Chapter 4 – Robin Decides Whether To Be A Girl Full-Time

"Robin continues her relationship with Linda. She is faced with a big decision. Should she live as a girl full-time?"

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It was nearing the end of junior year. I dressed as a girl so often that I was finding it difficult to act like a boy at school. I did my best, but I couldn’t help being effeminate. I heard references in my classes to a “sissy” and “he acts like a girl.” But I had my girlfriends who knew and supported Robin. Even though I came to school dressed as a boy, they knew I wasn’t a sissy. I was a girl.

With only a few weeks left in the term, I arrived home and went through my routine. I’d go to my room, take off my boy clothes, exposing my wireless bra, panties, and pantyhose. (I had stopped wearing male underwear altogether.) Today I removed the plain bra and replaced it with a pretty black lace underwire one. I slipped in my breast forms. I pulled off my panties and hose, and pulled on a black lace gaff, carefully tucking my clit back between my legs. I slipped the pantyhose back on. I opted for a black A-line skirt and a tan ribbed pink sweater. I applied some dark pink lipstick, and a little eye makeup and put on the red wig that matched my natural hair. I slipped into a pair of sandals. I looked in the mirror. “Yes,” I said to myself. “That’s much better.”

Just as I came downstairs, Mom came in the front door. She was home early. “Hi Mom – you’re home early,” I said.

“Hi, honey. Yes, I am. You like nice.” She looked a bit frazzled and told me that she had something she needed to talk to me about.

We went to the kitchen where she told me to sit at the table. “I’ll be blunt Robin. Your father has asked for a divorce. He’s been having an affair for a while with a younger woman. We’ve been discussing this for some time, but I didn’t want to tell you until things were settled. We have agreed to divorce and he’s been very generous with a settlement. He’s also going to set up a trust for you.”

I sat there somewhat shocked, but not terribly surprised. I’d hardly seen him lately. Mom assured me that we’d be fine. “The good news is you can be a girl most of the time now. In addition, your dad now knows that you dress as a girl. It turns out he saw us when we were out. He actually asked me who the young lady was that I was with. I decided to tell him it was you. I hope that was okay.”

“What did he say?” I responded.

“At first he didn’t know what to say, so I explained how you had a strong desire to look and act like a girl. I told him that you were much happier as a girl and that I supported you.”

Surprisingly, he said, if it made you happy, he is completely okay with it. He even said he wants to meet Robin, and if you’re okay with it, introduce you to his girlfriend.

“I know that you don’t like having to spend so much time being a boy, and this at least will allow you to be a girl more. Let me ask you this. Do want to be a girl full-time?”

I was surprised by the question. I loved being a girl but hadn’t really thought about living as a girl full-time. However, the idea excited me.

“How would that even be a possibility Mom?” I responded.

“Well, we’re going to have to move to a smaller home. That’s part of our agreement. But before we do, I was thinking that you could grow your hair so you could have a feminine style. You do have beautiful, thick blond hair.”

“Really Mom?” I said excitedly. It was something I had dreamed of but didn’t think was possible.

“Yes,” she said. “Let me explain. When we move, if it’s truly what you want, you will move to our new place as my daughter. All of your clothes would be girl clothes. You can be a girl 24/7 if you want to. You should give this a lot of thought. It’s obviously a big decision.”

The idea thrilled me. “Do you think it’s possible?”

“By the time we move, you will have a feminine head of hair. We’ll go to a beauty parlor as soon as it’s long enough to get a feminine cut,” Mom explained.

“Wow, that sounds great.”

“If we do this, you will have to dress, act, and speak in your most feminine voice. If you do this and are happy with your decision to live as a girl, we can talk about other things we can do.”

“Like what, Mom?” I said excitedly.

Mom explained that she had looked into something called hormone replacement therapy, or HRT, as well as breast augmentation. “It would be a big step Robin, and I would want you to be sure it’s what you want. But I’m not pushing it. I’m fine with you simply being a girl the way you have been. I guess it comes down to choosing whether you want to be a crossdresser or a girl.”

“Mom, I really think of myself as a girl. I love just being a girl.”

Mom smiled and responded, “I know you do sweetie. I do too.” Mom explained that HRT would have a number of effects. “You would lose facial and other bodily hair, your hips would widen, your voice would change, and your breasts would grow, although how much depends on a number of factors.”

“Oh, Mom this is so exciting. I love you for giving me this opportunity. I think I know already that I want that. ”

“I just want you to be happy. ,” Mom said excitedly.

Before the school year ended, I started growing my hair longer. Linda noticed and I told her about our plan. She was more excited than me. “What about school?” she asked.

I explained that “Rob” would be transferring to a different school due to a move, but Robin would be enrolling for her senior year. Mom was friends with the principal and had discussed it with her at length. She explained that I was living full-time as a girl and was probably going to transition. Her only concern was that I needed to pass completely as a girl. She had arranged to make some changes to my record so that when I graduated I would maintain the record that “Rob” had earned. The principal, Ms. Novak, wanted to have a meeting with me, as Robin, before the school year.

We arranged the meeting a week after the school year ended. We were getting ready to move and my hair had grown long enough to style it in a feminine manner. On the day of the meeting, I was dressed in a simple black skirt and a light green blouse. I put on some simple earrings with a matching necklace. Mom made sure my makeup was not overdone, but perfect. She drove me to school and dropped me off. For three years, I had walked into the school as a boy, and here I was, walking in as a girl. There were summer school students, but no one seemed to take special notice of the new girl. After all, I looked like many of the other girls. I knew where the office was and headed straight there. I told the administrative assistant that I had an appointment and she escorted me to Ms. Novak’s office.

When I walked in, Ms. Novak just looked at me for a minute. “You’re Robin Geeen? she asked.

“Yes ma’am,” I replied in my most feminine voice.

“Well, I can’t believe that you are the former boy named Rob. Clearly, this won’t be a problem,” she said. “You are a very attractive young lady. I’m sure you’ll fit right in.”

We discussed a few things. “I realize that you will have to use the girl’s bathroom. Just be careful.” I explained that I of course knew to sit when I peed. She giggled and told me she thought I’d be fine. I also told her about my study group and she was happy to know I already had girlfriends at the school. “I’m sure this will work out Robin, but feel free to talk to me about any concerns. Honestly, you are one of the prettier girls here. Have a great year.”

I walked out of her office and down the hall. Suddenly, someone called my name. Not Rob, but “Robin.” It was Nancy. She came up to me and whispered, “What in the world are you doing here?” There were a lot of students and teachers around so I told her to come outside with me. We walked out the front door. We moved over to a bench and I explained everything.

“Girl, I’m so happy for you. I hope we’re in the same classes.” Mom was waiting. Nancy came over to the car and greeted my mother. “Hi, Mrs. Green. I’m so happy for Robin. Can I tell the other girls?”

“Sure. Linda already knows anyway.”

Nancy smiled and went back to the school.

I told Mom the meeting went well. “Looks like your daughter will be attending her senior year here,” I said. Mom gave me a big hug.

A week later, Mom told me she had arranged a meeting with a specialist in gender reassignment. I was excited. On the day of our appointment, I wore a black pleated skirt and a grey blouse with a bow.

I was nervous, but the doctor, Elizabeth Jones MD, immediately put me at ease. She complimented me on my outfit and told me how darling I was. We discussed a number of things and she asked many questions about my desire to live as a girl. She seemed satisfied with my answers. She suggested that we start with an HRT regimen. “You can start today, and we’ll see how it goes,” Dr. Jones told me. She gave us some vials of pills and instructed us on how and when to take them.

She explained that while there would be breast growth, it was unlikely I would be more than an A-cup. She obviously noticed that the bra I was wearing was much bigger than that. I told her that I was a D-cup. She explained that if I wanted to remain a D-cup, then breast augmentation was the route to take. Mom suggested that we talk about it. We made an appointment to come back a week later.

After a few weeks, I started feeling different. At the next visit, Dr. Jones seemed pleased with my progress. Mom told her that we had decided to go ahead with breast augmentation. We scheduled it so that I would be all healed well before school started.

Mom and I went to the doctor’s office for my surgery. Dr. Jones had said that she prided herself on being able to enlarge breasts with a minimum incision, resulting in no tell-tale scarring. The surgery went smoothly, and within a week I was able to slip my tits into one of my bras. I felt wonderful. We even bought some new clothes that showed off my new cleavage.

By late summer, we had moved to a nice, smaller house on the opposite side of the suburb we lived in. My hair had grown and I had a nice medium-length layered cut with bangs. We met the neighbors, who were all quite nice. Mom introduced me as her daughter. I was very happy to just be the new girl on the block.

Linda and I had both broken up with our boyfriends. We agreed they were just not mature enough and just wanted us to sexually satisfy them. It was clear they now wanted to fuck us as well. Linda didn’t want to, and of course, I had an obvious problem. It was far easier and less complicated to satisfy each other. Linda just loved riding my big clitoris and I loved it too.

Nevertheless, we would occasionally date guys. We would get a free dinner out of it. We both found out that if you sucked a guy off, you could get him to take you anywhere. We both had become very proficient at sucking cocks. And it was fun being a “slut.” After a few dates (and a few blow-jobs), we both realized that my clit was significantly larger than any of the guys we dated.

Linda said, “Let’s measure your clit. I did some research and it turns out that the average erect cock is only five and a half inches. I know you’re way bigger than that.” We compared notes. Linda had sucked a guy who she thought was maybe seven inches. I had done one guy who was maybe seven and a half. All the rest were in that range.

She found a tape measure and had me take my clit out of my panties. She stroked it a little and then sucked on it until I was rock hard. Then she measured its length and girth. “Wow,” she said. “You’re over nine inches long and three inches around. No wonder I love having it in me, “ she giggled.

Linda looked at me with a serious expression and asked me “Would you rather have a vagina?

I told her I had thought about it but that I kind of liked having it. “I just think of it as my clit. I’ve seen girls on the internet that look totally female but have penises. Do you think I’m weird that I want to keep it, but be a girl?

“Not at all. In a way, you have the best of both worlds. I like it too Robin. You know that. In fact, this talk has gotten me wet. Let’s fuck.”

Linda pulled down her panties and lay on the bed. I mounted her and shoved my nine inches in her tight vagina. We were really aroused. After she had an orgasm, I did as well, releasing at least four loads in her.

While it seemed odd at times, we loved fucking each other. We avoided the emotional mess of dealing with boys but satisfied our sexual desires. At least a few times while out shopping, we would go to the lady’s room, lock the door, and get in a quickie just for the fun of it. Linda would bend over the sink and pull down her panties. I’d shove my clit in and ride her until I came. She’d put in a tampon so she didn’t leak my cum, we’d fix our lipstick, and we’d be on our way.

School went by quickly. At least one of my girlfriends was in each of my classes. That gave me the confidence I needed. Guys who formerly made fun of Rob, now couldn’t wait to meet the new, pretty girl. I loved it. When one of the football players who used to call me a sissy asked me to a school dance, I couldn’t resist.

He turned out to be a really nice guy. Little did he know. We actually had a nice time. On the way to drop me off, he pulled into a park. I let him kiss me. We started making out, and I couldn’t resist. I unzipped his pants and started playing with his cock. It wasn’t bad, maybe 7 inches and fairly thick. I decided that the guy he called “sissy” would give him the best blow-job he ever had. I sucked him furiously. He groaned with pleasure and shot a huge load into my warm mouth. I swallowed all of it and licked his cock until it went flaccid.

“Wow, Robin. That was incredible.”

“My pleasure,” I smiled.

“Can I see you again?”

We dated a few more times, but then I broke it off. He was too much of a jock for me. And I had gotten my revenge for calling me a sissy.

The study group still met weekly. I was just one of the girls.

Apparently, Linda let on to the girls that we had been having sex. At a session, Lisa confronted me. “We are all virgins but want to know what it feels like. We all agreed that we’re not ready to do some boy. So we want to know if you, our girlfriend, would fuck each of us.”

I was a little taken aback. But Linda told me she was okay with it, We arranged a meeting at Nancy’s, knowing no one would be home.

“We want you to do us all. And we will watch while you do one of us so we can all learn from it,” Nancy explained.

All the girls got naked and I had only my bra on. Nancy lay on the bed. I was very hard. I got on top of her and a lid my throbbing nine inches between her wet lips. “Oh God, that feels good, she exclaimed. I started humping her rhythmically. The other girls gathered close and watched. After a few minutes, Sharon said it was her turn. I pulled out of Nancy. She immediately began fingering herself.

Sharon lay down and spread her legs. I shoved my clit in. She was tighter than Nancy so I moved slowly to avoid cumming too quickly. Nancy, Linda, and Lisa were rubbing their clits as they watched. Soon it was Lisa’s turn. I mounted her and fucked her for a few minutes. Linda then said “My turn.” But she got on her knees and I mounted her from the rear. The other girls loved that. “Oh I want to try that,” said Lisa.

I grabbed Linda’s hips as I had done many times and really fucked her hard. She let out a scream as she orgasmed. Then I shot my load in her. All the girls agreed it was fun and we should do it again. But next time I was to cum in each of them. “No problem,” I responded. We all giggled and planned our next “study session.”

There was a downside to the drugs I was on. On the one hand. my voice was more feminine and I had lost hair on my body. However, I had trouble getting hard. Linda of course noticed. I told her I actually loved getting erections. “It’s weird, but I like being a girl with a big, hard clit.”

“Me too!” Linda replied with a broad smile.

I decided to talk to Mom about it. I explained that while I absolutely loved being a girl, I also liked having a big penis. “I have been wondering if you had given thought to having a sex change operation. I guess you have,” Mom said.

“I have mom, and I am pretty sure I want to be a girl with a penis. However, I do honestly consider it my clitoris. Do you think that’s weird?”

“No I don’t honey,” she replied. “I accept that about you. Let’s face it, you are a girl with a penis.”

It was a weird senior year. Linda and I were very popular. We still dated, which was fun, but we knew we had a special thing for each other.

Linda and I decided to go to the same college on the other side of town. I put on my application that I was a female, Before the term started, we all had to go through an interview with a counselor and a dean. When I showed up for my interview, an attractive man looked up with a strange look on his face. “This is weird. We have your excellent high school record Robin, and it says you are a girl.”

“Well, I obviously am,” I smiled, sitting there in my skirt and blouse.

“We run a background check on all potential students, and for some reason when we ran your social security number, it said you are a male.”

I gulped, but before I could say anything, he said, “Well obviously that’s incorrect,” he said while smiling at me. “I’ll correct your record.”

“That was a close call.” I thought. But all’s well that ends well.

Linda and I roomed together in a small apartment near the school. We both did well. It was nice to not be preoccupied with boys. We were having great sex.

Published 1 year ago

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