Remembering A Caning

"A mature woman reminisces about a school caning forty-three years before, and gets another one"

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Kim Archibald’s memory went back forty-three years as she waited outside the big door. She was remembering when she was Kim Hudson, aged seventeen and a few days short of her eighteenth birthday. All those years ago she stood outside a door very similar to the one that she was outside now; on the other side of the door back then was the headmistress of the private girls’ school, Mary Churchill, and Kim’s best friend, Susan Sharpe.

The seventeen-year-old Kim could hear voices from within the headmistress’s study, but not hear what was being said. There was then a silence followed by the unmistakable CRACK of a cane striking buttocks, followed immediately by a shriek from Susan.

The cane cracked five more times, and Susan shrieked five more times. Shortly after the sixth stroke, the door opened and Susan came out, her face flushed and tear-stained, and her hands clutching her buttocks.

“In here, Hudson,” said Miss Churchill, the cane still in her hand. Kim entered, knowing that very soon she would be leaving the study much the same as her friend had just done.

Kim received a brief lecture about the evils of lesbian sex, ironic as Mary Churchill was one hundred per cent lesbian, and she was then instructed to bend over the desk.

Kim did so and gasped when she felt Miss Churchill pulling her knickers down and baring her rounded buttocks.

Kim tensed in anticipation as the cane tapped against her bottom cheeks, and shrieked just as Susan had done when the first stroke lashed them. Five more times the cane stung Kim’s buttocks, and then the caning was done.

“Pull up your knickers, and get out,” said Mary Churchill, who had cum in her knickers whilst caning two such gorgeous female bottoms.

Kim pulled up her knickers and stumbled out of the door, but she could hardly see because of her tears, almost colliding with another girl as she moved down the corridor clutching her buttocks.

Later that day, Kim and Susan did what they could to soothe each other’s cane-marked bottoms, and that inevitably led to what had prompted their canings. Mary Churchill masturbated as she relived the canings that she had administered.


The reason that Kim Archibald, who had been married but was now divorced, was now standing outside a door not unlike that one from years ago was that soon she would enter the room on the other side, and get a caning.

The woman who would administer the caning was of a similar age to that of Mary Churchill all those years ago but was actually close to ten years younger than Kim now. The woman, known as Miss Higgins, applied the cane to male and female buttocks, but had a clear preference for caning women.

Kim had not been caned since that day at school, but had often thought back to the incident. The caning hurt her like hell, but the aftermath with her buttocks tingling and then her time with Susan was still one of the great sexual experiences of her life.

A chance meeting with another woman who had been a classmate of Kim’s led to a coffee and a long chat about their lives over the last forty-odd years but kept going back to schooldays, Miss Churchill, and the cane. The old classmate, Helen Longstaff, had never married and never lost her interest in the cane, an interest first discovered when she was seventeen and bending over Mary Churchill’s desk.

Helen had found ‘Miss Higgins’ on the internet and had visited her to get her buttocks caned several times over the last two years. Helen told Kim that sometimes sex followed the caning.

Kim took the contact details for the lady that did the caning, but was doubtful about making contact.

Although Kim’s marriage lasted a number of years, she had always been bisexual at best, leaning towards lesbianism, and had had a few lesbian lovers before, during and since her marriage.

After a lot of thought, plus thinking back to how she felt after her only previous caning, Kim sent an email to Miss Higgins.

Dear Miss Higgins, I have got your details from Helen Longstaff, who was a classmate of mine at a private girls’ school a great many years ago. I was caned at school, only once, and it had a profound effect on me. Despite that, I have not been caned since.

I am still unsure whether I want a caning but Helen spoke of you in glowing terms and I would appreciate it if we could discuss the possibilities, either by email or on the phone.

Yours, Kim Archibald (formerly Hudson).

Kim added her landline and mobile phone numbers.

She very swiftly received an email from Miss Higgins acknowledging Kim’s email and saying that she would phone her to discuss things soon.

Later that day, Kim’s mobile rang with an unrecognised number.

“Hello,” said Kim.

“Hello, is that Kim Hudson?” said a strong-sounding woman’s voice.

“Well, Kim Hudson as was,” replied Kim.

“My name is Miss Higgins,” said the woman.

“Oh, oh, yes, hello Miss,” said Kim, her buttocks clenching.

“You wish to discuss the possibility of a caning,” said Miss Higgins.

“Yes, I am not certain that I want one,” said Kim.

“Well, you need to be aware that I do not do play canings, when I cane someone, they feel it,” said Miss Higgins.

“Yes, so Helen Longstaff tells me,” said Kim.

“Helen has a wonderful bottom, absolutely beautiful with cane marks on it,” said Miss Higgins, obviously impressed with Helen.

“I have not seen her bottom since the changing rooms at school,” said Kim, wondering why she said that.

“So, do you have any questions to help you make up your mind?” asked Miss Higgins.

“As I said in my email, I have not been caned since school,” said Kim.

“Yes, a long time; what makes you think that you might want a caning now?” said Miss Higgins.

“I find myself thinking back to that caning and how I felt more and more, and the discussion I had with Helen got me thinking even more,” replied Kim.

“What were you caned for?” asked Miss Higgins.

“Um, my friend and I were caught, um…” Kim started to respond.

“Quite common in girls’ schools, and boys, I suppose,” said Miss Higgins.

“I suppose,” replied Kim.

“Just to tell you what will happen if you visit me, we will first have a chat and you will still have a chance to change your mind; once we get beyond that, you and I will dress accordingly although dressing is not essential, and you will then bend over for your caning; the number of strokes might be predecided or might not,” explained Miss Higgins.

“Yes, Helen said that usually she was dressed in school uniform,” said Kim.

“Yes, I have uniforms in various sizes, the schoolgirls that bend over for me are very mature ones, you understand,” said Miss Higgins.

“Yes, I am aged sixty,” said Kim.

“As is Helen,” replied Miss Higgins.

“Yes,” said Kim.

“Would it make it easier for you if you visited at the same time as Helen if it could be arranged?” suggested Miss Higgins.

“Um, um, I don’t know; you mean you cane us both?” responded Kim.

“Yes, you would see Helen’s bottom again then,” said Miss Higgins.

“I suppose I would; do you mean we watch each other get caned?” said Kim.

“Not essential, but might be fun; I would have to get Helen’s views first,” said Miss Higgins.

“Okay, will you see what Helen says and then contact me? I will make my decision then,” said Kim.

Miss Higgins agreed to contact Helen Longstaff and see what she felt about making a visit including her former classmate, and then to get back to Kim. Helen was very much up for the idea, thinking of the possibility of post-caning sex with Helen or Miss Higgins, or both.

Miss Higgins called Kim back, explaining that Helen was very enthusiastic, but the decision was hers.

Kim had already just about made up her mind to go ahead with visiting Miss Higgins, with or without Helen, but she found the idea of Helen’s involvement to be very sexually arousing. She had never thought of Helen sexually, not at school nor after their meeting, but the idea of seeing Helen getting a caning turned her on.

Kim agreed to the visit, and after further phone calls, a date was set. Miss Higgins said that they were both welcome to stay the night afterwards if they wished. There were all sorts of sexual implications there.


So it was that Kim Hudson, that was, stood outside the big door in a school uniform too small for her, the bottle green school knickers mostly disappearing into her arse crack, her arse cheeks bulging out. Stood near her was her former classmate, Helen Longstaff, also in school uniform, and very sexually aroused.

“How many strokes will we get?” said Kim, her voice cracking.

“Don’t know, she gave me twenty-four once,” replied Helen, smiling at the memory of that caning, her orgasm during the caning, and the sex with Miss Higgins afterwards.

“Twenty-four?” said Kim, incredulously.

“Doubt if it will be that many,” reassured Helen.

The door opened, ending the speculation.

“In here, you two,” said Miss Higgins, looking very much like Miss Churchill from forty-three years before.

Kim followed Helen into the room, which was a replica of a headmistress’s study.

“It has been reported to me that you two have been indulging in sex together,” accused Miss Higgins.

“No, Miss, that is not true,” said Helen, who had rekindled her fancying of Kim since their meeting. She wanted Kim back in their schooldays but knew that Kim only had eyes for Susan.

“What do you have to say, Hudson?” asked Miss Higgins, glaring at Kim.

“Um, yes… I mean no, we haven’t,” stammered Kim.

“But you are having such thoughts, correct, Longstaff?” said Miss Higgins, turning her attention to Helen.

“Well, Miss, Kim is a very attractive girl,” replied Helen, smirking at Kim.

“I knew it! Hudson, do you feel the same?” asked Miss Higgins.

“Well, Miss, I, I…” said a flustered Kim.

“Tell me, girl, do you find Longstaff attractive?” demanded Miss Higgins.

“Yes, Miss, but…” said Kim, which turned to a gasp when Helen touched her left hand with her right.

“A caning for both of you, then,” said Miss Higgins, delighted to see the two mature schoolgirls holding hands. The situation was very sexually charged.

“That’s not fair,” protested Kim, gripping Helen’s hand tighter.

“You will not defy me, girl, or you will get extra strokes,” responded Miss Higgins.

“She is going to cane us, Kim; don’t argue with her,” said Helen, looking forward to being caned and watching Kim get caned.

“You first, Longstaff; bend over the desk,” ordered Miss Higgins, who normally selected a cane before giving that instruction but wanted to give Kim a good look at Helen’s bottom.

“Yes, Miss,” said Helen, releasing Kim’s hand and placing herself over the desk. Miss Higgins got behind her and flipped her skirt up at the back, giving Kim a brief view of Helen’s knickers embedded in her arse crack, before Miss Higgins dragged the knickers down, exposing Helen’s large bare bottom. Helen got a thrill having her backside exposed to Kim, and Kim found the sight very arousing.

Miss Higgins then went to her cupboard and brought out a cane, which she bent and slashed through the air. She then tried another one in the same way, and then a third, before going back to the original selection. Miss Higgins got behind Helen, the cane quivering in her hand. Kim held her breath, as Helen gripped the far end of the desk in anticipation. Kim had heard a caning before, Susan’s, but had never seen one. That was about to change, as Miss Higgins tapped the cane against Helen’s rear.

Miss Higgins raised the cane high, then slashed it down, complete with a flick of her wrist an instant before it made contact with Helen’s bare bottom.

The sound that it made on impact was similar to the sound that Kim had heard forty-three years before, but Helen grunted rather than shrieking as Susan had done.

Miss Higgins waited about ten seconds before delivering a second stroke, and Helen was slightly more vocal on impact.

Before the third stroke landed, there were two red lines appearing on Helen’s large backside, and dampness was appearing in Kim’s knickers.

Helen’s hips swayed slightly from side to side after the fourth stroke had lashed her arse, but she was not showing great signs of distress. Kim doubted if she could take four strokes that well, plus however many more Miss Higgins chose to deliver.

“Fuck!” yelled Helen, as the sixth stroke hit her lower buttocks just above her thighs.

Miss Higgins did not acknowledge Helen’s remark, but swiftly delivered stroke seven.

“Shit!” shouted Helen, now getting agitated.

Kim was torn; she was finding watching Helen’s bare arse getting caned to be tremendously exciting, but she knew that she would be bending over soon. She was not far from cumming in her knickers.

Helen’s caning continued, and she now had ten distinct red lines across her arse cheeks, and still the cane rose and fell.

Helen writhed on the desk, and her legs opened enough for Kim to see her very wet cunt lips; that was enough for Kim to cum in her knickers, letting out a groan as she tried to clamp her thighs together.

Helen’s thrashing stopped at fifteen strokes.

“Stand up, Longstaff,” said Miss Higgins, her eyes ablaze with sexual arousal.

Helen slowly pushed herself up from the desk, and put her hands on her arse cheeks. She looked at Kim and smiled weakly; Helen’s face was very flushed.

“Thank you, Miss,” Helen said softly to Miss Higgins.

“Hudson, bend over; stand over there, Longstaff,” said Miss Higgins, pointing with the cane. Kim gasped; now she was going to feel a cane again.

Kim took up the position vacated by Helen, and was not surprised when her knickers were dragged down. Miss Higgins could clearly see that Kim had cum in her knickers, something that Miss Higgins was not far from doing.

“I will be lenient with you, Hudson; I know Longstaff was the instigator,” said Miss Higgins, admiring Kim’s bare bottom, as was Helen, through tears.

“Twelve strokes,” said Miss Higgins, shattering Kim’s hopes of getting a maximum of six.

Miss Higgins raised the cane, and the first stroke stung Kim more than she imagined it would. She almost screamed.

Miss Higgins methodically delivered stroke after stroke to Kim’s bottom, and Kim twisted and writhed, and fought the urge to jump up.

After the ninth stroke, Kim could resist no more, and she jumped up and clutched her buttocks. Helen, still with her hands on her own cheeks, was loving the performance.

“Get down, Hudson,” said Miss Higgins sternly. The woman doing the caning had orgasmed after Kim’s sixth stroke.

Kim slowly got back down, and took her last three strokes. Her arse was on fire.

“Your beating is over, Hudson,” said Miss Higgins.

Kim remained sprawled over the desk for a while, before slowly pushing herself up.

Miss Higgins gave Kim some time to recover.

“Right, ladies, you can spend the night if you wish. A room each, or you might want to share,” said Miss Higgins, with a knowing smile.

Helen and Kim looked at each other, both now very much fancying the other.

“It is up to Kim, but I would like to stay and to share,” said Helen.

“I would like that,” said Kim.

“Excellent, I will show you to your room,” said Miss Higgins.

The two sixty-year-old women very painfully followed the younger woman to a room with a double bed.

“There is some cooling cream by the side of the bed, it might come in useful,” said Miss Higgins.

“Thank you, Miss,” said Helen.

“Yes, thank you, Miss,” said Kim.

“I will leave you ladies to it, but will check on you later, if you don’t mind,” smiled Miss Higgins.

“Thanks, Miss,” said Kim.

“As Helen knows from past experience, you may call me Sarah when I return,” said Miss Higgins, leaving no doubt that she expected Helen and Kim to have sex, and for her to join in later.

Sarah left the room, but did not fully close the door.

“Fucking hell, my arse hurts,” chuckled Helen.

“Mine too, I never thought I could take twelve; you took fifteen,” said Kim.

“Shall we use that cooling cream?” asked Helen.

“Oh yes,” replied Kim.

“I will do you first, get your knickers off and lay on the bed,” said Helen.

Kim removed her knickers, and lay face down on the bed, Helen raised her friend’s skirt well clear of her caned arse.

“She has put quite a pattern on your arse,” said Helen, kneeling next to Kim and getting some cream on her finger.

Helen gently applied some cream to Kim’s caned cheeks, tracing a finger along the red lines. Kim squirmed, the tingling of her arse and Helen’s soothing of it were both turning her on.

Helen deliberately put some cream in Kim’s arse crack, and gently fingered her there.

“Oh fuck,” said Kim.

“You like that?” asked Helen.

“Mmmm,” responded Kim.

Helen ran her finger over Kim’s anus and round to her cunt; Kim opened her legs wider. Helen proceeded to finger fuck Kim, and Kim very soon came, loudly. Sarah, who was listening not far away, fingered herself.

Kim and Helen swapped positions and Kim soothed Helen’s backside, including arse crack teasing, before Kim finger fucked Helen to a cum.

The two women removed their schoolgirl uniforms, and got into a sixty-nine, making each other cum twice more.

Sarah, who had masturbated to orgasm whilst listening, got naked and joined the other two women.

There was then three-way sex, with first Sarah tonguing Helen’s cunt as Kim licked Sarah’s arsehole, followed by various combinations as the three women came and came and came.

The three of them spent the night naked in the same bed, and there was more sex in the morning.

It was very likely that Kim Archibald (as Kim Hudson) and Helen Longstaff would visit Miss Higgins again, possibly individually, but more likely as a pair. Kim and Helen might be seeing a lot of each other too.

Kim had experienced the second caning of her life, forty-three years after the first one, and her only regret was that she waited that long.

Published 1 year ago

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