“How’s my good boy doing today?” I could hardly look up from my cereal in time to receive Alice’s wet kiss on my cheek. “All ready for your big day?”
I smiled in spite of myself at the older woman’s affectionate greeting. In the weeks since our first fuck, Alice had fully embraced the paternalistic side of herself that had only been teased up to that point. The head pats and ‘good boy’s had just been the tip of the iceberg, apparently. She was a woman transformed now, entirely absorbed in her self-appointed need to take care of me. I wasn’t complaining; the tall, busty goth goddess who’d moved into my spare room a few months earlier was gorgeous company.
“I think so. I hope so. No, I am. I’m ready.”
“Awh, come on now,” she said with a grin. I couldn’t decide if her black lipstick made it more genuine or if I was just in love. “Just remember what we practiced and you’ll be fine.”
“I know. I do. It’s just…”
“Out with it, baby boy,” she said, reaching into the cabinet for a bowl before coming to join me for breakfast. The generous view of her thick, firm ass nearly made me whimper.
“I really want this job. I’m worried I’ll fuck it up.”
The look she gave me while pouring her cereal told me how ridiculous I was being. “Well,” she said, “I’m certain that you won’t, but even if things go wrong, I’ll still be proud of you either way.”
Proud of me. Not something I heard much of growing up, the words set my heart racing coming from Alice. Roommate or not, her approval had become tremendously important to me in the time we’d spent together. It might have had something to do with how often she drained my balls, my latent mommy complex, or some Freudian mix of the two, but hearing her say things like that always got me going in ways that they shouldn’t have.
“Thanks,” I replied. “I do need to get going, though. Wish me luck?”
She shook her dark shock of black hair vigorously in refusal. “No sir, I will do no such thing. You don’t need it.” She laughed at my pout, “Get home quick and you can be lucky all afternoon, if you want.”
True to her nature, Alice was right; I didn’t need the luck. One firm handshake, and a few signatures on some HR forms later, and I was back in my car to race home with the good news.
This was it. The job was a good one, but the occasion to give the elder emo woman something to be proud of me for was so much more than just that. This was going to be my way in.
Into her ass.
I fought to control my breathing as I rehearsed my speech on the ride home, but my sweaty palms and the lump in my throat made it hard to focus on the job at hand. I’d run this through in my head a hundred times, a thousand, but I never felt ready enough to broach the topic of what I had come to desire more than anything on God’s green earth.
Alice’s asshole.
I don’t know where it came from, or what part of our dynamic had given birth to it, but I had become wholly obsessed with the only thing she hadn’t given to me. Please understand, this wasn’t some craving born of idle curiosity; it was a need. I needed her ass. All day and night, I was consumed painfully by my need to touch, feel, and fuck her ass.
I’d had her in every other way imaginable. Casual handjobs while we watched esoteric indie horror films on the couch, morning blowjobs in lieu of breakfast on Sunday mornings, sweaty, breathless creampies on any surface or piece of furniture that would bear our weight. And the abuse she put my face through! Our first encounter should have made it obvious enough, but the woman loved nothing more than to plant her greedy pussy on my face and grind herself against me for hours on end. I wasn’t even sure I had taste buds left anymore. Even her frigid little toes had worn my cum after one particularly confusing new experience.
But it wasn’t enough. Not compared to my final prize.
The elevator ride up to our shared apartment was torturous, and I was worried I might vomit from the nerves. Still, it had to be done. While her wardrobe of black outfits covered a dazzling spectrum of complexity and variance, Alice spent most of her time at home in nothing but baggy t-shirts; if I was forced to come home to find her sleeping on the couch with her bare ass peeking out from under the hem of a shirt one more time, I might explode.
The elevator dinged, and my mouth watered like Pavlov’s hound. It was an effort not to vomit at my own door. Now or never.
Frustratingly, it was never. Well, not just then, at least.
A note on the counter read “Sorry kiddo, I got called in for an early shift – the barback they scheduled didn’t show up. Tell me how the interview went when I get home? I’m excited to hear all about it! xx – A.”
I nearly screamed in frustration.
I needed an outlet. Something. Anything to take my mind off of what I had convinced myself I’d be having at that moment. In hindsight, I was definitely thinking with my dick, but the solution that presented itself to me right then seemed perfectly rational.
I’d go into her room.
I hurriedly shrugged out of my work clothes and into something more comfortable; some loose shorts and a dirty tee. The minutes leading up to what I was about to do felt so right, like the solution to all my problems lay clearly before me. A serene calm overtook me and I decided to christen the occasion with a beer from the fridge. A Tupperware with another cute note from Alice, telling me I was free to eat her leftovers, felt like all the blessing I needed, like she was right there saying “Go ahead, it’s okay.”
I’d never been into her room before. It had always felt like a line that I couldn’t cross; if we weren’t fucking on the sofa, it had always been in my room. I’d only ever caught glimpses into hers on a few occasions. It was time to change that.
I pushed through the unlocked door with trepidation. I wasn’t sure what I’d expected to find, but was too exhilarated to be disappointed by how ordinary the space was. Larger than my room by a good bit, hers was entirely unremarkable in its simplicity. Given her patchwork tapestry of savage-looking tattoos, all-black aesthetic, and encyclopedic knowledge of Nordic death metal bands I’d never heard of, I expected…more. The bed, covered in a plain green duvet, was freshly made. A dresser stood along one wall next to a cluttered makeup vanity. Aside from a few scattered items of discarded clothing, there was nothing here to suggest that the woman I knew lived here at all.
I toed into the room cautiously, fighting a rising tide of realization that this was all a bit of an overreaction to not finding her home. This couldn’t be it. I needed something, some pay-off for the risk that I’d taken in coming here, some small token to remind me that I was waiting for something truly special to come home and reveal itself to me.
The nightstand. It had to have something; every woman I’d ever known kept her toys in the top drawer, and Alice was certainly the kind of girl to entertain herself liberally when I wasn’t around. I pulled the drawer open and was rewarded immediately.
Not one or two, but five toys lay against the cheap wood bottom amid a tangle of charging cords and knick-knacks. A trio of rubber cocks stared up at me in a neon array of colors that clashed heavily with Alice’s carefully curated look, and something that I knew would somehow mimic the sucking sensation of human lips sat in a disorganized heap. Something else dominated my attention entirely, though.
Shiny and silver, the heavy metal plug set with a gaudy, cheap-looking gemstone in the shape of a heart rolled against the front wall of the drawer with a heavy knock. I stared, mouth agape, for long seconds while I considered everything that the thing represented. It was a butt plug. It went in butts. Alice’s butt, to be exact. If Alice had a butt plug, it meant that she put it in her butt, and if she put things like this in her butt then maybe, just maybe, she put other things in there as well.
The shamefully adolescent line of reasoning struck me dumb. I dared to reach out gingerly, plucking the cool metal thing out of the drawer and holding it up like a precious stone. It was…beautiful. The urge to pop the thing into my mouth, just for the sake of being closer to it, nearly overtook me. It didn’t feel like enough just to know that the thing existed; I needed to possess it. I needed to make it mine. I needed it with me, near me, next to my bare skin at all times.
What I needed was to put it back and go relieve the unbelievable pressure in my shorts immediately.
Though Alice returned later that night to celebrate my success with me, I’d simply beaten my poor, abused cock raw by the time she got home. I lied when she asked if I wanted a blowjob to celebrate and told her that I only wanted to lie back and let her grind herself silly on my face again for all the help she’d given me in preparing.
She was, obviously, more than happy to oblige, and I nearly rose to attention at the thought of how close her tight little asshole was to my eager tongue; one miscalculated bump of her hips and I’d be nestled deep in my prize. Still, I was truly worn out and wanted to be sure I was at my best when I made my move. Alice gleefully abused my face until my lungs screamed for mercy, as was her way, and left me in a giddy little heap with a slimy grin on my tired lips.
Days passed before I was even tempted to consider my proposal again. The high of discovering her plug had fueled me into a fit of punishing masturbation; I hardly had it in me to fuck her the next time she asked me to. Still, seeing her bent over the back of the couch as she asked for my cock in her sultry way was enough to get me going, not to mention the promise of an opportunity to spread her fat ass meat and get my eyes on her delicious-looking hole.
“Fuck, baby boy, you make Mama feel so good!” she moaned. The ‘mommy’ stuff only came out on rare occasions when she was feeling particularly needy. “Smack my ass! Come on baby, smack my ass harder!”
I railed her, cracking sharp smacks on her already bruised flesh while I pounded, knowing full well that anything less than my level best would be outright rejected by the Amazonian bent over in front of me. In the early days, I often spent my time behind her marveling at the rich inkwork that covered much of her broad back, watching the way that the inscribed insects and devils danced under my assault. No more, though; all I ever cared about now was staring obsessively into the waiting void of her scrunchy pink asshole.
“Fuck mommy, come on baby boy, fuck mommy harder!” she screamed, turning as best she could to look back at me.
I was lost in the hypnotic dance of her heavy ass barreling back onto me again and again, the rhythmic slap of her delicious cheeks cracking against me, driving me wilder by the minute, all while her tight little hole continued to wink at me infuriatingly. It was all too much, and I was lost to reason; Alice’s pitiless wails fell on deaf ears as I drove myself savagely into her time and time again. If I could just taste one time, just one quick lick…
The notion alone was too much – my punished cock erupted into a violent torrent of seemingly unending cum into my moaning roommate. Though physically domineering and just as tall as I was, at least, Alice withdrew into herself as her body involuntarily contracted its every muscle, cramping through her long, drawn-out orgasm.
Much as she’d left me to my own aftercare earlier in the week, I let her slump over and leak messily onto the vinyl sofa while I went to fetch a towel. The mental image of what I wanted had seared itself into my mind’s eye again, and I wouldn’t waste another opportunity to have what was mine.
She knew.
She had to know.
It shouldn’t have been possible, but Alice absolutely must have known what I was after and seemed determined to make me work for it.
I thought I was imagining things at first. She stretched a little higher to get her dishes in the morning, baring her dense ass a little more each time she did so. Then she inexplicably switched to almost exclusively skirts for her work outfits, citing that the tips were simply better when she showed off her legs. It was believable enough; I couldn’t be the only one who liked seeing the twin bows tattooed high on the backs of each of her thighs.
In time, she abandoned all pretense of subtlety completely. She’d insist on searching the bottom shelf of the fridge needlessly any time it was my turn to cook, flaunting her round peach-shaped bottom in a preening display. We fucked somewhat regularly anyway, but she began turning around to ride me in reverse cowgirl every time she wanted to finish me off. Next, she conveniently left a large standing mirror leaning against the wall of the living room for no reason at all.
“Sorry,” she mumbled into the head of my cock, chin covered in the ropey slime that her throat had produced while she worshiped me on her knees, “I forgot to hang that in my room, I’ll get it out of here after.” The angle between the mirror and the couch, where I reclined in regal comfort while she blew me, was no mistake; the heavy dips of her ample hips and the arch of her lower back pushed her ass out magnificently, and I spent the entire affair watching for a glimpse of her pretty little asshole. Once her jaw got too sore to continue, she reached back without looking up and pulled a meaty handful of her ass aside, baring herself to me.
I flooded her throat in an instant.
The real test of will came a few days later. I returned from a night out with some friends to find Alice dozing peacefully on the couch, face down and ass out for the whole world to see. The flickering light of the TV she’d left on filled the room intermittently like bursts of lightning, and the pale reflection of her ghostly butt filled my vision.
I kicked my shoes off quietly and tip-toed over to where she lay, the rise and fall of her chest suggesting she was in deep slumber. Hovering over her still form, I begged her silently not to wake – as little as I worried about her thinking me to be some kind of pervert, this didn’t look great on me.
I wanted to sink my teeth in. I wanted a bite of the fruit on display in front of me. I needed to indulge myself, to give in to the utterly unfathomable temptation that had plagued me for weeks on end. The fine blonde body hairs that covered her stood on end, rising at my approach. I squatted next to her, impossibly close; my mouth watered and my lips begged to be planted on her smooth, soft flesh. I needed it. Fiddling to free my cock from my pants, I wondered if there was a world where I could get away with laying myself between her cheeks while she slept, like a hot dog. I stroked and tugged at myself, trying to reason out how I could possibly mount her, or rub myself against her, anything to bring my bare cock into contact with her asshole.
Some small twitch of rational thought screamed to abandon my voyeuristic predation before things got out of hand, but having her so naked, so close, so on display for me was too much. I could sneak over to the kitchen cabinet and have some cooking oil on her before she woke. The thought of watching it run across her body, rubbing it in with my hands, watching the viscous liquid run between the cleft of her cheeks to kiss her delicate hole, to smear it against her with my thumb before I…
Before I…
Before I knew it, I was clenching my teeth and praying that the fervor I’d worked myself into would fuck right off, but it was too late. I tried to stand while flexing every muscle in my pelvic floor at the same, clamping my palm over my dick in a desperate bid to get away. The effort was in vain, and I felt the pressure of my own pathetic spurts rocketing into my palm messily while I was still half-hunched over Alice.
Still cumming, I waddled over to the kitchen and managed to fetch a few pieces of paper towel with which to clean myself. With a wad of the tissue in my hand, I then crept back over to where Alice, by some miracle, still appeared to sleep soundly. With an effort not to panic, I inspected her ass for signs of my spunk, spotting only a solitary drop against her pearly skin. Taking care not to rub too abrasively, I dabbed at her gingerly, erasing any evidence that I’d ever nearly ejaculated all over her in the first place.
The rest of the night was spent in alternating throes of incurable guilt and furious masturbation.
I was hopeless after that. Truly. There was no redemption available to me, not after what I’d very nearly done. Alice was none the wiser, and treated me just the same as she always did; tight, squishy hugs for no reason at all, little kisses whenever I did anything right, unrequested sexual favors, home-cooked meals. The works. Nothing suggesting that she so much as suspected that my mounting obsession had overtaken me completely.
I could hardly eat. Or sleep. Sex with Alice became almost frustrating; she was as gorgeous and fiery as ever, but it was the wrong hole. All of them were the wrong holes. All except for one.
I woke from a fitful sleep. It was half-past three in the morning. Cursing softly at my insistent hard-on, I realized that I’d been dreaming about her again. Always, the dreaming. It was to the point now that even relieving myself and trying to get back to sleep wasn’t enough; I’d just have to lie awake and stare at my ceiling until dawn again.
Deciding I needed to pee, I padded out into the hall and happened to glance over and see Alice’s door ajar; the low buzz of what could only be one of her toys floated toward me.
I couldn’t.
I shouldn’t.
I was beyond hope.
I would.
Promising myself I’d only peek through the crack, I moved cautiously into place. She lay there, covers pulled up to her tummy, one hand reaching up to clasp at the headboard above her while her other stayed busy beneath the heavy blanket. Lit only by the low light of her dimmed bedside lamp, I was taken again by her rare, spectacular beauty. I knew every tattoo on her skin by heart, from the ludicrous scripting name of an unpronounceable band scrawled across her midriff to the symmetrical, runic stamp that flared out to either side of her pubic mound, to the half dozen little spider webs that branched across several of her joints. At least six feet tall, her long, sturdy body filled the bed in a lazy sprawl and I reveled in the spectacle of her private moment happily. She really was something.
Abruptly, the vibrator switched off and she placed it delicately on the small table next to her. I held my breath.
“I don’t think good boys do that sort of thing, do they?” she said, speaking directly to the cracked door I hid behind.
I said nothing.
“Come here, baby boy,” she demanded.
There was no use pretending I wasn’t there. She obviously knew.
“I’m sorry,” I offered, still standing there, still as a statue.
“I know you are,” she said, “but you need to come in here. Now.”
I did as I was told. She’d accept nothing less.
“Hello there, handsome,” she purred. “Come.”
I stepped further into the room, keenly aware of my nudity and having nothing to hide my shame with. She looked at me a long while, her face an unreadable mask.
“Alice, I…”
“Shhh, no no,” she murmured. “Come here, get on the bed with me. No, you stay there at the bottom.”
I clambered up with her and sat as I was told to at the foot of the mattress. Without a word, Alice leaned over and tugged her drawer open.
“Is…this…what you want?” she asked, producing the heavy metal butt plug that had inserted itself into my psyche some weeks before. My lips parted, but I made no reply.
Smiling knowingly, Alice kicked the covers off her lower half, revealing her long, naked body luxuriously. I bit my lip as I watched her stretch her arms over her head in a languid stretch, relieved that she was so happy to let me off easily. She was known to punish me playfully for little transgressions around the house but didn’t seem to be in one of her mock-stern moods now.
She fiddled with the thing in her hands as she spoke. “You’ve been bad, haven’t you?”
I failed to meet her gaze.
“Yes,” she answered for me, “you have been. I know you’ve been a dirty boy.”
“Alice, I swear…”
“None of that,” she said softly, rolling forward to perch on all fours in front of me. “I know you’ve been watching me. And not just tonight; I know you watch me around the house, don’t you? Hmm? Yes, you do.”
I could only nod.
“Good boy,” she purred. “And I know you were in my room, weren’t you? How else would you know where this was hiding?” she asked, waving the plug in the air tantalizingly. “Hmm,” she hummed, “and here you are, hard as a rock from watching me again.”
I tried to adjust in my seat so my cock wasn’t on such a ludicrous display, but Alice’s hand on my knee prevented me from doing anything so modest.
“And I know that you almost came all over me, didn’t you?”
I didn’t even have any response to offer to that one.
She leaned in close to whisper into my ear, “You missed a spot when you cleaned my ass off, baby boy.”
My heart filled my throat and I thought I’d gag from the shame until the cold steel of Alice’s butt plug was suddenly plunged into my gaping mouth. I tried to pull back, more out of shock than anything, but she was whip quick and clamped a hand over my mouth while the other pressed against the back of my head. Struggling not to gag on the thing, I was coerced roughly onto my back while she cackled maniacally.
“Oh baby boy,” she said, climbing astride me to hold me down, “You really thought I didn’t know, didn’t you? Hmm? Oh, silly thing, you know I can’t understand what you’re saying right now with my plug in your mouth! Just quit fighting it! Besides,” she continued, batting my hands aside with ease, “it needs to get lubed up if it’s going in my ass, doesn’t it?”
I fell limp. Her ass. Not mine. Not mine.
She laughed her throaty chuckle. “Oh, come on, you didn’t really think I’d shove it up your ass, did you?” I shook my head, still trying not to cough the thing out. “Good,” she said. “Why don’t you just,” she continued, swinging a leg over me to turn around like she meant to 69, “get that into me then.”
Lying down along my torso, Alice reached back and spread herself wide open for me. It was everything I had dreamed it would be. More. It was…divine. It was art. Everything I had lost sleep over, agonized over being unattainable, was spread bare for me, inches away from my face. Remembering the metal pacifier she’d shoved into my mouth, I spat the thing out onto the bed next to me.
“Thank you,” I uttered.
“Thank you…” she replied from somewhere near my crotch, letting the implication hang for me to complete.
“Thank you, mommy.”
Her little hum and the accompanying wiggle of her wide hips served to enrage my spurned cock, which promptly twitched so violently that it slapped Alice right in the face.
“You little fucker,” she giggled. “Go on now, are you going to play with it or not?”
“It’s beautiful,” I breathed.
Sighing, she laughed again. “Well come on, at least spit on it or something!”
“Can I?” I asked excitedly.
In reply, her hand gripped my cock and she stuffed the entire meaty thing into her mouth. I tensed immediately at the heavenly embrace of her dark lips but regained my wits quick enough. Working up a mouthful of saliva while Alice’s mouth did its enchanting work, I spat a heavy wad of clear saliva toward her hole, reaching up to spread her cheeks so that I could watch it run down; I’d shot an inch too high, but that only meant I was treated to the most beautiful view as my spit ran its course over the tightly scrunched skin of her darkly puckered hole, and down, down, down to run in a thinning bead between her chunky pussy lips. I felt her warm mouth leave my cock.
“Good boy!” she praised, “Now, more for the toy before you stick it in me, and you might need to rub some around a bit.
Obeying eagerly, I used a thumb to smear my spit around, testing the seal tenderly with the mildest pressure while I sucked the plug wetly again. I was so enraptured that I nearly forgot to enjoy the continuous bobbing of Alice’s mouth, but the entire experience of her lips, her body pressed against me, and her delicious holes lay bare like this was simply transcendent.
“Are you ready?” I asked; Alice hummed her agreement around my throbbing cock happily.
Delicately, I laid the tip of the heavy plug against her hole, wiggling it against her slowly as I drank in the sight of her tense skin resisting my initial contact. With some effort, I began to twist and push, my mouth watering and my heart bursting at the vision before me; Alice relaxed herself with practiced ease while she slurped and accepted the flared bead into herself effortlessly, tensing with satisfaction once the thing popped home to nestle its heart-shaped head against her safely.
“Fuck,” I said.
She quit the charitable blowjob and pushed herself up with her palms against the mattress. “God, it feels so good to be so full,” she told the ceiling. “I’m gonna fuck you now, okay?”
“Yeah!” I said, though I knew she wasn’t really asking.
As she’d grown fond of doing, Alice rode me with her scrumptious ass facing toward me. I had little to do but touch and squeeze anything in reach, and pray that the memory of what she was doing to me would never fade from my mind. Her hips worked in tight, controlled circles as she milked me from within, clamping down on me tightly as she ground her way toward orgasm. I knew from experience that her eyes were closed tight in concentration; only her hands squeezing against my shins and the guttural little grunts suggested that she was finding what she was looking for. I said and did nothing more than sit back, fondle her gladly, and enjoy the show.
“You know,” she huffed breathily, “I was worried you wouldn’t take the hint.”
“Really?” I asked, watching her bump and grind back and forth on me with her hands on her hips.
“Yeah, I…wait, hang on.” She capitulated forward, clamping her thighs together after a few seconds with an urgent “Fuuuck YES!” before resuming her shit chat like she hadn’t just cum on me for a third time. “I thought I’d have to drag it out of you.”
“You kinda did,” I laughed.
“Well,” she said panting, turning back to look at me, “Why don’t you hurry up and give me what I want, hey?”
“Yeah, come on now. Give me what I want. Now.”
Still with her head turned, Alice set about bouncing her hips on me miraculously, heavy rippling waves of her ass dancing across her skin in the way that I loved.
“Cum inside me, baby boy, come on now,” she urged between gasping breaths. The smile in the corner of her lips and the glint of the plug she’d let me insert together sent me spiraling toward unavoidable compliance.
“I’m gonna…I’m gonna…”
“Shut…the…fuck…up…” she demanded, slamming against me cruelly, “and…CUM!”
Slamming herself down and clenching around my brutalized cock emphatically, Alice forced my hand; every drop of frustration and longing poured out of me in a near-painful gush of fulfilled fantasy and satisfied euphoria.
“Goood boy!” she cried proudly, wiggling back and forth while my cock spasmed and vomited its load into her forcefully. Without warning, and a few moments earlier than I would have liked, she kicked herself off to recline on the bed next to me; clueing into what she was doing, a wide grin split my face. Propped up on her elbows, Alice spread her legs wide and bore down, once, twice, three times, pushing the thick load that I’d just dumped into her out in a goopy river of cloudy white cum.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she moaned, far more into the act than I’d expected. “Look at how much you gave me!” She chewed her lip and furrowed her brow, in love with the sight of her gushing pussy as it expelled the contents of her womb all over herself, the bedsheet, and, most importantly, the jeweled plug in her ass. Wasting no time, and seemingly oblivious to my company, she jammed the middle fingers of her left hand into herself carelessly, pumping them in and out to the tune of sloppy, wet squelches.
“That feels so fucking good!” she moaned, finally looking back up at me. “Do you see all your cum pouring out of me? You were such a good boy for me, giving me all your cum so that I could finger fuck myself and get all messy!” I agreed emphatically. “You like the way it’s covering my toy? Yeah? You do? Oh fuuuck, baby…boy…”
Alice’s abs crunched painfully as her face contorted into an agonized mask of searing overstimulation. Something from within her began to gush out and mingle with my own stuff as her cum-filled palm slapped against her bald mound over and over and over again, ceasing only once she’d exorcised whatever had compelled her to make such a delicious mess of herself.
She fell back to recover wordlessly, flopping her wet hand onto the tattoo across her womb with a barking laugh. I let her bask on her own, rubbing her leg gingerly as I beamed at the older woman catching her breath next to me. We lay for long minutes, just enjoying the afterglow of what we’d done. Most of our fucks were quick, dirty affairs, but this had been something more, and we were equally unprepared to shatter the silence, preserving the sanctity of our moment.
“I made a mess,” she observed.
“Hey now, I helped,” I teased.
She sat up to regard me. “Yes, you certainly did, you dirty boy. You’re lucky I didn’t make you eat it out of me.”
I knew she was joking. Mostly. “I would have,” I said.
“Huh,” she grunted, rolling off the bed. “I’ll have to remember that for next time. Although,” she said, turning before leaving for the bathroom, “I know for a fact that you’re not done with my asshole yet, so maybe I’ll save making you taste yourself until I let you in here.” She tugged a handful of her ass aside to show off the sticky, cum-glazed plug still planted firmly in her ass.
I laughed nervously, knowing for certain that I’d never be able to hide how badly I wanted exactly that.