I am a very ordinary guy … I will be the one to state.
It’s important to get this fact on my table so I am not perceived as a fake.
I have no special power;
I live my life hour by hour.
My ordinariness has been graciously accepted;
The venue of my life is really unaffected.
So what makes me to be really me?
Interesting question, I would have to agree!
I am my mother’s creation;
My father’s recreation.
I am the sinner that people talk about;
And the man that God has tried to straighten out.
If a manly tool was somewhere in the gene pool;
Then I was robbed at gunpoint as I have no jewel.
I am not much to look at in the sunlight;
But I share an awesome tune in the dark of night.
I have learned one of the most precious things in life is friendship;
As such I will do all I can to ensure a good relationship.
I am the romantic endless giver;
Who never knows when to hinder.
I am the one that will give to those in need;
And love to see people freed.
I am the one that is hard on me;
And will stand forever praising thee.
I am not a treasure;
But I always give everyone an overflowing measure.
If you’re one that needs an open hand;
I am willing to give mine till the hour glass has dropped the last grain of sand.
The decision isn’t mine for friends for us to be;
That has already been arranged in the heart of me!
I am a very ordinary guy, you see.