The Boxing Femme Fatale

"The typical ending of a boxing match with Pamela Gordin…"

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The match only reached its seventh minute, but the whole audience could tell that it was about to end. The ring’s mat was stained by multiple drops of blood, which came from the swollen face of a male boxer on his knees. He looked down and panted with desperation while the referee started the countdown.

The blood from his nose kept dripping down his chest and his blue Speedo. The man tried his best to get up but failed and remained on his knees. His trembling body crawled near a pair of feminine legs.

Those gorgeous legs belonged to his opponent, the beautiful Pamela Gordin. The twenty-year-old blonde observed her beaten opponent with her dark brown eyes, and her thin lips formed an amused smirk above her strong jawline. She always loved pummeling her opponents and painting them red.

As the referee yelled “Five,” Pamela rested her back against the ring’s corner. Her body was thin, and her round breasts were big. It was no surprise that she had been a model before she started her boxing career. The blonde was obviously proud of her physique since she wore a tight white sports bra and a white thong in the ring.

The countdown reached the seventh number, and the cocky Pamela scoffed at the loser’s failed attempts to get up. She looked at her white gloves, which had red stains from the man’s red blood. The lady had chosen her boxing gloves to be white, not only because they looked elegant but also because red-on-white was a striking combination of colors… and it always pleased her to see it on her own gloves. In a way, beating her opponents down was her art.

“Nine!” the referee yelled. The man was still on his knees, his blue gloves were trying to grab the lower rope next to Pamela’s right leg. He was utterly dizzy, and Pamela always brought her opponents to that state. It was no wonder that one of her nicknames was the Pam’ Fatale. The woman was tempted to pet the man’s head, just to add a layer of humiliation… but she didn’t, assuming that beating him down in front of a crowd was humiliating enough by itself.

“Ten!” the referee shouted, and the ring of a bell followed. The audience clapped for Pamela Gordin, who was the victor of a one-sided match. The blonde smiled and raised her arms in victory, not really surprised by the result.

The match may have been over, but the humiliation was not. Pamela approached the kneeling man and pushed his chest, sending him on his back. She then stomped on his crotch and rubbed her foot against it. Her actions made the loser moan quietly. She rubbed more until the cock was hard enough. With a smirk on the blonde’s face, she crouched and pulled his Speedo down to his thighs, exposing his penis.

Gordin stared at the cock with a raised eyebrow, judging it rather average. But her lips returned to a smirk when she grabbed the manhood with her boxing glove and stroked it up and down. Her actions made the man moan quietly. Amused by his reaction, Pamela stroked faster and more aggressively, as she had done with her previous opponents.

The loser’s moans became louder, evolving into grunts. He was on the verge of falling unconscious, but the woman did not care and kept stroking. The male boxer kept moaning and grunting for the next two minutes until, finally, he ejaculated. Sperm flew out of his penis like a fountain, and some of it even landed on his face. It took so much energy from his body that the loser fell unconscious afterward. Satisfied, Pamela released the penis and stood up. The audience clapped as she exited the ring.

This was only her fourth match, but her name was already rising in popularity. For Pamela Gordin, this was just the beginning of a long boxing reign. Most boxers may not be ready for the Pam’ Fatale.

Published 1 year ago

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