The Route To Submission

"Jessica portrayed herself as alpha but wanted to be a submissive"

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Jessica was twenty-nine and very happy with her life. She had a good job, holding a senior position in a financial services firm, and that enabled her to afford an expensive flat and a whole range of lovely clothes both for the office and her busy social life.

At the office and in her social life she was seen as an alpha female who everyone respected. She knew, though, that she wasn’t mentally an alpha but saw the benefits of being seen as one.

She did find her work very stressful, and relished the weekends when she did her own housework. She could well afford to employ a cleaner and even someone to do her washing and ironing, but she found all of that a release from her stressful job.

As she carried out those chores, she often thought about her fantasy, which was to be spanked on a regular basis. She was a lesbian and imagined herself as her girlfriend’s cleaner and housekeeper as she did those things in her own home, but then imagined her girlfriend picking up on her mistakes and putting her across her lap and spanking her bare bottom to teach her to do better. She would even pick out women who she saw at the shopping mall who she thought were dominant and fantasied being spanked by them. She loved to picture herself across the dominant woman’s lap, her face inches from the woman’s bare upside-down legs and would finger herself to huge orgasms. The reality though was that she had never been spanked so it all just remained a fantasy for her.

One other particular thing dragged her down. She was very happy with her looks, except for one thing. Whenever she looked at herself in the mirror she saw her particularly large ears sticking out from the sides of her head, and they were certainly larger than other girls’ ears. She kept being told not to worry about that because she was such an attractive girl, with a lovely face, good figure, full breasts, slim arms and legs, and a flat tummy. Some friends even said that her ears made her attractive, which made her feel good, but she was never sure that was actually the truth.

In fact, Jessica could never get it out of her head that people looked at her because of her ears rather than her looks. She was often conscious when people spoke to her that they were looking at her ears rather than her eyes, in the way some looked at her breasts instead of her eyes. It brought home to her that her ears made her stand out, although some said in a good way whilst she wondered how that could be true. Indeed, her ears became a big self-conscious thing for her.

To try to hide her large ears, Jessica always wore large earrings, hoping they would divert attention away from her ears, and tried to grow her hair to cover them up although they stuck out too far for that to work sufficiently well.

Today she was spending another evening out with her longtime friend, Laura, going to a local club. They both loved to dance, and both dressed skimpily in tight vest tops showing off their full breasts, and also their well-toned bare arms. They also wore very short tight skirts and as it was summer, they had bare legs.

Although not an item, Jessica fancied Laura and wanted to be her girlfriend ever since they were at sixth form college together. When there, Laura was one of the top girls, outward, and was class captain. On the other hand, Jessica was more reserved, and whilst she couldn’t get into the group of Laura’s friends, she had a crush on her and often fingered herself to orgasms imagining having sex together.

So, this evening, whilst happily dancing together, Laura lent forward and kissed Jessica on the lips. Jessica loved it and kissed Laura back. One thing led to another and that evening they went back to Laura’s. They both quickly got undressed and were kissing and cuddling each other, and as Jessica had hoped, they both gave each other tongue and finger sex and huge orgasms, and Jessica got her long-held wish of sharing a bed with Laura and making out.

As they lay in bed afterwards, Jessica was hoping this was the start of them being an item, although wasn’t sure Laura was up for it. She clearly preferred girls who were alpha like herself, and Jessica wasn’t sure that she came across as alpha enough. She hoped so and never acted submissively with Laura, but she just wasn’t sure.

Afterwards, they lay in bed together and Laura was kissing Jessica when all of a sudden, she grabbed hold of her ear and squeezed it and enjoyed Jessica’s gasp. Instead of letting her ear go she squeezed and twisted Jessica’s ear even harder, smiling as she did.

Jessica on the other hand squealed as she felt her ear being squeezed and then twisted and then felt fingernails biting into her ear lobes. She wanted to cry out for Laura to stop but was worried that she would see her as a wimp if she did.

Laura was actually thinking that Jessica would like having her large ears squeezed and twisted and kept going, and justified what she was doing by saying, “You are such a naughty girl, Jessica. So so so naughty. You deserve to be punished and you’re just lucky that I’m not going to spank your bare bottom.”

A distraught Jessica pulled at Laura’s hand and when she did, she actually thought she was making the pain that she was feeling even worse. So, she stopped clawing at Laura’s hand and just hoped that she would stop.

When Laura realised that Jessica was no longer struggling, although still gasping, she thought that proved that Jessica wanted her ears to be squeezed and twisted and so continued to do so, also digging her fingernails into her ear lobe.

Laura had always found Jessica attractive even back at college, although she was so reserved and wouldn’t join her group. Even back then she knew that she actually found Jessica even more attractive because of her large ears. So, when in recent years they met up, by chance, and Jessica agreed to go out with her, she wondered whether Jessica being so reserved was actually because she was a submissive by nature, and maybe was one of those women who enjoyed being spanked because they had lovely fleshy bottoms and relished suffering the pain. With Jessica, she imagined that she would want to have her beautiful large ears squeezed and twisted for the same reason.

As she continued to squeeze and twist Jessica’s ear, Laura knew that she was getting quivers flying around her vulva and when she knew that she was on the way to an orgasm she stopped squeezing and twisting Jessica’s ear, and instead kissed her again, easing her tongue into Jessica’s mouth, and hugging her. She caressed Jessica‘s full breasts and kissed and sucked her nipples and then her tummy, working her way down towards her legs and pussy lips.

As Jessica was now enjoying Laura’s kissing and cuddling and licking, so she was kissing and cuddling and licking and sucking Laura and knew that she was quickly bringing her to an orgasm. What surprised her, though, was that she was also feeling as though she was getting close to an orgasm herself even though her ears were still stinging from being squeezed and twisted. She told herself that she still hated having her ears dealt with like that but was really enjoying the rest of their lovemaking with her long-time crush Laura.

After Laura and Jessica had given each other another huge orgasm they fell asleep in each other’s arms. In the morning, having breakfast together, Jessica’s ears were still tender which reminded her of what Laura had done to her before the lovemaking. She turned to Laura and said, “I loved everything we did last night, except the ear pulling and twisting.”

As soon as she said it, she thought maybe she shouldn’t have done because if the price for having Laura as her girlfriend was to have her ear pulled and twisted then she was up for it, even as much as she hated it.

Laura could see that Jessica meant it but knew that she had fantasies herself which were that she was the domme in any relationship. She started to go out with Jessica because she was pretty sure that Jessica was really submissive which she thought was confirmed when she stopped resisting when she kept on pulling and twisting her ear. If that was the case, then Jessica was lying to everyone about being alpha and was really a submissive which was exactly the type of girlfriend she was after. So, she knew she wanted to get the truth out of Jessica because if she really was alpha then she would be ending the relationship and look for a real submissive.

So, pretty much ignoring what Jessica had asked, and maintaining her intent on being the domme in the relationship, she asked, “Well, if you had the choice between having your bare bottom spanked or your ear pulled, which would you choose?”

Jessica gasped at the question because as well as imagining making love to Laura, she had fantasised about being spanked by her. Back when at college that was when she first fingered herself to huge orgasms just imagining herself over a dominant girl’s lap, and invariably Laura’s bare thighs and being spanked by her. She never reconciled why those fantasies happened when at college because whilst certainly more reserved than Laura and her group, she was seen as alpha herself by her own group of friends.

Even now, although knowing she had submissive desires, she was worried that if Laura realised that, she might stop being her friend. So, wanting Laura to see her as an alpha, she didn’t want to encourage Laura to spank her in case she thought of her as a submissive. On the other hand, as the question had been asked, she could give a truthful answer without actually saying she wanted to be spanked by her.

Thinking those thoughts but treading carefully. she replied, “Well, they are both punishments, and both will hurt, but I suppose if I had to make the choice, I’d much rather have my butt spanked than having my ear pulled.”

Laura was fully intent on pressing Jessica into admitting she was submissive and said, “Yes, both hurt, of course, but plenty of girls get turned on by having their bottoms spanked. The pain as well as the submission and humiliation increase their erotic feelings. I bet if you thought about it, you would find pain and humiliation terrific foreplay to lovemaking. We could try it now if you wanted.”

The more Laura explained the things she herself had long-held fantasies about, Jessica started to have quivers flying around her vulva. Surely not she told herself. Everyone saw her as alpha even though she had these well-hidden fantasies. Also, if she agreed to be spanked would Laura be able to choose when because surely no alpha would hand over that control.

Then, thinking about her fantasies and knowing she really had submissive desires, if, on the other hand, she was just spanked when she wanted to be spanked, that might well turn her on. Thinking that she asked, “You do mean that I would get to choose when I was spanked?”

Laura could see the conversation going in the direction she wanted it to go, and replied, “I think you can certainly ask for a spanking any time. However, you would have to accept that I would have disciplinary control over you, and if I decided you needed a spanking then your knickers would have to come down and you would have to go across my lap and I would have to give you that spanking whether you wanted it or not.”

That wasn’t the answer Jessica had expected. However, subconsciously she was starting to think as the submissive she really was rather than the alpha she portrayed herself as.

Laura saw that Jessica was thinking about what she was saying so decided the time was right to say sternly, “I think you know that you have submissive feelings, and actually submitting to me would answer a lot of your fantasies. We could have the most wonderful domme and sub relationship.”

Jessica gasped again and knew that she was blushing because Laura was exactly right. Those fantasies she had about being spanked, and those multiple times when she fingered herself to huge orgasms picturing herself being spanked by Laura, and the quivers she was feeling right then flying around her vulva, made things so clear for her and that she shouldn’t fight her innermost desires which were that she was submissive, and got turned on by being submissive. So as much as she might hate having her bottom spanked, because of the pain and the humiliation, if that did turn her on and she had even better orgasms, then surely that made sense to give Laura disciplinary control. over her.

Having thought those thoughts and thinking it would be fun to live out her fantasy of wanting to be spanked, once or maybe twice only, she continued to blush as she said, “I can see what you mean, Laura. Okay, I agree to give you disciplinary control and you can decide when to spank me.”

As Jessica said it, she realised that she was feeling so aroused and knew that her pussy lips would be damp. Oh my goodness, she thought. I really do want to do this.

Laura smiled as she reinforced her control by setting set out some rules that should apply, “I think we should say a minimum period and you have to accept every decision I make, but not just in connection with discipline. Being the domme means I make all the decisions and you accept them all. You simply agree what I decide.”

Laura again saw how Jessica was thinking about it and not resisting and so made the main move saying as though the decision had been made, ” I think that should include you moving in here today, and you will stay here for that minimum period.”

Jessica could immediately think of a million reasons why that shouldn’t happen, as she had a flat of her own and a well-paid senior job and earned a very good salary. On the other hand, she could see just one reason why it should happen, and that one reason was because she wanted it to happen, so she replied, “I agree, Laura.”

Laura then said, “I earn easily enough to look after you so you will resign your job immediately. Understood?”

That brought the whole thing to a crucial life-changing moment, which happened when Jessica replied, “Yes, Laura.”

Laura was still smiling as she asked, “So you know what will happen when you disobey me?”

Jessica was blushing as she replied, “Yes, I will get a bare bottom spanking.”

Laura replied, “Yes you will, most times.”

Jessica asked quizzically, “What about the other times?” She realised that she wasn’t actually concerned about what punishment she would get but just wanted to know what the alternative punishments she might get were. She actually hoped there would be some naughty spot time and licked her lips in anticipation as she waited for Laura’s response, seeing herself as the true submissive she was.

Laura put her hand on Jessica’s cheek and rubbed as she replied, “Answering me back will get this,” and she pulled her hand back and gave Jessica a hard slap around her face.

Jessica yelped with the pain and the shock but knew she had agreed that Laura could decide on every punishment and saw that as being very similar to having her bottom spanked, and also humiliating so right to happen to a submissive.

When Laura saw that Jessica did not object, she then said, “Also, if I want to get your attention, this is what I will do.”

Jessica held her breath thinking she was going to get her face slapped again but instead, Laura grabbed hold of her ear and squeezed hard, then she twisted her ear, and dug her fingernails into her ear lobe. She gasped again. but forced herself to keep her hands clasped in front of herself and let Laura do whatever she wanted. As she did, she knew she still hated having her ears squeezed and twisted but reckoned that it was just as painful as having her face slapped or her bottom spanked and the only reason that she hated it was because she hated the size of her ears. However, if she overcame that, then maybe having her ear pulled and squeezed and twisted would be the same as having her face slapped or bottom spanked after all.

When Laura released Jessica’s ear, she again waited to see if there would be a complaint, but there wasn’t. So, she bent forward and kissed Jessica and when Jessica kissed her back, she put both her hands on Jessica’s cheeks and held her as she eased her tongue inside Jessica’s mouth, and they kissed. Laura then clasped hold of Jessica’s ear and led her out of the kitchen, up the stairs, and into the bedroom.

Laura knew she had no reason to do give Jessica a spanking other than to impose her control and felt it right to do so right now, and ordered, “Get undressed again. You need a jolly hard spanking.”

Jessica knew her ear was stinging, and she still hated having her large ears pulled and twisted and fingernails dug into them, but on the other hand was happier being totally submissive and not portraying herself as the alpha she knew she wasn’t. She was even eager to know what a spanking was like having fantasised being spanked so often, and what was better was that Laura was going to spank her.

Laura glared at Jessica as she watched her undress, pulling her vest top up and over her head, folding it and putting it on the dressing table chair. She unclipped her bra and slid it down her arms, caught it, folded it, and put it on top of her vest top. Next, she undid her skirt and pushed it downwards, catching her knickers and pushed both down to the floor, stepped out of them, and put them with her other clothes. Her ankle socks quickly followed. She savoured Jessica’s gorgeous figure and the fact she was now her submissive girlfriend.

Moments later and Laura was seated on the corner of the bed and Jessica was bent across her lap. The sight of Laura’s upside-down legs and her painted toenails were just as Jessica had imagined all of those times as was the feeling of being caressed as her bottom was being rubbed in circles.

Once the spanking started and Jessica felt spank after spank land, she reckoned that it was hurting more than she had imagined, but then so it should. She also felt that this spanking really did transfer control to Laura, and whilst she was struggling with the spanking, she knew it was all for her own good.

Laura was delighted that Jessica was being so obedient, and submissive, as she made sure each spank was really hard, and enjoyed Jessica’s louder gasps as she spanked the same bottom cheek several times in a row and then the other bottom cheek several times in a row. She continued to make sure every spank was a hard one even when Jessica was squirming around on her lap. Laura certainly relished the control she now had over Jessica and once she had turned Jessica’s bottom cheeks a lovely red, she stopped the spanking and ordered, “Now get off my lap and lie on the bed. Any hesitation and I will be spanking you again.”

Jessica heard the instruction and was eager to show her obedience. As she slid off Laura’s lap and lay on the bed, she saw again how following instructions was so much easier for her than making decisions, even when it meant accepting painful punishments without question.

Soon they were in bed together again kissing and cuddling and licking and sucking each other and bringing each other to another huge orgasm.

It was now so clear to Jessica how life as a submissive would make her so happy. If Laura wanted to squeeze and tug and twist her large ears then it should happen to her, even if she hated it, just as she would still hate having her face slapped or her bottom spanked. However, if she ended up with damp pussy lips then that would be a very worthwhile outcome.

Laura knew she did understand Jessica’s needs and that they fitted in with her own. She said, “I can see you want and need to be submissive and obey, and whilst to the outside world you appear to be alpha you hate it and want to just do as you are told and have someone else make all of the decisions. It is not so uncommon, so you are not alone in wanting that for yourself.” After a few moments she added, “In fact, I love your large ears which I think make you just so attractive to me.”

Jessica saw that as a real compliment and now understood that as a submissive she was turned on by the pain and humiliation bearing in mind she was twenty-nine. Equally, the one punishment that she hated was having her ear pulled as she had for so long hated her large ears but now saw how that had attracted the attention of a Domme woman, Laura. What an unexpected plus that was.

Jessica was blushing as she replied, “I know my portrayal as an alpha was false and my true self is wanting to be totally submissive, to you.”

Laura said, “Now you will be living here, I don’t want a housemaid but a girlfriend who will obey me and suffer the consequences of not doing so. We will sleep together, have sex together, go out together, but you will do all the house chores which you will find stress-free just as simply leaving all of the decisions for both of us to me will also be stress free for you. What I need is having total control over you and now know you want me to control you, so we both get the best of both worlds by living together in a truly domme and sub-loving relationship. We can only have that by being truthful to each other, and we have been.”

Jessica was relieved that she had at last been truthful, to Laura and to herself, that she was by nature a submissive and would prefer doing the household chores and being a housemaid in all but name, rather than doing her stress filled office job. It wasn’t that she wanted to be treated like a doormat but did want to just do as she was told and was already loving being told what to do by Laura. She understood that being disciplined by Laura was an essential part of their relationship and knew that was part of her submissive make-up. At long last, she had now been spanked and found it so humiliating and painful but so erotic and was up for any punishment Laura wanted to give her, including spanking and ear pulling and twisting. Why wouldn’t she, she told herself, as she had at long last admitted to herself that that was her true self.

Laura continued, “I know you won’t mind being spanked when I decide you need it, nor mind having your face slapped. However, I will use ear pulling and twisting as the punishment which I know you really don’t want but will ensure your obedience as the punishment will last a whole day so your ear will be pulled and twisted lots of times.”

Jessica realised that Laura loved pulling and twisting her ears and if that was the case then she will accept it and get used to it and look on it as Laura putting her in her place as the obedient submissive. The more she thought about it, the more Jessica saw how that would work for her, which was absolutely fantastic. She touched her large ears and told herself she had better be an obedient girl in future, and intended and wanted to be, but having those pain-filled punishments hanging over her head was what she also needed to help her be submissive and obedient.

Laura finished off with, “So from now on I control you, totally. Understood?”

Jessica knew Laura understood her to a tee and whilst there were still a million reasons to say no, she knew the only answer she wanted to give which meant she would be living her dream.

Jessica said, “Yes please.”

Published 1 year ago

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