“Will you smack my bottom like I have been a naughty girl?” I asked my husband.
We had just made love and were basking in the post-coital glow. I had drunk a little more wine than I should have and was feeling both naughty and brave at the same time. My husband smiled and looked at me. My hand was on his stomach, and I could feel his penis twitch. He liked the idea.
“It would be my pleasure, now?”
“No, I want you to surprise me you decide when and how.”
I have long had a secret desire to be spanked. I have no idea where this comes from but whenever anyone says anything about this subject, I always get excited. I was never smacked by my parents and schools were no longer allowed. So, where this secret obsession comes from is a mystery to me.
“Ok, let me think of a good way to do this. I am looking forward to putting you over my knee and giving you a pink bottom.”
That sounded really exciting to me. I snuggled closer to him, and we both drifted off to sleep.
As background we are a successful married couple and both hold down high-powered professional jobs, he is in sales, and I run my own design business. We have been married for five years and for the most part this has been good, but lately some of the passion has gone out of the relationship. Maybe my asking for a spanking was my way of getting it back. Other than this strange desire I am a self-confident person who is respected by my staff and known as someone who can drive through her ideas. In other words, I am not a pushover.
The next day was Sunday and my husband got up early to play golf, so I had the morning to myself. After a bit of a lie-in, I wandered downstairs to have a leisurely breakfast. On the kitchen table was a note from my husband. I read the following.
I have long wanted to experiment with spanking. It would be an honour to spank your bottom. I would like to try the following experiment.
Every Tuesday morning, I will leave you a letter detailing this week’s punishment. I will detail how you are to be punished, what you should wear, and what form the punishment will take. On Thursday you will present yourself for punishment as requested. At any time, you can call a halt simply by saying “Popcorn”, or you can just let me know.
I find this idea tremendously exciting, and I hope you want to play too. If you agree with the plan, please sign below, and leave this note on my desk.
I read and re-read the letter and felt myself getting excited at the prospect. I had no idea when he had written the note, but he wanted to experiment too. I signed the note as requested and felt a nervous excitement through the rest of the morning.
My husband returned home at lunchtime, and we went out with friends in the afternoon. Nothing was said about spanking, but I think we were both very aware of the elephant in the room. Monday saw both of us back into our working lives. My husband goes into the office on Monday and Tuesday. He tries to work at home the rest of the week. I am home-based so I spend most of the week there. We are lucky to have two offices at home so we can both work and be undisturbed.
When I went to bed on Monday, I did wonder what Tuesday would bring. We still had not mentioned spanking again since the weekend.
I heard my husband leave for work early on Tuesday morning, and I set my alarm for seven-thirty. Sleep however alluded me. I got up and went to the kitchen to see if there was a note waiting for me. A handwritten note was there as expected. I made a coffee and took the note back to bed with me.
On Thursday you will report to my office at six o’clock. You will be naked except for your exhibition shoes. You will shave and I will inspect that you have done this properly. If I find you have any stray hairs, you will receive extra punishment.
You will knock on the door and wait for me to invite you in.
I am going to put you over my knee and give you a thorough bottom spanking with my hand. You will try not to struggle and shout out during your punishment. Any undue noise or fuss will result in extra punishment. At the end of the spanking, you will thank me and then go straight to our bedroom. In the bedroom, you will place three pillows in the middle of the bed and lie face down over them. I will take my pleasure from you in this position.
Whilst in my office you will refer to me as Sir. Do not be late on Thursday as this will result in extra punishment.
My exhibition shoes are black court shoes with a three-inch heel. When they were new, I foolishly wore them when exhibiting at a trade fair. I was on my feet all day. They did look great, but I was in agony at the end of the day.
I re-read the note. It was so unlike my husband; he did not normally use language like taking his pleasure from me. It was a really exciting prospect. I knew my husband would never really hurt me but the thought of submitting to him for a short time was like WOW. I found myself very wet and stimulated by what I read. I took my vibrator from my bedside drawer and brought myself to orgasm reading the note and imagining what Thursday would bring. This was not the usual start to a Tuesday morning. I did wonder what my husband would say if he could see me with my legs spread and my vibrator deep in my pussy.
Throughout the day my mind kept wandering back to what was going to happen on Thursday. I was going to walk naked into his office and get my bottom spanked. Along with the excitement, there was just a small tingling of fear. Would the reality be as exciting as the dream? It never occurred to me not to allow it to happen.
That evening we carried on as normal, neither of us spoke of the note or what was going to happen. It was very strange. We made love that night and it certainly had more than the usual passion and I think we both knew why.
The excitement built throughout Wednesday and Thursday found us both in our separate offices, we had a light lunch together and found conversation difficult which is not normally like us. At five o’clock I signed off for the day and ran myself a deep bath. I was determined to look my best for this evening. I shaved my armpits, legs and made sure that I carefully shaved my pussy. I did not want extra punishment. I was getting very nervous about the spanking I was going to get without making it any worse.
At least I did not have to worry about what to wear. Naked the note had said. So Naked it would be. I got my shoes from the cupboard put them on and looked at myself in the mirror. According to my husband, I have a fantastic arse. His words, not mine. I am told I have a good figure; however, I always feel I am a bit bottom-heavy. I do however get looks when I am out. I was pleased with what I saw reflected.
I was now very excited whilst also starting to get nervous. At two minutes to six, I left our bedroom and walked downstairs to my husband’s office. It felt very strange walking naked in high heels through the house. I felt very self-conscious even though I knew no one else was able to see me. I took a large gulp on a dry throat and knocked on the door.
“Enter,” I heard from my husband.
I opened the door and walked into the office and stood before the desk. My husband stared at me I could see the lust in his eyes as if he could not quite believe this was happening. I felt the same.
“You look stunning,” was the first thing he said. Then he shook his head and then asked. “Why are you here?”
I was a bit lost for a moment and then replied, “I have been told to report for my spanking.”
“You have been told to report for your spanking, what?” said my husband.
Again, I was lost then it came to me. “Sir,” I said.
“That is better if you forget again that will be extras and I am not sure you want those. Turn around.”
He was in command of himself now. He was also in command of me, I turned around as instructed. I stood with my back to him, and I could literally feel his eyes roving over me and especially my bottom.
“Round the desk and stand next to the chair.”
Again, I did as requested and stood next to my seated husband. “Feet apart.”
I stood with my legs two feet apart and my husband ran his finger up the groove of my pussy.
“Tell me exactly what is going to happen here this evening.”
I gasped as he found my clitoris. I was getting very excited by the whole situation. I stammered, “You are going to put me over your knee and spank my naughty bottom.”
“You forgot the Sir, that will be extras.”
He continued to tease me. “What colour will your bottom be when I am finished?”
“It will be bright pink, Sir.”
“Actually, it will be red and sore, like a naughty girl’s bottom should be. Don’t you agree?”
“Yes Sir, red and sore sounds good.”
“Excellent so a red sore bottom, and then what is going to happen?”
“I have to make myself available for your pleasure in our bedroom. Sir.”
“Exactly you will be spanked and then fucked. That seems to excite you, is that right?”
I felt a tingle below as my husband described what was going to happen. “Yes, Sir very much so.”
“What a naughty girl, a naughty girl who wants a spanking, well you had better get over my knee and we can get started.”
He withdrew his fingers from my pussy, I was flooded and very aroused.
There is no elegant way to layover someone’s knee. I placed myself over his lap, I could see the carpet if I looked down, and looking back I could see my legs and shoes with my toes touching the floor. I was very aware of my bottom it was uppermost both in its position and in my mind. I felt my husband run his hand over my buttocks, it felt like the calm before the storm.
“You have a lovely bottom. I have wanted to do this for so long. You have a perfect bottom for spanking.”
I am not sure what a perfect spanking bottom looks like, but I was pleased with his comment even if it meant that the bottom in question was going to be sore very soon.
“What must you do during your punishment?” he asked.
“I must not make too much noise or fuss. Sir,” I replied.
“What will happen if you do?”
“I will get extras, Sir.”
“And you don’t want any further extras. I am going to start slowly and build up. Ready?”
He did not wait for a reply. The first smack landed on my left buttock quickly followed by one on my right. They were light smacks and felt nice. The sound of his hand meeting my bottom filled my thoughts. This continued for a couple of minutes. I could feel a flush coming to my skin, but it felt nice I was still very aroused and enjoying the attention.
“Open your legs for me.”
I obeyed. He slid his finger along my groove and again found my magic button.
“You are enjoying this aren’t you?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Let see if you enjoy the next stage.”
His hand returned to spanking my bottom this time with more force. I started to feel each smack and pain started to grow, again still not unpleasant but I was starting to feel it. I was also starting to make some noise with little cries and moans as each smack landed. This second spanking seemed to carry on for longer and I started to kick my legs to relieve the sting.
“Am I getting through to you now?”
“Yes, Sir, it is getting very sore.”
“Not as sore as it will be. Your bottom is starting to turn red. But still, a long way to go yet. Open your legs again.”
Again, he teased me, and I pushed back onto his fingers he knew just how to get me going and he was using all his skills today.
“The final session will be a proper spanking. Are you ready?”
This time he did wait for my reply.
“Yes, Sir.”
The first spank landed I did feel this one, the sound seemed to vibrate through my body, I let out a cry. In no time the next smack landed again I cried out. The tempo increased and I was calling out and kicking my legs wildly. This was starting to hurt. The cadence continued one buttock then the other and my cries got louder. Just when I thought I could not carry on the spanking stopped. It felt you could hear a pin drop. I started to breathe heavily, and I could feel the heat glowing from my punished bottom.
“You took your punishment very well. Well, done.”
Strangely I felt enormous pride from hearing this.
“However, there is still the matter of extras.”
I groaned. “Please, Sir.”
“As this is your first punishment, I will only deliver four smacks to the top of your thighs. Two on the left and two on the right.”
The first smack landed. Thighs are far more sensitive to spanking than your bottom. Again, I cried out and continued to struggle through the final three smacks.
“That now looks like the bottom belonging to a very naughty girl. What do you say?”
Again, I was at a loss of what to say and then it came to me. “Thank you for my spanking Sir”
“Off you go and prepare yourself in the bedroom. I will be along shortly.” He delivered a crisp smack to my bottom, and I eased myself from his lap.
When upright I rubbed my poor bottom and made my way to the bedroom. Once there I placed three pillows in a pile in the centre. I looked at my bottom in the mirror it was a uniform red colour with some darker patches. The initial pain was subsiding, and I started to feel a warm glow. This transmitted itself to my pussy. I laid over the pillows spread my legs and waited. I really wanted him. What a sight awaited him, here I was legs spread and my fully aroused pussy awaiting his attention.
I did not have to wait long. He entered our room and stripped himself naked. His erection showed how exciting this was for him too. There was no subtlety he entered me from behind and we fucked. I can think of no better word to describe what took place. Although we did not fuck for long, we both reached a climax, and wow what a climax it was.
Afterward, we lay in each other’s arms and later made love in a more leisurely fashion. When I went to the bathroom later, I inspected my bottom once again and could still see the effects of the spanking. Although the marks were starting to fade.
I wonder what my instructions will be next Tuesday. I cannot wait.
The End
Please let me know if you want me to post the next chapter.