’m okay,” he said. “It’s an occupational hazard, and I’ve looked far worse after a shift.” I cringed at his words. Would I always have to worry about him showing up at my door bruised and battered after a bar fight? “Hey, don’t look like that, Josh,” Troy went on. “I’m fine. Let’s just go to bed, all right?”
I wished he would at least let me tend to his eye, but I knew better than to argue. Instead, I reluctantly nodded, then watched in silence as he undressed. I only had to take off my pants before I was naked, too. Grasping his hand, I led him to the bed. Once he slipped under the covers, I hurried to join him. In the soft lamplight, I pressed a hand to his chest. “You look exhausted,” I said.
“It was just a shitty night.” Troy stifled a yawn as he spoke. “Must be a full moon or something, because people were carrying on like they had no fucking sense.”
“Did Kayla play Hank’s favorite song?” I asked with a grin.
Troy laughed and shook his head. “Kayla’s old flame didn’t show up tonight, which is probably a good thing since Hank was ready to crack some skulls after I got punched.”
Sliding my palm over Troy’s warm skin, I whispered, “Turn over on your stomach.”
He raised his eyebrows but did as I said without question. I moved to straddle him, planting a knee on either side of his hips. When I began massaging his shoulders, he released a pleasured moan. My hands weren’t nearly as strong as his, but I diligently worked to ease the tension in his muscles, and as the minutes passed, I felt him relax beneath me.
“Mmm, that feels nice,” he whispered. “You’re spoiling me, babe.”
“I love spoiling you.” Moving lower, I massaged his back and then his ass. Those perfect globes were so firm in my grasp. A glance at Troy let me know he was thoroughly enjoying this attention, for his eyes were closed, and I heard his soft sigh. I continued the massage, my hands journeying over his muscular thighs and calves before I reached his feet. As I kneaded his arches with my thumbs, Troy made encouraging sounds from deep in his throat.
When I finally finished, he slowly rolled over on his back, a satisfied grin on his lips. “Thank you for that.”
I returned his grin. “My pleasure,” I said. Then my stare settled on his semi-erect cock. “Let me take care of that for you, too.” I started to lower my head, but Troy grabbed my hand, and I gave him a questioning look.
“I want you to feel good, too,” he told me.
“It makes me feel good when I go down on you.”
Troy only smiled and shook his head. “You know what I mean, Josh.”
I thought for a moment, then leaned to grab the lube. Straddling Troy’s thighs this time, I positioned myself so my dick was next to his. Simply touching him, and seeing his strengthening erection, had me growing hard as well. He gazed at me while I lubed up our cocks. When I began gently stroking us both, keeping our dicks pressed together, Troy groaned. “Ah fuck, yes, Josh!”
My breaths came faster as I realized how much this excited him. I loved the feel of our warm, slick skin touching in such an intimate way. With my hands circling our shafts, I worked up to a nice rhythm, occasionally stopping so I could glide the pads of my thumbs over our sensitive tips. My own arousal made me roll my hips, sliding my dick against Troy’s.
He caressed my thighs, his own breath quickening. “Getting close now!” he said. As I stroked us faster, I couldn’t hold back my moans. Troy’s cock pulsed in my grasp, and I felt his body tense with his approaching climax. My dick was producing a steady amount of precum, which helped to keep us lubricated so I didn’t have to stop.
“Fuck, I love your cock!” I told Troy. He gave a thrust beneath me, and I knew he was desperate to come. “I love it in my mouth and my ass, and moving against my dick like this!”
Troy cried out my name just before succumbing to his orgasm. He bucked his hips so fiercely that I almost slid off him, but I managed to remain upright, my hands never slowing. Each muscle in his body seemed to strain while his cum spurted forth. It landed on my cock and my hands, as well as my forearms. “That’s it, baby! Give me every drop!” I urged him.
Even after Troy was totally spent, I continued jerking both our dicks, for I still hadn’t climaxed. I realized he was exquisitely sensitive after his orgasm, but I couldn’t bring myself to let go of his cock. It was still plenty hard against mine and I was so fucking close!
Troy whimpered, then gritted his teeth while watching me furiously masturbating. “Almost there!” I panted. Our eyes locked, and the helplessness I saw in his face was what finally sent me over the edge. A strained groan escaped my lips as a shudder went through me.
“Please, Josh, come!” Troy begged.
And I did. I came so fucking hard for him, crying out as ropes of my cum fell upon our skin. Immediately I released our dicks, and mine swayed wildly while one last shot of semen struck Troy’s belly. He gasped and shivered, his tender cock slow to soften.
Only when my orgasm subsided did I become clearheaded enough to say, “I hope I didn’t get too carried away there.”
Troy quickly sat up and grabbed me. My eyes widened when he forced me over his thighs so my ass was on display. “You were fucking merciless with my cock,” he said just before giving me a playful smack. The sting his palm delivered to my buttocks made me whine from pain mingled with pleasure. “And I fucking loved every second of it.” His touch became a soothing caress then, and I moaned in sheer contentment.
Finally Troy drew me into his arms so he could plant a kiss on my mouth. I eagerly kissed him back, then whispered against his lips, “We made quite a mess. Why don’t you lie back, and I’ll get you cleaned up.”
Troy smiled and nodded, whispering another thanks before I left the bed. In the bathroom, I washed the cum and lube from my skin, then grabbed a washcloth. After I wet it with warm water from the sink, I carried it back to Troy. He lay still while I gently wiped him clean, and when my hand lingered over his now-flaccid cock, his pleasured moan let me know he was no longer too sensitive to enjoy my touch.
Once I was finished and sitting on the edge of the bed, Troy gazed up at me, appearing a little unsure. “Do you mind if I stay tonight, Josh?” he asked quietly. “I really am exhausted.”
Stroking his hair, I couldn’t hide my delighted smile. “Of course I don’t mind,” I whispered. “I always want you to stay, Troy.”
As I spent more time with Troy, I began to think he was unflappable; nothing seemed to bother him. I admired how levelheaded he was, especially since I often let my emotions get the better of me. But one night, not long after the bruising had completely faded around his eye, Troy arrived at my apartment appearing distraught. The moment I caught sight of his anguished expression, I hurried him inside. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “Was there another fight at the bar?”
Troy didn’t answer. Instead, he ran his fingers through his hair, tousling the strands. “Do you mind if I take a quick shower? I just want to wash this night off me.”
I searched Troy’s face for some kind of clue as to what had so upset him, but he wouldn’t meet my stare. “Sure, baby,” I said softly. “Take your time.”
While Troy showered, I slowly paced the floor beside my bed, growing more concerned by the minute. At least he wasn’t hurt, I told myself. Not that I could see, anyway. It wasn’t long before he emerged from the bathroom, completely naked. I watched as he sank down on the edge of my bed. “Do you have any booze here?” he asked.
His request only heightened my anxiety, since he never touched alcohol. “Is bourbon okay?”
“Bourbon’s great, thanks.”
I took the bottle from the cabinet and poured him a drink. He gulped down the liquor without so much as a grimace, and once he set the glass on the table, I sat beside him. “Troy, talk to me,” I urged, placing a hand on his knee.
He drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Emily—my sister—is in town,” he began. “She didn’t let me know, so I was surprised when she showed up at the bar.” As Troy spoke, he still wouldn’t look at me. Instead, he gazed down at the floor. “I hardly recognized her, Josh. She’s so thin. She wanted me to give her money.” He closed his eyes, but I could detect the grief etched into his features. “I told her I wouldn’t pay for her habit, but if she wanted to get clean, I’d support her in any way I could. She was so angry, swearing and screaming that she hated me. Hank finally had to throw her out.”
I slipped my arms around Troy, pulling him close. “I’m so sorry,” I whispered. It was as if his pain became my own, for I felt a fierce ache in my chest as I held him.
“I doubt I’ll ever see her again. She’s too far gone.” I heard the tears in Troy’s voice, and when our eyes met, I could tell he was about to break.
“Maybe she’ll realize she needs help,” I said. “Then she’ll reach out to you. She didn’t mean those things she said tonight.” Troy began trembling in my embrace, and I started to reach for a blanket to wrap around him.
He grabbed my wrist, giving me a pleading look. “I need you to fuck me, Josh. Now.”
I thought I understood his need. He wanted to stop thinking about what had happened at the bar that night, and he knew sex would distract him from his pain, at least for a while. Immediately I kissed him, placing my hand between his thighs to stroke his cock. He moaned at my touch but broke the kiss, breathing fast. “It’s okay,” I tried to assure him. “Lie back and I’ll ride you.”
“No,” Troy said, and I stared at him in confusion. “I need you to top me.”
My eyes grew wide. I’d topped only a few times in my life, not nearly enough to feel comfortable in the role. The thought of fucking Troy like that made my pulse race with fresh anxiety. “I, uh, don’t have much experience with that,” I confessed.
“I don’t care,” he said.
“But I’m afraid I might hurt you!” Now I was the one whose voice was full of pleading. He had to understand that we both needed to prepare for this.
Yet he only grasped me by the chin, forcing me to meet his stare. “Maybe I want it to hurt tonight.”
Despite his grip on me, I managed to shake my head. “You’re only trying to punish yourself because Emily wouldn’t let you help her. I don’t want to be a part of that.”
“Goddammit, Josh!” Though he released me, I saw the anger tightening his jaw. His eyes flashed with it, and I had to look away. He’d never raised his voice to me before. “Stop trying to psychoanalyze this, okay? I’m just asking you to fuck my ass, for Christ’s sake!”
It was as if his anger was infectious, for I felt my own growing. “Fine!” I snapped before climbing to my feet and stripping out of my pants. I wasn’t at all hard, and I could only hope I’d be able to get that way in order to satisfy Troy. His stare swept over me like he was eager to take in every detail of my body, as though he weren’t already intimately familiar with it. Standing before him, I wove my fingers through his hair and pulled his head back, forcing him to look up at me. “But if I’m going to top you, then you will do as I say,” I told him, my voice low and steady. He quickly nodded, his eyes locked with mine. “Get on your feet and lean over the bed with your legs spread.”
Troy wordlessly obeyed, draping his upper body over the bed while standing with his feet planted wide apart. For a long moment, I could only look at him with something like wonder; I’d never imagined he would want me to fuck him in this way.
But I wasn’t ready to fuck him yet. Instead, I knelt behind him, sliding my palms over his ass. I heard his sharp intake of breath when I spread his cheeks. As I gazed at his puckered hole, my cock began stiffening. Troy had never asked me to rim him before, and I’d been too nervous to ask. Now I licked my lips while grazing his entrance with my fingertip.
“Josh, just fuck me, please!” Troy begged.
“No,” I said firmly. “I want to do this. Now if you want my dick, you get my tongue first. Understand?”
He moaned out a yes, and those moans only grew louder as I began eating his ass with an eagerness I made no effort to contain. I was well aware of how vulnerable this act could make a man feel, but I was determined to nudge Troy from his comfort zone, just as he’d drawn me out of mine in that bar restroom. Of course, my motives weren’t entirely pure, for I did love licking his tight hole. My dick was already fully hard and leaking precum by that point.
Troy, however, remained tense, though his groans let me know he derived plenty of pleasure from my tongue. “Relax,” I urged him. “Let me inside, baby.”
I grinned when he did just that, allowing me to work the very tip of my tongue inside his ass. “Ah, fuck!” he breathed. I sensed him shake off the last of his inhibitions before he surrendered completely. “Holy shit, that feels so good, Josh!”
It felt good to me, too; my dick was throbbing, and my balls ached a little from my fierce arousal. I had no doubt I’d be able to stay hard while fucking Troy. When I finally rose to my feet, my cock was standing at attention.
“I want you to take me from behind,” Troy said between heavy breaths.
I wondered if he was trying to strip the act of all intimacy. While I would have preferred to maintain eye contact with him, I also longed to do what he wanted tonight. I sensed how desperately he needed this. Once I instructed him to climb on the bed, he waited on his hands and knees. Since he was a good deal taller, it took a little maneuvering to get him in the right position. I guided him downward so his legs were folded beneath him and his ass was close to his heels.
We were both breathing fast, the anticipation almost palpable between us. After retrieving the lube, I applied an ample amount to Troy’s opening, and he shivered in response to my touch. My fingers were coated as well, so I was able to ease one inside him up to the second knuckle. “How’s that?” I murmured.
“Good!” he assured me. “Add another and stretch me a little.”
I did as Troy said, spreading my index and middle fingers apart while they were buried inside his ass. He groaned at the sensation of being opened wider, but I felt him slowly relax into it. It was then that I began to tremble with my own need. Was I nervous? Hell, yes. But I was also growing desperate to give Troy every inch of my dick. I never dreamed I’d be so eager to top someone, but seeing him spread wide on the bed before me, with his hole readily accepting my fingers, made me hot and wild.
“I’m ready.” Troy was practically panting now.
I worried he was still too tight, but I knew I could do little to change that when he was determined to have me fuck him right then and there. After slowly withdrawing my fingers, I took a moment to massage his buttocks in an effort to keep him relaxed. I also used those fleeting seconds to calm my own nerves. A few deep breaths slowed my racing pulse a bit.
Grabbing the lube again, I applied even more to Troy’s entrance and then coated my dick as well. The last thing I wanted was unnecessary friction causing him pain. When I guided the head of my cock to Troy’s hole, I noticed I was shaking again. A tendril of doubt snaked through me, but I fought it back. As soon as my slick flesh met Troy’s, he made an encouraging noise from low in his throat.
I was so gentle, so careful at first. My muscles were rigid with tension while I took my time working my tip into Troy’s ass. I heard his slow, even breaths as he strove to accept my cock without resistance. Maybe we were both good and ready for this, after all, I tried to reassure myself. Maybe I’d worried for nothing.
I’d just begun to relax a little, my cockhead almost all the way in, when Troy bit back a cry of obvious pain. Immediately, I froze, all my doubts flooding through me like ice water. I was absolute shit at this, I thought bitterly. Why had I ever agreed to it? I couldn’t give Troy what he wanted. Hell, my dick was probably going to soften at any moment–
It was as if my thoughts were being broadcast directly into Troy’s mind, for he quickly sensed my trepidation. “Don’t you fucking stop now, Josh!” he growled. “Give me that dick!”
His words felt like a sharp reprimand, but they served to strengthen my resolve. He turned his head to the side, letting me glimpse his profile, and I saw his jaw set in a firm line. Nothing would dissuade him from this. With a gentle thrust, I worked all of my tip inside him. “Fuck, yeah!” he moaned. “That’s what I need. Keep going!”
A layer of sweat formed on my skin as I rolled my hips, giving him an inch of my shaft, and another still. An involuntary whimper escaped me. His ass was so tight! How the fuck was I going to last long enough to satisfy him? My eyes widened as I watched my cock disappear inside Troy. “I’m, ah Christ, I’m all the way in now!” I told him in a strained voice.
Troy was gripping fistfuls of the sheet. “Fuck my ass, Josh!” he urged.
I was still hesitant as I began moving inside him, but my lingering anxiety quickly faded as I surrendered to the absolute bliss his body gave me. “Holy shit, you feel so damn good!” I groaned. “So tight around my dick!” With a firm hold on Troy’s hips, I gave in to his pleas for me to fuck him harder. My own hips took on a natural rhythm, my movements instinctual. Gazing down at the powerful man before me, I couldn’t fully believe this was happening.
Troy’s skin grew slick with sweat as well. I felt his muscles milk my cock while I was buried inside him to the hilt, and I struggled to hold back a pleasured cry. I was close, too close! Though I didn’t know if Troy was able to come this way, I wanted to last for him in case he could.
Soon, the sounds of our grunts and gasps filled the room. My body slapped against his with a force that would have terrified me to use before, but Troy was clearly wild for this hard fucking. If it hurt him, then the pain must have been something he craved, too. “Please baby, come for me!” I begged. “I can’t last much longer!” Part of me wished I could take his ass for hours, but I knew I’d be lucky to hold out for just a few minutes more.
Troy showed me mercy then. “Come inside me, Josh!” he cried. “Fucking give me your cum!”
I was powerless to resist that command when I was already so close. Never loosening my hold on Troy, I drove my dick into him again and again until that exquisite tension seized my muscles. With a gasp, I finally let go, emptying my balls inside his ass. His groans mingled with mine, and I wondered if he could feel each of those hot spurts.
Even after I was spent, I remained inside Troy for a little longer as my cock slowly softened. Stroking his back, I smiled at the sound of his contented sigh. I knew he hadn’t come, but he appeared as satisfied as I felt. Only when I carefully pulled out and Troy turned on the bed to face me did I see that he was still fully hard. His dick strained out from him, and as he gave it a few strokes, our eyes met. “Come here,” he whispered.
While Troy sat on the edge of the bed, I stood between his spread legs. Already I was aching to bring him the same blissful release he’d given me. When he pulled me downward, I pressed my mouth to his. Our kiss was full of tongue and teeth, and I whimpered as Troy gave my lower lip a bite.
I let him guide me to my knees. Gazing up at him, I saw the heat in his stare. He buried his fingers in my hair, then drew me toward his cock. I immediately wrapped my lips around it, moaning as I tasted a fresh drop of his precum. He was excited, I knew, and he no longer wanted to give up all control. No, he was using me for his pleasure now, and while I’d enjoyed topping him far more than I ever imagined I would, I eagerly surrendered to him as he forced me to take several inches of his dick.
Troy’s grip on my hair tightened. “Ah yes, baby, take it all!” he growled. My eyes widened a little when he began fucking my mouth, driving his tip into my throat. I couldn’t suppress a gag, but I managed to keep my lips circled around his shaft. Sucking and moaning, with tears filling my eyes, I felt my own dick begin to stiffen yet again.
Finally, Troy pulled me off his cock, and I gasped for breath. His eyes locked with mine. “Want me to stop?” he whispered.
“Not till you fucking come,” I said.
Down my head went again as I opened my mouth wide to accept his hard, pulsing cock. Fuck, I loved feeling him control me like this! His groans became almost constant as his dick invaded my throat. I’d punished one of his holes only a little earlier, I realized, and now he was punishing one of mine. I managed to release a lust-filled moan to let him know I didn’t want him to stop. I was desperate to taste his cum.
Troy gave me one more chance to catch my breath before he claimed my mouth again, thrusting brutally. Tears streamed down my face, yet I was fully erect, aroused beyond words. A faint cry escaped him, and his muscles tightened as he erupted inside my mouth. I worked to swallow his hot, salty essence, but a little leaked from my lips. Only when Troy released his grip on my hair did I lift my head, gulping in a lungful of air. While my throat ached and the tears dried on my cheeks, I licked his cock clean, teasingly sliding my tongue over the sensitive tip.
Troy stroked my hair as his breathing returned to normal, and when I tilted my head back to look up at him, the tenderness in his eyes was unmistakable. “Thank you for all you did for me tonight, Josh,” he whispered.
“I loved it!” I told him with a smile, then let my stare drop to my erection. “Obviously.”
Troy laughed softly. “How about I take care of that for you in the shower? I could use another one, and I’d love it if you joined me.”
I quickly nodded, and Troy moved to stand, drawing me to my feet as he did so. For a few moments, he simply held me in his arms, and my smile widened when I realized I’d managed to be everything he needed.
Troy’s sister didn’t try to contact him after that night, leading us both to believe she’d left town. I knew Troy was still wounded from the things she’d said to him, and it devastated him to know he couldn’t help her. But as time passed, he seemed to make peace with the situation even as we hoped Emily would eventually decide to seek help.
One evening in early May, Holly and I decided to stop by the bar during Troy’s shift. He was delighted to see the two of us, and I noticed Hank giving Holly an admiring look as well. When his eyes met mine, I raised an eyebrow and flashed him a knowing grin, but he only made his face a neutral mask, hiding all emotion.
The bar regulars were used to seeing me around on occasion, and no one paid any mind when Troy drew me into a hug. Though he and I had been seeing each other for weeks, I still marveled at the fact that we were a couple. How had I gotten so lucky? I wondered. I never imagined I could be so happy.
Once Holly and I were seated at the bar, she ordered a Cosmo while I stuck with my usual Rum and Coke. When I took the first sip of mine, I fought back a cough. “Whew, that’s strong!” I told Kayla.
“You get your money’s worth in this place,” she said with a grin. Then she looked at Holly. “How’s yours, hon?”
“Perfect!” Holly replied.
“It better be, because Hank signaled to me a little earlier that he’s buying your drink, and he’d give me hell if you didn’t like it.”
Holly’s eyes widened as she looked over her shoulder at the bouncer lingering by the door. Their eyes met, and Holly gave him a wave and one of her gorgeous smiles, mouthing “thank you.”
I almost fell off the barstool when I saw Hank nod and smile as well. Then he went back to watching the crowd. I couldn’t resist teasing Holly, so I leaned toward her and said, “You’d better invite me to the wedding.”
“Oh, shut up!” she giggled, and I noticed a blush heating her cheeks.
“Just wait till I tell Troy,” I went on. “He’s never going to let you live this down.”
Holly gasped at my threat. “You’d better not! I’ll have to find a new roommate.” As she spoke, her gaze drifted past me. I watched the smile vanish from her lips while her laughter abruptly faded.
Furrowing my brow, I asked, “What is it? What’s wrong?” My friend didn’t answer, but when she looked at me once again, I saw that her stare held something like dread. Quickly turning, I scanned the crowd, trying to determine what had so alarmed her.
Then I spotted Troy. He stood near the far wall, and beside him was a man who appeared to be in his late twenties. He was just a few inches shorter than Troy and almost as powerfully built. He had sandy blond hair and a strong jaw, and as he spoke, he moved closer to Troy. His manner was almost beseeching, like he was trying to convince Troy of something. Troy, meanwhile, folded his arms over his chest and glowered down at the floor while he listened to the man speak.
I stared at the two of them as I asked Holly in a quiet voice, “Do you know who that guy is?”
She didn’t respond for several long seconds. I opened my mouth to repeat the question, but before I had the chance, Holly said, “That’s Alex. Troy’s ex-boyfriend.”