Kittyflower… Chapter 3.

"The final, climactic episode of Maria's sexual awakening."

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At around 7 p.m., Maria opened the French windows, hoping to let the sea breeze into her room. The night was cool and clear but so calm that she could clearly hear the gentle whoosh and splash of the waves on the beach a couple of blocks away. What she did let into the room was the delightful smell of white jasmine and gardenia. She reflected that the house had such a strong personality, that it felt like an old friend; warm and welcoming, infused with the character and hospitality of all its many owners.

She returned to bed and settled back on the huge heavy pillow, shutting her eyes and breathing in the sweet floral aromas that were the garden’s gift. Gradually she relaxed each of her limbs in turn; listening again to the distant sound of the sea and reminding herself that had she been in this room five hundred years ago or two thousand five hundred years ago, she would have heard exactly the same soothing sound.

Peaceful moments passed until she was distracted by a sound from outside. A tapping on the glass followed but before she could answer it, a tanned face with a pair of wickedly dark eyes met her gaze. She smiled warmly at the visitor and was greeted by a dazzlingly white, toothy grin.

“Keisi. What are you…”

But before she could finish the sentence, her attention was diverted by what Keisi was wearing. She had on a pair of immaculate white trainers and a pair of full-length blue jeans. Maria had never seen her wear long jeans nor the white cotton, long-sleeve shirt that she also now had on. The shirt was buttoned up past Keisi’s cleavage and she had rolled the cuffs up a little but the lower edge of it hung loose around her hips. Most intriguing of all, her dark brown hair was tied back in a tight ponytail with her fringe swept to the side. She entered the room confidently and came to stand by Maria’s bed. Maria looked up at her slowly and met her smoldering eyes.

It then occurred to Maria that she hadn’t spoken a word since she arrived; Keisi who could outtalk, and outcurse any of her other friends. But then, in a low tone, she said, “Get up.”

Maria made a show of rising from the bed with as much languid sensuality as she could muster. They were of almost equal height but Keisi straightened her back and shoulders as Maria slowly approached, making her seem taller by a good few centimetres. Maria looked her friend up and down again and was about to ask her something when Keisi grabbed her head with both hands and crushed her lips. The action was smooth and confident, masterful and assertive, without seeming in the least bit forced. Maria was excited and only mildly surprised considering some of her other recent experiences. She felt too that Keisi may have expected more reserve and reluctance on her part. No, Maria decided in an instant to play along, to be the actress in whatever drama her friend had planned for her.

They kissed tenderly, lips locked in long, sweet and breathy moments. Maria had often imagined Keisi and Natalia kissing and had wondered what it would be like, but nothing could have prepared her for the warm sensation that now began to fill her body. Intoxicating tingles filled her mouth as Keisi’s tongue pushed past her lips; teasing and wrestling with her own. Maria’s hands had, until now hung at her sides; awkward and peripheral. She now slid them around Keisi’s slim waist and pulled her in. Keisi was not expecting this and reacted by kissing Maria with increasing intensity. As Maria drew her friend closer, she gradually became aware of something odd and distinctly out of place; something hard and unexpected pressing into her abdomen. She broke the kiss and held her head back, once more to admire Keisi’s surprising new look.

“Are you pretending to be a guy, is that it?” she whispered.

A sly smile returned to Keisi’s lips for the briefest instant then, with all seriousness, she replied,

“More than just pretending.”

With that she unbuttoned the shirt to reveal a thick, black strap-on dildo emerging from the zipper of her jeans. Maria looked down, wide eyed but only mildly anxious.

“Are you going to stick that thing in me?” She whispered, with her head cocked, staring Keisi in the eye.

Keisi nodded slowly and replied, “Of course, but first, you have to lick and suck it. On your knees.”

Maria sank slowly to her knees, smiling and looking into her friend’s ever-so-serious eyes. She grasped the shaft of the dildo firmly and opened her mouth. Although the heavy black plastic was totally tasteless, she immediately began to imagine all the delicious, glistening pussies that the dildo might have given pleasure to. They, of course, belonged to her friends. Keisi looked down at her, half expecting to see hesitation on Maria’s part. But there was none; Maria sucked and licked the dildo up and down and from side to side until her mouth drooled. She circled its head with her tongue and tickled the tip until she heard a suppressed snort from Keisi. Taking it out of her mouth after several minutes, she looked up and grinned,

“I really don’t think you’re going to get any harder lover…boy!”

Keisi pulled the dildo back and proceeded to take off her shirt.

“Strip and get on the bed,” she ordered in a low growl.

Maria found it hard to take her seriously but decided to play the role of the submissive partner. She quickly took off her clothes and slid her hand slowly down her abdomen to her mound, then up again to her breasts.

“Like what you see boy-friend?”

Keisi nodded.

“Fuck yes! Now get on that fucking bed bitch!”

“Oooh, such uncouth behaviour, such rough and filthy language! I don’t think my parents are going to approve of our relationship somehow.”

“Shut the fuck up and spread your legs!”

“Yes, right away.”

Maria slid onto her back and climbed up onto the thick down pillows. She looked up into her friend’s eyes seductively as Keisi stepped up and got onto the bed. Ensuring that the dildo was still strapped firmly to her hips, she settled between Maria’s thighs. She was about to speak when Maria reached down with both hands and parted her pussy lips. She whispered darkly,

“My sweet, virginal, little kittyflower is all yours lover.”

Keisi looked at her with burning dark eyes, made even more intense by her deep tan and arched brows. Maria only had an instant to reflect on how beautiful her full lips were before the Albanian girl began to lap and lick her pussy. Velvet-tongued and beautifully skilled, Maria marveled at how Keisi was able to find her most sensitive areas so quickly. Whether by practice or intuition, Keisi’s tongue and lips brought her wave after wave of pleasure; from the sensitive nub of her clit to the very inner depths of her slit.

Maria soon withdrew her hands and gripped Keisi’s head, pushing it gently down as she began to gyrate her hips in time with Keisi’s tongue. Her juices were soon flowing and she arched her back repeatedly as she felt every stroke of Keisi’s tongue hit some sweet spot. Finally, the Albanian girl settled into an up-and-down motion, splitting Maria’s lips apart and penetrating as deep into her velvet depths as she could go. Maria soon felt the first stirrings of an orgasm but before it could build to a climax, she was staring at Keisi’s piercing eyes and shining wet chin.

“Fuck you’re so tasty Maraki. Now be a good girl and get on all fours – like a sweet little fuck-puppy.”

Maria fought the urge to laugh and quickly obliged.

With practiced ease, Keisi rested the tip of the dildo teasingly at the threshold of Maria’s pussy, then she slowly and skillfully eased it in; rubbing the shaft on the sensitive entrance to her friend’s slit. Maria surprised her by thrusting back hard almost immediately, then quickly settling into a regular rhythm. Deeper and harder with every stroke; Keisi soon noticed her friend gripping the bedclothes and pushing back with growing lust.

She heard moans and muffled cries escape Maria’s mouth as she repeatedly impaled her body on the veined shaft of hard black plastic. Keisi gripped her hips and then kneaded her ass cheeks, exposing her sweet, perky butt. Saliva built up in her mouth and she spat it with incredible precision, exactly at the point where the dildo was now fucking Maria’s pussy right up to the simulated plastic balls.

Keisi savored the sweet, lusty sounds emanating from her friend then bent over her and reached forward to find her clit. Maria grabbed her hand immediately and slid it over her soaking wet nub and bent forward arching her back at the same time so that the dildo could continue to bite deep into her tingling flesh. Delicious minutes passed until Maria sighed,

“Oh fuck, fuck, fuuuck…!”

Keisi giggled, totally unused to hearing Maria utter such a phrase. She worked her friend’s pussy hard for a few more strokes until Maria slumped forward and collapsed. Keisi marveled at how beautiful she looked at that moment with her legs spread and her pussy dripping with ambrosial nectar. She could scarcely resist gently sliding a couple of fingers in and tasting it.

“Mmmmm, so delicious!”

Maria, still panting, buried her face in the pillow, to fully savour the last few radiating waves of pleasure. She didn’t hear the door open and it was only upon feeling Keisi slide off the bed that she turned over to see Asimina, Natalia and Keisi, all looking down and smiling at her with sly amusement. Gravely Keisi said,

“I think she’s ready girls.”

Without another word, they all filed out of Maria’s room, leaving her with latent tingles still tickling her every nerve ending.


Dinner that evening was a quiet affair. Asimina had answered the doorbell at 2pm earlier that day to find a sizable package wrapped in white butcher’s paper sitting on the doorstep. On the paper, a shaky hand had written the words,

‘Nice fresh pork, enjoy!

Next to the package were; a bunch of endives, bulbs of garlic, three plump lemons and a bunch of fresh oregano. She looked up and down the street but it was deserted; unsurprisingly, as this was siesta hour. She picked the food up and shook her head, smiling,

“Such generous neighbours!”

At eight, the girls all filed in and sat down to an aromatic meal of roast pork with lemon, garlic and oregano accompanied by endives cooked in lemon and garlic.

“Wow, this is really old-fashioned food Asim,” quipped Natalia.

“I think traditional is the word you’re looking for. Nothing wrong with this and we have one or other of our wonderful neighbours to thank for it. So tuck in!”

Curiously Keisi did not offer any opinion and she seemed to be doing her best to avoid eye contact with Maria. Instead, the two of them sat at opposite sides of the table while Natalia served up the food. Asimina was in fine spirits however and suggested that, after dinner, they all go for a walk up the beach by moonlight. She was met by three nodding heads and so sat back contentedly to enjoy her dinner and bask in the relative peace of the evening in the company of her friends.

The evening was warm as usual but a light breeze had eventually come in from the south by way of Cape Sounion and the girls felt its gentle caress as their feet splashed through the warm water. Asimina had insisted that they all wear their bikinis and Maria had thought it strange that neither Natalia nor the ever-argumentative Keisi, had questioned this. The beach was far from deserted; with cavorting families, amorous couples strolling hand in hand and several house parties complete with roaring bonfires.

Maria took it all in as they walked, filling her lungs with the salty-sweet tang of the sea and the bitter-sweet aroma of wood smoke. Her friends hung back a little, letting her lead, then she felt one of them run her fingers down her back. It was only for an instant and it made her giggle but she said nothing and didn’t feel self-conscious enough to turn around. A palm then brushed her shoulders and another traced her spine a few minutes later, then Keisi’s manicured nails raked softly across her butt.

“Stop it you three.”

But there was so little conviction in her voice that the girls responded with laughter whose tone bordered on benign condescension.

They walked for a good hour until the sun sank low upon the lapis-tinted gulf waters. Maria was delighted when she heard the high-pitched squeaks of a trio of tiny bats that flew over their heads and out over the tranquil bay. They watched the bats play in the air until Asimina announced,

“Ok, back home now.”

Upon arriving back at the house, the girls each quickly disappeared into their rooms leaving Maria to wash her feet alone in the bathroom then retire to her own room and shut her door. It was at times like these that she thought about her many online friends, people from an array of faraway lands and quite a few located closer to home.

They must all be wondering what’s happened to me this week,” she thought pensively.

As though in answer, the house trembled slightly as a micro-earth tremor passes under it from the direction of the beach. These were such a common occurrence in summer that hardly anyone commented on them in this part of the country. But this was the first Maria had experienced since she had arrived in Anavyssos. She slid out of her jeans and t-shirt and lay on the bed staring at the Art Deco plaster moldings on the ceiling just as another, slightly stronger, tremor made her shut her eyes. Solemnly she then said,

O dread Poseidon, Lord of Sounion, shaker of the Earth,

Forgive us who greedily robbed your fruitful sea of urchins…”

She began to compose a further line when she heard the door quietly open. Before turning to reprimand the visitor for not knocking, she imagined and hoped that Keisi might be paying her a return visit. But upon opening her eyes she saw all three girls standing by the door. With Asimina in the middle, the girls all wore one of Aunt Antigone’s outrageously ornate kimonos. These were original Japanese silk with full sleeves and fell elegantly to well past the girls’ feet. Asimina wore a purple one with sprays of cherry blossoms while Natalia’s was ornamented all over with open fans. Keisi’s was black with sinuous cloud dragons chasing flaming pearls. Then Asimina spoke,

“It’s not Poseidon Maraki, we are The Furies, come to change your life forever.”

She sat up quickly and was about to giggle when Keisi threw something on the bed. It was a sizable, turquoise-coloured backpack. The zipper was open and she peered inside. It was filled with dildos of various sizes, shapes and colours; some were huge and black, like the one Keisi had used on her earlier, while others were clearly designed to stimulate orifices other than the vagina, with ridges and rings, tapered and sculptured. Maria’s eyes widened but she didn’t have time to examine the contents of the pack further, for now, the girls approached the bed. Standing in a tight group, they surrounded her and looked at her gravely. Asimina then announced,

“Behold, sisters, our initiate Maraki! Do we deem her worthy to enter the sacred Sisterhood of Anavyssan Aphrodite?”

Keisi and Natalia were silent. Then Maria spoke while struggling not to laugh.

“I implore you, O beauteous Furies, initiate me into the mysteries of Anavyssan Aphrodite although I am far from worthy.”

“Right answer,” whispered Natalia.

“Kiss us each in turn,” was Asimina’s command.

On her knees, Maria first kissed Natalia, relishing her full sweet lips and breathing in the pine-scented aroma of her lustrous black hair. Natalia kissed her passionately before pushing her away gently towards Asimina. Maria looked down momentarily at Natalia’s fan-adorned kimono and noticed that it was firmly tied in front with a broad obi.

Next, she felt Asimina’s strong, supple hands holding her head and parting her lips with firm deep kisses. She slid her tongue into Maria’s mouth and gently bit her lips while Maria felt a wave of euphoria pass through her body like another of Poseidon’s benign tremors. After a long moment, she was pulled to the left and found herself gazing into Keisi’s deep, dark eyes. Her heart melted as the Albanian girl opened her mouth and ran the tip of her tongue over her perfect white teeth. As always with Keisi, there was something faintly cruel and predatory in her eyes and Maria was not surprised when her face was plunged into Keisi’s hungry, devouring mouth. Shoulders held tight, Keisi kissed her more aggressively and passionately than either of her other two friends had done.

Breathless and limp by the time Keisi had finished with her, Maria felt like collapsing back onto her pillows but her tormentors had other ideas. Asimina gripped her under the knees and dragged her to the edge of the bed. Natalia then produced a heavy old pair of scissors from her kimono sleeve and handed it to Asimina.

“With this sword, we free you from the shackles of underwear!”

Maria struggled not to burst out laughing as Asimina slid the cold steel under the fabric on one side of her panties. ‘Snip’ and they were torn out from under her and discarded.

“Mmmm, which of you, sisters, will taste the bountiful nectar in Maria’s golden kittyflower?”

“We all will,” whispered Keisi ominously, “but I’m first.”

Seconds later Maria felt Keisi’s supple fingers firmly part her pussy lips. Her long, skillful tongue followed, working Maria’s delicate folds up and down in long, slow strokes. Keisi’s hot breath added to the sweet sensation of her wet, drooling mouth as she took her time tasting Maria’s every fold. She then spread Maria’s pussy wider and plunged the tip of…

Published 1 year ago

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