It was several months after my sixteenth birthday when something happened that would change my entire perspective of life. I was sitting at the kitchen table, eating dinner with my mother, when she proposed that I stay home on Saturday night and have a movie night together.
It was something that had been a staple of our weekly routine throughout the years. This was back in the ’90s when you had to go to a video store and rent a videotape. We would pick up a couple of movies, usually something scary or suspenseful, and a pizza. Then we would head home and eat our pizza on the couch as we watched one of the movies. Afterward, we both took our nightly shower, put on our night clothes, and watched the second movie as we snacked on popcorn and soda pop.
By that point in my life, it had been several months since I had participated in a movie night with Mom. I had my driver’s license, and I preferred to spend my Saturday nights with my friends as I tried to find my own way in life. The last thing that I wanted to do was to move backward and have a movie night with my Mommy. That felt like it was something that a child would do, and I was trying to establish myself as an adult.
I protested staying home, but she seemed insistent that we hang out for the evening. She seemed like she didn’t want to be alone, and I felt bad for her. We had been the only ones living in the house since my father left abruptly eight years earlier. She dated a few times immediately after he left, but there was never anything serious. It had probably been six years since she had seen anyone.
Eventually, I relented. It was only one Saturday night. I insisted that I was going out on Friday before agreeing to stay home on Saturday. She seemed happy that I had agreed to stay home, even if I was less so.
It was around 6:00 p.m. on Saturday when I headed into town to pick up the movies and pizza. I picked up an older movie that I had seen before, but it had been quite a while, as well as a newer horror movie. I picked up the pizza afterward and headed back home still not in the best of spirits.
We settled in on the couch and watched the older movie first. The pizza was good, but the movie was worse than I had remembered. Perhaps it was my attitude toward the evening, more so than the movie itself. It felt like the movie would never end. As soon as the credits started to roll, I got up from the couch and took the leftover pizza to the fridge.
I headed to my room without really saying anything. It was part of the routine for us to both get cleaned up before we watched the other movie. Mom usually took longer because she usually took a bath. I played a couple of quick video games before heading to the shower. I always used the smaller bathroom across the hall while Mom used the master bath because it had a bathtub and not just a shower.
By the time I finished and got dressed, it was probably obvious that I was stalling. Mom was already waiting for me on the couch with the popcorn and soda on the coffee table. Something seemed different about her, though. She was wearing a set of pajamas that I hadn’t seen before. Although they weren’t terribly revealing, they definitely fit a bit more snugly than her usual night clothes.
I don’t think that I had ever really recognized it before, but it was then that I realized that my mom looked different than most. Granted, at thirty-eight she was a bit younger than most of them, but she looked a lot more like a young woman than she did a mom.
I sat next to her on the couch, and she started the movie almost immediately. It was a pretty formulaic horror movie, with elements of Friday the 13th, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre. As it started out, there were eight college students traveling in a van to some remote lakeside cabin. It was a mostly attractive group, with the typical cross-section of characters highlighted by the sexy female nerd that nobody seemed to notice.
As the van pulled up in front of the cottage, all of the guys charged toward the lake like a bunch of morons. They were peeling off their clothing as they ran, leaving a trail from the van to the water. They all ran bare-assed the last several feet before plunging into the water and quickly swimming out so that the water was just past waist-deep. The girls arrived shortly thereafter, berating the guys for their childishness before much more slowly stripping down and joining them in the lake. All of them joined the boys except for the nerdy girl, of course.
Almost all of the girls showed their breasts and there were a couple of quick flashes of full-frontal nudity. I was the typical horny teenager and there was not a lot of exposure to nudity or pornography in those days. Movies were typically the best source. One of my friends had access to his father’s adult magazines, but accessibility to such things was pretty limited.
Not surprisingly, my cock got hard as a rock rather quickly. I tried to nudge it to a more inconspicuous location inside of my shorts, but Mom looked down just as I did. I knew that she saw it and my face went bright red. At that point, I struggled to focus on the movie and was just trying to will my dick to go flaccid. Just as it seemed like it was going to cooperate, the movie turned things up another notch. Most of the characters were wearing sexy nightwear and they were getting playful with each other before bed. Several of them paired up and had some steamy, rated-R sex before falling asleep.
My cock was fully-erect and screaming for attention at that point. I couldn’t really get up and leave, so I sat there for a while, hoping that it would lose interest.
Suddenly, my mom snapped, “I don’t think that it is going away anytime soon.”
When I looked at her, she was staring directly at my crotch. I covered the bulge up with my hands and my face felt like it was on fire.
“You do know how to take care of that, don’t you honey?” she asked.
“Mom!” I shouted back, completely embarrassed.
“Well, go ahead then!” she ordered me.
I started to get up, but she grabbed ahold of my hand.
“Don’t leave. You are going to miss the movie.”
I sat back down and was afraid to do anything. Mom was staring at me in that intense, motherly way. I slowly started to fumble around in my shorts, just to see if that was really what she wanted me to do. I tensed up as my cool hand touched my considerably warm cock. I started to slowly stroke it, still not quite sure if such a thing was actually acceptable.
After a bit, I felt more comfortable with my performance. I really needed to free up my shorts to get the best kind of stimulation. I slowly worked them down, not yet feeling overly confident about exposing myself. The fact that she still hadn’t looked away, even for an instant, made me feel like I hadn’t crossed some sort of line, though.
I had just completely uncovered my manhood when Mom blurted, “Oh, my! You are already bigger than your father ever was!”
“Mom!” I cried out. I guess it was a compliment, of sorts, but it didn’t make things any less awkward.
I started to pump away furiously, but the uncomfortable nature of the entire encounter seemed to be prohibiting me from finishing. Mom placed her hand on my thigh and offered to help me out. I immediately recoiled. It was something that I didn’t expect, even more so than what had already happened. I felt bad that it probably seemed like I was grossed out by her, even worse was that I realized that I had just let an opportunity slip through my fingers.
“Sorry, dear,” she lamented. “I was just going to offer some help. You don’t seem to be able to finish.”
“Uh, it’s just that the sexy part of the movie seems to be over,” I offered, although I wasn’t really sure if that was my actual problem.
To my surprise, Mom started to remove her pajama top.
“Is this what you need, to see some boobs?” she asked.
They looked better than I would have imagined. While they weren’t as nice as those of the twenty-somethings in the movie, they had held up really well. I stared at them as I refocused my efforts. I stroked quickly and aggressively until Mom made yet another offer.
“You can touch them if you would like to.”
It was an offer that I couldn’t refuse. I had never touched a woman’s bare breast before. There had only been some clumsy over-the-clothes fondling.
She was sitting to my right, so I tried masturbating with my left hand while I reached my right hand to the underside of her breast. I squeezed it several times before realizing what an awkward position my hands were in.
I turned slightly to the side and switched hands. With my left hand, I could then better address her breast. I explored the areola and nipple with my thumb and forefinger, hoping for an invitation to bring my mouth into the mix.
Before that could happen, my vision went sparkly. I rocked backward onto the couch with my head extended backward. My ass lifted off of the cushion as I started to blow my load. I could feel the hot cum splashing onto my shirt, although I didn’t see it. I pumped furiously until the throbbing completely stopped. My hand was sticky with cum, and my wet shirt was clinging to my skin in multiple spots.
“Oh my god, honey, that was a lot! Do you always cum that much?”
“Uh, yeah. I mean…not always, but sometimes.”
“Take your shirt off and put it in the hamper,” she ordered.
I headed to the bathroom. The instruction seemed to indicate that I wasn’t supposed to get a clean shirt. I returned to the couch and noticed that she hadn’t bothered to cover herself up either. She placed her hand on my thigh, and I responded by placing mine on top of hers.
It didn’t take long for my teenage libido to present myself with another erection. I could see that mom, once again, recognized it, but she did say or do anything. It felt strange, but I wasn’t embarrassed about it anymore.
We watched the rest of the movie, although we had already missed a big chunk of it. When it was over, we tidied up the living room before heading to bed.
As I entered my bedroom, she shouted, “Movie night, next Saturday?”
“Yeah, yeah sure,” I responded, still a bit dazed by the evening’s events.