I awoke quite early, a little disoriented at first but the memory of the previous evening came back as I recognized the incredibly gorgeous woman beside me. I slipped out of bed quietly so as not to disturb her before going into the washroom for my morning ritual. I got dressed and was just about to leave her a note when she stirred. I went over to her and sat on the bed beside her as she rolled over and gave me a soft sleepy smile.
“Sneaking out on me?” Janet asked.
“I have to back to my own hotel to get cleaned up for the day,” I replied, “I’ll see you later at the conference, we can talk about the rest of the week if you like.”
“That’s a plan,” she mumbled, “Text me later,” and she rolled back over to get another hour’s sleep before starting the day.
I went to the lobby and asked the desk clerk to call me a cab. It only took about ten minutes to get back to my room, a quick shower and fresh clothes and I felt like a new man. A quick breakfast and another cab ride and I was back at the convention center. Attending the convention that day was pretty much a waste of my time and my company’s money as all I could think about was my incredibly good luck in meeting my old high school girlfriend and finally, after sixteen years, getting to experience her incredible body up close. As I recalled the events of last night, I found myself getting hard in anticipation of what might be coming for the rest of the week. About mid-morning my phone buzzed, and a quick peek showed it was Janet checking in.
“last nite was awesome! let’s do lunch n talk about 2nite” showed on the screen.
I smiled and texted back, “sure, can’t wait“.
After what seemed an eternity the morning session ended and I made my way to the reception desk to meet my old/new girlfriend. A few minutes later she appeared, looking fabulous. Every man turned to watch as she walked over to me, gave me a million-dollar smile, and kissed me hard and full right in front of the 2 dozen or so mostly men milling around.
“Get a room you two,” someone shouted. Janet laughed and said, “What an interesting idea!” as she raised her eyebrows.
“We only have forty-five minutes,” I replied. “This afternoon’s session is the real reason I came down here, I’d have a tough time explaining to my boss why I missed it. We’ve waited all this time, we can wait another few hours!”
Janet pouted and nodded in agreement. “OK, but you’ll have to make it up to me later,” she whispered and we went off hand in hand to get some lunch.
We found a table away from most of the other diners and once seated she looked at me seriously, “So, where’s your head at in the cold light of day?” she asked.
“I really haven’t stopped to think about it much,” I answered, “I haven’t been able to think about much all morning other than how crazy this is.”
Janet nodded, ” Me too. Mostly I’ve been trying to figure out where this might go. I think we should just play it by ear and see where we are at the end of the week.”
“That works,” I answered, “So, what’s on for tonight?” I hoped of course it would include a continuation of last night’s fun.
“How about we go to the Outlet Mall before dinner?” she said. “I want to spend some money on clothes and I need to get some gifts for a few folks. Let’s get that out of the way so we can concentrate on other things later.” She winked and licked her lips, my cock stiffened. We continued seducing each other through lunch with little looks, playing footsie under the table, and making quiet, suggestive comments. Lunch ended way too soon and we made our way back to the convention hall, sharing a quick kiss before parting for the afternoon. “I’ll meet you at your hotel at about 5:30, we’ll head out to go shopping and have dinner.”
The lecturer droned on, turns out it wasn’t nearly as interesting as he had thought it would be, I’d have been better off going back to my hotel with Janet and spending the afternoon in bed. I snuck out early, texted Janet that I was leaving, and would see her at my hotel to go shopping and then get dinner.
I got a quick reply, “I got your dinner, right here!” it read, then a photo came in of her in the washroom, her blouse open to reveal a tangerine-coloured bra.
“Looks delicious!” I texted back. She replied with two more pictures, one of her fingertips just leaving her bottom lip, a string of saliva tying it to her lip, the other of that same fingertip, trailing around her erect nipple. “You’re still a tease!” I replied.
She texted me at 5:30 sharp, just as the taxi delivered her to my hotel. I met her in the lobby, she opened her arms for a hug which immediately turned into a warm, wet kiss. “Mmmmm, nice,” she purred. “Ready?” I nodded and we hopped into the rental car I had picked up after leaving the conference. We were planning on skipping off the next afternoon and going to the beach so I figured picking it up a day early wasn’t a bad idea.
The trip to the outlet mall only took a few minutes, our fingers were laced together the entire way. We wandered through the stores, she looked at shoes and dresses while I just watched her, fascinated at how beautiful she was. She was always pretty, beautiful in my eyes, but now she was drop-dead gorgeous. She could have any man she wanted, what on earth did she see in me?
I had been converted from chauffeur to bellhop as I volunteered to carry her bags around as she shopped. “Now we need something for you!” she said suggestively.
“I’m fine,” I said, “I don’t need anything.”
“Weren’t you saying you wanted to look for golf shoes?” she asked, hands on hips.
“Yeah,” I answered.
“Well, there are eleven shoe stores here, one of them must have golf shoes in them!” She leaned in and kissed me, “Off you go, I want to go to a couple of more stores to see if I can get something for tonight!”
Catching her drift, I hustled out of the store and to the car to deposit her shopping bags before beginning my search. Every so often I would get a text from her with a picture of her holding up something lacy or filmy or both. I decided that two could play that game and took photos of the shoes I was trying on to send to her. After a half-dozen exchanges, she replied with, “I think I just orgasmed a little!”
I picked out a pair of shoes and texted her that I was done. We agreed to meet in front of the store we last shopped in, she was carrying a small paper bag, whatever she had bought in that store, there wasn’t much to it. She kissed me deeply before we went to the car.
Back at my hotel, dinner seemed to take forever, or so it seemed to me, I was so horny and turned on. While we waited our conversation stayed mostly rated PG but the hints and innuendo got ratcheted higher as it went. Dinner came, was consumed and cleared away.
When the waitress departed after delivering our after-dinner drinks, Janet looked at me over the rim of her glass. “How different would our lives have been if we’d stayed together?”
I pondered this for a moment, realizing that if we hadn’t parted I wouldn’t have my son. That thought saddened me and of course, Janet’s intuition picked up on my change in facial expression.
“What?” she asked.
“It’s just that if we had stayed together, neither of us would likely be where we are now with our careers and families,” I replied. “As much as I love the idea of being with you, I wouldn’t trade my life after high school if it meant not having my son in my life.”
“I hear you,” she said. She sipped on her drink but her eyes never left mine. “Let’s not dwell on the past, let’s just live in the now and see what happens!”
“I like that idea!” I said. We finished that drink and a couple more. By the time we were ready to go to her room, I was half in the bag.
She passed her key card over the reader and opened the door, “After you!” she whispered and I felt her fingers trail down my back as I passed her and entered the room.
“There is rum on the dresser and Coke in the fridge. Could you make us a drink while I freshen up?” I went and fixed them up and sat in the desk chair while I waited. A few moments later I heard the bathroom door click and looked up to see Janet in a royal blue push-up bra, panties, garter and stockings. “Blue is still your favourite colour, right?” she asked with her sweetest smile.
I stood and we moved to each other, I tried to look into her eyes but the way her body caught the soft light made it very difficult to concentrate on her face. “It’s okay to stare,” she whispered, “I bought this special for you!”
“You look…” I searched for the right words but they didn’t come. “WOW!” was all I could manage. She smiled and reached her hand up to my cheek. “You didn’t have to go through the trouble you know, I think you are perfect without all this.”
“I wanted to and it’s no trouble,” she said. “I remember how you reacted when you saw me in my first bikini, it was blue and you said it was the perfect colour for me.”
“I remember that bikini,” I said. “I remember how I wanted to get you out of it!” We kissed, our tongues dancing with each other as I pulled her to me. Her hand came to my tented pants and she smiled.
“I do have one regret,” she said softly. “I wish you had been my first.”
“You are worth waiting for,” I answered, “but it wasn’t for lack of trying!” We kissed again then she turned and sat on the bed, pulling me down beside her.
“Can I tell you something?” she asked. I nodded for her to go on. “Remember that night behind the school gym when I stopped your hand from going down my pants?” I nodded and swallowed the lump in my throat.
“I remember,” I said. “How could I forget?”
“Well, that night, after you took me home, I played with myself dreaming about how it might feel to have you inside me.” Her hand was firmly massaging my erection by this point. “I was so wet, I couldn’t believe it!”
“Did you cum?” I asked.
“I thought I did at the time,” she said. “But now I’m not so sure.” She swallowed before continuing. “Did you ever masturbate thinking about me?”
“Every fucking night!” I admitted. “You sent me home with blue balls and a stain on my shorts so often, I had to or I would never have gotten to sleep!”
“I’m sorry,” she said, looking right at me. “I’m sorry I did that to you.” She kissed me again, “Can I do something?”
“Sure,” I said.
“Can I show you?” She reclined on the bed and ran her hand over the little mound in her panties. “Can I show you what I used to do when you got me all horny?” I nodded and shifted so I was looking straight up her body.
Her left hand came up and caressed her breast, “I would start here,” she whispered, “my boobs were so firm back then, and my nipples were so sensitive, I could almost cum just from squeezing them!”
“I remember,” I breathed.
“SHHH!” she warned as her right hand joined her left, squeezing and pushing her breasts together, plumping them so they threatened to spill out of her bra. All I could think of was how it might feel for my cock to slide between them. I imagined it would feel pretty awesome!
I shifted to get a little more comfortable as my now erect cock pressed against my pants. My movements attracted her attention and she looked at me over her fleshy mounds. “You like?” she teased, pushing them together even further.
“Like doesn’t even come close!” I answered which made her giggle. She took her right hand away and blew me a kiss before trailing it agonizingly slowly down over her tummy until her fingertip disappeared behind the silky fabric of her panties.
“I always would imagine what it would feel like to have your fingers on my clit,” she purred. “I came so close to letting you slide your fingers along my pussy lips, wanting desperately to feel you slip them inside me!” her breathing was becoming ragged and her face flushed red with her arousal. I saw the outline of her fingers as she slipped one on either side of her clit and into herself. The gusset of her panties was by this time stained dark with her fluid.
“Then I would fuck myself, wishing it was your fingers instead of mine, wishing I was stroking your hard cock as you teased my little clit button until I came!” I watched as she slowly slid her fingers in and out, her fingertips coming up to caress her little nub each time they came out of her.
“Then I would go faster, driving my fingers deeper into my cunt, feeling the pull on my pussy hairs as I went! Oh, good God, it felt so good!” Her fingers quickened, “But now of course there are no pussy hairs to pull, just a smooth pussy, waiting for your hard cock to fill me up!”
Her left hand joined her right, rubbing little circles around her clit as her fingers probed deeper. “And then it would happen, that sweet release as I came! I would call out your name, you know, not too loud so anyone could hear. Oh fuck I wanted you to!”
It was then I realized her description was as much for her benefit as mine as she clamped her thighs together and her ass came up off the sheet. “Oh FUCK!” she cried out. “OH SWEET JESUS I’M COMING! AGHHHHH!” Her voice was unrestrained as her orgasm announced itself to the world.
Her hips would buck and then be still as she came around her fingers. “I can feel it! I can feel my pussy grabbing my fingers, wishing it was your cock inside me!” Again her hips bucked and her fingers pistoned before she stiffened again. I heard more than saw her cum this time as a stream of clear fluid soaked her groin, leaking out around her fingers and running off her knuckles onto the sheet below.
I watched entranced as her orgasm completed, her fingers slowly stroking in and out in time to her sighs. A few minutes later, she opened her eyes and looked at me. “See what you do to me?”
“You did that to you!” I teased as I moved over her and kissed her. “I could watch you do that over and over!”
“I couldn’t have done it without you!” she breathed. She brought her fingers up to my face and I licked them clean, sharing her taste with her after each one. “I taste pretty good if I do say so myself!”
“Indeed you do!” I confirmed. “But you are still a mess down there!” My hand rubbed her pussy over her now-soaked panties. “I think I need to do something about that!” She just smiled and pushed down on my head to urge me along her body.
“Mmmmmm!” she purred as I pulled her panties aside and tasted her, suckling on her clit and alternately licking up what fluids I could. Ten minutes later she was calling my name again, begging me to never stop as my fingers pressed up against her G-Spot and my tongue lashed her clit.
But I did stop and as we lay beside each other, she turned to me and smiled. “Does it get any better than that?”
I laughed, “I don’t think it does!” She started laughing with me and we held each other tight.
When her laughter subsided, she looked into my eyes, “I thought this would be complicated but it’s not,” she said. My return look must have been odd because she continued, “I made a mistake sixteen years ago. I should have gone away with you.”
“We weren’t ready for that back then,” I countered.
“I’m ready for it now,” she replied. Her face told the tale, she meant every word she was saying.
“Does this mean?” I asked.
“It does,” she said and she leaned in and kissed me. It was the softest, most tender kiss I’d ever experienced. My stomach flipped and my heart stopped and I knew that she was indeed the one.
“Are you sure?” I asked. “I mean, I think so too but I don’t think I could stand it if we fell headlong into this and it didn’t work out.”
She sighed and gathered her thoughts, “You know how they say there are only two certainties in life?” I nodded. “Well, there are three. Death, Taxes and how I feel about you.”
“How do you feel?” I asked.
“You’re going to make me say it aren’t you?” she smiled. I smiled back and nodded. “Okay, here goes.” She took a deep breath, “You remember what we said to each other after graduation?”
“I do,” I said. “We said we loved each other.”
“I was wrong then,” she said. “I thought I loved you, I really did, but I wasn’t old enough to know what love is.” She gave me another soft, toe-curling kiss, “I’m old enough now.” Another kiss. “I love you, I…