I sneak one last look at myself in the mirror just before the doorbell rings. Starting with my feet, I scan my body, taking in this unknown person standing in front of me. Shiny, black patent leather stilettos with sheer black stockings attached to garters hanging out below the shortest, tightest black dress I’ve ever worn in my life. Nothing is left to the imagination here, except, of course, for the black lace lingerie underneath that makes moisture pool between my legs just thinking about it.
Even when I stare into her eyes in the mirror, I see someone else. Yes, she’s definitely sporting more makeup than I’m used to, with sharp black eye liner and shiny, dark red lips, but more than that, this woman is sexy and confident and, most importantly, in control. Three things I’ve never said about myself in my entire life.
The only things I do recognize about her are her cloudy blue irises staring back at me through heavy lashes and the long red hair cascading over her shoulders. There I am. I know her, and I know what she’s capable of. And tonight, she is more than capable of this.
As I rush out of my bedroom, moving to the front door, I go over a mental checklist, making sure that everything is ready to go. My costume. Check. Grace’s costume. Check. Masks. Check. Party invites. Check. I already reserved the room and made sure it had everything I needed. “I think we’re good to go” I whisper to myself as I reach out for the doorknob.
As I pull the door open, I make sure to stand behind it, only poking my head out to greet her as she walks into my apartment.
“Hi!” I say, with a little too much excitement and a little too big of a smile stretched across my cheeks.
“Hi…” she says with big eyes and an amused smile. I can immediately tell she’s confused as to why I’m acting so strange.
Grace strides into my living room on her black heeled boots, slim, straight blue jeans and a dark, plum-colored body suit, cut just low enough to highlight her perfect cleavage. Her thick, raven-black hair falls down her back in loose waves, nearly reaching her waist. Even dressed fairly casually, she still exudes so much confidence and sex appeal. I can’t help but envy the way she commands every room she enters.
As she turns to face me, her mouth falls open and her eyes scan my body, top to bottom and back up, taking in my appearance as I stand in front of her.
For a split second, I feel so stupid. “What the fuck was I thinking?” I scold myself in my head. “I’m way out of my depth.”
“Stop it!” I snap at the voice inside my head. “I can do this!”
I stand up straight and place a hand on my hip, doing my best to give a sultry look as I feel her eyes take me in.
“Holy shit!” she says with a gasp.
She looks confused and a bit taken aback at my appearance. And I don’t blame her. I’m surprised with myself too. I’ve never worn anything like this before. I barely even own anything black. I’m not the sexy, dominant one in the relationship. Or in life in general for that matter. I’ve always been the sweet, submissive little girl. But that’s why I want to do this. For one night, I want to be the one in control. For one night, I’m the Domme and she’s going to be my Sub.
“Is that a good “holy shit” or a bad “holy shit?” I ask, nervously.
“That is, without a doubt, the best “holy shit” I’ve ever holy shat in my life,” she says, moving toward me and wrapping her arms around my waist, pulling my body to hers.
I can’t help but laugh as my nerves melt away and my arms find their way around her neck, pulling her face only inches away from mine.
She grabs my chin with her fingers and kisses me gently at first, letting it grow in intensity as her hands roam my body over the fabric of my dress. Her touch eventually lands on my ass which she squeezes and gropes, causing me to moan into her mouth.
She wedges her leg between mine, separating them just enough to push her thigh up my skirt, rubbing herself along my pussy through my panties. Instinctively, I start to grind on her leg, feeling the flames of arousal ignite deep in my belly. It takes every ounce of strength in me to stop. To pull away from her and pull my skirt back down into place.
She whines a bit as I break our embrace and take a step back. “We have to get going!” I say.
“Aww, but I just want to take care of my birthday girl…” She says reaching her hands back out to take mine.
“There will be plenty of time for that later,” I say with a smile, planting a small, sweet kiss on her lips. “I promise. But first, I have a few surprises planned.”
She looks at me sceptically, asking “What surprises…?”
“They wouldn’t be surprises if you knew about them,” I say plainly as she rolls her eyes at me.
I told her that I just wanted to hit a bar for drinks on my birthday, nothing too crazy. Little does she know, I’ve been planning this for a couple weeks now. Making sure everything was perfect. I’m taking full control tonight. She just doesn’t know that yet…
I spin her around and point her towards my bedroom. “Surprise number one is waiting for you on the bed…” I say with a deep, breathy voice.
She looks at me over her shoulder with a sly smile as she heads for the bedroom door. I take a seat on the living room couch and wait for her reaction…
“What the fuck?” she asks from the bedroom. I laugh out loud, knowing that would be her exact reaction.
She pops her head out of the room to ask, “Seriously? You’re really going to make me wear this? I take it we’re not actually going to the bar tonight? I hope!”
“Just put it on!” I reply, still laughing. “All will be revealed in due time,” I say, feigning dramatics.
Her only response is to scoff as she walks back into the bedroom. I can hear her changing and I can’t wait to see her in what I picked out.
A few minutes later, she emerges from the room and I couldn’t rip my eyes away from her if I wanted to. She stands in front of me in a pale pink, cropped bralette top, covered in white lace, with a matching sheer pink skirt, exposing the white lace panties underneath. All topped off with pink stilettos on her feet, making her bare legs look a million miles long.
“What do you think?” I ask with a smile.
“I think you’re very lucky that today’s your birthday. You’re in for a big punishment for this tomorrow,” she says with a sultry smirk.
“Mmm… I can’t wait,” I reply coyly, turning her smirk into a smile as she stifles a laugh.
Grace has built her life and her business on being in control of everything and everyone. For years, since before we even met, she’s been known as Mistress Eva, a badass, no-nonsense, black-leather-clad Domme who can turn men and women alike into putty in her hands with nothing more than a look and the crack of her whip.
To say that I’m in awe of her is the understatement of the century. She’s the most self-assured, alluring person I’ve ever laid eyes on. I’m constantly wondering what exactly it is she sees in me, a meek, inexperienced little girl too afraid to speak her mind or ask for what she wants.
She’s always trying to empower me to be more confident. To stop apologizing so much. To speak up and take what I want. Not only in bed, but in my life as well. That’s why I know that, while this will be tough for her, to relinquish her control to me, even for just one night, she’ll do it. I just hope I make her proud…
“Just a few final touches…” I say, rummaging through the shopping bag lying on the coffee table. “Turn around for me.”
As she turns her back to me, I fasten the cutest little white cat tail to back of her skirt, watching as it falls down between the backs of her legs. Then I place the pink and white cat ear headband in her hair and tie a white and gold eye mask around her head, turning her back to me to position it perfectly around her golden brown eyes. God, I love that my birthday is the same day as Halloween. It just makes things so fun!
I can tell she’s getting annoyed with me using her to play dress up, and it’s only about to get worse for her as I reach back into the bag for the final piece of her costume. I stretch my arms over her head to fasten a pink studded collar around her neck, attached to a dainty gold chain leash. I take a step back, admiring my perfect pet standing in front of me. Fuck, the sight of her almost makes me want to rip off everything I just put her in and say “fuck it” to my plans.
Almost, but not quite.
She looks down at the leash in my hand and back up to my eyes with a defiant look. “Oh, you are SO lucky it’s your birthday…” she says through pursed lips.
Feeling a rush of electricity, I look into her eyes and wrap the leash around my fingers. I jerk it towards me, bringing her face so close to mine, I can see the ring her contacts make around her irises as her eyes widen in shock. “Baby, you have no idea what’s in store for you tonight…” I say in a voice and tone that takes us both by surprise.
With that, for the first time tonight, I don’t feel nervous or in over my head. I feel confident and perfectly in control.
Our Uber pulls up to what looks like a giant abandoned building in a part of downtown I’m not familiar with. Where the hell is she taking me?
We get out of the car and as Lena leads me by the leash around my neck towards the building, I can’t take my eyes off her. My quiet, timid, little kitten has transformed into a bold, fierce lioness right in front of my eyes.
I’m more in love with her typical sweet, soft nature than I can even say, but to watch her step out of herself and take control like this is more exhilarating that I could have imagined. Simply being in my line of work, I’m not one to be shocked or surprised very easily, but fuck, she’s managed to have me absolutely gobsmacked already and it’s barely even 10 p.m.
Before we get to the door, she pulls out another mask, for herself this time. It’s black silk with an intricate pattern overlaid in velvet. She hits me with her sky-blue eyes as she ties the silk ribbon behind her head. “You ready?” she asks with a smile.
“I guess so!” I say throwing my hands up, not having any idea of what I’m supposed to be “ready” for.
She pulls her phone out to show something to the bouncer standing outside the door. He takes a look at us and nods his head, ushering us inside.
We walk through the door into a small, dimly lit room. Every wall is covered in old red brick, and there seems to be a doorway on the far wall, concealed by a heavy black curtain manned by another bouncer. I still have no idea what’s happening, but I can hear and feel the dull thumping of house music pulsating from the floor. I guess it’s some sort of club?
Lena shows her phone again to a petite, young woman sitting behind a small table placed in front of the curtained-off door. She smiles up at us as she pushes a little wooden box across the tabletop. “Please put your phones, cameras and any other electronic devices or valuables in this box,” she requests.
I shoot the woman a confused look. “I’m not giving you my phone,” I say.
The smile on her face never wavers as she explains, “Please ma’am. No phones or recording devices beyond this point. I promise, it will be locked up safely and returned upon your exit.”
I look to Lena who’s already placed her phone, keys and wallet into the box. “Go ahead, it’s okay,” she assures me with a small smile.
“Fine,” I say, intensely annoyed that I have to give up my only form of communication in a situation where I have no idea what the fuck is going on. I toss my phone and my wallet into the box with Lena’s things before the woman behind the table closes it, sealing it shut with a small gold padlock.
The woman places a delicate-looking silver bracelet with two keys attached around Lena’s wrist, fastening the clasp as she explains, “The small gold key goes to the lockbox for your phones.” She shoots me a quick glance as she says this, making sure I know we have the key to unlock our things. I roll my eyes after she looks back to Lena. “And the larger silver key grants you access to room 28. It’ll be on level 2. Take a left once you exit the elevator.”
“Thank you so much!” Lena beams.
Before we walk away, the woman adds, “You can show your room key to our security teams located outside of the group rooms, as well as the spectator suites to gain entry. Enjoy ladies. Happy Halloween,” she says shooting us both another big smile.
“What is this place?” I ask Lena as we pass the table and walk towards the curtain.
“You’ll see! You just need to trust me. Please,” she says as we approach the bouncer.
The large man inspects the keys around Lena’s wrist before pulling the curtain to the side, telling us, ” Down the hallway, down the stairs and then keep to your right,” before waving us through.
We follow the bouncer’s instructions, walking down the hall, descending a single flight of stairs and making the first right turn we encounter.
As we walk, the rhythmic thumping of music gets louder and louder. I notice artwork lining the brick walls of the dark hallway. They’re all black-and-white photographs of what look like extreme close-ups of bodies entwined with each other. I’ve never seen anything like it.
We finally reach the end of what has felt like the longest hallway known to man, approaching yet another heavy black curtain, with yet another bouncer manning the entrance. Lena does the same song and dance as before, holding up her wrist to show off the keys for them to inspect before pulling the curtain to the side to let us through.
Only this time, it’s a completely different experience as we pass through the curtain.
Still holding tight to the leash around my neck, Lena leads me into a large, dark room. We seem to be in an old warehouse or factory maybe? Industrial-style brick walls, with tall steel pillars spaced throughout the enormous room. Towards the middle of the space, there’s a DJ booth in the dead center of a huge dance floor filled with people. Neon lights pierce through the darkness, shooting around the room like lasers as the loud house music pumps in my ears. I shift my gaze upward to find two levels of lofts lining the walls, with brick arches adorning the open spaces. And more people, dancing away up in the rafters.
“Is this a rave?” I ask with a note of confusion. I mean, I’m sure it’ll be fun, but aren’t we a little old for raves? I haven’t been to one since my college days. Also, why all the secrecy involved? How strange…
“…Not exactly…” she responds. “Come with me, let’s get some drinks!” she yells over the music as she tugs on my leash, pulling me behind her in the direction of the bar tucked into the back corner of the room.
After we get our drinks, we make our way to an empty high-top table near the back of the room. “So, what do you think?” she asks as she fishes the cherry out of her drink.
“It seems like fun!” I lie. It’s not that I don’t want to be here or that I don’t think we’ll have a good time. I just still feel like I’m missing something, but I don’t know what.
I lift my drink to my lips, scanning the room over the glass as I sip. This is where I realize that I never really took in exactly what was happening around me as we entered.
Everyone in the room is wearing a mask, which is to be expected, being Halloween and all. But I’m now noticing that many people in the crowd seem to be only wearing masks. Or at least a mask and very little else. I spot a woman in a black lace thong, with a matching cup-less bra on top, her breasts fully exposed, dancing with a woman dressed in a white leather mask with bunny ears attached and a short white dress, so sheer, she may as well be wearing nothing at all. The bunny woman is reaching around the body of the woman in black to squeeze and play with her breasts as they grind their bodies against one another.
I scan the dance floor further to find a man wearing a brown cowboy hat and brown chaps with a simple thong underneath, doing nothing to conceal his thick bulge. He’s swaying back and forth with another man, wearing nothing but an ornate gold mask and tall matching boots. The cowboy grabs the gold man by his exposed erect penis and leads him off the dance floor towards the opposite side of the room where they disappear behind another black curtain.
As my eyes follow the men out of the room, my gaze catches on a woman dressed in a black catsuit and black leather eye mask. She’s holding a black leash in her hand, attached securely around the neck of a man crawling on his hands and knees through the crown behind her. Nice to see I’m not the only one on a lead tonight.
I can’t hide my smile, or my arousal, as my eyes sift through the crowd, seeing nothing but flesh and sweat and carnal desire. “What the fuck is this place?” I whisper as I turn back to Lena, looking at her with pure astonishment.
She just laughs, knowing that she’s thrown me for a loop once again. I really don’t know how she manages to keep doing that.
“Come with me kitten,” she says with lust-filled eyes and a wide grin. “I have more to show you.”
Hearing her call me by my favorite nickname to use for her causes a warmth to shoot through my core and my knees to go weak. She grabs my chain leash in her hand again as she turns and confidently tosses it over her shoulder, assertively pulling me behind her, guiding me to the other side of the room towards the curtain I watched the two men slip through moments ago.
We move through the curtain into another dimly lit hallway lined with brick walls and the same black and white photographs as before. As we reach the first split in the hall, we make a left turn and come to another curtain with another large man stationed in front. Just like the first few times, Lena lifts her arm to show him her keys and he nods as he pulls open the curtain, waving us through.
We walk through the curtain into another dark room. But this time it’s long and wide, with people lined up on either side, staring through what look like giant windows in the walls. As we venture further in, I get close enough to peer through one of the windows. I immediately straighten up, shocked by what I see.
The small room is dimly lit with nothing in the way of furniture save for a couple of brown leather club chairs in the corner and a king-sized platform bed fitted with blood-red silk sheets. The only source of light in the room is a spotlight in the ceiling, pointing directly at the bed, bathing it in a warm, almost cozy light.
Under the spotlight, I see a man with tanned skin and short, dark blond hair lying on his back, completely naked, except for a navy blue mask disguising his face. A slender woman with long black hair and glowing ebony skin kneels between his legs, bobbing her head up and down along his cock. The man throws his head back, moaning as she takes him all the way to the back of her throat, gagging as her lips reach the base.
She bobs up and down, up and down, a few more times before pulling her mouth away, a single string of saliva still connecting her lips to the head of his dick. She adjusts the hot pink mask on her face, being sure to keep her identity concealed as she crawls up the man’s body. I watch intently as she wraps her hand around his neck and squeezes. She lets out a teasing laugh and says to him, “Nah ah ah… You don’t get to come yet you greedy boy,” before slapping him hard across the face. “You don’t get to come until I say so. You know the rules,” she chastises.
He looks at her and nods, her hand still squeezing around his neck.
“Good boy,” she praises him, letting go of her grip around his throat, causing him to take a deep, gasping breath.
I feel Lena come up behind me, pressing her body to my back as she winds her arms around my waist. She lets her chin rest on my shoulder as we watch the show unfolding in front of us.
“What do you think?” she whispers in my ear.
Feeling her breasts pressed against my back and her warm breath on my ear sends shivers through me and I only now realize just how fucking turned on I am. I can feel my clit throbbing and moisture leaking into my panties as I watch the couple in front of me, the woman now lowering herself down onto his cock, rocking her hips back and forth on top of him.
“I don’t even know what to think…” I say honestly, shaking my head in astonishment. I cannot believe that I’ve been a sex worker in this city for nearly ten years now and I had no idea that a place like this even existed.
Lena laughs, her breathy chuckle sending more warm air across my ear and over my neck. I can tell she’s very pleased with herself so far. And she definitely should be. This place is incredible.
Before I’ve had my fill of the couple on display, Lena grabs hold of my leash again and gently pulls me away, further into the room that I can now see is lined with at least ten of these large windows, each one with a small crowd gathered in front.
I guess I’ll never know if she ever lets him come…
We reach another window, looking into a room set up in the same way as the last. Two leather chairs facing a dark red bed underneath a warm spotlight. Only this time, there is a woman kneeling on the bed, her back to the crowd on the other side of the window. Her long chestnut hair falls down her back, contrasting starkly against her pale pink skin and she has an array of toys scattered on the bed around her.
I watch as she bends at the waist, arching her back and spreading her thighs to put her ass and pussy on full display. She reaches her arm back through her legs to rub her clit with her fingers. Even from here, I can see how wet she is, the moisture glistening under the spotlight above her. She pushes two fingers inside, pumping them in and out as she moans into the mattress.
Lena is behind me again, us watching together as the woman entertains her small audience.
Lena’s hands begin to roam my body, moving from my waist up to my breasts. I let out a small whimper as she pinches my nipples over the thin lace fabric, instantly turning them rock hard in her hands.
I reach back and wrap my right arm around her neck as I use my left hand to guide her fingers from my breasts down my body, landing between my legs. She slides her fingertips up my thigh, underneath the hem of my skirt. So lightly I barely feel it, she slides a single fingertip over my pussy through my already damp panties.
Lena continues teasing me while we watch as the woman picks up a medium-sized, flesh colored dildo. She turns her face to the gathered audience for the first time and slides the toy in and out of her mouth, getting it as wet as she can before reaching back to slide the head through the wet folds of her pussy.
She just teases herself with it at first, rubbing the silicone cock through her lips, using it to rub tight circles around her clit.
Lena’s hand is still between my thighs, teasing me, making my legs shake. She moves the fabric of my panties aside to run her fingertip up through my slit, making my breath hitch and my eyes roll back as she grazes my swollen clit. She bites down on my earlobe as she continues her gentle assault.
I watch as the woman slowly slides the dildo into her pussy, just pushing the head in first, really taking her time. This is when Lena slips a finger inside me, mirroring the woman’s movements with her toy. She doesn’t get further than her first knuckle, just teasing me, driving me crazy.
I grind against her finger, trying desperately to get more, but she keeps pulling away, keeping me needy and wanting until I watch as the woman on the bed drives the cock deep into her pussy. At the same time, Lena pushes two fingers into me as deep as they’ll go, hooking the tips to perfectly brush against my g-spot.
I let out a not-so-quiet gasp, catching the attention of one of the other onlookers. A man, surprisingly dressed up from what I’ve seen so far, in an impeccably tailored grey suit and a simple black mask, turns to look at me. We hold eye contact for some time as I smile at him while Lena fucks me with her fingers.
The man stares, not with shock, but with lust in his eyes as he reaches his hand down to grope the growing bulge in his pants.
I can’t help but close my eyes and lean my head back on her shoulder as I feel myself getting so close.
I tighten my arm around her neck, pulling her closer to me as my orgasm builds inside. I’m nearing closer and closer to the edge when suddenly, she stops, pulling her fingers out of me and moving my panties back into place, leaving my pussy aching for relief.
I turn to her in disbelief to see her staring at the man in the suit, still watching us instead of the woman on the bed. She looks into his eyes as she brings her fingers, glistening with my wetness, up to her lips, and slides them into her mouth to lick them clean. All the while giving the man the most wicked smile I’ve ever seen from her.
I would be so fucking pissed right now if that wasn’t the absolute hottest thing I’ve ever seen her do. Oh my God, who is this woman?!
At that moment, she pulls me away again by my leash and we’re flying through the room, weaving in and out of the crowds gathered at each window. I catch short glimpses of flesh and hear muffled moans and heavy breathing as we pass, making our way to the exit at the other end of the room.
We slip through another black curtain to find ourselves back in the main room, surrounded again by writhing bodies and pulsing music. Lena takes me by the hand this time and leads me to the left side of the room and through a large sliding metal door into a small bank of elevators. She presses the button to go up and almost immediately, the bell dings and the elevator doors open.
As soon as we step inside and she presses the button for level 2, the door closes behind us. Lena pushes me back into the wall, hard, and grabs my face in her hands, pulling my lips into hers. She kisses me deeply, biting and sucking on my lower lip as the elevator ascends.
She pulls away as we feel the elevator slow to the second floor. Breathing heavily she says to me, “I really wanted to show you around more, but I just don’t think I can wait any longer.”
I want to ask, “Wait for what?” But as I open my mouth to speak, the bell dings again and the doors open up to the second level. She grabs my hand and pulls me out of the elevator and leaves down the hallway.
We walk down a hallway lined with heavy black metal doors, each numbered like hotel rooms until we stop in front of room number 28. Lena uses the larger of the keys on her wrist to unlock the door, stepping inside and holding the door open for me to enter.
I step into a surprisingly cozy-feeling bedroom suite. It has the same brick walls and polished concrete floors of the rest of the building, but this space is different. Everything feels elegant and luxurious, almost resembling a boutique-style hotel room.
On one side of the room is a large four-poster king bed made of black metal and dark wood, but made up with the fluffiest looking dove grey duvet. Flanking the bed are matching metal and wood side tables. Above each table is a wall sconce casting a warm glow over the room. On the opposite side of the bed sits an overstuffed brown leather sofa with a matching club chair to the side and in the corner of the room is a wet bar seemingly fully stocked with snacks, water and expensive champagne. The room is industrial, like the rest of the building, but also warm and inviting somehow.
I look back to Lena in awe as I ask, “What is this?”
She ignores my question and walks past me to cross the room to the side table on the opposite side of the bed. She pulls something out of the top drawer and holds it behind her back. It’s dark in color but I can’t quite tell what it is.
As she walks back over to me, I start to move in her direction. Before I can even take a full step, she reaches out her arm and something small smacks me in the chest, stinging my skin.
“Stop,” she commands.
I now see that what she was hiding behind her back was a black leather riding crop, the little flap of leather at the end in the shape of a heart, now resting just above my breasts.
I straighten my spine as I look back at her unsure of what to think. It’s pretty obvious she’s been trying to take control of me tonight, the way I usually do with her, but I somehow still wasn’t expecting this…
“Kneel,” she says in a serious tone, but with a playful hint in her eye.
“What are you doing…?” I ask with one eyebrow raised and a sceptical smirk peeking through no matter how much I try to hide it.
“Kneel,” she says again, still playfully but with a cold tone I’ve never heard from her before.
“Seriously…?” I press defiantly.
She takes a step forward and slides her fingers up through my hair from the nape of my neck, grasping it hard and yanking my head back. “What. Part. Of “kneel.” Do you not understand?” she whispers in my ear. “Now get on your fucking knees, pet.”
Her commands are dominating, but with a hint of sweetness. As if she can’t fully shake her true nature. Something about it makes me stop fighting and just give in.
I sink to my knees in front of her. Something I’ve never done for anyone before.