Recap of Middle Management
The story’s picture and its caption tell the basics. Jeanette is a Middle Manager. Jeanette works for Frank, Rick works for Jeanette. Jeanette can be very unpleasant to both of them. Frank discovers that Jeanette visits a swingers club where he knows the owner. They conspire to have Jeanette submit to being blindfolded so they can sneak in Frank and Rick to spit-roast her.
It’s called Work-Life Balance. Our company guarantees it.
Jeanette did not tell anyone else, but she really liked the blindfold. ‘I can’t see who is doing what, and every touch is a surprise,’ she thought to herself. ‘My guys are always good at satisfying me, but damn, with the blindfold on, it was like another world. It all felt different somehow.’
For the rest of the weekend, Jeanette’s husband Tim mostly ignored her. That was fine with her. She had hoped he’d leave her alone and just watch some new porn video instead. Her body was a bit sore, anyway.
Back at the swinger club, Jeanette’s usual ‘lovers’ T1 and T2 reported to Carmen, the owner, that it went very well. “She never suspected that we snuck in two guys. Do they really work with her… in real life? Too funny!”
“Yeah. Frank, her boss, and Rick, her underling. She’s a real bitch at work. They deserved some fun with her,” Carmen replied.
“She liked the blindfold… wants to do it again,” they told Carmen. “Frank and Rick are going to buy us a beer to celebrate.”
Frank and Rick had stayed around for a while and they chatted with T1 and T2, a Mission Debrief. Once they learned she was up for more blindfolded fun, Frank and Rick wanted to get some background and some ideas about how far they could push Jeanette. As it turns out, they could push her even more than they thought.
I want to tell you about Sue now.
Sue was the head of the Testing Division at the company. She was at the same management level as Frank (Jeanette’s boss), and Frank and Sue were close friends. Much of what Sue’s division tested came from Jeanette’s work unit. Some of it sucked, and Sue would fail it when it did. That pissed off Jeanette, and Jeanette complained about it to everyone, especially Sue. Even though Sue was ten years older, and a higher work grade, Jeanette would say things behind her back, or even to her face, that were over-the-top.
“You need to rein in your girl, Frank,” she told him after a particularly unpleasant conversation she had with Jeanette.
“What did she do this time?” asked Frank. This was not a new complaint.
“She talks to me like I work for her. She talks to me like I’m poor Rick,” she ranted. “The girl was obviously never spanked enough growing up.”
Frank and Sue were pretty close. They could tell it like it is.
“Hard to imagine anyone spanking Jeanette,” Frank smiled and said.
“Oh, I can imagine it, I imagine it all the time. I would teach her a hard lesson about being polite. Even if the lesson did not fix her, I would just enjoy the hell out of taking her to task!” Sue said. She flexed her legs a little in the chair. She looked like the thought might be turning her on a little.
Frank mulled this over a little, and said nothing at first. He and Rick had a very good thing going, with Jeanette liking the blindfold. There was a lot that they would enjoy doing to her, and saving it on video, too. Eventually, it would all end, but they could watch the videos for years, and relish those good old days. It could be disastrous to risk bringing in anyone else. Imagine the mail room guys working Jeanette hard… they would probably not keep their mouths shut, though.
Sue was different. Frank knew that Sue could keep a secret. After all, they had been fucking on the side for years, and nobody else knew. For a moment, he thought of Sue with her red hair, on her hands and knees, naked in front of him. She had the cutest, pointy nipples…
“Can you keep an important company secret?” Frank asked Sue, winking conspiratorially.
“Of course, dick-head! Haven’t we always trusted each other?” she laughed and countered.
Frank told Sue all about how he and Rick had ‘improved their work-life balance’ with Jeanette.
Sue whistled softly. “I sooo much want in on this, even if it’s just one time,” she looked with widened eyes.
“Leave some open time on your calendar for next Saturday,” suggested Frank.
Sue thought about how she had to prepare. For one thing, she knew that even without the heightened senses of being blindfolded, Jeanette would instantly notice any female perfume, soap, or lotion aroma. One sniff of a female in the room, and Jeanette’s alarm bells might go off and ruin the whole event, not to mention some people’s careers. Sue borrowed some typical man soap and shampoo to wash herself beforehand. She made sure her clothes would have no scent.
It’s On
Jeanette called and confirmed her next appointment at the club, (she visited every two weeks) and Carmen, the owner, passed the word that the blindfold was likely to happen again.
When the day arrived, Jeanette’s session started out much as before, T1 and T2 blindfolded and stripped Jeanette, bound her wrists behind her back, then warmed her up a little with their hands all over her body. She didn’t know it, but it was time for her ‘secret admirers’ to sneak in.
Today, it was Frank, Rick, and Sue who entered silently.
As she looked over at Jeanette’s cute, naked bottom, Sue rubbed her thumb in little circles around the index and middle finger of her right hand, her spanking hand. What Sue lacked in physical strength, she would have to make up for with enthusiasm. In her left hand, Sue held a long switch with a leather handle. She had just bought the switch in the little toy store downstairs. The name on the package was Magik Marker. ‘Quite a claim,’ she thought. ‘This product needs to be tested, and I’m a thorough product tester.’
Jeanette was warmed up now, so T1 and T2 stepped back. Frank handed T2 the video camera. T2 was a film student. He knew what to do.
First, Frank and Rick laid Jeanette on her back on a padded bench. She had already finished a couple of glasses of wine, so Jeanette was relaxed. They wanted her to feel very good at the start. Frank and Rick felt, stroked, and caressed all over her body. It was so nice to have total access to everything. Jeanette had a cute pussy, and they eventually directed their attention to her clit. They took turns licking and sucking it, but didn’t let her come. They wanted her head to be in outer space, in the realm at the edge of orgasm. Once she was moaning and pleading a little, they gently turned her over so her tummy was on the bench. Rick moved a small bench in front of her face and sat down. He touched her face with his hardening cock, gently slapping her cheeks with it.
‘Time for me to do a little of the work,’ Jeanette thought. ‘I do want my guys hard and hot for me.’ Her regular guys T1 and T2 were very good-looking, and she felt that they measured up to her oral skills.
Jeanette opened her mouth and started sucking the mystery cock. ‘Was it T1? T2? I can’t tell for sure,’ she thought.
After enjoying some skilled sucking, Rick leaned back and moved his balls to Jeanette’s mouth. She smiled and licked them hungrily. Jeanette remembered that T1 liked having his balls licked, so she decided it must be T1 in front of her.
Rick enjoyed her tongue on his balls for a while, then he remembered how Jeanette yelled and gave him a real tongue-lashing at work yesterday, after their latest product failed during testing. He pulled his knees back further so that his asshole was moved into position. Jeanette continued licking and she actually moaned a little as she tongued him there. ‘Finally, this is the kind of tongue-lashing I’ve earned from her, all of her abusing me at work,’ Rick thought to himself. Her tongue felt wonderful on his asshole, and he thought about how Jeanette’s ass and asshole were on the list for plenty of attention coming up soon.
As Jeanette continued to lick him, Rick saw Sue move into position. Jeanette’s mouth was busy, but her ass was exposed and vulnerable.
‘Slap!’ came the first hard spank.
Jeanette jumped a little, startled, but she kept licking.
‘Slap! Slap! Slap!’ Sue was loving this, and if anything, Jeanette was licking harder, probing deeper. Sue continued spanking until her hand was tired, and Jeanette’s ass was quite red.
Sue passed the ‘Magik Marker’ over to her right hand and took aim.
‘Swish – Smack!’ it went. It left a red line. Jeanette’s body jerked hard and she stopped licking. Rick placed his hands on Jeanette’s shoulders to help her stay in position.
‘Swish – Smack!’ over and over, with little pauses, every single one a surprise to Jeanette.
Sue gave Jeanette twelve strokes and twelve red lines. She liked making Jeanette really feel it, but Sue was not a sadist. Just enough to make a point, and of course, to fully test the Magik Marker. Sue stepped back to let Frank move in behind Jeanette.
Frank looked at Jeanette’s reddened and striped ass. Sue had completed her testing, and it looked like the Magik Marker had passed with flying colors. Frank’s gaze fell on Jeanette’s little anus.
Anus. He liked using that word. Medical, maybe even Latin (he’d look it up later to see). Unlike ‘asshole’, it was not a slang expression with multiple meanings. It was not an insult. It was not British, like ‘arsehole’. Anus. It just is what it is, no more, no less.
Between her red cheeks with the darker red stripes, Jeanette’s anus looked small, cute, and tight. He’d be changing that soon now, stretching it out. He thought ahead to their one-on-one meeting Monday morning. ‘Maybe I’ll find some pretext to send out my comfy chairs for reupholstering,’ he thought. ‘Sorry about the furniture, Jeanette. Best I could do was this stool from the classroom.’ He’d relish seeing her sitting there on a hard stool, sitting on what he knew would still be tender. He wouldn’t give her any indication of his pleasure at watching her squirm though, even if it made her crankier than usual.
Frank rubbed his hand across Jeanette’s reddened cheeks, he could tell she was very sensitive. He placed his cock at her anus and deliberately slid it in. Rick continued to hold her shoulders down, and Frank fucked her ass with long strokes. Sue just watched, fascinated. Sue knew that Frank’s cock felt really good, and he knew how to use it. She liked seeing it tame the wild beast in front of her.
Sue wished there was some way she could have brought her strap-on. Taking her own turn with that little ass would be wonderful. As if he were a mind reader, T1 caught Sue’s attention and handed her a dildo. It was a hefty size, well-detailed, and jet-black. Sue held it up so Frank could see it.
Frank withdrew from Jeanette’s ass and pushed his cock into her pussy instead. He removed his hands from Jeanette’s hips. Sue moved slightly behind Frank and placed the dildo on Jeanette’s still gaping anus. It went in easily. So easily in fact, that Sue rotated the part that was sticking out (not much was) in little circles each time it was fully inserted. Jeanette gasped. ‘So, my guys want me air-tight,’ she thought. They had used a dildo as a third cock in her before.
Now Sue could fully admire her handiwork. She had reddened and striped Jeanette’s ass, and now she was enlarging it. She eventually withdrew the dildo to see just how much she had accomplished. Now, Frank pulled out of her pussy and inserted his cock back into her gaping asshole. He pushed his cock in and out, going for the finish line.
Frank reached under Jeanette and his fingertip found her clit. He rubbed it gently and brought her the rest of the way to orgasm. As he felt her start to come, he released his cum into her ass. Just as Rick had described, her ass felt so good milking his cock as they both came together.
Jeanette’s head was swimming and her mouth was open. Rick was ready, so he placed his cock into her mouth and let it go. Most of his cum ran out of her mouth, but she swallowed the rest.
As before, the secret co-workers snuck silently out of the room before Jeanette’s wrist restraints and blindfold were removed. Jeanette did not say much this time. She left, looking bewildered and spent. She walked out a little more tenderly than she had walked in.
A few days later, Frank and Carmen were playing golf.
Carmen mentioned “That special favor I did for you, twice now, the blindfold lady and your secret visit…. well, she’s been an every-two-week visitor for months now. Anyway, she called and asked about the cost for her to visit every week from now on. I gave her a slight cost break, but if you guys can do all the work most of the time, I can kick back some money for you to put in the company slush fund, or pass along to her husband. Sound good?”
“Fore!” yelled Frank, and he hit one of his best shots ever.
“Damn.. Nice swing!” said Carmen.
“It’s all about finding perfect balance, just like life,” replied Frank.