The cool breeze filtered through the camper window that night
Caused the curtains to dance in the moonlight
Shadows painted upon camper wall
Nature’s canvas because of nightfall
The night had robbed the light of day
The thief of light was here to stay
Nature’s call was on full display
As nighttime hours ticked away
Upon the table, the empty Merlot bottle of wine rests
The crystal glasses now empty seemed half-dressed
The buzz of locusts drowned the scene
Nature’s sounds were there but they didn’t intervene
Clothes were scattered about the floor
Painted to match the night’s decor
The naked lore of man and woman was in full display
Silhouetted love of two souls was underway
Pulsing love of man’s heaving chest
Moonlight love was being expressed
Woman’s naked desire caused the man to transpire
Buzz of locusts became nature’s choir
To this night’s love affair
The last heave of manly desires
Meets the needs of two as time seems to aspire
All is quiet now from nature’s choir
As man and woman lay in silhouetted attire

Silhouetted Lovers
"Nature’s Witness if Two Lovers"
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