Like Mother, Like Daughter, Sore Bottoms And Sex – Chapter 2

"Carolyn enjoys examination success, and with her mother we have two days of fun in London"

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Life carried on. Carolyn came around almost every week to review her progress at college and go over the past exam paper answers. We usually had sex and a light to moderate caning, if she was not having her period. Carolyn said that the combination of sex and caning was helping her deal with the strain of her studies. It removed all her frustrations!

After about two months, I gently asked her, “Carolyn, is sitting on a freshly caned bottom ever a distraction from your studies?”

Carolyn replied, “Only a minor one for the first forty-eight hours after the caning. I need to sit still and not rub my thighs together or I will have an orgasm and that distracts me! It’s the same with sex, which is why it’s so good that we have sex and a caning together.”

“Caning is more of a stimulus than sex because of the marks on my bum, which cause sensation rather than pain. But I am always relaxed, happy and confident. Maybe it’s because I know there is more to follow. We play badminton and we go running once a week. The ladies’ shower cubicles are private, so no one ever sees a mark on my bum.”

I saw Norma on her days off while Carolyn was at college. The thirty-six-stroke caning I gave her satisfied her for about a month. We resumed canings, and it was always the standard ‘twelve of the best’ caning, starting with the thin cane and ending with the medium one.

Norma confided in me she had told Carolyn about the thirty-six stroke caning and Carolyn had asked what it was like.

She said, “I showed her my bum three days after the caning. The bruising was visible and most of the marks were still hard and ridged.”

Carolyn looked at it and said, “One day I want one of those, but not while I am studying. If I get excellent exam results, I will deserve it for bothering Uncle Arthur all this time. Did it hurt a lot?”

“It hurt terribly, but the sexual stimulus was huge. That’s why I asked for it. Your father gave me the previous thirty-sixer before Arthur did,” replied Norma.

Then Carolyn said something surprising. “I ask Uncle Arthur for the twelve-stroke canings because I know how horny they make me, how good sex is afterwards, and how good I will feel in the next week.”

“Mother, if I get excellent results, will you be there to help me get through a thirty-sixer, please? I will feel much stronger if you are there.”

Norma said, “I could see Carolyn was serious. She works so hard and she deserves it.”

“Yes,” I replied. “If you have anything in mind, please, Norma, can you let me know?”

“Carolyn has one of the London colleges as her first choice of university,” said Norma. “She doesn’t know London too well. If we could have two nights there in a smart hotel, show her around and cane her hard with sex on the last night, I think she would be so happy.”

“Norma,” I said. “I’m not short of money. Why don’t I get us a suite for two nights at a hotel in the West End or parts of Kensington? Is there anything special she would like to do?”

“Carolyn would love to take a walk through Kensington Gardens and into Hyde Park,” said Norma.

“She has told me she wants to go for a row on the Serpentine. Carolyn is not the world’s greatest consumer and has simple tastes for a modern girl. Walking around London may be a significant part of her visit.”

“It’s a few months before her exams,” I said. “I will go up to London and ask to see a few hotel suites before we make a booking. We should plan for success. We can always pick up a luxury Airbnb if the hotels are full at short notice.”

Norma said something else, which gave me another surprise.

“Carolyn asked me if I would be there and be a comforting presence, when in her sore, hard-caned state after a thirty-sixer, she would want sex with you. She said that my presence would strengthen her resolve to receive a thirty-sixer, and have sex afterwards.”

“You know, I think luxurious surroundings would make her feel like a princess and that would help. I know it would help me!” Norma laughed!

“Would you be up for another thirty-sixer in London?” I replied.

“Yes. I hoped you would ask,” said Norma.

“In that case,” I said, “Why don’t we both give Carolyn eighteen strokes each, then Carolyn and I give you eighteen strokes each? Alternatively, Carolyn gets her thirty-sixer and we have sex. When she recovers, we give you eighteen strokes each and I have sex with you, if you don’t mind Carolyn watching!”

“Finally, I get a thirty-sixer!” I said.

Norma laughed again and said, “We need to remember this and discuss it with Carolyn when the time comes. Thank goodness Carolyn is not prudish. She has come out of her shell since she met you.”

“At least we have a plan,” I replied. “It’s up to Carolyn in the end.”

“Don’t worry,” said Norma. “Her morale has improved hugely since she met you. The next time you caned her after she saw my thirty-sixer, she came to me the next day. She lifted her skirt and dropped her panties.”

“This is what I got,” she said.

“You don’t spare her much, and you shouldn’t. The medium cane leaves ridged marks on her bum. It must do her the world of good. She said, ‘It reminds me of what Dad did, but I am older now and need and can take it harder. Plus, there is the sex to look forward to. I never had that with Dad.’”

I hoped it would all end well for Carolyn. The examinations approached. Carolyn came to me with the timetable. I suggested we did not go in for caning or sex within three or four days of her first examination and she agreed. The exams mostly took place over a few days, but the physics special paper was eight days later. Carolyn said she wanted to see me four days before the physics special paper to get her in a good frame of mind. Of course, I obliged!

After that exam, Carolyn came around and said, “Now it’s a seven-week wait for the results. We shouldn’t let it stop enjoying ourselves until it’s all over, should we?”

The minx! She put in more hours at the pub to save up for uni.

Unbeknownst to her, I had got with Norma and told her I would give Carolyn extra money every month to let her have an easier time of it at uni. Norma was going to do the same thing. We both wanted Carolyn to have a better time at uni than I had experienced.

We waited. The results arrived as expected. She achieved two grade ‘A’ results and both special papers with distinctions. I thought she would get the Physics special paper, but I was concerned about the Single Maths special paper. It is always very tricky. I had a few kind words ready to say to her if she didn’t succeed with that one, but those words were no longer necessary. Louisa called me on the phone. Her voice was shaking and I could tell she was close to tears.

I said, “Come round right away. We need to celebrate! Have you told your mother?”

“No, not yet,” she said. “I called you first.”

“Please,” I said, “Call your mother next.”

“OK,” she replied, “Then I’m on my way.”

Twenty minutes later, I heard her run up the path and bang on the door. I let her in and took her into the living room. She sat on the sofa, burst into tears and hugged me.

“I still can’t believe it. It’s everything I hoped for.”

“You deserve it,” I replied. “You worked like anything and all those canings. It must have been worth it. You will certainly get your first choice of uni place. You have the required grades. Your father would have been so proud. What did your mother say, please?”

Carolyn burst into tears again. “I heard her crying. Mother is over the moon,” she sobbed.

My mobile rang. It was Norma. “Your clever daughter is here,” I said. “Would you like to talk to her?”

“Yes, please,” she replied. I gave the mobile to Carolyn. “Mum, I still can’t believe it. I’m so happy. I never thought I would get the Single Maths special paper. Uncle Arthur has worked wonders.”

“No, you did the work,” I said. “All I did was to give a little help and advice. But the Single Maths special paper was a real feat on your part.”

Norma said to Carolyn, “You enjoy the rest of your day. I’m at work until early evening. Ask Uncle Arthur to come round this evening. We have things to talk about.”

Carolyn handed me back the phone.

“I have all day off today,” she said. “Let’s go upstairs. I owe you myself. No caning, just a good time today.”

We went up, cleaned up in the shower and lay on the bed. It was late morning.

All the time we had spent together, I had caned her or had sex with her, but not much foreplay. I had always let her take the lead. Carolyn was my responsibility and not my plaything, but it was time to increase her sexual repertoire. Studies would not intrude until she went to uni, when my sexual activities with her would cease, according to the plan.

“Carolyn,” I said, “I can teach you a few more things, darling.”

“What are they?” she asked.

I took her in my arms and nibbled at her neck and earlobes.

She gasped. “Oh wow, it’s terrific,” she sighed.

“Give me a few minutes. That’s only the start. Please, may I put a finger in your pussy? I will do it gently,” I said.

Louisa looked at me and said, “Do you want to find my G spot? I hoped you would one day.”

“Yes,” I said, “It’s long overdue. Despite our intimacy, we have been quite formal in what we do and have never experimented. Before you go to uni, I would love to show you a few things, please. I washed my hands carefully just now. The man looking for your G spot must be squeaky clean.”

I felt gently for the opening of her vagina. Carolyn was soaking wet, and I used her juices to lubricate the tip of my finger. I gently eased it inside her and felt for the hard spot, tapping gently at it. I struck gold. Carolyn was very turned on by this and arched her back. With my other hand, I rolled back the hood of her clitoris and gave it oral attention.

She was moaning in pleasure and soon had an orgasm. I could feel her pelvic muscles in spasm as they squeezed my finger.

“This is so good. I’m pleased we didn’t do this regularly while I was studying because the memory of it would have distracted me, for sure,” said Carolyn. “It’s different from regular sex and so intense.”

She looked at me and said, “Do it again, please.”

Of course, I obliged.

She lay there, with the sensations of orgasm slowly decreasing, and said, “Being a bad girl these days, I have read about blow jobs on the internet and how to give one. Would you like one, please?”

“Of course, I would very much like one, but let me wash first. I’m sure I ‘leak’ when I’m pleasuring you, so I must wash first,” I replied.

A little hand went down and grabbed the end of my dick, rolling back the foreskin.

“Yes,” said Carolyn, “You are a little wet!”

In the shower, I washed, dried and got back into bed.

She grinned at me and said, “You are such a good boy, I owe you.”

Whatever Carolyn had read on the internet, it was good advice and she had taken it on board. She gave me a wonderful blow job, the first one I had had for years.

Carolyn lowered her eyes and said, “One thing I read was how good it could feel to receive a light caning before foreplay. Some sexologists think that the caning increases the blood flow in the pelvic area and this will enhance all subsequent sexual feelings. I know we said ‘No canings’ earlier, but how would you feel about giving me six light stingers with the thin cane and then giving me a G-spot and oral stimulation, please?”

“Why not?” I replied. “It’s healthy to change your mind. Get into whatever position you fancy and prepare to receive six stingers on your shapely rump, my dear! Would you like to try it ‘over my knee’ for a change, please?

Carolyn replied, “We have never done that. Why not try it?”

I said, “When I sit on the chair, you go over my knee and your head and shoulders will be on the bed. Let me get the chair.”

I put the chair in place, sat on it and she got over my knee. Her bottom stuck out and up a little, well positioned for a light caning. I couldn’t do it hard, as the position limited the swing of the cane. It was very intimate with her warm body over my knee. I stroked her back. “Are you ready for six little stingers?” I asked.

“Yes, I’m ready,” she replied.

I touched her bottom with the thin cane, and ‘tap-tap,’ ‘whistle,’ light ‘crack’ and stroke number one landed on the fat part of her bum. She gave a little jerk but remained silent. It was time for stimulation, not disciplinary encouragement, which had been a major element of her past canings.

Giving her a caning over my knee was marvellous. The intimate contact with her and the realisation that this girl trusted me and would go over my knee without restraints meant so much to me.

Carolyn received five more of these, wagging her bum about and moaning in delight. Without delay, I inserted a finger gently into her pussy and kissed her clitoris.

She said, “Let me get on my back.”

So I withdrew, and she rolled onto her back, legs apart. I resumed action. Carolyn had multiple orgasms and at last said, “Stop, stop, please. It’s almost too much.”

She lay there, small tears of pleasure showing at the corners of her eyes. She reached down and took hold of my dick. Without a word, she gently worked on me, fondling my balls with her other hand. To my surprise, I climaxed within three or four minutes.

We were in each other’s arms, kissing and cuddling. She said, “I need a pee. Please come and wash me afterwards.”

I followed her into the bathroom and she took a pee, legs apart, no trace of shyness or prudery. In the shower, I helped wash her vulva and, for the first time, she took my hand and pushed it into the crack of her bum. “Please,” she said, “Wash my bum.”

So I did as requested.

Carolyn said, “It’s the first time anyone has done that since I was a little girl when my mum washed me. It’s so intimate.”

Back in bed, we continued to kiss and cuddle.

She said, “There’s something I would like to discuss before we go to meet Mum.”

Of course, I guessed what was coming.

Carolyn went on, “Mum told me about that thirty-six stroke caning you gave her and showed me the marks on her bum. I want one of those, but they must be painful. Your twelve-stroke canings are quite bad, but the sexual reward at the end makes them bearable. They are not too painful to sit on after an hour, and the stimulation it gives me for many days is wonderful.”

“Mum and I have discussed if I got excellent exam results, I wanted you to give me a thirty-sixer with her present. Please, I want Mum to help me take it.”

She cast her eyes down; she didn’t want to look at me. For the first time, I sensed some embarrassment, but I was ready for it.

I fondled her breasts with one hand and got her clitoris between the V of two fingers with the other. I gently went to work on her.

“Are you sure you want or need a thirty-sixer?” I asked.

“Yes,” she replied. “It’s my reward to you and a demonstration to my mum that I am as strong as her. I’m coming again, please, stop. It’s too powerful.”

I did as I was told.

“But I don’t think of it as a ‘reward.’” I replied.

“Naughty,” she said, “I know you love caning me. You get an erection every time. We both deserve it. My mum and I, thanks to you, are more like sisters. I would love her to be present when we have sex after the thirty-sixer, if you don’t mind.”

“Darling,” I replied, “I have discussed this already with your mum, so please. Don’t be mad at me. With the wonderful news of your results, I am planning to book a suite for at least two nights at a top West End or Kensington hotel for the three of us.”

“On the last night there, we will give you the thirty-six stroke caning. Maybe you take half the thirty-sixer from me and half from your mum. She knows how to give the cane these days.”

“Once you have recovered, we can have sex. Your mum wants another thirty-sixer. Perhaps we give her half each. The two of you can give me a thirty-sixer after we have had sex. I’m a little bothered that the pain of a thirty-sixer might stop me performing for a while.”

“Carolyn, this would be a great way to draw a line under our sexual relationship. It helped you come to terms with the loss of your father, but has expanded into broadening your sexual horizons. But I feel that at uni, you will be with a younger crowd and need their company more than mine.”

She looked seriously at me. “If I had not had you, even if I had been at the college, I don’t think the outcome would have been so good. My hard studies without having my emotional and sexual frustrations…

Published 1 year ago

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