Tim had a very determined look on his face as he sped much farther out on his Outerlimits powerboat than he should. The waves were getting larger by the minute and each one launched the watercraft higher into the air than the previous one.
He finally decided that he had taken enough of the hard impact from each landing and cut the engine. The boat was now dead far off into the ocean and was being rocked aggressively as it slowly spun around.
Tim tossed his hat to the side, peeled off his shades, and pulled his shirt off. He stumbled to the stern of the boat and grabbed the spare gas can. He loosened the cap and pulled out the nozzle. Then he stumbled about the boat pouring the gasoline all over. Then he grabbed the flare gun and jumped overboard.
He swam out a fair distance and then pulled the flare gun up out of the water. He aimed it as carefully at the boat as he could and pulled the trigger. The flare hit the side of the boat and it seemed that he had failed, but a short while later he saw the flames rise as the boat was quickly consumed in fire.
Tim breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that in the heat of the moment that he would panic or that survival instincts would kick in. The fire was the reassurance that he could not chicken out of what he needed to do.
Tim paddled there calmly as he watched his boat burn and sink simultaneously. There was a near-constant hissing sound as the water touched the fire. The combination of the sun on his face and the heat of the fire along with the cold of the ocean water was a strange but welcome feeling.
Many people would rate the fear of drowning to be one of the worst ways that they would want to go out. Tim, however, loved the water and felt like there was no calmer way to go out. Whether it would be to pass out from exhaustion as he slowly sunk beneath the waves or to float away until the hypothermia takes him down to the briny deep, it made him no matter. He had to be gone. Better to this than a far more unbecoming fate.
Tim was twenty-five years old. He had graduated with honors just less than two years ago. He had been immediately grabbed up by a large property management firm. In his short time there, he had impressed his direct supervisors with his efficiency and attention to detail.
In that time he had also stumbled upon a lot of accounting inaccuracies and procedural improprieties. Shortly thereafter, the firm was raided by several governmental agencies including the FBI and the FTC.
The firm had clearly marked Tim as one of their patsies. They offered him up on a silver plate, including computer logs of transactions that he had allegedly made which were way beyond his position or clearance level.
It was clear that he was in for a long litigious process that he clearly couldn’t afford. It would also likely be futile. His girlfriend of the past two years quickly abandoned him, clearly not wishing to be dragged down in the quicksand that had quickly enveloped him. While he couldn’t blame her for that, it certainly didn’t give him any confidence that he would be able to avoid incarceration.
At that point, Tim decided that he would much rather choose his own fate, which led him to be out there on the ocean treading water as waves several feet tall surged over his body.
It was only a matter of time. He found that quite comforting.
There was no reasonable way to account for the time, but it seemed like he lasted for around two hours until things went dark.
The next thing that he knew, his chest was filled with discomfort and pain. He was coughing violently between gasping breaths. There was the occasional vomiting of sandy, salty water to interrupt the previous unpleasantries. Tim coughed, gasped, and heaved until his chest hurt so badly that he had passed out for a second time.
When he awoke, he was face-down on a rocky beach. He sputtered and spat as his mouth was full of sand. He could scarcely move because of the pain in his chest. It felt like he had dislocated either a rib or cartilage in his chest with his aggressive coughing. He slowly got to his feet and staggered further inland.
He really wasn’t sure what was going on for quite a while. Whether it was from being unconscious for a period of time or that his brain wasn’t working properly from lack of oxygen, he was absolutely struggling to process what was happening.
Tim sat down on a large rock as he held his head in his hands. He coughed occasionally as he stared blankly around at his surroundings.
Eventually, he got his bearings and rose to his feet. He tried to survey the skies to determine what time it might be. He believed it to be around 6:00 p.m.
He could not find any sort of man-made landmarks or signs of people nearby. He had no idea where he could have washed ashore. There was nothing in sight to give him any indication of where he might be.
He believed that he had roughly two hours of daylight to find his way to some sort of shelter. He decided to walk along the shore with the water at his left side. He wasn’t sure what direction he was going in, but that was the easiest way to identify which way he was going.
He walked for a good hour in that direction. His feet were already sore. There were sticks, rocks, and foliage everywhere. The rocks, in particular, would mash hard into the arch of his feet. Each one would bruise his arch a bit more, causing a more intense pain each time he stepped on one.
There were no signs of civilization anywhere. Between the pain in his feet and the burn that he was feeling from the sun, he decided to stop and find a shady place to rest.
As he stopped, he realized how thirsty he had become. Even if he were to stop for the night, he really needed some form of hydration. He headed a bit further inland. The traveling was even tougher on his feet as he tried to walk through the bush. He found a few ripe bananas that had fallen to the ground. Although he was more concerned with his thirst than he was of his hunger, he gulped down several bananas. They would have a fair amount of water content, so they should help out a bit.
He decided to stop for the night and rest up. The last thing that he wanted to do was to have to sleep out there, but he didn’t have many options at that point.
It was a long night. It did get a bit chilly, but nothing too intolerable. There was quite a bit of noise from the local wildlife. Every time that he fell asleep, there seemed to be a loud chirp, squawk, chatter, or howl.
In the morning he awoke with a fierce thirst. Tim gingerly tromped through the bush trying to find any source of fresh water. He tried to keep careful track of which direction he was heading in so that he could find his way back to shore.
He didn’t really have any luck finding anything until he stubbed his toe on what he at first thought was a rock. Upon further examination, it was actually a coconut. If he could manage to break them open, he should at least get a bit of the coconut water from them. So he gathered up as many as he could carry and headed back to the shore so he could find an appropriate rock to break them open on.
It took some time for him to get back to shore as he juggled five coconuts in his arms. He found a large rock and scurried over and started bashing it on the rock. By the time that the first one had broken open his hands were already raw and sore. As it cracked in two, most of the liquid spilled out onto the sand. Tim tried to cup the two halves quickly. There was maybe a couple of tablespoons of coconut water left.
He continued on breaking coconuts. He had managed to get less than a cup of water from the remaining four coconuts. It was better than nothing, but certainly not what he had hoped for. He wondered if the green coconuts had more liquid in them, but he had no idea how he would gather them anyways.
Tim had already wasted a couple of hours collecting and cracking those coconuts. He was tempted to stay close to the coconut tree as it could at least provide a minimal water source, but he decided to continue onward down the shore hopefully to some sort of civilization.
He walked for several hours. The trek was slow and tough. Worst of all, he still saw no signs of any kind of relief.
His stomach was growling, not that he was too concerned about that. Dehydration would get him long before starvation would. He did understand, however, that he would at least get some amount of water through most food.
He alternated scavenging for food and working his way around the coastline for the rest of the day. To say that he wasn’t having much luck would be a bit of an understatement. He had not found anything else to eat or drink the entire time.
As the day was winding down, Tim was reaching his breaking point. He was fiercely sunburned, his feet were blistered and sore, and he was incredibly thirsty and hungry. He found a shady spot that he thought that he could spend the night and as soon as he seated himself he immediately broke down. He cried for most of the night and the hopelessness of the situation was beginning to set in. The irony was that he had already chosen his fate, but it was clearly not meant to be.
The next day he woke up in a different mindset. Instead of trying to find somebody to save him, he was determined to find a way to save himself. He headed directly inland at a steady pace. He managed to find some ripe bananas on his way, but he was not satisfied with that result. He grabbed up a few and continued to storm forward.
As he worked his way through the assorted jungle brush, his flimsy swimsuit was getting caught and torn. He was having to tear bits of it away as it would caught up in the foliage. The three days of hard wear had left it rather tattered. It was increasingly becoming a mesh liner with a scattered bit of fabric around it.
Tim was once again almost ready to give up when he thought that he had heard the sound of moving water. He charged forward with reckless abandon. As he reached a clearing, he thought that he saw a small lake of water that was being fed by a waterfall.
He thought that it must have been a mirage. Tim stumbled forward, just trying to convince himself that what he was seeing was actually real. All that he could focus on was the water. As he approached the water he dropped to his knees and lowered his head.
He drank deeply from the clear water. It was real. It felt real at least.
Tim started to gulp up the water. He, predictably, gulped it down so quickly that he began to choke on it. Eventually, he slowed down when he had his fill.
Tim reared back on his knees in satisfaction. He slowly raised his eyes upward and saw something quite impossible on the opposite shore of this small lake.
There were five young, tall, dark, and quite beautiful women looking at him with apprehensive but enthusiastic expressions on their faces.
The women quickly and nimbly ran around the edge of the lake and approached Tim. He rose to his feet and only then realized how tall and beautiful they truly were. They were all in the 6’2” to 6’4” range and dwarfed him in the sexiest way that he could ever imagine.
One of the women stood in front. She seemed to be the leader of the group. They were all wearing what would best be described as a loincloth, but with a top also. It seemed to be made of some type of leather that was adorned with some colorful, polished stones.
The women were all stunningly beautiful. They were tall, dark, and very lean. The leader may have been the most beautiful. She had a slightly rounded midsection. Tim wondered if she was just a bit “pouchy” or if she was in the early stages of pregnancy. There didn’t seem to be any men around, so Tim assumed that it was just the former.
The women were giving him a thorough look-over. Tim wondered by their reaction if they had ever seen a white man before. A couple of the women circled around him. He felt a hand occasionally brush against his shoulders or back in a non-sexual sort of way. The leader was staring intently at his tattered swimsuit. At that point, he was pretty much in full view.
The presence of these five beautiful, Nubian women examining him and touching him randomly sent his cock into full mast. The leader started to giggle and quickly pointed it out to all of the other girls. Suddenly they were all checking him out and giggling as they chatted in their native tongue.
The leader grabbed Tim’s hand and started to lead him and the women back around the lake and down a parting in the jungle which seemed to be their walking path. Tim didn’t know where these women were taking him, but he definitely hoped that they had some naughty intentions.
They eventually reached a clearing where their village was located. There was a bonfire area with some fallen logs that were used as seats around it. Encircling that area were six small huts that seemed to be residences. There was also a larger building that seemed to be a community area of some sort.
The women led him to the area near the fireplace and directed him to sit on one of the logs. Several of them quickly rushed around and into some of the buildings. They quickly applied a salve to his blistered feet and a different ointment to some of his assorted cuts and scrapes. One of the women brought him a small clay bowl of pineapple that was flavored with some other ingredients that he couldn’t quite identify. The pineapple was syrupy sweet and the other stuff helped dial back the sweetness and made it absolutely delicious.
Tim quickly ate the contents of the bowl. He was also given a similar bowl that had water in it. He also gulped that down quickly. He thought to himself that this day was getting better by the minute.
Shortly thereafter, the leader returned and reached her hand out to him. She led him to the large building. Tim wondered if that was her personal hut. Maybe she was leading him there to have a little sexual escapade. That seemed like a pretty good deal to him.
He certainly wasn’t going to turn down such an offer. Even better, maybe he would be charged with helping all five of the women repopulate the island. That would be a tough job, but he felt like he would be up for the task. As she led Tim through the curtain of long grasses that served as a barrier to the entrance, he had a big, goofy smile on his face in anticipation of what might be to come.
It took his eyes a few seconds to adjust to the darker surroundings inside of the building. As things cleared up, Tim saw six men sitting in a semicircle on what looked to be bamboo chairs. His eyes drew wide open and he quickly wondered what was going on.
The woman walked up to the man in the largest chair. It seemed like he was the chief of this tribe and that she was most likely his wife. He held his hand on her belly making Tim more confident that she was actually pregnant. They talked for a while and Tim assumed that she was trying to get the chief to agree to either help him or to invite him to stay with them.
She kept pointing at Tim and occasionally at the man sitting on the far right chair. He seemed to be the youngest of the group.
The chief seemed to be unimpressed by whatever she was telling him.
After a bit of discussion, she turned back and walked up to Tim. She placed her hands on his shoulders in a gesture of comfort. Then she backed away and gestured at him to pull down his swim trunks. Tim sort of looked around and it seemed like they were all waiting for him to disrobe.
After much hesitation, Tim eventually pulled down his tattered shorts and they dropped to the floor. The woman made several gestures as she measured with her hands what seemed to be the size of Tim’s cock. This didn’t make sense to Tim. Was she showing him off for the men? What would she possibly be intending for him to do?
There was only one pregnant woman in the tribe and there didn’t seem to be any children. All of the tribespeople that he had seen seemed to be in their twenties, although it was a bit hard to tell. Clearly, they had a bit more of a hard life than most people that he had known back in the neighborhood.
Maybe they actually did need him to help repopulate the tribe. He was certainly an adequately equipped guy as his cock was a bit shy of eight inches long and had respectable thickness.
Then all of the men stood up one by one. They must have ranged in height between 6’6” and 6’10. They were all quite lean other than the chief. While he was not terribly heavy, he did have a much larger belly than the other men.
They all pulled their loincloths upward one at a time. Each of the men sported a long, uncut cock that dangled down at least halfway to their knees. At their massive height, that meant that they were all in the neighborhood of a foot long. The chief was as impressive in his thickness as he was in his length. Even soft, he was as thick as a soda can. It was becoming increasingly clear that the women were not impressed by Tim’s size.
The chief made an additional gesture at the man on the far right once again. He was probably the smallest of the group. Small, in this case, meaning a bit under a foot in length and roughly as thick as a Red Bull can. While he hadn’t noticed it on the other men, this guy had rather swollen balls.
The man smiled and nodded at the chief as he replied to him. The chief directed the men to cover themselves. The chief then shouted and the rest of the women entered the room. One of them presented Tim with a tribal loincloth. He stepped out of his shorts and kicked them aside. She along with another of the women tied it snugly around his waist.
Tim was startled as another of the women reached around him from behind. She was pulling one of the brassiere-style tops that the women wore over him. It was becoming increasingly clear that they had far different plans for him than he had initially hoped for.
Once they dressed Tim, the women all headed over and stood next to their husband. At that time, Tim did the math and realized that there were six men and five women, until now. The tribe was now all paired up with their mates, except for what seemed to be the youngest of the men standing on the far right. That man was staring intently at Tim in a way that could not be mistaken. He slowly walked up to Tim and gave him a very thorough examination. He never made any contact with him, but he slowly circled around him checking him out from every angle. Tim heard him breathe deeply several times as he got as close as he could without making contact. As he returned to the front, Tim could clearly see that the man’s loincloth was heavily tented.
The chief shouted at the man once more. He turned back toward the chief and nodded enthusiastically. As quickly as that had happened the five women grabbed Tim and ushered him out of the hall and into one of their personal huts. They painted Tim’s face and several spots on his arms and torso with tribal markings. Tim was clearly going to be initiated into the tribe in some form or fashion. That actually seemed alright with him. He couldn’t go back home, so it seemed like a viable option. He wasn’t totally sure what was to come with this one single man, though.
Tim had only had relationships with women in the past. However, had done some experimenting with men during his college years. Some of those were more initiation-type things, a few were by his own choice. Still, this seemed like it would be a far different sort of experience and not one that Tim particularly wanted to pursue. Nothing that he had ever done previously would have prepared him for an encounter with this guy, particularly because he assumed that there would be no lubricant on offer.
It was starting to get dark and Tim could see that the bonfire was fully ablaze. He could smell some sort of meat cooking and he was getting quite hungry. One of the women brought him a drink in some sort of skin. It tasted like rum, but it had some pineapple fruitiness. Tim and the women passed it around several times until it was nearly gone.
A loud whistle filled the air and the women started to scurry about. One of the women placed a large headdress on Tim’s head and they started to walk him toward the bonfire. As they arrived at the bonfire, the men were all waiting there. In particular, the chief was standing there next to the young tribesman who was also wearing a headdress.
The bell finally went off in Tim’s head. He was about to become that man’s wife. He considered running, but that seemed like a good way to either die of starvation or be hunted down. Self-preservation kicked in and he decided to continue on and see how things would proceed.
As Tim neared the area where the chief was standing, everyone got very quiet. The chief pointed at the gentleman and said “Ah-Bana-Ta.” As far as Tim could tell, that was the gentleman’s name. The chief then pointed in Tim’s direction. Tim timidly said, “Uh, Tim.”
The chief shouted his name “Ah Tim.” The chief spoke for a short while, not that Tim understood a word that he had said. In the end, he said the names Ah-Bana-Ta and Ah-Bana-Ah-Tim. That was now his new name and the ceremony was nearly over.
They were each directed to remove their headdresses. Ah-Bana-Ta approached Tim, held his face gently with both hands, and leaned down to kiss his forehead. There was a round of cheering and shouting. Several of the men seemed to find the entire situation quite funny.
Tim and his new husband were ushered to a large table to dine with the chief and his wife. There was a whole wild boar served along with an assortment of fresh fruit and some fire-grilled pineapple.
Tim picked around at his food a bit. Everything was actually pretty tasty, but Tim had other issues that seemed more pressing to deal with. Ah-Bana-Ta seemed to be equally as distracted.
The chief and Ah-Bana-Ta had a brief chat. Directly thereafter, Ah-Bana-Ta stood up, grabbed Tim’s hand, and guided him to his feet. As Ah-Bana-Ta started to lead Tim away, the tribe started to hoot and howl. There was a bit of laughter thrown in for good measure. Tim looked back at the tribe hoping for some sort of interference, but it never came.
Ah-Bana-Ta led Tim to his hut. He had a small torch in his hand and placed it into a holder in the center of the hut that kept the flame away from anything too flammable. It provided enough light that you could just find your way around.
Ah-Bana-Ta directed Tim over near his bed. As Tim turned back, Ah-Bana-Ta was already removing his loincloth. His semi-hard cock sprung forward as he removed it and he started approaching Tim. Tim began talking, hoping that it would slow things down, but that didn’t happen. Ah-Bana-Ta forced Tim to his knees. Now he was face to face with exactly what he was afraid of.
As he went to grab onto Ah-Bana-Ta’s cock, it was quickly forced halfway into his mouth. Tim was not ready for it and immediately began to gag. Ah-Bana-Ta held Tim’s mouth with both hands as he slowly thrust himself deeper and deeper.
He pulled his cock away and Tim coughed and gasped as tears ran down his face and saliva dripped off of his chin. As soon as he stopped coughing, Ah-Bana-Ta’s cock was quickly stuffed even further down his throat. Tim was gagging hard but somehow managed to not vomit.
Ah-Bana-Ta withdrew his cock once again. Tim began to gently suck and stroke Ah-Bana-Ta’s cock. It was a fucking beast. Now that it was completely hard, Tim knew exactly what he was dealing with.
It was roughly eleven to twelve inches long. The base was reasonably narrow and you could probably fit your hand around it. About halfway up the length, it started to curve very sharply downward. Also at that point, it widened out to about twice as thick. It became immediately apparent how it had found its way to the back of Tim’s throat so easily. His sack hung down several inches and his balls seemed to be twice the size of Tim’s.
The gentle sucking did not amuse Ah-Bana-Ta for long. As Tim looked up, he could see that Ah-Bana-Ta was rather worked up. He decided to quickly try to coat Ah-Bana-Ta’s cock with as much saliva as he could.
Tim was pulled away from Ah-Bana-Ta’s cock and placed face down on the bed. The back of his loincloth was quickly lifted and the large, swollen head of Ah-Bana-Ta’s cock pressed against his ass within seconds.
One incredibly hard thrust later, Ah-Bana-Ta’s cock was buried deep into his ass. Tim growled in pain as he ground his head into the bed and kicked his legs.
Ah-Bana-Ta climbed up onto the edge of the bed to get a better position. Tim felt Ah-Bana-Ta’s lean muscular body press down on top of him. He was actually very light for his size.
As soon as he lowered himself down, he start to thrust away aggressively. He was getting his cock all of the way in almost immediately. Tim would let out a grunt each time that Ah-Bana-Ta would bottom out inside of him.
Fortunately for Tim, the barrage didn’t last very long. After about a minute of heavy thrusting Ah-Bana-Ta lifted his body up off Tim’s back and started shouting “Ah! Ah! Aya!”
That huge, curved cock felt like it was tearing Tim apart as he came. It felt like it was straightening and then snapping back into place inside of him. Tim could feel Ah-Bana-Ta’s cock sloshing about inside of his cum-filled hole on those last couple of thrusts.
Ah-Bana-Ta collapsed on top of him. He was gasping and his chest was heaving. He held Tim’s head gently from behind, occasionally kissing it as kept repeating the word Aya.
As Ah-Bana-Ta’s cock softened, Tim could feel it slowly snaking its way out of his ass. He was relieved that this experience at least went quickly. He hoped that he wasn’t bleeding or going to be too sore tomorrow. He didn’t suppose that he was going to get a day off anytime soon.
Ah-Bana-Ta eventually got to his feet. He placed Tim onto his side of the bed and extinguished the torch. Then he lay on the bed next to Tim. He grabbed Tim’s hand and placed it over his heart.
Tim was awake most of the night as his brain spun away madly. He was trying to decide how he could make the best of this situation. Although his new husband was pretty sexually aggressive, he didn’t think that it was anything that he couldn’t deal with in one way or another.
Tim must have eventually fallen asleep because the next thing that he knew he was being awoken by the chief’s wife. Ah-Bana-Ta had already woken up and headed out apparently. The chief’s wife got a bit of an eye full as Tim’s morning wood was in full effect and although he was covered by his loincloth, he was still poking out there for her to once again see.
She grabbed him by the hand and led him outside where the group of women awaited. It would seem that he was late for a morning gathering session. They all headed off together to collect coconuts, pineapple, bananas, and whatever else they may come across. The women were pointing out as many objects as they could along the way and teaching Tim what they were all called in their language.
One of the women was particularly agile. She could quickly scale a tree to get the fruit before it was overripe and fell to the ground.
They spent about two hours in total gathering food and hauling it back to the village. Then they prepared about half of it and headed into the large building. The men were all sitting there in their chairs just as they were yesterday. The women presented the food to them and left.
Tim was going to head back to the hut and rest, but the women started shouting at him. They were grabbing an assortment of clay pots and headed off through the jungle again. This path looked familiar. Tim remembered it from yesterday. They were heading to the lake.
As they were walking to the lake, a couple of the women got particularly chatty. There were quite a few giggles until one of them started thrusting her hips. She shouted, “Ah! Ah! Aya!”
Tim’s face got quite red. The woman chuckled at him and gave him a playful pat on his butt.
As they arrived at the lake the women all placed their pots on the ground. Tim wasn’t sure what they were doing until he saw that they were all undressing. They all stripped down and headed into the lake to wash up. It was the first that he had seen any of them undressed. They actually seemed to be quite modest people for the most part.
Tim hurried around and removed his clothes. He was already getting hard by the time that he got in the water. The women were splashing around and being playful. Tim could not believe how beautiful they all were. He wondered if they would be alright with having some real fun while they bathed.
He approached one of the women and as he reached to touch her, she shoved him away. He tried it with a second one, much to the same result. At that point, he couldn’t stand it anymore. He was so incredibly horny and these women were driving him absolutely crazy. He turned with his back facing the women and began to masturbate. Tim no more than got started and several of the women started shouting.
He heard the sloshing sound of somebody running behind him and then he felt somebody reach around him and pull his arms away. It was one of the girls and as she dove in to stop him, her wet, slippery body slid against his back. Her bare breasts pressed briefly against the back of his shoulders. She turned him around and admonished him for what he was doing.
It was made clear to him that any sort of self-touching was strictly forbidden. It was now becoming quite clear why Ah-Bana-Ta had chosen him for his wife. It was him or swollen balls for the rest of his life.
To make things worse, all of that contact was not helping Tim’s erection situation.
He decided to start filling the clay pots with water. He had most of them filled by the time that the women had finished bathing. At least the distraction of gathering water kept him from staring at the women the entire time.
They all got dressed, grabbed their water pots, and headed back to the village. Tim led the way back carrying two pots and staring mostly at the ground. Fortunately, his erection had finally eased by the time that he had returned to the village.
The women had to then fill the water pots at all of the huts as well as at the larger building. As Tim went to fill the pot there, he found that all of the men were still sitting in their chairs. The other women joined him there and they were allowed to eat whatever food was left over after the men were done.
Tim wasn’t very hungry for multiple reasons. He left the building and continued to do random tasks around the village. Then he took two pots and headed back to the lake. As he returned with some additional water, the women were waiting on him. It was time for a third gathering mission of the day.
Tim walked up to each of the women and bowed his head before them. They seemed to understand that he was apologizing for his earlier actions toward them.
They all headed out together once again. This time the women were geared with a slingshot, a bow, and a spear. It would seem that they were going hunting.
They headed out on the path that they had gone earlier in the day. That seemed to make sense as animals would be out searching for fruit just as they were.
There was no need to be overly cautious. Once you knew where to look there was no shortage of targets. They headed to the banana trees and a few slingshot fires later, a monkey had already been felled.
There was a bit of a discussion, then they headed out further until they reached the shore. They seemed to know exactly where they wanted to go. Within a couple of minutes, the spear had yielded several fish to go with the monkey.
The women pulled out a couple of knives and decided to gut and clean both the monkey and the fish while they were at the shore. Tim tried to watch as they prepared both. The monkey was pretty gross. Then it was time for the trek back to the village.
On the way back, they grabbed a few assorted roots, herbs, and greens to go with the meat that they had collected.
After they returned, the women showed Tim an area where they had a smaller cooking fire. The monkey was placed in a large pot of water and left to bubble away and tenderize for quite a while with an assortment of roots and herbs. The fish was kept in a cool, shady place and submerged in water until it was ready to be cooked. The fruits and vegetables were prepared and ready to be placed on bamboo racks that were kept submerged in water to prevent them from catching fire as they cooked.
Tim kept an eye on the pot for the rest of the day. They cooked the rest of the food later. The monkey was removed from the pot and the meat pulled off of the bone. It was then added back to the pot to continue to reduce and create a broth.
The evening meal was served in the hall as it normally was. The men sat in their chairs and ate as the women stood behind them to eat. The monkey was edible, but Tim could clearly see that it was a bit of an acquired taste. Everything else was delicious, especially the fish.
The bonfire was lit, although only a couple of the villagers hung out around it. Tim felt like it was lit more as a deterrent for any nocturnal animals that might invade the village overnight.
Tim and Ah-Bana-Ta headed into their hut for the night. It was very much the same as the night before, but a bit less aggressive. As they were having sex, Tim reached down and started to stroke his cock. Ah-Bana-Ta grabbed his hand and stopped him. “You have to be kidding me!” Tim thought. Now that Tim knew what Ah-Bana-Ta had gone through the past several years, he was beginning to understand what his mindset was.
Tim actually slept well that night. The hard day’s work had left him completely exhausted. He was awake much earlier the next day and was waiting for the women as they arrived for the morning forage.
The next several days were much the same, other than the women foraged different areas of the island for a variety of different produce.
Tim was becoming adjusted to the routine and had begun to enjoy his role of the submissive housewife. He, however, didn’t know if he needed to be completely submissive.
That night he headed back to the hut early. Ah-Bana-Ta was drinking rum with the rest of the guys when he eventually noticed that Tim had already returned to the hut.
As he entered the hut Tim greeted Ah-Bana-Ta eagerly. Tim immediately dropped to his knees and removed Ah-Bana-Ta’s loincloth. He grabbed the limp, unsuspecting cock and began to suck and stroke away with much enthusiasm.
Ah-Bana-Ta stopped Tim by cradling his head. As Tim looked upward, he could clearly see that Ah-Bana-Ta had an expression on his face that he hadn’t seen before. Tim rose to his feet and walked over to the bed. He lay down on the bed, pulled his loincloth up, and offered himself to his husband.
Ah-Bana-Ta walked up behind Tim. This time he gently entered Tim and lowered himself down slowly. As he did he whispered “ma ha” into Tim’s ear. Tim had never heard that before and had no idea what that meant.
He continued to whisper “ma ha” as he started to thrust away slowly. Ah-Bana-Ta was going at a slow, steady pace and not bottoming out with each thrust. Tim was beginning to enjoy the experience for the first time. Ah-Bana-Ta was clearly still dominating Tim sexually, but it was in a very different way.
The longer that it went on, Tim started to enjoy it more and more. He decided to force himself back into Ah-Bana-Ta’s cock. As he lifted himself up, Tim’s limp cock waggled each time he backed into his husband’s massive cock. He continued on for several minutes. Ah-Bana-Ta kept saying “ma ha” as Tim continued to take charge.
Tim was beginning to realize that Ah-Bana-Ta’s cock at the right angle and depth was an amazing thing. Now that he had taken control of the angle and depth, it felt amazing. He started to ride Ah-Bana-Ta quite aggressively until he felt a strange sensation. It felt like a squirt of pee, but only when he backed into Ah-Bana-Ta’s cock.
Tim tried it several times until he confirmed that was what was indeed happening. It felt so strange. It was somewhere between cumming and peeing, but it happened about twenty times in a row. By the time that he had finished, Tim was wet with whatever form of ejaculate he had just released. He felt strangely satisfied but at the same time, he did not feel like he was finished.
The sensation stopped and Tim stopped thrusting. He held his position and reached his hand back around Ah-Bana-Ta’s neck. He shook his head in a “yes” gesture and Ah-Bana-Ta took charge once again. He was aggressive, but not in a way that would cause Tim discomfort. He started shouting “ma ha” several more times, particularly when he came inside of Tim’s ass.
They ended up in a heap of differently colored and sized body parts. Ah-Bana-Ta kept saying “ma ha” and Tim still had no idea what that meant. Tim started laughing and Ah-Bana-Ta joined in. Tim climbed on top of Ah-Bana-Ta and gave him a brief kiss on the lips.
Tim stopped suddenly and realized that it was their first kiss. He also finally realized that he was married to a man and that he was serving as a woman. He wondered if this was all just pretend.
The two cuddled a bit for the first time as they drifted off to sleep. Tim could not get the words “ma ha” out of his head, though. He feared that because of the timing of when he had said it that perhaps the young man was confused. Did he want to make a baby with Tim? Surely he would have understood that it wasn’t possible with two men, wouldn’t he?
The next morning, Tim got up and prepared for the foraging ritual with the girls. As they headed out, he whispered to the chief’s wife “ma ha” and shrugged his shoulders. She gave him a look of pure confusion. Tim repeated it again and then looked upward. The chief’s wife looked at him confidently and said “ma ha”, then she held both of her hands over her chest. Tim knew what it meant.
The chief’s wife looked at Tim. She said, “Ah-Bana-Ta…ma ha?”
Tim looked at her and shook his head affirmatively.
The chief’s wife gathered all of the women together as she held Tim and said, “Ah-Bana-Ta ma ha.”
The women seemed a bit surprised, but they all hugged Tim. They seemed quite happy that it had actually worked out for both of them.
The daily routine continued in its usual fashion. That evening, Tim waited for Ah-Bana-Ta’s return inside of their hut once again.
As Ah-Bana-Ta entered the hut, Tim once again pounced on him. He removed his loincloth and directed him to sit on the edge of the bed. Tim dropped to his knees briefly and lubricated Ah-Bana-Ta’s cock with a good amount of saliva. Then he rose to his feet, turned around, raised the back of his loincloth, and slid himself down on Ah-Bana-Ta’s cock.
Tim started to ride away aggressively. Ah-Bana-Ta had been quickly gaining a lot of endurance since their first quickie session a bit over a week ago. Tim was now able to handle Ah-Bana-Ta’s cock pretty comfortably. It would probably always take a bit of careful maneuvering, but Tim was quickly finding the best way to handle his massive size.
Tim rode Ah-Bana-Ta’s cock for what seemed like ten minutes and he finally got the result that he was looking for. The same sensation that he had felt yesterday had returned and he felt liquid pouring out of his cock. As he continued on, he raised the front of his loincloth so that he could see his own limp cock twitch slightly as liquid dribbled out onto the floor. Tim was so relieved. He had found his sexual outlet and as long as his bull could last long enough, he felt like he could get some sort of release whenever he needed to.
At that angle, Ah-Bana-Ta could not see Tim’s cock. In fact, the only time that he had actually seen Tim’s cock was when Tim was stripped down in front of the men inside of the hall. Tim always had his loincloth on and Ah-Bana-Ta had always taken him from behind. Tim understood that it was part of the deal. He knew that Ah-Bana-Ta was not actually gay. This was an arrangement made out of necessity and somehow it was actually working.
As the sensations began to subside, Tim slowed his pace. As he slumped forward in satisfaction, a string of saliva slowly dripped from his mouth and toward the floor. Tim mumbled, “ma ha” several times. Ah-Bana-Ta did not seem to hear him at first, then he warmly replied “ma ha.”
Ah-Bana-Ta pulled Tim back so that his back rested on Ah-Bana-Ta’s chest. They shared a long passionate kiss. Tim started to slowly ride Ah-Bana-Ta’s cock once again. Shortly thereafter, Ah-Bana-Ta directed him to stop.
Then Ah-Bana-Ta hooked his lengthy arms around Tim’s thighs. He eased himself up to a standing position as Tim was still impaled deeply.
When Tim had arrived at the island, he could best be described as American-thin. He weighed about 155 pounds. Two weeks later, he believed that he was around 135 pounds. Between the hard daily work and only eating out of necessity, he would probably continue to lose a bit more weight.
With Tim’s legs pinned tightly against his chest, he was now completely under Ah-Bana-Ta’s control. Ah-Bana-Ta took charge and he started to fuck Tim aggressively. Tim’s feet flailed away as Ah-Bana-Ta thrust away quickly. Tim could sense that Ah-Bana-Ta was holding back just enough so that he didn’t hurt him.
The sensations return to Tim briefly and he could feel liquid once again dripping from his cock. Ah-Bana-Ta shouted “Aya!” several times until his pace slowed to a crawl. His cock jerked aggressively as he emptied his load deep inside of Tim’s ass. Tim thought to himself that he needed to see Ah-Bana-Ta cum sometime soon to see if it twitched the same way that it felt inside of him.
The two exchanged some kisses and other tokens of affection until Ah-Bana-Ta’s softening cock slid out of Tim’s ass. Cum poured out of his gaping hole as he remained suspended.
Ah-Bana-Ta gently lowered Tim to the floor and they both cleaned up before climbing onto the bed and cuddling. Tim thought how strange it was that this was his new life. Even stranger was the fact that he was the happiest that he had ever been.
The following morning Tim woke up just as daylight broke. Ah-Bana-Ta was still in the bed, sleeping naked. It was the first time that Tim had woken up before Ah-Bana-Ta had left to join the men in the hall.
Ah-Bana-Ta was fully erect as he lay there in bed. His hard cock rested against his stomach until it reached its curve. From that point, it turned so it was pointing straight up. Even with the curve, it still came just short of touching the bottom edge of his ribcage.
Tim carefully slinked down to the foot of the bed. He grabbed onto his husband’s cock and started to stroke and lick it gently. After a couple of minutes, Ah-Bana-Ta opened his eyes. He looked a bit surprised but in a rather pleasant way.
Now that he was awake, it was time for Tim to show his husband what sort of things were possible inside of their bed.
Tim climbed up facing Ah-Bana-Ta and slowly slid his cock inside of him. He kept his loincloth covering up his cock the entire time. This was the first time that they were able to make eye contact while having sex.
Tim cupped his loincloth underneath himself, making sure that none of his manly bits touched Ah-Bana-Ta’s midsection as he rode him.
The two maintained eye contact throughout. Just as Tim felt confident that Ah-Bana-Ta was close to orgasm, he climbed off of him and started sucking and stroking him which great enthusiasm. Ah-Bana-Ta cried out as his cock throbbed and sprayed cum in every which direction.
Tim’s theory was correct. With its movements unimpeded, Ah-Bana-Ta’s cock was moving wildly in his hand. Tim made sure that his husband was well and truly finished off before he licked up every drop of cum that he could find.
Ah-Bana-Ta looked like he was ready to nod off to sleep again, but now with a wide smile on his face. Tim chuckled proudly at his husband’s obvious satisfaction.
Tim climbed off of the bed and started to clean up and get ready for his morning duties.
Ah-Bana-Ta climbed out of bed and held him from behind. “Ma ha, Ah-Bana-Ah-Tim. Ma ha.”
The next several weeks were an amazing time for the couple. It was a flurry of inventive sexual activity. Twice a day had become the new minimum. Many days there were three or four rounds of play.
Tim’s weight was down to about 125 pounds and Ah-Bana-Ta could position him virtually however he wanted to. Tim had also begun to love anal sex in a way that he had never imagined. Other than the occasional morning-wood, he did not even get erections anymore. His daily bathing ritual with five beautiful women didn’t provoke even the slightest twitch.
Tim had gained many skills in the past couple of weeks, also. He had become quite functional in speaking the tribe’s language. His hunting and foraging skills had improved greatly. He had become pretty good with a slingshot and as the lightest person in the tribe, he was usually tasked with some of the more delicate tree-climbing tasks.
One day, as Tim was waiting to welcome Ah-Bana-Ta home, he was shut down rather quickly. Ah-Bana-Ta was quite upset. According to tribal law, the chief could claim any woman in the tribe to be his wife. In addition, the rest of the men could claim any woman that was not attached to an elder.
Ah-Bana-Ta said that all of the men intended to claim Tim as their new wife. He did not expect that the chief would actually do it, because his wife was currently with child, but he felt like several of the others would definitely do it.
Tim was shocked. He couldn’t believe that the men would leave their wives for him. He remembered all of the chuckles when he arrived at the island and that many of them found it funny that Ah-Bana-Ta got stuck with him.
Ah-Bana-Ta explained that after the wedding the other men would ask about Tim. At first, they just found it funny and they laughed at Ah-Bana-Ta and his wife. As time went on, they saw how happy that Ah-Bana-Ta was and as he told them about some of their many sexual adventures, they got increasingly interested. At that point, each new day the men were asking about their evening as soon as Ah-Bana-Ta would arrive at the hall.
The men told Ah-Bana-Ta that Tim needed to teach the other women how to do the things that he was doing. If he didn’t, they were going to go forth with claiming him and dismissing their current wives.
Tim promised Ah-Bana-Ta that it would be alright and that he would talk to the women and try to teach them some of his tricks. Then he took his husband’s hand, led him to the bed, and sent him off to sleep in the way that he always did.
The next morning, Tim woke Ah-Bana-Ta up in his usual manner. He headed out on the morning gather trying to decide when and how to approach the other women about the issue at hand. He decided that the daily bath was the best time as it was the most playful part of the day.
As they brought the morning meal inside of the hall, Tim quickly realized that what Ah-Bana-Ta said was true. The men were looking at him like he was a piece of meat and they were now mumbling in a very different manner.
During the daily bath, Tim cozied up to one of the women. He asked her about her husband and if he was taking care of her sexual needs. She laughed at him but didn’t offer much explanation. Tim told her that Ah-Bana-Ta and he had sex for over an hour the previous night. She shouted loudly in disbelief, alerting the other women to their topic of conversation.
As they all gathered around, Tim told them about their encounter the previous night. Tim didn’t know the word for orgasm, but he pointed to himself and made sparkle-fingers. The women seemed to know what he meant by that and taught him the appropriate word.
Tim explained that on his wedding night, Ah-Bana-Ta was rough, clumsy, and very quick. All of the women seemed to relate to such a situation. Then he explained how he started to take charge of their sex life. He explained how he wanted to have sex in a more comfortable position, so he got his husband riled up and offered himself in the position that he wanted to be in. He knew that Ah-Bana-Ta would happily go with whatever was offered.
Tim added that they were currently having sex somewhere between two and four times a day. That they are all over the hut and in many different positions. He even admitted that they frequently sneak out into the jungle, the ocean, the lake, and that there was one time in front of the bonfire. He admitted that was a bit of a quickie because they were afraid to get caught.
The women couldn’t believe it. They mostly couldn’t believe that Tim got his husband to take care of his needs. They seemed to be both amazed by the way that Tim had guided his husband and they seemed jealous that Tim seemed to get the best man of the lot.
Tim challenged them all to take some small steps the next couple of days. He warned them that it might not all happen at once, but they should push on until they get what they want.
From that point on, the bath tended to be a daily gossip session on the previous day’s sexual adventures. There was a great improvement for all of the women. They suddenly felt confident in showing their husbands how to please them correctly. As a result, everybody was getting more enjoyment and having more frequent adventures.
Within weeks, the village was frequently pretty noisy in the evening. In addition, Tim and Ah-Bana-Ta would occasionally bump into another couple as they were out exploring at night. The lake, in particular, was a popular destination.
The men were, of course, much happier too. They gave Ah-Bana-Ta their word that they would not claim his wife. They also started to actually help out on occasion. There were several construction projects that were underway to improve the village.
A couple of those projects involved increasing the size of the huts. It would seem that shortly thereafter all of the women ended up pregnant. Well, all of them but one.