Battle Cranes: The Princess Pirate Plot

"Any army of pirates, trhee sexy mercenaries, and a horny princess means sexy adventure"

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“That’s it, Shanta. Suck my cock. Take it all the way in.”

Roulph sat on the side of the recreation deck, looking down on planet Druidia. The tinge of the sun gave the heavily forested planet a greenish hue; even the vast oceans were tinged with a mossy sheen. Shanta, completely nude, bobbed her head up and down his hard cock, one of the Crane maintenance men was behind her, fucking her savagely.

“Do you want me to cum in your mouth?”

“Yes. Oh, fuck, yes. Shoot down my throat while I get fucked!”

Shanta’s long, black hair was tied into a bun, and her dark skin, a brownish olive shade, glistened with the sweat of her passion.

“Fucking cumming, again!” she screamed. Her entire body tensed, quivering and writhing. Shanta fell into Roulph’s body, the intensity of her orgasm rendering her legs useless.

“Me too,” Roulph announced. His hands filled with handfuls of her shiny, straight hair, the rookie Bird Jock thrust his member into her mouth, fucking it as she swallowed his seed.

“All hands to battle stations,” Sophie’s voice ordered over the loudspeakers. “Planetfall in T-minus ten minutes. Good luck, pilots.”

Shanta spun around, dropping to her knees. Her cum-soaked lips wrapped around the other man’s cock, sucking it in and milking it. Fingering herself wildly and moaning, she deep-throated the mechanic’s manhood, squeezing his balls.

“Give her what she wants,” Roulph shrugged. “If Shants doesn’t get her fill of cum before battle, she thinks it’s bad luck. Suck that cock, Shanta! I love you so much.”

“Going to blow,” the man, Mack, moaned.

The exotic beauty pulled her pouting lips off his cock, stroking it furiously and looking into Mack’s eyes.

“Cover me with cum. I’ll wear into battle.”

Moaning, grunting, and shaking, the maintenance soldier unleashed geyser-like spurts of jizz. His cum coated the pilot’s tits, chest, and some even shot onto her arms.

“What are you waiting for?” Shanta laughed. “We have a princess to rescue or something.”

“Yeah, A Druish Princess!”

“I like your mouth a lot better when it’s sucking my clit.”

“Not tonight, Shants. We have to do that charity show, Cumming For Charity.”

“If we live.”

“You’ll live. You always do,” Mack enthused. “Thanks for the blowjob. I’d have fixed your mecha, anyway.”

“I know. I just love cum.”

“I love my job!” He strolled off, preparing to man his station.

“So, head-whore, what’s our mission?” Shanta asked when the three warriors met in the hangar. 

“Are we fighting in the nude, today?”

“Um, well, Druidia is known for its heat and all, Besides, I like her that way. You’re next, my Captain.”

“Alert! Alert!” Sophie’s voice sounded a bit frazzled, and sirens were going off all through the Star Jumper. “A pirate flotilla has just emerged from H-space and is orbiting the planet. It’s fucking huge, guys.”

”See?” Roulph chuckled. “It’s official. I’m huge.”

“How the fuck did they know? So much for a simple in-and-out rescue mission.”

“It doesn’t matter. Just more salvage for us.”

“That’s the spirit, Shanta. Are you covered in cum?” 

“Roger that, fearless leader. Two guys, Mack and Fillineous. Plus Big-R’s, but I drank his.”

“I don’t get you kids and your superstitions.”

“Right, boss lady. Like you don’t have a sex toy in the cockpit, just in case.”

“Well, if I get fragged, I want to go while cumming.”

“Enough of the endless orgasms, ladies. Not that I mind, but we have work to do. What’s the mission?”

“Listen up, mercs. The Princess, Katarina of Druidia IV, has been kidnapped by the pirate king, B’Ross, and she’s being held somewhere on D-three, the tropical forest planet. All we know for certain is that we’ll be going in hot, there are five or six possible places she may be held, and we’ll need to fight every inch of the way.”

“Pirates? As in, ‘Argh?’”

“Yes, Roulph, pirates. It also seems that B’Ross has managed to ally himself with other bands of pirates. We’ve got ourselves a welcoming party.”

“Pilots to your Cranes. I repeat, all pilots to your Battle Cranes. We’ll make planetfall under fire; guns at the ready.”

“You heard Sophie, everyone. Let’s take flight!”

The trio of mercenaries had barely taken their first steps toward their metal war machines before the attack began. The entire ship rocked violently as cascades of torpedoes slammed into the metal hull.

“This is Charlie. Ready for go.”

“Shanta here, Sophie. Let’s do this thing.”

“It’s your friendly, neighborhood heartthrob, my sultry Star Jumper skipper. Ready for action. Let’s hunt some eye-patch-wearing miscreants.”

Sophie’s sultry, husky voice rang out over the loudspeakers. “Drop-ship launch in five, four, three, two, one, free fall!”

The smaller drop-ship, containing the three Battle Cranes, their pilots, various crew, and flight staff, detached from the Star Jumper with a few bursts of the stabilizing jets. The battered spaceship fell slowly for a moment, then the main thrusters fired, and the wedge-shaped lander raced away from the larger, interstellar craft. The dozens of smaller ships, manned by the pirate fleet, charged toward the lander, firing their lasers and launching missiles.

“Sophie, Sophie! We’re under heavy fire. I need warp speed and evasive maneuvers.”

“Not now, Captain! I’ll spill my drink.”

“Roulph, on your ten, eleven, one, two, and six. Shanta, look to the Z-axis. How fucking many ships do they have? Today may just be a good day to die!”

“Come on, Charlie. It’s only fifty to one or so.”

“Leaving EMP range in thirty seconds. Fuck, fuck, fuck! Secondary thrusters damaged. Start shooting.”

The drop-ship, nicknamed Big Blue, dodged and wove through the myriad fighter craft, hitting some of them. Shanta, Charlie, and a laughing Roulph, their Cranes interfaced with the ship’s artillery, fired into the cluttered masses of attackers, not even needing to aim; there were that many of them.

“When did pirates fucking unionize? The princess must swallow, or something?”

“Ha, swallow! Wasn’t that your first mecha, Big-R?”

“Well, just look at that! Every buccaneer in the entire sphere is trying to shoot us out of the ether, and Shanta’s got jokes.”

“Can the chit-chat, kids. They’ve got vipers, coming in hot.”

“Clip the wings, and they can’t navigate. Watch this.”

Charlie laughed manically, all guns blazing. Her lasers hit the stabilizing thruster on the lead fighter craft, sending it into a barrel roll. The small ship slammed into another, which set off a chain reaction of fighter ships careening into each other.

“Monkey see, monkey do!” Roulph chuckled, firing similarly.

“Hitting the atmosphere in T-minus ten seconds.”

“Got it, Sophie. Get down there, then bug the hell out.”

“What I don’t get,” Shanta said, her voice rising and falling as she fired, “is how they knew we were coming. Nobody knew we were headed here.”

“Academic, for now. Survival now, detective work, later.”

The stratosphere was alight with fire, missiles, rockets, and warships. Sophie, one of the best pilots in the sector, rolled and dove through the horrific light show, descending planet-side so quickly that gravity’s force tripled. 

“Sorry, cadets,” she screamed. “We’re in for a bumpy ride, and our landing zone is overcrowded with pirates. Time for a birdbath.”

“Um, what’s a birdbath, Captain?”

“We’re dropping into water, rookie! We’ll snorkel out.”

“We’ll get creamed! I want a raise.”

“No, kiddies. Lasers don’t work underwater, and ballistics lose a lot of their efficiency.”

“Genius, Sophie. Thank you.”

“Thank me when it’s over. Long drop coming. Hang on to your lunch.”

The plummet from the lander was several hundred meters. As soon as the drop portals opened, the Battle Cranes descended, the small fighter craft ignored the lander and concentrated on the three mercenaries. The trio of hardened veterans spun their machines’ torsos around, aiming as they fell, accounting for a surprising number of foes. The green-glowing sky rained fighters.

“Talk about a cutthroat island! Look at all the little birdies on the beach.”

“Head straight toward them!”

“Are you insane, Charlie? There has to be at least forty of them. We won’t last long against that many.”

“We’ll last longer in a fist-to-fist melee against those birds than we will with the fighters buzzing around like flies during a picnic. They won’t fire into their own ranks—soft cover.”

“Got it! Fuck! What was that big boom?”

“Fucking Mace cannon! Look the fuck out for that big green Condor.”

“Illegal weaponry. We’re fucking fucked.”

“I don’t think pirates care about the rules, Shanta.”

“If we live through this, Shants, promise me something.”

“What, Big-R?”

“That you’ll let me take your ass.”


“You love it. Charlie, on your ass! Look out.”

Charlie cut the engines on her Sparrowhawk, throwing it into reverse and slamming into the tiny Battle Crane, a Crow, crushing it underfoot. Spinning back around, her twin Gauss rifles fired, knocking another one back and down.

“You guys see that Pterodactyl over there on the starboard side? Try to keep it mostly intact; we need one for ourselves.”

“Couldn’t just go buy a nice, shiny, new model? No! We’ve got to take it out during battle. Fuck my life!”

“You could still be doing crowd control on Argon-Red.”

“Noted, boss. As you wish.”

The battle was frenetic and fast-paced, and there was no time for strategy. Spur-of-the-moment tactics had to do. Inch by inch, then meter by meter, Pagan Vengeance cut a swatch of carnage through the seemingly endless ranks of foes.

“Look at that! They’re running away. Just like pirates to bring a slingshot to a gunfight.”

“Can it, Roulph. You know as well as I do that they’re going to regroup. How many did we get?”

“Maybe twenty or so. I got at least seven, plus I disarmed a few that got too close.”

“That’s a real horror show, kids. Now, let’s head to that ridge about two clicks west. We should have a decent vantage from there. I fucking hate flying blind.”

“Then why do you have a blindfold collection, Captain?”

“You know why, you pervert.”

“Ha, he.”

“Fuck me! Is that another platoon up ahead?”

“Yep. Looks like the junior pirate horde had their shot, and, now, it’s time for the varsity team. Look at the size of those birds.”

“So much for making it to that ridge. New plan. Bury the dirty birds.”

“What kind of Owl is that one? I never saw one so big.”

“That’s what she said!”

“You two go for the main bulk. I’ll get the Mutant Horned Owl and then take out that Mace Cannon.”

“All yours, Captain.”

“Sophie. Did Big Blue make it back into orbit?”

The navigator’s voice came through the comm with static-riddled interference. The sounds of explosions and chaos could be heard through the din. “We’re good, Charlie. Just doing some Spring cleaning up here. Got some new scars, but we’re fine.”

“We’re on our own, for now. Just in case, my friends, it’s been an honor.”

“If I get wounded, does medical cover a boob job? I always wanted big, luscious tits.”

“If I get to play with them, it’s a deal.”

“Ten o’clock. Big, nasty bird of prey. I’ve never seen one of those, before. Look at all those lasers.”

“Ha! A laser bird in intense heat. It’ll overheat after a few volleys. Draw its fire and then pummel it with ballistics.”

“Fuck me hard! I lost a laser. That fucking Hawk got me good.”

“Hang in there. So much for a walk in the park.”

“It’s not so bad. I’m not saying that I’d want to build a Summer home here, but the trees are actually quite lovely.”

“Well, it seems the battle has taken us close to our first waypoint. Anything on the scanner.”

“Just tanks.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Why are they throwing all these mooks at us? This is like swatting flies.”

Charlie’s Crane clove through the pirate’s assault, putting her in range of the huge mecha firing the banned weapon. 

“Watch this. A little razzle-dazzle.” She fired all three of her lasers at the cockpit. The shots caused little damage but blinded her foe for a second or two. Then, her big guns, the dual Gauss rifles, and the particle cannon fired at the Crane’s arm, severing it from the torso. “Mace Cannon disabled. I wonder how much it will bring on the black market.”

“We have got to survive, first, boss lady.”

“All clear in the great, black beyond, my happy campers. Scans won’t penetrate the outposts. You’ll have to infiltrate them.” Sophie’s voice sounded relieved.

“Infiltrate, shimfiltrate! You two want to change careers?”


“We just got into demolition work. Follow me.”

Stomping on tanks and trying to avoid the crews’ ejection pods, Charlie led her teammates through a steel-reinforced concrete wall, nearly two meters thick. The fortifications crumbled upon impact, her hundred-ton Battle Crane barely slowing as it broke through.

“Well, lookie, lookie! And I thought they threw us a big beach party. Is there a pirate convention going on or something? There are hundreds of them.”

“Aye, matey! We’ll shiver their timbers, then you can walk my plank.”

“You don’t have a plank, Shanta.”

“A pirate’s life for you, and you, and you.” Roulph was singing the ancient tune, modifying the words as he shot. 

Suddenly, a huge explosion erupted on the side of the main building. Blue sparks, lightning, and a loud crackle shot in every direction.

“Talkin’ ‘bout my generator! Good idea. Now, they’re not only without power, but you took out like eight tanks, blowing the generator.”


“Since when did you speak archaic German?”

“Nine, as in eight, nine, ten.”

“Mayday, help! That fucking, pirate bastard shot off my bird’s foot. A little help here! I’m being torn apart.”

“Got it, Roulph. You owe me a drink, and kiss my ass.”

“Gladly on both. You know how much I love your sexy ass.”

“I thought you loved mine, you liar. You’re fired.”

“Shants lets me fuck hers.”

“Whatever. Let’s take out that roof, so Sophie can scan. The field generator has to be around here, someplace. Look to the skies; I hear V-tols, just can’t see them.”

“On our six! I got ‘em.”

Shanta steered her Hawk to a stop, coming to rest in the middle of a building. She turned her Crane around, aiming skyward.

“Hard to make them out with this fucking blue-green light.”

“Switch to night-vision.”

“Great more green!”

“I know, it’s not easy, seeing green.”

“Do we get paid for the job or for the kill on this one?”

“For the job. I’m glad I negotiated lots of damage insurance. We’ll be months doing repairs.”

“Looks like Shants will spend a few weeks on her knees.”

“I love cum. What can I say?”

“I’ve got some cum for you. You can say, ‘please.’”

“Please, Big-R! You know how horny I get when I fight.”

“Why do you think I’m still in this outfit? My teammate is a cum-addict.”

“Sophie, the lid’s off the can. I killed all their power. What do you see, eye in the sky?”

“Scanning now…GET OUT! The place is wired with explosives. It’s a trap!”

“Fuck me with a laser! Forward! Full-speed.”

The trio of mercs scattered, blasting their way out of the compound, taking a lot of pirates with them. The opposing force was unskilled, for the most part, but their numbers were legion.

“Where’s our air support? My bird looks like Swiss cheese.”

“No can do, Charlie. We lost half our force taking out the flotilla. Sorry, no carpet bombs.”

“Well, munch my carpet. This is not a good day! No air support, kids. We’ll have to be our own maid service.” 

“At least the Bird Jocks aren’t very athletic. We got this.”

“Because if you can’t be an athlete, be an athletic supporter!”

“Beats being a douche. On your left, Charlie.”

“Thank you! Can’t see. When the fuck is Mack going to add those viewports I requisitioned?”

“As soon as Shants stops sucking him for preferential treatment.”

“You fucking whore!”

“No, ma’am. I’m a slut. I do it for free.”

“Hey, the OP force isn’t pursuing; that’s odd.”

“Take out as many as you can on the way out. I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”

“No shit! Eat auto-cannons peg-legs.”

The onslaught was never-ending. The entire zone was crowded with pirate forces. The rumors that B’Ross was organizing the scattered pirate crews under his banner had proven true. Every hundred meters or so brought a new challenge. 

“The fucking trees keep absorbing my shots. Fuck!”

“Use your small lasers to clear them out, then fire your big guns.”

“Then they’ll have a clear line of sight to shoot me!”

“Poor baby.”

Sophie’s voice came over the comm. “The fleet has been routed. We had to blow a reactor to take out the main force, but we did what the Druidic military couldn’t. Of course, they made it easy by being ignorant of basic strategy. The northernmost compound looks like the winner. The one you guys are headed toward shows nothing but hardware.”

“Thanks, babe. You heard the lady. Let’s head North.”

“Got a blip on my scanner. Looks like some giant Cranes just over that ridge.”

“I saw it. We’ve got a big boss battle up ahead. You two flank to either side and come around the mountain. I’ll take the center and draw their attention.”

“Nice knowing you, Charlie.”

“And she died protecting her friends.”

“I don’t plan on dying, today.”

“The day ain’t over, yet.”

When they got within a kilometer of the ridge, the Cranes’ sensors picked up the amassed force on the other side. 

“Look at that big one behind the walls, right at the edge of that cliff. It’s throwing off my sensors.”

“That has to be B’Ross. X marks the spot!”

“Charlie X! Get it?”

“Yes, Roulph. Get your damn head in the game, will you?”

“I’ll be coming round the mountain when I cum. Shants will suck my cock ‘till I cum. I’ll be blowing up an Osprey, I’ll be stomping on a Buzzard. I’ll be coming round the mountain when I cum.”

“Code blue! Lost my other arm. Fuck me! There’s too many of them.”

“Two more minutes, Shanta. I’m cresting the ridge now.”

Although not perfectly timed, Charlie’s Battle Crane topped the starkly angled ridge at almost the precise moment the other two mechas flanked the pirate force.

“Look at that. It’s a who’s who of the biggest, baddest birds ever produced.”

“Legs and heads, people. We need the salvage.”

“Really, captain? We’re facing Death, and you’re worried about restocking the arsenal?”

“The more we get, the bigger the bonuses.”

“You heard her, legs and heads.”

“Knees and toes, knees and toes!”

A sinister voice crackled through the communal comm frequencies. “So, we meet again, Charlie. Bet you’re sorry you had my thrown out of the MRB, you fucking, back-stabbing cunt.”

“Benson Rothschild?! You’re the pirate king, B’Ross? It’s a small universe, after all.”

“Who the fuck is that?” Roulph queried.

“Before your time, my hung hero,” Shanta replied. “Major Benson Rothschild was stripped of all rank and titles and thrown out of the Academy by the Mercenary Review Bureau. Conduct unbecoming an officer. Brigandage, pillaging, you know.”

“So, we’re not only getting overpowered by pirates, but the ringleader has it out for our boss. And today started so well. I only regret that I never learned to read.”

“Wanna settle this with honor, Benson, or are you too cowardly to face me alone? B’Ross is a stupid alias. Just saying.”

“You heard the bitch.” The pirate king’s voice was filled with malice. “All guns on the leader. I want the slut’s head on a pike.”

”I’d rather you said it with flowers, but alright. It’s your funeral.”

The dozen or so heavy Battle Cranes, apparently not seeing Shanta’s and Roulph’s Cranes rounding the sides of the ridge, all turned toward Charlie. She’d stopped her machine and stood on the crest of the hill. Suddenly, at the precise moment, the others fired at her, she reversed, dipping below the summit. A few stray shots hit her, damaging her Crane, but the diversionary tactic worked.

“They fucking fell for it! Silly pirates; tricks are for kids.”

Lumbering forward once more, Charlie slammed the throttle into overdrive, sacrificing the dangerous heat buildup for speed. Her steel and glass machine lurched forward, hitting fifty kilometers per hour before her Sparrowhawk’s head popped into the line of sight. Her elevated position gave her some easy shots, and she took advantage of that, blasting away. 

Descending the ridge, the steepness and gravity adding more speed to the lumbering, hulking beast of war, Charlie headed straight for the center of the grouped Battle Cranes, punching, shooting, and firing into their midst. On the left flank, Shanta’s Eagle, disabled but still going strong, fired missiles into the fray, her few, remaining lasers cutting through mechanized steel at close range. On the right, Roulph, all youthful enthusiasm, bombarded the army of war birds, knocking a few of them out of the battle before they’d even realized that they were being flanked.

Although highly skilled, the members of Pagan Vengeance had a difficult time clearing out the opposing forces. There were simply far too many of them, all at once, to have an easy fight. The pirates gave as good as they got, and the spectacle was dramatic, explosive, and exciting to behold. Bit by bit, the three warriors knocked out the pirate brigade, leaving the odds at only three to one.

“So, B’Ross,” Charlie taunted. “I see that getting you busted down to training sergeant was too good for you. Your troops suck ass.”

“Victory shall be mine, you fucking whore.”

“You’re a whore?” Roulph shot back. “How much?”


Charlie swung her torso around, all weapons aimed at B’Ross’ Black Hawk. The Black series of the Hawk’s were one of the most powerful and deadly Battle Cranes ever produced. Slow, but armored and armed into a mobile fortress, the Crane packed nothing but thick armor and the most potent weaponry. However, Charlie knew the minutiae of every Battle Crane ever produced.

Although precision aiming wasn’t possible, Charlie managed to blow out the back side of the Black Hawk’s knee, slowing it down to a crawl. With the bipedal tank limping, her smaller, lighter Sparrowhawk easily dodged behind the hulking Crane. As she had anticipated, the pirate leader spun his Crane around, turning to face the cliff.

“The problem with cliffs,” Charlie said to her comrades, “is that one step too far and the fall will kill you.”

“Ha! It ain’t the fall, fearless leader. It’s the sudden stop.” Roulph was laughing incessantly, sounding as if he were on the brink of madness.

With the huge mecha disabled, it only took a few punches from Charlie’s bird, followed by plowing into the back of the Black Hawk, to send it teetering over the edge. Charlie stopped her weapon of mass destruction right on the precipice, and she looked down.

“I see B’Ross has met some happy little trees! Who’s left.”

“When you’re done fucking gloating, I’m dying here.”

“I got your back, Shanta. Let’s mop up.”

There were only a few left. Although the Battle Cranes couldn’t withstand much more of that abuse, they’d emerged victorious once more. All three pilots suffered some minor injuries, and their Battle Cranes looked like burnt-out wrecks. However, other than some ground troops, who quickly scattered, the opposition, despite nearly overwhelming odds, had been vanquished.

“Sophie, this is Ground Sparrow. We’re clear. Send in the rescue team. We’ll keep watch.”

“We got a kill count, yet?”

“Hold your horses, Roulph, the numbers are coming through. Based on the transponder codes, you three waded through twenty-six Battle Cranes, more than fifty air units, and about fifty-five tanks.”

“Is that a new record?”

“No, Shants. You’re forgetting the Lapins Mount betrayal.”

“Oh, yeah. Fun times. Hey! I can see the landers, now.”

“Well done, kids. Damage report. I’m fucked.”

“I’m mega-fucked up the ass without lube.”

“I can take maybe one or two more shots to the cockpit, then I’m past tense.”

“Well, at least we made it. Big haul on this job?”

“I so fucking wish. I think we’ll get paid just enough to cover repairs. Not my best call. Maybe we should have gone to Roswell, instead.”

“Look at it this way, boss lady. At least, pirate activity in this sector will drop off to almost nothing. They can’t plunder when you blow up all their hardware.”

“Except the Night Rider is still active in this region.”

“Remember the name!”

“Good PR doesn’t change the fact that she’s a bottom-feeder. But we don’t care until we get paid.”

“If the money’s there, we don’t care!” Shanta and Roulph said in unison.

Three hours later, the rescue mission was a success; the mercenaries sat in the Star Jumper’s cafeteria, nursing their wounds. Sophie’s voice rang out over the PA. “Princess Katarina is safely on board, in good health, and happy to be our guest. Good job everyone, especially the gunners. Look to see us on all-channels news for at least a week, sphere-wide.”

Charlie flicked her personal communicator on. “Sophie, patch me into the comm system, please.”

A few seconds passed. “You’re live, boss.”

“All hands, this is your captain speaking. I’d like to personally thank each one of you. A simple, easy mission turned out to be a major ambush, and we had to fight in space, in the air, and on the ground. To the last person, every one of you performed above and beyond. As a show of gratitude, every one shall receive triple bonuses, plus R&R when we dock for repairs.”

A huge round of applause and cheering erupted throughout the entire ship.

“Thanks, Charlie. How long until we’re up and running once more?”

“It depends on maintenance, really, but I’d hazard a guess of about two months. It looks like we get a forced vacation.”

“Course plot charted for Druidia IV,” a junior navigator announced over the speakers. “Landfall in approximately nine-point-three hours.”

“Why the slow way?”

“It will give us a lot of extra time if another interstellar navy of pirates shows up.”

With Charlie occupied, checking in on the Princess fell to Shanta. There were other officers on board, but as the third in command, Sophie had equal rank but a longer tenure, the privilege fell to her. Quickly cleaning up, changing into clothes that weren’t saturated with dirt, sweat, and blood, and getting her wounds bandaged, Shanta strolled across the Star Jumper, making her way to the guest quarters. Therein, she found the red-haired princess, Katarina.

The recently-rescued woman lounged in a chair, her feet propped up, and sipped some healing, re-energizing elixir. She was dressed in casuals, which is what they called the plain, olive-colored jumpsuits most of the staff and crew wore. She was shapely and smiling, and her red hair cascaded down her back in languid curls. Known for their exquisite beauty and poise, the nobility of Druidia were considered some of the sexiest humans in the entire sphere. Their glittery eyes instantly drew one’s attention.

“It’s true,” Katarina said when Shanta entered her temporary quarters. “I was rescued by Shanta Max. I’m honored.”

“I’m here to debrief you and ensure that you’re returned safely home, afterward.”

“How long do we have until we’re planet side?”

“A few hours and then some. Due to the pirate activity in the region, we’re going sub-light.”

“Then, come here, please. I need to thank you as per our customs, plus, I’m a huge fan of yours.”

“What? Do you want an autograph or something?”

The princess laughed. Her ample breasts, high and plump, distracted Shanta. Katarina had the front zipper pulled down to nearly her navel, which afforded Shanta a lovely view of her cleavage.

“No,” Katarina said, her tone husky and arousing. “You rescued me—you and your comrades in arms—and my life is yours. On Druidia, if we owe someone a life0-debt, then we are theirs, to do with what they please, until released.”

“What, like a servant or something?”

“And more. I’m well-versed in the fine arts of sexual pleasure. I’m yours to command. Please, let me pleasure you.”

Shanta smiled, devilishly, at that. Her mirthful expression changed to one of sexual admiration when the redheaded princess unzipped her flight suit the rest of the way. Her skin was soft, smooth, and pale, pink nipples and pussy slit revealed. Her skin was flawless and lust-inducing.

“No!” Shanta struggled to get the word out. She was very tempted.

“Are you not into women? When we return, I can have one of my menservants pleasure you in my stead.”

“You don’t understand, Princess. I’m very much into women—all genders. I just won’t lie with anyone without consent. A custom, no matter how horny, circumvents personal consent.”

“I must serve you until released. It is the way.”

“Then, I release you of your life debt. We’re paid in cold cash, not hot flesh… And I’m going to hate myself for not taking advantage.”

Katarina stopped, her panting body less than two feet away from the highly aroused Shanta. The princess stomped her foot, idly, and her face looked quizzical.

“Now that I’m released of my debt to you, would you like to fuck me, please?”

“Through your free will, not out of obligation?”

Katarina nodded, her hands traveling between her legs, caressing her wetness. “I’m a huge fan, like I said.”

“That’s very different. Yes!” Shanta shimmied out of her clothing, and the two women embraced, locking lips in a passionate kiss.

Sophie’s voice, some ethereal music coming through the PA, rang out. “We’re entering a gravity well in approximately three minutes. Prepare for zero gravity, as the grav-gens won’t be able to compensate.”

“Have you ever made love in zero gravity, princess? It’s so erotic and fun.”

At that moment, the two women forgot about everything else. As their hands kneaded the other’s flesh, their passion turning to moans, the lights flickered, dimmed, then intensified to an eye-blinding brilliance, before normalizing. Shanta’s olive-toned fingers penetrated the rescued princess’ velvety hole, and the woman moaned, burying her head into the other woman’s shoulder.

“Now, we lift off and drift through the air. You’re going to love this.”

Suddenly, a feeling of weightlessness overtook them. With a slight push from her feet, Shanta launched the two women into the air. The princess wrapped her legs around Shanta’s torso as the two spun through the air, drifting slowly.

“Let me lick your clit. Please! I’m so horny for you.”

Laughing at the thrill of floating, weightless, Shanta grabbed her new lover by the shoulder and thigh, then spun her around. Their bodies lost contact for a moment, but the two women inverted themselves, directions all nonsense, now, and mouths’ touched hot, wet pussies.

“Lick it. Lick my royal cunt. You taste so good. Cum for me.”

The mercenary and the rescued hostage rolled through the air, occasionally bouncing off a wall, the floor, or the ceiling. Shanta humped her wetness into Katarina’s wanton mouth, lost in sexual abandon. When she thrust a finger into the redhead’s pussy, the woman’s cunt spasmed around it, triggering a spontaneous orgasm.

“Oh, god, oh, fuck. I’m cumming. Lick it up. Make me cum again.”

“Finger my ass! Oh, fuck, Kat. You are skilled. Deeper! Harder!”

The Crane pilot came, her orgasm so intense that they bounced off of every wall, finally stopping where the ceiling met a corner. Shanta’s legs were still shaking as she cursed and moaned.

“I want more of your cum. Let me please you.”

The two, locked in a sixty-nine, floated through the ether, the automatic doors opening, letting them drift into the hallway. A few other crew members, swimming through the lack of gravity, saw them. Some watched the sexy pilot and her even sexier guest use each other for their passionate pleasure, while others just smiled or nodded and went their merry way.

“Gravity restoring in three, two, one.”

As if a switch had been flicked, floating items fell, the two lovers along with them. Laughing, still fondling each other, the two women sank to the hallway’s floor, landing with a thud. Still laughing and holding each other, the women returned to Katarina’s temporary quarters.

“That was amazing. Thank you, Princess. I do, however, need to interview and debrief you.”

“Is our zero-gravity fucking going to be on television?”

“No, ma’am. The media is prohibited from the Star Jumpers, meetings, or any other place where official mercenary business might take place.”

“Too bad. I rather liked the idea of millions of people masturbating over me. Is it hot for you?”

“I try not to think about it. I’m here for the job, not the accolades. Now, did B’Ross or the pirates harm you in any way?”

Eight hours later, both Charlie and Roulph declining the princess’ offer of servitude, the somewhat repaired drop-ship, lighter, fresh Battle Cranes inside, broke through the atmosphere.

“Looks like the entire planet is down there waiting for us,” Sophie mused.

“Try to not look like yourselves, okay?”

“Way to increase our confidence, there, boss lady.”

“Manners, people. We’re here for the exchange, and the fucking media is down there, too. Best behavior.”

“Exchange? What? Are you going to hold me for ransom, too?”

“No, princess, we’re exchanging you for our pay.”

“You guys sure you don’t want to fuck me?”

“Pass. That’s not our style.”

“Speak for yourself. My little fella never had a princess, before.”

“A princess trained in the fine art of sensual, sexual seduction,” Katarina proudly said.

“Job now, play later. Besides, Roulph, Shanta promised you her ass.”

“That’s right, Big-R. Katarina did a wonderful job on my cunt, but I saved my sexy butt for you.”

Although King Kevonious, Katarina’s father, offered the entire group a permanent base in exchange for their heroic efforts, Charlie declined, taking the money, instead. Soon, payment had been rendered. The mercenary company took to space, once more, and left the system.

“Where to now, Captain?”

“Set a course for the Epsilon industrial hub. We need to do repairs, and there are a few pleasure planets near that system. We need a break, and the media will want the footage of the pirate’s pillage.”

“Speaking of which, what happened to B’Ross after he skewered his bird on the trees?”

“No fatalities were reported, so he must have survived. I’m sure we’ll be seeing more of him.”

“We should have taken care of him for good.”

“No, Roulph. We fight to win, not to kill. Why do you think Benson got kicked out of the Mercenary Review Bureau?”

“I’m sure I’ll feel better about being morally superior when I get these fucking stitches out.”

“And take my ass!”

“What’s next on our agenda?”

“Who knows? We lived to fight another day, so we’ll see what’s out there once we’ve licked our wounds.”

“Hyperspace jump in sixteen minutes. Hold onto your balls, boys.”

“Look at this! Charlie, come see. Your girlfriend, Emma, is being reprimanded, on the air, for fabricating a news story about us.”

“Sophie, can you patch me into the Red Sun network? I need to rectify something.”

“Give me thirty seconds, Captain.”

Charlie’s personal communicator went through some blips, beeps, and dings, finally connecting.

“This is Calvin Briggs of Red Sun. You’re live and on the air, Charlie.”

“Hi, everyone. This is Charlie X, broadcasting from our Star Jumper, just now leaving Druidia. We just now saw Emma’s testimony, and I needed to say that other than our destination, which was secret, everything she said was true.”

“See?” the blond reporter beamed. “I told you that it was the truth.”

“Really, Charlie?” Calvin asked, his voice sounding unconvinced. “So, you’re saying that you and our star reporter, here, actually had sex.”

“That’s not entirely true, Mr. Briggs. We fucked. We fucked each other silly like two, nympho sluts in lust with each other, followed by a threesome.”

“So, you’re stating that the story is true.”

“Exactly. Emma’s cum tastes like honey.”

He turned to face the camera. “There you have it, humes. Red Sun Networks is pleased to retain Emma as a field reporter.”

Charlie concluded the call, giving a brief, but inspiring statement to all their respective fans.

“Well, now, that’s two good deeds in one day. I hope we get there soon; I need to do some vile, perverted things to balance out that karma.”

“Question, boss lady. I’ve never done that celebrity charity show, before. How should I handle it?”

Shanta looked at Roulph, then to Charlie, and the two women burst out laughing.

To Be Continued…

Published 1 year ago

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