Hello Julie,
I hope you don’t mind my calling you that, but I have no idea what your name is. You could be Eleanor or Claudette or Monika with a K, I don’t know. But Julie is a happy name and this is a happy story.
I’m glad you came to Lush and please bear with me while I give the readers some background. I’ll address you direct again in a little while.
So, I was on the bus from Edinburgh to Peebles. I went upstairs but my favourite seats at the front were occupied. It was almost full and the only vacant seat was near the back, one of those where two face backwards and two forwards, with a table in between. I sat next to a young boy who was playing a game on his phone. Opposite him sat a plump woman in her thirties, who I assumed was his mother because she was propping the phone up to help him. She was pleasantly upholstered, as if it were her natural state rather than the result of a bad diet. I thought she was beautiful. Behind her wide, rectangular glasses her eyes were bright, intense and dark brown. Her skin was smooth and clear, her neck pale and delicate and with her longish hair swept over one shoulder her left ear was exposed. That was beautiful too: clean and elegant. I quickly decided she was good enough to eat.
She was wearing a loose leopard-skin top and dark jeans with white trainers. On her forearms were neat tattoos, line drawings rather than fat smudges, one in blue, a heart shape with a male name inside. I’m not overkeen on tattoos, particularly on women, but these were less gauche than most. I had a feeling there would be one or two more under her clothes. She had a kind face and a soft voice. I couldn’t take my eyes off her.
And now, Julie, I’m talking to you again. As you can see, I was drawn to you immediately. I began to think about kissing your pretty little contoured lips and as the minutes and miles rolled past, my eyes kept returning to you. You never looked at me, not once, and in a strange way that’s how I knew you liked me too. After a while you began to twirl your hair with a finger. Do you know that is often how a woman betrays the fact that she fancies somebody? I don’t know why, but it does. It gave me extra confidence, anyway.
That is why I felt it would be okay to scribble a note on the scrap of paper I had in my pocket. Just my name and phone number, and I would pass it to you as soon as I saw you getting ready to stand up and get off.
You don’t know me from Adam and I’m not going to give you my life story. I’m going to tell you what I hope can happen between us. This is a risky strategy, I know, and some people will think it’s incredibly presumptuous of me, but I feel you will understand – and if you don’t like it, you don’t have to contact me. In that case we will probably never see each other again. But I really hope we do.
I imagine our first date taking place one afternoon, maybe in Edinburgh. We will have lunch, including a few glasses of wine and we will chat and get along famously. You will know what I want to do because you have read this. You may have slightly different ideas, but that’s fine. People with mutual respect and affection can come to mutually satisfactory agreements.
So, lunch over and both of us feeling mellow and happy, we go to the hotel where I have booked a room. It will feel exciting and maybe a little scary for both of us. Here’s how I see it going.
As soon as the door closes behind us we are in a clinch. You are a great kisser; those beautiful lips conceal a lithe, erotic tongue that plays with mine.
We have to shuffle over to the bed because we are so happy in our embrace and our kissing. Once over there, we fall onto the bed and I peel your clothes off. But the kissing continues and soon I am drawn to your ears. I set about the left one like a teenager who knows it’s the only orifice he’s going to get access to. My tongue is examining every curve and channel. I’m kissing the top, licking behind it and sucking the lobe. You seemed a little surprised when I started, but now you’re enjoying it and I can feel your body relaxing more by the second as you allow yourself to be adored.
Continuing my journey south, I find another special place, your navel. I kiss it gently and poke my tongue in. I don’t want to miss even a square inch of you.
Then I get to your knickers, which are quite big, emerald green and lacy like your bra. This is strangely but definitely feminine. It’s an unusual colour for underwear, but then you are an unusual woman. You are not a stereotype, you’re an individual.
It is almost like a sacred rite when I pull your pants down, because I am liberating your haven of Venus, your precious, wonderful centre to which I am honoured to be gaining access.
As soon as you are naked you allow me a quick lick but then you start undressing me and when you get down to my underpants you touch my urgent, upstanding penis with love and respect.
Today there is no time for foreplay. We need to be fitted together, a big fleshy puzzle that can be completed only by my cock being inside you. I lie between your soft, warm thighs and my belly touches yours. It feels different from how it has felt in the past. I am meant to be here, warmth to warmth, skin to skin, our bloods coursing like parallel rivers, invisible but vital.
I slide into you and we both sigh with the perfection of it. This is no crude animal act; it is the summit of human interaction, the moment at which two people take possession of each other, and I can see in your eyes that you feel it too.
We make love smoothly and intensely for several minutes, kissing at the same time. Eventually we are satisfied that our union is established and without saying a word we disengage and before I can go down on you, which was my plan, you are down there with my penis in your mouth. You can taste yourself on it and smell your juice. You suck me so tenderly it’s incredible. Most people have no idea about oral sex. They think it’s some kind of combative sport, like part of the sexual pentathlon, but you understand it’s all about love and devotion. When my cock is in your mouth it is a beautiful, intimate, sublime experience for both of us.
Eventually I touch your head and we know it is my turn. I glide down your body. You do indeed have a hidden tattoo: just below your left breast is a small red heart, which I have to kiss before I go any further. Then I go back up and kiss your lovely neck. I pull your left arm up and lick your armpit, which is smooth and beautiful.
“That goes straight to my pussy,” you say, oozing with pleasure.
I suck your nipples, which are slim and tight and get harder immediately. Down I travel, over your beautiful smooth, fleshy belly and into your pubic area. Your pussy has a faint aroma unlike anything else in the world: the smell of vagina. Yours is so wonderful I feel it should always be referred to by its official name. Pussy if you like, but this is far too wonderful to be a mere cunt. You have a fabulous vagina and I revel in licking it, sucking your labia, concentrating on your clitoris and feeling you tense as it sends waves of pleasure through your body.
“Turn over,” I say, and you do so without question. Now I am looking at your pale cushions, your proud, beautiful buttocks. I kiss each one and lick them, before parting them and putting my face there, my lucky, lucky face, my grateful nose, happy lips and naughty, inquisitive tongue. You instinctively raise yourself to give us better access. You understand that this is a mutual thrill. My tongue is sending intense waves of pleasure through you, making you groan with lustful contentment. As for me, I am in heaven on earth, the place I was always destined to be and which I fantasised about on the bus. You may not have been able to read my mind, but I’m sure some of what I was thinking about found its way into your brain. You knew we were going to be beautiful together.
I am going to give you our first orgasm together just by licking your bottom. I know it, you know it and we are united in our divine proceedings. When you do cum, you shudder with pleasure and both hands come around your back to touch me.
“That was incredible,” you say.
“it was for me too,” I reply.
We resume our kissing and it is even more intense: we are hot and alive, we want to tell each other everything through our mouths, but soon we feel we have to get back to what in most cases is the main event: sexual intercourse. I lie between your legs again and my penis slides into you. This time the action is faster, more frenetic, and in a matter of minutes you are convulsing with another orgasm, which is my cue to release mine. As my semen pumps into you we are both struck by the sheer wonder of the experience. A few days ago we had never even met. We have talked for half an hour or so, but our feelings have transported us to a much later stage of a relationship that was simply meant to be.
When we lie together, my left arm around you and your head on my shoulder, we don’t say much. Perhaps we don’t trust mere words to convey the majesty of what just happened. And anyway, it is about to happen again. You slide down my body just as you did before, but this time your tongue is all over my crotch before you take me into your mouth. You have my semen to enjoy, the rest of what is mainly inside you, washing around and melding with your fluids.
You are so happy down there that I wonder if you are going to put your tongue in my crack. Sure enough, you do, just quickly darting in, and it’s all that’s needed. I know you feel the same about me as I feel about you.
You turn onto your knees and whisper, “Do me from behind.”
I mount you in the less romantic position but with us, everything is beautiful. I can feel your insides differently and my cock is extra sensitive now. I pump you and poke myself into you in search of some part that has yet to be blessed. Then you whisper again. “I want you to cum in my mouth.”
This is going to put the seal on the whole thing. I climb off, lie on my back and you take my penis in your expert hand. You wipe some excess fluid off onto the hotel bed sheet and jerk me so perfectly that in seconds I am moaning and moving and you know this is it. You take my cock in your mouth and I empty my semen into it. Into you. We are all over each other, inside and out. I have been in your vagina, in your mouth, between your buttocks and you have placed yourself firmly, unforgettably, in my heart.
So that’s it, Julie. That is the story of how I feel, an introduction of me to you. I hope I’ll hear from you. Your decision.