It was two minutes to five in the morning when Elaine Garcia awoke from her peaceful slumber in her hotel room. Nine years of service in the United States Army had conditioned her body to wake up before the first streaks of dawn. She unlocked her phone to switch the alarm, slated to ring at 5AM, into a thirty-minute workout timer. Elaine grabbed her messy morning hair and tied it into a sporty ponytail before slipping on her hot-pink sports bra and briefs, ready for a sweaty exercise – a morning ritual that she had maintained since her bootcamp days.
As the thirty-minute mark chimed, Elaine reached over to turn off the timer. Her body was toned and glistening with sweat, and her damp workout attire clung to her curves as she shed it. She briskly walked to the bathroom, grabbing a shower cap on the way, and expertly tucked her tresses inside after undoing her ponytail. Elaine turned on the shower and stepped inside, relishing the sensation of water droplets cascading down her skin and washing away the sweat from her morning exercises. She took a loofah and pumped body soap into it, massaging herself with soapy bubbles to relax the tense muscles on her toned body. The loofah and her off-hand worked beautifully in tandem to lather her soft, plum skin from neck to toe.
Feeling energized from the steamy shower, Elaine turned off the water and reached for a fluffy towel to dry herself off. She removed her shower cap as and headed towards her closet, where she found her dark blue US Army Service Uniform hanging neatly inside. Next to it were three pieces of white long-sleeve regulation blouses and two of matching skirts in dark blue shade. Elaine always preferred skirts over slacks to complete her regulation uniform. Unlike the official regulation slacks, the skirts match the shade of the coat, providing a more aesthetically pleasing appearance. Skirts also allowed Elaine to have them hemmed high enough, despite going against the uniform code, to showcase her toned thighs and beautifully shaped, hairless legs.
On the shelf were unopened packages of fully fashioned stockings and a stack of lacy shelf bras in an array of colors – nude, white, burgundy, and black. She always had a penchant for wearing luxurious lingerie with silky and delicate fabrics underneath her rugged Class A uniform. The contrasting combination of materials brushing against her skin always gave her a rush of exciting sensations and rousing thoughts.
Next to the lingerie were five shiny, polished metal butt plugs of varying gem colors at their base, gifts from her Commanding Officer to recognize her promotion to the rank of Major. Elaine wore each butt plug under her clothing every day, not only as part of her oath to her CO, but also because she felt her attire was not complete without a butt plug in place.
Elaine’s fingers trembled with anticipation as she picked up a butt plug, admiring the light blue jewel at its base that sparkled in the warm bathroom lights. The cold metal sent shivers down her spine as she inserted it into her backdoor without any lubrication. She let out a moan as the plug slid securely into place, filling her up and sending waves of pleasure through her body. The taps of Elaine’s fingers on the jewel created vibrations that intensified the pleasure coursing up her spine.
The Chastity Belt
Elaine opened a drawer beneath the shelf where her chastity belt lay waiting. As her fingers brushed against the cold, stainless steel material, memories of her time as a grunt in the Army flooded her mind. She relived countless instances where her male peers and superiors had demanded sexual favors in exchange for her own safety and career advancement. As a lesbian, these unsavory encounters instilled in her a deep-seated fear of vaginal penetration. The idea of any phallic objects entering her vagina filled her with dread.
As Elaine climbed the ranks, she gained more power and was able to avoid servicing those unpleasant men. Two years ago, she discovered that a chastity belt would serve as her fortress of solitude and indefectible protector. She had been wearing her custom-made stainless-steel chastity belt for at least twelve hours a day ever since as a form of self-therapy. The belt served as her faithful guardian against vaginal penetration, including from her own fingers. Surrendering control in this way had become a powerful aphrodisiac for Elaine, giving her the power to conquer her fears and rediscover her own sexuality.
Elaine wrapped the 5-cm wide waistband of the chastity belt around her waist with expertise, cinching it in and trimming an inch off her waist. She bent down to pull the crotch-piece towards her waist. Carefully positioning the shield, she used her fingers to pinch her labia so that they fit through the clitoral slit along the shield and securely encased behind the bulky secondary shield. She tugged the crotch-piece interlock towards the waistband and enjoyed the feeling of the steel cable bisecting her buttocks.
As the three interlocks came together, Elaine hooked a gold-plated padlock through the locking mechanism. Her breathing quickened as she clicked the padlock shut, transferring control of her own body to the belt. She then ran her fingers down towards the sturdy secondary shield guarding her vagina, pressing on it to ensure its security. With her chastity belt and the butt plug nestled inside her backdoor, she finally relinquished control of her womanhood, feeling safe and secure as a free woman within the embrace of her chastity belt.
After a brief moment of pause, Elaine reached for her shelf bra collections and opted for a nude-colored one. Her fingers caressed the lace before clasping it around her torso. She rotated the bra around to its correct orientation while savoring the sensation of the soft, delicate fabric creating friction against her skin. Elaine secured her breasts inside the push-up cups before inserting her arms through the bra straps, being extra careful not to get her nipple piercings stuck. Her cleavage was enhanced by the firm underbust support, creating extra busts two sizes up. The bra’s thin layers of decorative lace did little to conceal her piercing nipple jewelries, which shone like jewels behind the sheer fabric.
Elaine’s beautiful golden floral-shaped nipple jewelry had a dark past. Elaine’s then-superior, consumed by jealousy, made her have the barbells permanently soldered to exert his ownership over her. He went further by having the delicate floral jewelry installed behind the barbells, leaving Elaine unable to remove the jewelry without risking her nipples tearing out. The combination of jewelry and piercings left her nipples protruding and sensitive, not just to human touch, but also to the fabrics she wore. The added weight to her nipples heightened the sensual pleasure she experienced from seemingly innocent day-to-day activities. Despite her troubling past, Elaine trained herself to rewire her brain to savor the sensation of her nipples coming into contact with lace and the fabrics of her regulation blouses.
The Uniform
Elaine picked out a pristine, long-sleeved white blouse and slipped her arms into it. The meticulously dry-cleaned fabric felt luxurious against her skin. She began to button up her regulation blouse, starting at the collar and working her way down. When all the buttons were securely clasped, she pulled up the collar and wrapped a dark blue neck tab around it, fastening it with velcro at the back. She pulled down the collar, ensuring that the neck tab was angled correctly and the collar was properly shaped.
Standing in front of the mirror, Elaine saw the reflection of a chaste yet provocative woman with an untucked-style blouse covering the waistband of her chastity belt. The blouse had been customized against any acceptable military dress code to accentuate her bosom and contrasting them against the slim silhouette of her waist cinched by the chastity belt. Devilishly smiling, she pressed her hands against her body, tracing her curves tightly hugged by her uniform, savoring the sensation of her sensitive pierced nipples grazing against her blouse. Despite the thick fabric, the unmistakable outlines and the golden tint of her nipple jewelries were still visibly protruding through her blouse.
Elaine reached for an unopened package of fully fashioned stockings, the makeup for her slender legs. She sat on the bed while taking out the luxurious, silky stockings. She expertly rolled the stockings and slipped her smooth, hairless left leg into it. The arousing sensation of new stockings’ fabric sliding through her skin electrified her nerves. She pulled the reinforced thigh band up and checked the seam’s straightness on her left calf and the back of her thigh. From inside her blouse, she retrieved a white strap with a garter clip attached at one end. She fastened the clip to the top of her fully fashioned stockings.
Elaine stood up and pulled two additional straps on the left side of her blouse. As before, she deftly fastened the straps to the side of the stockings and to the stockings’ keyhole in the back. She repeated the exact same procedure for her right leg. She then adjusted the tensions of the garter straps so that the inelastic stocking material stretched just enough when she bent her legs, yet created the classic creased look when she relaxed them. Standing in front of the mirror, she turned around and double-checked the seams and the symmetry of the stockings on her legs. Satisfied that the six garter straps were holding her stockings in place, she moved on to retrieve her skirt from the hanger.
Elaine’s movements were graceful as she lifted her standard-issue A-line skirt and slid it up her legs. The silky material of her stockings brushed against the soft satin liner of the skirt, sending Elaine into a mini-ecstasy. She pulled the skirt higher, wiggling her hips to help it pass her curvy derriere. She tucked her blouse inside the skirt as she continued pulling it up past the waistband of her chastity belt. Finally, she fastened the two buttons at the back of the skirt, then zipped it up. With normal standing posture, the skirt’s flared hemline rested just above the shadow-welt of her stockings, playfully hinting at the sexy lingerie the officer wore underneath her uniform.
Elaine elegantly donned her ultimate piece of uniform: the coveted dark blue Officer’s Army Service Uniform coat. Major Garcia had rightfully earned this Commissioned Officer’s uniform through blood, sweat, and tears in her physical disciplines and her Ph.D. in Molecular Biology, on top of the sacrifices she had made in the Army. She carefully slid her arms through the sleeves, which were adorned with gold-and-cobalt-blue sleeve braid, signifying her commanding position in the Army Chemical Corps. Elaine completed her uniform ensemble by closing the four gold buttons, starting from her bosom and ending at her midriff.
The perfectly tailored coat accentuated Elaine’s curves into an hourglass silhouette, cinching her waistline in contrast to her well-endowed bosom and wide hips. She straightened the jacket’s sleeves and pulled the cuffs of her blouse underneath. Elaine took a moment to examine her reflection in the mirror. She ensured that the military ribbons on her right chest were straight and that her name tag on her left chest was aligned at the bottom of her ribbons. She proceeded to inspect the US and infantry branch insignia on both sides of the jacket’s lapel. Finally, she checked her shoulder straps, making sure that the Major rank insignia curved and fit snugly along her shoulder joint.
Elaine proceeded to pull her hair back into a neat bun and walked towards the bathroom mirror. As she moved, she could feel the presence of her butt plug beneath her uniform. Though motionless and secured tightly by her sphincter muscles, the swings of Elaine’s hips massaged the plug, which in turn stimulated her nerve endings. This feedback loop made Elaine swing her hips more as she walked.
Upon reaching the mirror, she applied some oil for shine to her tightly knotted hair. She then took out a liquid foundation bottle and a brush from her makeup kit, applying it lightly all over her face for an even complexion. Next, she drew a winged line on both of her eyes using a magnetic eyeliner and attached modest eyelashes. She finished off her makeup routine with a touch of glossy, rosy-pink lipstick. Finally, she installed a small glittery, piercing earring to each of her ear’s lobules.
Major Elaine Garcia turned off the bathroom light before proceeding towards the exit door, where her shoulder bag and her Field Grade Officer hat were lying on a small desk, and her high heels under it. She inspected her bag’s content to make sure she had her white ceremonial gloves, writing implements, a laptop, and her keyring inside. The keyring held her hotel keycard and the key to the chastity belt secured under her uniform, in addition to a retractable lanyard with her ID badge from Protium Industries.
Elaine delicately lifted her slim, stockings-covered leg before easing it into her shiny, patent black closed-toe high heels. As she shifted her weight to her right side, she gained an extra four inches in height. Simultaneously, her posture change caused her nipples to slide upwards and brush against the fabric of her blouse. The sensation was heightened by nipple piercing and the delicate microweave of the blouse’s material. She then slipped her left leg into the other high heel and balanced her posture.
Major Elaine Garcia took one last glance at her reflection, admiring the way her uniform tastefully accentuated her curves and exuded a commanding aura. Her uniform was more than just a means to an end. It was her playground, her canvas, and her sensual escape. She reveled in the power she felt the uniform bestowed upon her and the self-gratifying arousal it brought her. Admiration, praise, jealousy, and lustful looks from others were just added bonuses.
But what brought a smile to Elaine’s lips was the fact that her custom-tailored Officer’s Army Service skirt-suit uniform concealed a trove of tantalizing secrets – secrets that only she knew and relished. Who would have guessed that her nipples were pierced and adorned with permanent jewelry, heightening their sensitivity to touch? Or that a butt plug, nestled deep inside her backdoor, constantly stimulating her sensitive nerve endings and making her day more exciting? Or that a tightly locked stainless steel chastity belt encircled her slim waist, protecting her most intimate parts, leaving her craving for touch from other women?
As Elaine indulged in her fantasy of a woman’s touch, her hand wandered down to her crotch, pressing against the outline of her chastity belt. She couldn’t resist admiring the faint outlines of her garter belts under her dark blue skirt, which kept her blouse tucked in and her fully fashioned stockings pulled up. Slowly turning around, she took in the sight of her backside. The sleek, nude-colored stockings perfectly encased her legs, complementing the bright-red soles of her patent-black stiletto high heels and giving her a sultry, mysterious appearance. As she rotated each leg, she ensured the triangular European heels were perfectly centered and the seams were straight.
Elaine gave in to the temptation to tease her own reflection. She bent forward, revealing the keyholes of her stockings and a glimpse of flesh from her upper thighs. Running her fingers over her thighs, she savored the silkiness of the material. Her fingers slid under her skirt, past the stocking tops, to touch her bare skin thighs, giving her a jolt and bringing an end to her fantasy
The Journey Begins
After a brief moment to collect herself, Elaine smoothed out her skirt and placed her hat onto her head. She slung her shoulder bag over her arm and summoned her morning ride from her phone with a slick gesture. As she walked towards the elevator, her movements were brisk and deliberate, like a catwalk model on display. Each step she took was sensual, with a subtle sway in her hips, pushing the butt plug deeper inside her. Elaine felt a growing sense of arousal from the shifting of the butt plug, causing her lips to curl into a sultry smile like a young nymph deprived of touch. She stepped into the empty elevator, savoring the feeling of the plug jolting upwards inside her as the elevator descended thirty-six stories to the hotel’s lobby.
As Elaine stepped out of the elevator, she continued to walk with the confidence of a fashion model on a runway. Unlike the carpeted floor in the guest suite, the marble floor in the hotel lobby echoed loudly with every step of Elaine’s high heels. The rhythmic clicking of her heels against the hard floor drew the attention of other guests, almost as if announcing her arrival. Additionally, the impact of her heels against the marble floor also created force-feedback that reverberated up Elaine’s legs, causing her butt plug to vibrate in response.
Elaine passed by the concierge desk on her way to the driveway, giving the friendly and immaculately dressed receptionist a flirty smile. Once outside, she saw her autonomous mini-shuttle car already waiting for her. She tapped her phone near the door handle, and the car emitted a welcoming confirmation before opening its door. Elaine sat in the car’s only seat and fastened her seatbelt as the navigation system greeted her.
“Protium Research Park, Gate 5 please,” Elaine said, cutting off the pre-recorded greetings.
“Destination confirmed. ETA twenty-two minutes,” replied the car. Elaine settled into her seat, and as she did, she noticed her skirt had ridden up, revealing the welt of her stockings. She let her fingers slide under her skirt, caressing her smooth thighs and toying with the sturdy secondary shield of the chastity belt that guarded her labia. Her other hand cupped her breast, held in place by the tight uniform and shelf bra underneath, feeling the weight of her piercing jewelry on her nipples. Her mind drifted away as she imagined a beautiful, dominant woman sitting on her lap, pulling her head in for passionate kisses and teases. The autonomous car accelerated gently, and as it did, a sultry tune filled the air, a perfect accompaniment to Elaine’s journey down her sensuous and erotic fantasy lane.