My heart rate has hovered at about 170 BPM for most of an hour now. I am completely soaked, my skin-tight short shorts and synthetic top mopping up as much moisture as they can hold. In spite of this, puddles are forming beneath my legs and elbows. I am drenched and I am just about done but, as is when I’m working it this hard, I feel damn sexy…and horny.
I see him in the glass in front of me. His reflection shows just how much he admires this middle-aged yet fit body as I continue to climb up the Stairmaster in front of him. In spite of how obvious it must be to everyone around, he can’t seem to peel his eyes off of me. So here I go with my captive audience, kicking my legs back one at a time so that with each swing my heels rise above my ass. This little extra does wonders for my upper thighs and glutes but hell, who’s kidding who? In my heart of hearts, I’m really just putting on a show for him. With each new rep, his head turns left and then right, just straining to get a peek into the openings of my shorts.
That’s right, I’m not wearing any panties. I know, I’m such a prick tease but what the hell. If I can’t experience a new cock, I think to myself, at least I can get one good and hard. I sure don’t get this kind of attention at home so I figure why the hell not. By the way, he looks in the mirror his only complaint is his need for more oxygen. He’s loving my sexy show.
Now I’m really leaning forward onto the bar, arching my back and pushing my tight ass up into the air. I know that the kid is dying now, just about ready to cream his shorts. When I finally shut it down and jump off of it I can feel my tits bounce inside my top. I look over at him and he shyly turns away as if he wasn’t looking. WTF, I think to myself. What a waste of a perfectly good piece of masculinity.
While he’s beyond gorgeous, this shy stuff just doesn’t do it for me. If I wanted a laid-back, timid, non-assertive guy I’d just look inside my own front door. My dream man is just the opposite, always the confident aggressor. When it comes to sex he’s the one who completely takes charge. He knows exactly what he wants, and what he wants his woman to do, and just makes it happen. That’s a man’s man to me and that is the kind of guy I could see myself succumbing to, not Mr. Milktoast over here…
A couple of minutes’ walk and I’m at the drinking fountain and then I hop on the next machine. Quite a surprise awaits me there: Mr. Shy Guy has followed me to the rows of ellipticals. Hmmm, I think to myself, maybe he does have some potential for my wet dreams after all! What fails to surprise me is that he’s chosen to sit in the machine directly behind mine…shocker!
My workout is winding down now and I dismount the elliptical. I can tell he’s had his beautiful eyes glued to my bubble butt the whole time. Some guys are slick when they check you out, not this guy. He just about has to tuck his tongue back into his mouth when I turn to face him again. I don’t blame him. I work this forty-three-year-old body harder than nearly every one of the people in here, men or women. The results are quite good. My body is fairly tight, in spite of having the kids, and you can just about bounce a quarter off of this ass of mine. Sure there are wrinkles which show some mileage but you sure won’t find a body like this on a woman my age. I’ve been called a MILF on more than one occasion and love it each time I hear it. If I was a guy I’d sure want to tap this! Just ask my stalker friend behind me. I swear he’s choking right now on his own drool!
As I try to gaze nonchalantly at him I realize what a studly young specimen he is. He looks absolutely delicious. His body is chiseled: large rolling shoulders give way to well-developed bi’s and tri’s. His arms are huge! His clinging white tank top shows a very well-developed, hairless chest – just how I like it. Beneath those features lies a tapered waist and muscular legs with a nice tan. Yes, for this early twenty-something the name Stud fits him perfectly. Too bad I’m old enough to be his mother. But damn, aren’t those gorgeous blue eyes smoldering? And that shy, sexy smile…it could melt a fucking iceberg.
I’m taking my time, enjoying being the object of his desire as I gather my stuff together. It’s nice, feeling wanted, to be lusted after. It rarely happens in my day-to-day life. Though I’m married, my husband’s libido left town about the same time the last kid arrived. I swear, I don’t know why I do my Kegels three times a day. I probably have the tightest pussy in the whole damn state. It’s getting to the point where I may need to add another task to the housekeeper’s to-do list: twice a week dust off the Mrs’ pussy! Truth be told, I don’t think I’d have my sanity today if it wasn’t for my potpourri of toys. Thank gawd for all thirteen of them!
Yes, in spite of having a face and body that makes most men like steel, I’m doing good to get some once every week or two, and, at that, it’s normally the sixty-second dash. It takes me longer to shampoo my damn hair than it does for him to get off. And God forbid he ever thinks about ensuring that I have my come first.
At long last I’m reaching up to dry the handles and the naughtiest thought pops into my head followed by a devilish grin. The long, black bars are soaked in my sweat as I take my towel in hand and begin to dry the elliptical’s handles. I’m staring straight at him as I slowly work my hand up and then down. I can feel the moisture from my excitement invading my already drenched shorts as I ‘stroke off’ the long black cocks. When I slowly lick my lips and then bite down on the lower pink flesh I hear his heavy sigh and now I can clearly see the tent forming in his shorts. It quickly becomes apparent that it isn’t just his arms that are huge.
This kid is starting to grow on me. It occurs to me that I’ve not seen him in the club before. I decide to take the lead and find out.
“First time in the club honey?” I ask while walking closer to him.
He cautiously nods and tells me that it is.
“Oh my, so this is your virgin voyage! So here I am watching you pop your cherry huh? Nice!” Damn, I sure can be a flirty little bitch when I want to be.
He swallows hard at my forwardness. Speaking of hard, this guy has a lot of man meat! I love to tease and flirt with the guys. That’s all it ever is, good harmless fun. I’ve been married for twenty years now and since then have never had another man’s cock. I do find great satisfaction when I make the young hunks fumble around like this, making them unsure of themselves and nervous. They want to tap anything with two legs and mine, well, mine are quite hot. I’m rather surprised when he finally responds to me.
“Would you like to come over to my place? I’ll make us some breakfast!” His crooked smile is to die for and you could push me over with a feather right now. This is the first time someone here has asked me out. I look down to see that it’s 9:15 and just as I do my stomach growls very loudly. What timing…even he can hear it.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” he says as he bends to grab the towel behind him. I’m dumbfounded by his directness and his assumption that I’m going to go with him but, I must say, his ass and legs look magnificent. As he stands upright he nods for me to go ahead of him. I guess he assumed right because in no time we are walking out the door together. I motion where I am parked and he walks over to his car and tells me to follow him.
I can’t believe I’m doing this, I think to myself as I start the engine and pull behind his coupe. As it is, my day is fairly clear. I need to pick up the kids, but not until 2:20, and my husband won’t be home from work until almost six. I decide that I’m not going to screw him, but damn if this isn’t a shot in the arm, having a young gorgeous stud being so attracted to me and wanting to hang out with me.
We soon arrive at his place and I’m pleasantly surprised to see how well-kept it is. He tells me to make myself at home, seats me at the little dining table, and turns on the tube. He’s lost behind a door and soon I can hear the water from the showerhead. A few anxious minutes later he walks out in just some long athletic shorts, nothing else. Damn, he is so fucking hot! I can feel moisture forming in my shorts again. He tells me what he plans on making us and begins the process. It occurs to me that, even though we aren’t going to get sexual in any way, I really need to freshen up. I am so damn sweaty. I ask if I can use the bathroom, figuring I’ll take a washcloth and give myself a quick once over. A few minutes into the process I realize that it isn’t going to be enough and lean out the door and ask if I can just use the shower.
“Sure, there are towels beneath the sink,” he says with a smile. I run outside to get my bag of clothes to change into and then take a nice hot, if not too quick, shower. It occurs to me as I’m drying off that it probably should have been a cold one. As I stand in front of the mirror it hits me…What in the fuck are you doing here Sandra, in this grown man’s home…a total stranger’s house? My internal reply is WFT as I shimmy my little denim skirt over my tiny sheer panties and hips and pull on my cowboy boots. With the spaghetti straps of my top adjusted and no bra on – yes, I do love teasing them even as I leave the gym – I walk out to meet him, my heart thumping wildly in my chest.
“There you are and just in time!” his smile flashing around his pearly whites. It takes all my willpower to keep from walking straight into his arms and kissing him. Then his deep voice makes another comment: “Damn girl, you look hot!” I smile as I thank him. Now I just want to fuck him!
He’s leaning over the stove a bit, making his obliques and V-shaped back look even more delicious. He flips our omelets onto our plates, right beside the raspberries and fresh-cut pineapple chunks. The food looks delicious too!
“Sandra, you do look breathtaking. Wow, simply wow!” As soon as he says it he picks the plates up off the table and moves them over to the high countertop.
“Let’s eat over here!” he directs as he pulls the stool away from the bar for me.
I’m a bit nervous as I hop on up – with his assistance – and settle onto the wooden stool and attempt to pull my very short skirt down. What a joke. With all my tugging it isn’t even mid-thigh and the only thing between his eyes and my sex is the thin, now see-through soaked fabric of my panties. As I cross my legs to keep from exposing my sex the hem rises even more. Fuck!
The food is just as good as the company as we talk and eat, getting to know each other a little. Mike is twenty-four and is enjoying a nice career at a local business and has recently gotten into competing as a tri-athlete. He asks me about my career – or former career – the old man, the kids, hobbies, fitness, etc. It’s a wonderful time of real adult conversation, something that is dearly lacking in my life. We talk about real stuff, real issues, and I love it. I find myself dreading that it soon will come to an end. I notice that every now and then, and I assume it is inadvertent, his hand touches me. At first, he is just patting my hand and the like, but soon he’s caressing my shoulder or gliding down my arm as we laugh together. His touch is rough and manly but at the same time, it feels very, very nice. I find that I like his company… a lot.
“Just one last thing to complete our wholesome breakfast, baby!” he beams as he walks over to the fridge then blender, and begins to make protein shakes for us.
“None for me Mike, I’m full!” I assure him, patting my stomach as I smile at him.
“You’ve never had mine, girl. Let me make you one. If you don’t like it then you don’t have to drink it.”
“What flavor is it?” I ask, humoring him. I’m really stuffed and couldn’t put another thing in my mouth right now.
“It’s Vanilla Ice Cream flavored. Come on, you’ll love it…guaranteed!”
“Nah, I’m going to pass. Thank you, though.” I can tell he’s disappointed that I’m not going to give it a try.
As he pours it the thick shake does look delicious and creamy, with a full two inches of white foam lining the top of the glass. As he lifts the glass he keeps bantering with me, telling me how I’m going to regret it if I walk out his door and don’t give it a try.
“You’ve never had a protein shake the way I make it. It’s the best…really, do it for me!”
He’s holding out the glass and it’s almost in my face now. While it looks good I’m getting off on the tension that is brewing between us over this silly thing. I want this feeling to last so I keep telling him no, that I won’t even try a sip. My heart rate is picking up as we tease one another. My needy pussy continues to leak into my sexy panties. It occurs to me how our roles continue to change. At the gym I was the aggressor, he was the shy one. Now this virile young man is slowly taking control, being the dominant. I love the way this feels, never getting that at home. It’s just one more reason why my cunt is dripping!
“What do you want to bet I can get you to try some? I won’t force you, but I’ll wager ten bucks that before the hour is up you’ll be begging me for my protein!” After this robust statement, he sits there, just smirking at me. I’m not positive but I’m pretty sure we’re talking about something altogether different than what’s in his glass. Oh gaaawwwd. Again I feel my pussy responding even as my mouth does not.
“Well, are we on, girl? Do we have a bet?” His pure sensuality, from his penetrating blue eyes to his finely chiseled body, has my head spinning so much now I have to lower my hands to the bar stool to steady myself. Just then he takes a bill out of his wallet and playfully slaps it down hard on the counter for effect.
He dips two fingers into the froth then pulls them out and slips them between his lips, smacking them as he sucks them clean. Holy fuck! He has no idea just how hot that looks. Damn, I can feel my pussy dripping now and running through my slit and down to my ass. I’m afraid it going to leak out onto the stool.
He does it again, dipping his fingers into the glass then extends his arm out towards my lips.
“Come on, honey, you know you want some…” he teases. I swear I think my panties are going to combust into flames as I stubbornly shake my head no. He slides first one and then the other finger slowly into his mouth. He’s toying with me now.
I look down and notice for the first time an outline of the absolute monster that’s inside his shorts. He can’t be wearing any underwear. The bulbous head can even be seen as his cock trails down his leg. I feel myself become flush, the blood rushing to my head and to my now throbbing clit. My gawd it must be double the size of Kenny’s. My breath is growing very ragged. I can actually feel my heart pounding inside my head. While I had no intention of even touching this man-boy, with each passing minute I feel my once stout resolve completely dissolving.
“You’re looking mighty uncomfortable there Sandra. Your cheeks are all rosy and you seem to be growing clammy.” He reaches out for my arm again and slowly runs his palm and fingers from my bicep to my wrist. Reaching up he touches the side of my face and rubs his thumb back and forth over my lips. I think I’m going to melt in his touch.
“Hmmm, you really are a bit warm baby. You should drink something. You really don’t want some of this satisfying nourishment?” His hand now rests firmly on my knee as I vehemently shake my head no. With our eyes locked he slowly dips his fingers inside yet again.
“Are you sure?” he says, confidently smirking at me as he tries to bring the cream-filled fingers to my lips. Again my stubborn head swings east and west as it stalls but a few inches from my close-lipped mouth. Just then some of it escapes his fingers and drops down, splattering onto my thick, tan left thigh that is wrapped tightly over my right leg. It’s a good thing my skirt is hiked up so high.
“Oh babe, look what I did; I made a mess…” Without missing a beat, as his hand still rests on my leg, he drops down to the floor on his knee and looks up at me. I swear my heart is going to burst. And then it happens…his tongue pokes out from between his lips… he lowers his head down…and slowly licks every drop off of my smooth leg. I literally gasp out loud, leaning back and placing my elbows against the bar.
“Hmmmm…that isn’t half bad, either, baby…” he says with a devilish grin as he smacks his lips.
Just then I realize to my horror that as I leaned back I had also spread my legs and he’s got a clear shot of the tiny panties that are caked over my drenched pussy lips. I’m not sure what he’s referring to when he said, “That isn’t half bad either.”
Rising to his feet he lets go of my knee and captures my eyes in his. I’m staring into them because I find it’s my best strategy to keep from gawking at the gigantic cock in his shorts. So there he stands with his sexy, cocky grin saying absolutely nothing. One hand is at his waist while the other is seeking out the glass once more. But this time he changes the game completely. With one swift move, his shorts are on the floor – freeing his massive dick. At first, it springs up and slaps his belly hard and then bobs freely in the air towards my gaping mouth. His hand takes hold of the base, directing it right at me as he stands there in front of me.
I don’t know where I’m supposed to look but I can’t keep my eyes off of it, pre-cum forming in the tiny hole of the mushroomed head. It’s all I can do not to grab it and start sucking on it. But I am shocked back to reality when his other hand, freshly dipped again in the glass, coats the massive head in the thick, frothy cream. I’m staring open-mouthed as it slowly, oh so slowly, begins to roll down the length of his long, thick shaft.
“Oh fuck!” I moan aloud as my hand replaces his and immediately find myself on my knees at his feet. As I lick up the full length of his shaft, gathering every creamy drop, all I can think of is the clear, natural nectar that’s held within that tiny cup inside of the tip. With an urgency never felt before, my lips roll over the top of his gorgeous tool, lovingly sucking his throbbing meat with every ounce of my being. I’ve never wanted something so bad in all my life. I am soon rewarded with a morsel of his fine, tasty juices. Hmmmm, damn this is good!
“That’s it , girl, I knew you’d like it. You just can’t resist my protein can you baby?” I look up at him through half-closed lids and moan as my mouth tries to form a smile. The cocky grin has returned and is plastered on his face as he grabs me by my hair and forces my head back down so that his wicked cock is even deeper in my mouth. His forcefulness nearly causes my first orgasm. Damn, I realize that being dominated makes it so much hotter! He’s nearly gagging me but if my mouth wasn’t so full I swear I’d be begging him for even more.
I’m so damn hot I need some release of my own. My left hand quickly moves past the waistband until it’s slithered between the folds of my dripping sex. I slide two fingers deep inside as I flick my engorged thimble with my thumb. Damn, this feels so good. I’m here on my knees just begging for his cum to fill my mouth and working my cunt until I come. I look like a total slut who’s begging for his hot, thick cream.
“I’m getting close,” he says with a deeper voice than normal. “Are you almost there? I want us to come together.”
I look up and slowly nod my head, not wanting to remove his joystick from my mouth even for a second.
“Good girl. You are to swallow every single drop, understand? EVERY FUCKING DROP!” he says slowly and with emphasis with my hair fisted in his hand.
My body shivers when he orders me to swallow his load. Hubby never allows me to drink his. I haven’t had cum in over two decades. And the very thought of being ordered to do so… Damn, this is so fucking hot. I can feel the spasms starting deep in my belly and rushing down to my twitching cunt. Oh fuck, here it comes…
As soon as the first shudder racks my body my eyes fly open as I feel the first shot of cum shoot deep into my parched mouth. My fingers are pistoning through my tight slit as his spurts rapid fire into me. I don’t remember this much cum flowing from a man’s tool before but damn it is so hot. In all honesty, I don’t recall it ever tasting this good. Perhaps it is true: absence does make the heart grow fonder!
I continue to drain his cock until my pussy is numb from abuse and his cock is completely drained. I look up at him and he finally breaks the silence.
“Damn baby, that was so fucking good. You are one hot little MILF!” I smile as he helps me to my feet. I look down at the tile floor and immediately grow embarrassed.
“Don’t worry babe, I’ll clean that up.” The round spill beneath me must be at least five inches in diameter. I really get wet and even have a tendency to squirt. He grabs a towel and removes the source of my angst then walks over and kisses me on my lips.
“Hmmmm, so you like tasting yourself, do you? Damn, that is hot!” he says as he reaches in and pushes his tongue inside my mouth again. I always suck the cum off of my fingers after playing. It seems so damn nasty…His tongue is so hot…he’s such a good kisser. I haven’t been kissed like this in eons. He takes me back when he slides his hands into my armpits and effortlessly lifts me onto the counter above the bar stools.
“What are you doing?” I ask but just before his hands are on my hips and pulling off my panties.
“Lie down; it’s my turn to pleasure you!” and with that command I lay back. There is great trepidation when he flips my skirt up onto my belly. I don’t know if other women are like this but whenever someone is about to taste me I get a bit freaked out. Am I clean; do I taste good; does he like it?
All those things rush into my head making me painfully self-conscious. I’m anxiously holding my breath as he throws my legs up until they are dangling over his broad shoulders. He leans in and captures my clit with his mouth then slowly strokes his tongue through my engorged lips.
“Damn woman, you taste so fucking good! I could eat you all day long. Hmmmmm.” And with those words, all the tension is drained from my body and I lay my head back and simply enjoy. It’s been years since a skillful tongue has sliced its way through my aching twat and it feels absolutely divine. With a hand pinching each hardened nipple and eyes clenched closed I relish the expertise of this real man taking care of this needy woman. I’m biting my lower lip as he pushes two fingers inside and begins to really fuck me. I can tell that the approaching explosion is going to be one for the ages. Still, moments away it’s already begun to rock my very core as my juices flow freely from my pussy. Embarrassment has overtaken my mind again. What if I squirt? Holy fuck, his face is right there!!!
“MICHAEL, PLEASE!!!…please stop,” I say, completely exasperated.
He removes his face from my pleasure box and I look down at him. It is dripping wet and he smiles at me, his fingers still sawing in and out of my pussy.
“What baby? What?”
“I…I need you to back off. I…I think I’m going to squirt!” I say as thirty shades of red wash over my face.
“GOOD! You are one hot chick! I’ve never been squirted on…Fire away, baby…And yes, that’s an ORDER!” As soon as his words fall from his lips he drops his head down to my swollen, dripping sex. A satisfying smile and another bite on my lower lip, that’s my reaction. Damn, where in the hell did this man come from? He wants to suck me off until I squirt all over his face? I have no words to explain how I feel right now…
I am so close…so close…so close, the impending come building now to monumental heights. Just when I feel like my body is giving way to never before experienced pleasure it happens again. With a flick of his tongue, my virgin rosebud is being washed over. The sensation is beyond description: so vulnerable, so intimate and so pleasure-filled.
Soon I am washing his hands and face with my clear, airborne nectar. My juices are erupting like never before, streaming all over my young and capable stud. Without missing a beat he has moved from my ass and his mouth is covering my pussy, paying special attention to my clit, as my hips vigorously fuck his face. He is moaning and wailing at the influx of my cream and I have joined him in the sexiest, loudest duet ever.
As I slowly descend this mountain of pleasure Michael continues to lap my pink folds as he pulls out his fingers. One last time he joins his mouth to my clit and gently bites down on it, just as a cum-coated finger slides into my virgin ass. As he fucks my back door and gnaws on my thimble, my body incredibly flies over the edge yet one more time. I’ve never had a man make me come three times in one sitting. My delightful young lover does his best to devour every last drop.
A few minutes later he helps me off of the counter and stands me before him. The countertop is absolutely flooded and the sweet and alluring smell of sex has filled the air. It’s intoxicating! He takes me in his arms and kisses me wildly. Our tongues play together with my sweet hot cream, remnants still in his mouth and drippings still on his face. His hands are all over me, like a new buyer taking hold of his prized possession. The passion is exhilarating. The day of rolling from one shocker to the next just keeps on coming. I can feel his steel-like rod poking into my thigh as we kiss. I had forgotten what a twenty-something’s cock can do. It’s sure nothing like a balding, overweight mid-forties cock. Shit, it’s already able to go again! A loud smack brings me back to reality.
“Damn, what was that for?” I ask, rubbing my reddened ass cheek.
“Pay up, you still owe me ten dollars!” his toothy, sexy grin coming through.
“Are you kicking me out right now? I take it you’re done with me then?”
“Far from it,” he says as he grabs my wrist and pulls me towards the bedroom. Looking down at his swinging, rock-hard cock as we walk he asks, “Does it look like your Master is done with you, baby?” His words completely remove the breath from my lungs. As we pass through the bedroom door he stops me and strips me naked.
“Damn, you are one beautiful woman!” he says tenderly. Then, in great contrast to his words, he picks me up and throws me in the middle of his king-sized bed. Again that cocky grin spreads across his face as he turns around and closes the door.
“So you thought I was done with you, huh?” he says as he approaches the bed with his rigid tool looking like it’s painfully ready for round two. With arms crossed on his chest and cock pointing straight at me he finally says, “I still have a pussy and an ass to fill…”
Copyright © 2023 EnjoyingLife07, All Rights Reserved.
All content published on this account is copyrighted material belonging to EnjoyingLife07 (myself). The stories, pictures, videos, and other content published on this Lushstories account may not be distributed or published on other websites.