“Where are you going, baby?” I said. I didn’t remember Max telling me that he had anywhere to go this morning. Weekend mornings were usually for us to play in bed together.
Max moved his hand off of my back. His arm had been over Terri to get to me. I was still snuggled up against Terri and facing Tommy.
Max was going to the bathroom. He came back into the room and he saw my eyes open. He started getting dressed.
Did Max know what Tommy and I did last night? Was he mad? Was he leaving? Had I finally asked for more than he was willing to give?
“Errands,” he said quietly with a smile.
“Errands? What errands?” I said, “Wait, I’ll go.” When I moved, I felt Terri’s arms hold me tighter and he kissed the side of my neck.
“No, baby,” Max said, “You stay. You guys all stay. It’s ok. Really.”
“No, baby,” I said a little panicked, “I don’t want you to leave. Please don’t think we don’t want you…that I don’t want you here. I do. Baby…”
“Relax,” Max said standing at the foot of the bed and caressing my foot that was lying on Terri’s leg. “I haven’t given you guys any time to catch up. Trust me. I want to do this.”
“But we didn’t…we don’t…baby,” I said, still flustered. Terri finally woke up and realized what was going on.
“Everything ok?” he asked Max.
“Yes,” Max replied, “I’ll be back this afternoon. I’m just going out. If you need anything let me know and I’ll pick it up.”
“Ok,” Terri said. Ugh, why wasn’t he worried like me? Guys were too laid back sometimes.
“Ok, baby,” I said to Max, “I love you.”
“I love you too!” he said sincerely, “Have fun…I can’t wait to hear all about it.”
He walked out of the bedroom and a minute later he walked out the apartment door. My heart sunk. I didn’t want him to go anywhere. Why did he?
Tommy was still blissfully asleep. Terri relaxed, still cuddling me.
“What the fuck?” I said to Terri, turning to him.
“What?” he said, sincerely confused.
“Why did he leave?” I said and as soon as the words were real and in the air, my tears flowed.
“No, no babe, he didn’t leave you,” he said trying to soothe me, “It’s just errands he said.”
“Bullshit,” I practically spat at him, my tears still streaming. “He left me with you both because he thought he wasn’t wanted.” I was having trouble breathing. I hadn’t had a panic attack in a while but I knew the warning signs.
“I don’t know, he seemed okay with it,” Terri said, trying to push Tommy awake.
“Leave him,” I yelled at Terri. “It’s probably our fault…”
“Why?” Terri asked.
“He…we…last night….” I tried but couldn’t continue.
“Look at me,” Terri said and held me tighter, “I’m saying it’s ok. It is.”
I appreciated his effort, “But-“ I started.
“No,” Terri said even stronger, “Listen to me. Max loves you. Trust me. Since we’ve been here almost a whole week,” he said, smacking Tommy’s shoulder to try to get him awake for some backup, “Max has been nothing but supportive of you and us. He loves you. I can tell. It’s the same stupid look I see on this idiot’s face every time he looks at you!” He smacked Tommy’s shoulder harder.
I looked in Terri’s eyes, my tears still flowing.
“He’s giving you space today. He’s not leaving you. Relax,” he said and finally, Tommy started to rouse.
“Geez dude, about time,” Terri smacked Tommy’s shoulder again.
“What?” Tommy said and I rolled towards him with my tear-streaked face. “Babe, oh, what?” he said, kissing my lips and rubbing my tear-soaked cheeks.
“It’s nothing,” Terri said, “Max said he’s running errands today and she’s…she’s…” He was afraid to say the wrong word for fear I’d freak out on him.
“Does he know?” Tommy asked me. See, he understood my fear.
“I don’t know…I don’t think so…I…” I couldn’t continue the tears started again. Tommy put his hand on my chest and felt my heart beating like crazy.
“No babe, calm down, it’s all right, Terri is right, Max loves you,” he said, “I know I doubted it too when I first got here. I did. I couldn’t imagine anyone could care as much about you as I did. As we did,” he paused, “But he does….He does more than I…we did.” He looked down.
“It’s not a contest, babe,” I said, lifting his chin to look back at me.
“It is,” Tommy said, “And he won. He won you. He deserves you. All of you. No doubts. Don’t make him pay for anyone else’s mistakes.” He made sense. Max had never given me reason to doubt his love. Not even once. He deserved me to take his word at face value and not read things into it that weren’t there.
Tommy sensed I wasn’t completely sold on it yet. “Call him,” he said, “Now. Put it on speakerphone. He’ll reassure you. He will. I know it.”
“Yes?” I turned to Terri.
“Yes,” Terri said. I climbed out of bed. Naked. We were all still naked. I grabbed my phone and climbed back between them. I called Max.
“Hi baby,” he answered knowing it was me calling,
“Everything ok?”
“Yes, baby…I…Are you?…um…” I couldn’t ask him. I couldn’t accuse him of being an asshole. He wasn’t. I was.
“Do you need me to get something?” he asked.
“Yes,” I lied. I looked at Tommy and shrugged my shoulders. What did I or we need?
“What?” he asked. I could hear him walking. I wondered where.
“Where are you?” I asked and realized I shouldn’t have.
“Why are you calling?” he asked.
“I just wish you were here,” I said truthfully.
“No, baby,” he said, “I meant it. Relax. Have fun with your friends.” I laughed. They were more than friends. We weren’t going to paint our nails and eat bonbons. We were going to fuck each other’s brains out in whatever way we could think of. How was he okay with this?
“Get some dessert for later,” I thought up as a plausible excuse for calling.
“Ok,” he said, “I’ll find something you like. With whipped cream maybe?…”
“Thanks,” I said and smiled. They were right. He was the fucking best.
“Oh, and baby, don’t forget,” he lowered his voice a little so no one around him would hear, “I really do want to hear all about it when I come home. Promise?”
“I promise, baby,” I said, “I love you.”
“I love you too, bye,” he said, hanging up.
I put the phone down. “Are you ok now?” Tommy asked.
“See!” Terri said.
“Fine,” I said, “You’re right, you’re both right, I overacted.”
“It’s not the first time!” Terri said. Tommy shook his head, warning him. He wiped my still-damp cheeks and kissed me.
“Ok?” Tommy asked. He put his hand on my chest. My heart was returning to normal.
“Yes,” I said, “I’m ok. It will be ok.”
“Yes, it will,” he agreed, “It’s true I’ve already written that love is complicated in my first song, and now I’m almost finished with love multiplies. But there’s more….I’m getting an idea…Don’t doubt….more upbeat….pulsing like last night’s club music…give me a minute…” Tommy hopped out of bed. I loved watching him get an idea and be inspired by his music.
He went into the living room and grabbed his guitar sitting on the couch. Still naked. You gotta love inspiration.
“I’ve got an idea too,” Terri said.
“What?” I said smiling, assuming he meant sex.
Terri said, “I’m going to make some breakfast. Want to join me?”
“Sure,” I said, climbing out of bed with Terri. He threw on some shorts and I grabbed his T-shirt to put on.
I sat at the kitchen table and watched Terri cook breakfast while watching Tommy create his new masterpiece, sitting on the couch still naked. I contentedly watched both of them. I had known both of them for years. Each was so unique and so different. I loved them for different things. Tommy was so deep and creative. Terri was so real and open. Physically they were different too. Tommy was tall but slim with curly sandy brown hair. Terri was tall and built with tan skin, light brown almost red hair, and gorgeously plump lips. I had always wondered what the two of them would be like all rolled into one person.
Max was not like either of them. He was tall too but not as built as Terri, yet in good shape. Dark skin and dark hair, not like either Terri or Tommy. And Max was so smart, with eyes that could look through you and make you tell him anything.
“What are you thinking about, babe?” Terri asked.
“You,” I said quietly, getting up to go to him in the kitchen. I didn’t want to yell across the room disturbing Tommy. I moved up behind Terri standing at the stove cooking the eggs. I put my hands on his large shoulders. I caressed them.
“You,” I said again, “I was thinking about you.” That wasn’t a lie. I was thinking of all three of my men. How was it that I had three men in my bed? And they were all ok with it. It was still a little surreal for me, but I was going to enjoy every second while it lasted.
“Oh yea?” he said and I could sense the smile spread across his face even though I was behind him. He flipped the eggs and then turned to face me.
“I like when you think about me,” he said looking into my eyes, “What do you think about?”
“I think about how I like this,” I said, moving closer and caressing his bare chest. “I think about how I like this,” I said lightly touching his plump lips with my fingers and then kissing them. “I think about this,” I said, trailing my fingers down his completely ripped stomach and before I got to the waistband of his shorts I wrapped my arms around him and grabbed his ass. He had a nice tight butt too. I felt his cock jump. It was standing at attention under his shorts and he was pressing harder into me. His breathing had quickened.
I was hoping I could finally distract him from breakfast. I was definitely getting closer.
“Tease,” Terri said to me, turning around to finish cooking the eggs. He turned off the stove and put the pan on a cool back burner. He turned back around to me and wrapped me up in his arms. He spun me around to the counter next to the stove. Pressing me up against it with his body. I could feel him getting hard through his flimsy shorts. He slipped his t-shirt that I was wearing over my head so I was naked in front of him in my kitchen.
“Who, me?” I smiled.
“Yes,” he said, licking my nipple.
“Oh,” I said, “Did you want me to do this?” I reached inside his shorts and wrapped my hand around his cock. He sucked in his breath.
“Yes,” he sighed.
“What should we do with this?” I said stroking his cock and getting it wet with the precum that was coming out of the tip.
He answered by sliding his shorts down until they hit the floor and lifted me up onto the counter. I couldn’t see him, but I still heard Tommy playing and stopping, playing and stopping out in the living room. He was still creating a new song that just came to him or I would have called him over.
“This,” Terri said, sliding his hard cock back and forth in my now wet slit.
“Oh yes, babe,” I said. He slid all the way into my pussy. He pulled my hips forward to the edge of the counter and held me steady as he started pumping, slowly at first and then increasing.
“I love you,” he said, wrapping his fingers in my hair and kissing me.
“I love you too,” I breathed as his thrusting increased.
It was like I was transported back in time. We had done this before. On Tommy’s kitchen counter. The first time Terri ever said he loved me. I thought to myself, I was always going to want this. No matter how much time passes, this will always be good.
“Oh!” I said as Terri started really pounding.
“Yes, babe, yes,” he said, “Love you, babe…I still love you.” I felt him stiffen. Well, that was quick. Good to get one out of the way so we could slowly enjoy the rest of our morning together.
“Oh, babe…” I moaned, “I love you too. You sure needed that, huh?”
“Oh yes,” Terri said as his thrusting slowed. “And no offense,” he said, pulling away and walking over to the still-hot pan of eggs. “I need some food. Especially if I’m going to keep going this morning.”
“You better!” I said laughing.
“Let’s eat in bed,” he said, grabbing three forks and carrying the pan into the bedroom.
Tommy looked up as we walked through the living room into the bedroom. Terri hadn’t bothered to put his shorts back on so we were both still naked.
“Come eat, babe,” I said to Tommy.
“In a minute,” he said, and I knew he meant more than a minute.
Terri and I sat on the bed with our legs crossed facing each other. Terri held the pan in one hand and one fork in the other. He ate a fork full of eggs and I went to grab the other fork.
“Wait,” he said, “I’ll share.” He took his fork and gave me the next bite.
“Mmmmm,” I said louder than necessary hoping Tommy would hear. He did.
“Yes,” Tommy yelled, “I’ll be there in a minute. How can I concentrate on writing this anyway with you two fucking all over the place?!”
Terri and I laughed. I picked up the fork and gave him some eggs. It was fun feeding each other. In between bites, we kissed each other.
Tommy finally appeared at the bedroom door. Naked.
“Geez,” he said, “You two….so fucking cute feeding each other.”
“Want some?” I held up the third fork, but knowing my question had another meaning.
“Of course!” Tommy said jumping on the bed almost causing Terri to drop the pan of eggs.
“Tommy,” I squealed, laughing as he grabbed me around the waist and slid his legs around me.
“Use your fingers, babe,” he whispered in my ear from behind me. I picked up a large piece of the scrambled egg.
“Hold out your tongue,” I said and he put his chin on my shoulder and held out his tongue. I touched the piece of egg to his tongue and then pulled it away quickly.
“Tease,” Tommy said.
“She’s good at that,” Terri said laughing.
I put the egg back on his tongue and waited until his lips closed, including my fingers with them. He released my fingers which were now all wet.
“Ooooh babe,” I said smiling at Tommy, “You’re getting me all wet.”
“Oh, am I?” Tommy reached his arm around me and slid his finger along my wet slit. Terri’s cum still inside me.
“Yeah,” I moaned, “This one got me good and worked up,” I said looking at Terri.
“Oh dude,” Tommy said to Terri, “Don’t leave her hanging.” He slid his now wet finger over my swollen clit.
“Mmmm babe,” I said, leaning my head back against Tommy’s shoulder.
“I was just getting one out of the way so I…we… could service our woman properly,” Terri said to Tommy. I loved when they talked around me.
“How should we service her?” Tommy asked.
“Like our first time,” Terri responded.
“Yes,” I said, giving my opinion even though they didn’t ask.
I got up on all fours with my ass facing Terri. He put the pan down and started stroking himself so he’d be hard enough to enter me doggy style. I didn’t wait. I pulled Tommy up to his knees so I could take his cock in my mouth. I swirled my tongue around the tip of his cock as I held his shaft in my hand.
Tommy twisted his fingers into my hair. “Oh, babe,” he said, “The first time you did this I thought I was going to blow my load right away.”
“I was pretty shocked at how exciting I thought it was too,” Terri said. “It’s still exciting.” He was hard enough now to enter my pussy and pump in and out.
I straightened up to face Tommy. “When I asked if I could lick your cock while Terri was fucking me and you both said yes, I thought I was going to explode. But I couldn’t fucking wait to have your cock inside me, babe.”
Terri let his cock slip out of me and this time he knew what was coming so he was more than happy to do so. I turned my head to kiss Terri and I felt Tommy’s tongue sliding through my pussy lips.
“Oh babe,” I said, reaching for his curls, “You remembered.” He sucked my clit for only one second and brought his slick lips to my mouth.
“Who forgets the first time they lick a woman’s pussy?” he asked.
“No one,” Terri said.
“And definitely no one forgets your first kiss with a new girl, especially when your first kiss is with her lips tasting like your cock and your own lips having her juices all over them.”
Tommy kissed me. He slid his cock into my waiting pussy. I pushed him down on the bed and moved down with him still inside me. Terri followed, caressing my ass.
“Oh babe,” Terri said, sliding his thumb over my asshole. “I had never done this before.”
“I know!” Tommy and I said in unison laughing. Tommy had to instruct him what to do each step of the way. I was grateful he did because I was so lost in how good everything felt I couldn’t speak. And it was even hotter listening to Tommy tell Terri what to do to me.
“I know what to do now though,” he said and I heard him licking his fingers and I felt his slick finger press into my hole. Then I felt the next finger. I was still slowly rocking on top of Tommy’s cock feeling my clit grind against him. I would not last long after all of the work up this morning.
“Yes,” I said to Terri looking right at Tommy, “Put your cock in me, babe. Now.” I was breathing hard. His cock was still slick with my juices and my hole was ready for him.
“Yes, babe,” Terri said as he rested just his cock head against my asshole.
“Now, babe,” I quivered in anticipation.
“Are you begging?” Terri asked and I could tell he was smiling.
“Yes,” I breathed.
“Make her beg again,” Tommy said to Terri looking at me.
“No…just…please….” I said, needing him to push in, all the way in.
“Beg for my cock, babe,” Terri said. Well, he was not that demonstrative that first time. That’s for sure.
“Oh,” I sighed with exasperation, “Please fuck me. Put your cock in. Now. Please, babe, please…” I felt Terri sliding it slowly in. Then a little out and a little more in.
“Yes, babe, yes,” I moaned and looked at Tommy. Terri started pumping and now he was driving me onto Tommy’s cock. I felt Tommy’s arm slip past me and rest on Terri’s hip. He was helping him keep rhythm. Terri was really fucking both of us.
“Yes,” Tommy said, “I’m not going to last with you two fucking me like this.”
“Me either, babe,” I said, touching his cheek and kissing him.
“Oh!” I screamed against his lips kissing him as I felt my orgasm go over the edge. “Fuck yes, babe, yes,” I murmured through my kisses.
As my pussy spasmed around his cock I felt him thrust up into me and stiffen.
“Oh!” Tommy screamed, “Yes!”
I couldn’t even concentrate on his cock pulsing because I heard Terri scream, “Yes!” He rocked against Tommy’s big thrust. Tommy had made him cum. The two of them riding out their orgasms inside me. My head spun. I could hardly breathe.
“Ohhhh,” I moaned, laying on top of Tommy completely spent. My ear against his chest listening to his frantic heartbeat. I felt Terri embrace me from behind and kiss my shoulder.
“That was…fuck…that was….even better.” Terri panted. “I don’t know why…but it was…thank you…both…”
Terri slid off to the side of Tommy. I slid off to the other side.
“That was good and different and even better,” Tommy agreed. “It’s good inspiration. For writing. Writing is funny you know. It’s not linear. I don’t write a song from beginning to end. I get a seed of an idea and then it grows, almost like a vine. But then I circle back and add more, like leaves filling in where there already were some. It is like a blurry picture that comes into focus. I need experiences to fill it all in and make it clear.”
I loved listening to him explain it and requested, “Keep talking, babe.”
“I need you,” he said, kissing me, “I need this.”
“I’ll always be here, babe,” I said resting my head on his chest. I was exhausted from this morning. I drifted off to sleep. I don’t know how long I was sleeping, but when I woke up Tommy was playing again and Terri was in the shower.
I really enjoyed my time with Tommy and Terri, but I missed Max. I wanted him back home. I decided to call again.
“Hi baby,” I said when he answered, “I miss you.”
“Awww,” he said, “So sweet. Having fun?”
“Yes,” I said honestly, “but I’m ready for you to come home now. Can you? Please?”
“Of course baby,” he said, “I can be home soon.” Perfect I thought.
“I’ll see you soon,” I said, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” he responded. I guess the boys were right. He just wanted to make sure I had some time with them. And Max was right. I did enjoy being with the two of them. But I didn’t want them if Max couldn’t be there with me. Was Max trying to make sure I saw that too? Maybe. He was very smart.
I had showered and put on a cute top with yoga pants. Both Tommy and Terri were dressed too. We were all sitting on the couch.
“Babe,” Tommy said as I walked over to them sitting on the couch, “Everything you wear is sexy!” He grabbed me and pulled me down next to him on the couch. Terri quickly slid beside me. Tommy’s lips were on mine first and then Terri put his lips on my neck.
“Oh…” I moaned, “Boys…” I loved that their appetite for me was insatiable but I couldn’t wait to see Max now. I straightened up still sitting between them with my hand on each of their knees.
“Let’s wait for Max now,” I instructed.
“Ok,” they both agreed. I loved that they still listened to me. I heard the front door open.
“Hey!” Max said as he entered with a few bags. He really had run errands. He put the bags down on the kitchen table and came over to kiss me.
“Everything good?” he asked.
“Yep!” I said.
“Did you get everything done you needed to?” I asked.
“Yep,” Max answered.
“Not really,” Terri chuckled, “You didn’t get her done.”
“We can get out of your way for a while,” Tommy offered.
“No way,” Max said, “We’ll have plenty of time just the two of us once you leave. Let’s enjoy while you’re still here.”
“Oh we enjoyed,” Tommy chuckled again.
“I hoped so,” Max said smiling at me.
“She always tells me about what you guys have done,” he said talking around me. “I was wondering this time if one of you guys would tell me what you did.”
“Really?” Tommy asked.
“Yes,” Max said sitting down on the couch next to me.
“I’ll start then because I started last night,” he confessed, “You and Terri were asleep, and you said it was okay.”
“It is okay,” Max confirmed.
“We came out to the couch,” he said, “It really was nothing wild and crazy. I did her missionary.” Tommy downplayed how hot and loving it was. It really was.
“Did you cum?” Max turned to me.
“Yes,” I blushed. He kissed me.
“Is that why you were nervous that I left this morning?” Max asked.
“That was part of it,” I said. “Next time just talk about it first. You kinda sprang it on me and I panicked.”
“Yeah you did,” Terri said to me. He hadn’t enjoyed that either.
“Ok,” Max said, “Noted. But you had fun this morning?”
“Oh yeah,” Terri continued, “I made breakfast and took her on the counter.”
“She likes that,” Max said, “Where were you?” he asked Tommy.
“Writing,” he explained, “She inspires me.”
“Really you didn’t want to join in?” Max asked.
“Well…he didn’t really have much of a chance…Terri was a little quick,” I interjected.
“Hey now,” Terri said pretending to be offended, “I was just getting that one out of the way so I’d be ready for the next time.”
“The next time?” Max asked.
“Yes,” Terri answered, “We decided to do it like the first time the three of us were together.”
“Your first time?” Max said, “I remember that story.”
“You do?” Terri asked.
“Yes,” Tommy said, “Remember, she told him stories of what we did.”
“I did,” I said, confirming.
“You never told me any stories or even talked about wanting another man to join us,” Terri said.
“Well, you never asked,” I said, “But honestly until Tommy watched me suck you I had never thought about doing it in real life. Sure I saw it in porn and I liked it, but I didn’t think it would actually happen,” I laughed.
Terri said to Max, “When she asked for Tommy to watch I figured it wouldn’t have been the first time Tommy watched people having sex. His parties were wild.”
“I’ve heard,” Max said smiling.
Terri continued, “Anyway, I thought Tommy was just going to watch. But then she saw his cock. He’s bigger than me. You both are. She wanted to put it in her mouth while I fucked her and I thought hell that was kinda kinky and hot, so I figured why not. Then she wanted him to fuck her. With his huge cock. That was a little tougher for me. But I didn’t say no. Even though I thought about it. But I couldn’t think of a reason not to.”
I had moved closer to him on the couch and put my arm around him. I liked how Terri was opening up to Max. Terri was good at being an open book. I was glad Max could witness that for himself now.
“I don’t blame you,” Max said.
“But she included me,” Terri explained, “And that made me feel like it was right. Just so normal for me to let her fuck my friend right in front of me.”
“It did feel just so right,” I said, “From the very first time.”
“Of course, it got even better,” Terri said, “She gave me access to something she had never given anyone else. Something I had only dreamed of doing. I felt like a reborn virgin.”
“She makes everything exciting,” Max agreed.
“Totally,” Terri agreed, “She gave me more than I ever even thought of. At that moment I knew it was ok. I wasn’t mad and I wasn’t jealous. I was alive for the first time in my life. I was ready for all the new and exciting things she was going to expose me to.”
I kissed Terri. I had never heard him talk about us, about me like that. It was so sweet.
“Well, that was truly fucking hot,” Max said, “I do like being here better though than just hearing about it.”
“See,” I said to him, “And we wanted you here. No need to ever leave us again.”
Max touched my hair. It was still damp. “You showered baby?”
“For you,” I kissed him.
“Next time leave their cum in you and on you. I don’t know why but it’s hot for me to suck it out of you and off of you.” Then he asked, “Is that weird?”
“Judging from the way my clit just jumped at the thought of it I think it sounds fucking hot,” I said.
“You’re certainly welcome to taste….”
“Maybe next time while it’s still dripping out,” he said and I literally got goosebumps everywhere. “I was thinking of something else for right now…”
“What baby?” I asked, sliding my hand up his thigh.
“Can we pretend I didn’t like what you did without me here?” Max asked.
I answered, “We can pretend anything you want, baby,” and I meant it.
Max stood up and pulled me by my hand to stand with him. He kissed me. Tommy and Terri watched, waiting to see what would happen next.
“You won’t need these,” Max said, sliding down my yoga pants and underwear. I stepped out of them. He took off my little top too. Now I was naked for all of my men.
“Babe,” Tommy said to me, “You’re so beautiful.” He was looking me up and down.
“I know, right?” Max said. “But you’ve been a bad girl. Haven’t you?”
“Yes,” I breathed in anticipation.
“I think I need to punish you,” He suggested.
“Yes,” I said, waiting for his idea of what exactly he’d like to do to me.
“Take your clothes off guys,” Max said, “She’s going to lay across your laps so I can punish her.” That sent a shiver right through me. How did Max think of these things so quickly?
Terri and Tommy undressed and sat back down. I laid with my belly down on their laps. Tommy caressed my ass. Terri stroked my hair.
Tommy moved his hand down to my thigh to clear the way for Max. Max knelt down and caressed one ass cheek and then the other.
“You’ve been a bad, bad girl,” Max said smiling. “Lots of spanks today.”
“Yes,” I agreed. And I felt the first slap. “Oh!” I sucked my breath in.
“Again?” Terri jumped in asking me.
“Yes,” I said, feeling Max’s slap again.
“Again?” Terri asked.
“Yes,” I said immediately and felt Max’s slap. Then I didn’t hear Terri say anything. I felt a hand gently slide across my ass.
“Mmmmm,” Tommy said. He must have been checking for welts. “She needs more,” he said to Max, “Again?” Tommy asked me.
“Yes!” I screamed.
“Again? Yes! Again? Yes! Again? Yes!” We were screaming and hearing the slaps. I felt the sting and tingle spreading especially to my clit. I was buzzing with excitement.
“That’s enough,” I heard Tommy say, as his fingers traced Max’s finger marks on my ass.
“Yes,” Max agreed, “Other side now.” He waited for Terri or Tommy to say again and me to yes every time. It felt so good I knew I would say yes even past the point of acceptable marks. I could never help myself. They would have to judge when it was enough.
“That’s enough,” Terri said. He lifted me to kneeling and put my knees on the couch between him and Tommy. “Fuck her,” he told Max as he kissed me and caressed the welts on my ass. I loved that Terri just took charge without anyone telling him too. Tommy caressed the other ass cheek. I heard Max’s shorts hit the floor and then felt his cock sink all the way into my wet pussy doggy style. He had just taken an order from Terri. This was such a change in dynamic that I had to smile.
“Oh yes, baby!” I said to Max as I continued to kiss Terri. I felt Tommy’s finger on my swollen clit. “Yes, babe,” I said in response to that.
“Cum,” Terri said, continuing to kiss me, “Cum now.” I was ready. I hoped Max was ready as he slammed harder and harder into me.
“Oh yes!” I screamed as the first wave of my orgasm crashed. My pussy squeezed Max’s cock and I felt him slam further into me and stiffen.
“Yes!” Max screamed as his cock pulsed his release. Our screams continued as we came together. Terri and Tommy, still caressing my ass.
Finally, I was spent and moved forward letting Max’s softening cock slip out. I turned over and flopped down in between Terri and Tommy.
Max sat next to Tommy and said laughing. “Thanks, guys, for helping me punish her.”
“Anytime,” Terri said.
“See, baby,” I said to Max, “It’s more fun with you here. Don’t try to arrange things again. Just let things happen on their own. As it’s meant to be. Whatever this is, is meant to be.”
“Yes, babe….” Tommy said and grabbed his guitar. “Meant to be…” he sang strumming. Another song idea for Tommy. Meant to be. This kinky setup we had sure had given Tommy a lot of inspiration. I was so happy he was getting something out of this as well. Sometimes I felt selfish asking so much of all of them, pleasing me. I was beginning to realize it wasn’t just about me though.