They had had online contact through a sex site for weeks, maybe months, and they got on very well in a flirty way.
Neither revealed too much about their private life but that was fine; they had no intention of meeting.
Their contact in recent times had gone beyond flirty and had become more sexual, with an emphasis on spanking. He had administered several spankings to her mature bottom over the last few days, internet spankings, in which he described in great detail what he was doing to her buttocks.
He was so good with words, and she could almost feel her buttocks glowing as he spanked her on and on in a series of messages. Her replies to his messages were taking a bit longer, because her fingers were busy in her cunt, as the online spanking continued.
She managed to type the words ‘I’m cumming,’ and she was.
He had been wanking with his left hand as he typed with his right; her announcement that she was cumming prompted his ejaculation.
He started to panic because his spunk seemed to be everywhere, and his wife might come upstairs at any moment.
He did not usually wank when he was in contact with a woman online, but being in contact with her was different somehow, no waiting to go into the bathroom to toss himself off after the chat was finished.
One reason that they seemed to have clicked, apart from the fact that they were both aged sixty, or said they were, was that if their locations were true, they did not live far apart. Both had only given an English county as their location, but even so, they could be neighbours almost.
Neither used their own names on their accounts — he was Ted and she was Sheila on the site — and neither had facial pictures of themselves, although ‘Sheila’ had her bare tits and bare arse on display on the site.
Sheila had said that she was in a sexless marriage, and Ted had said that he was too; in both cases, that was true.
Sheila’s longing for a good spanking was genuine, although she had never had one. Ted was very good with words but had little experience of spanking in real life; he had always found spanking and corporal punishment to be exciting though.
‘I need to clean myself up,’ Ted typed, still with semen running through the fingers of his left hand.
‘Ha, me too, the spanking was amazing, thank you and bye,’ replied Sheila.
‘Ted’ managed to clean all evidence of his recent ejaculation; if his wife caught him doing what he was doing, the wanking and the chatting on a sex site, she would be disgusted with him, he thought.
Sheila and Ted both wanted to get online together again as soon as possible. They both had online contact with other people, but what they had, seemed special.
Ted’s real name was Colin Sharkey, and he worked in a warehouse. He was married to Linda, and had been so for close to forty years; they had two grown-up children. Colin and Linda lived together and tolerated each other, but that was about it.
The lack of sex had driven Colin to the sex site, but he never thought that he would meet anyone in real life; he saw his sexual future as online fucks and bathroom wanking.
Sheila’s real name was Carolyn Jennings, and she was married to Ray, also for close to forty years. Carolyn and Ray had one grown-up son, and their sex life was now dormant. Carolyn, in her persona of Sheila, had had some amazing orgasms during online contact, principally with ‘Ted.’
What Sheila and Ted did not know, was that in real life, Carolyn and Colin knew each other well, and were part of a social circle of five or six couples who frequently met up.
The next evening, Ted and Sheila were online; they managed to get alone time on the internet because ‘Ted’s’ wife was forever watching television, and ‘Sheila’s’ husband worked part-time as a barman in a pub.
‘How is your arse after last night’s spanking?’ Ted asked Sheila in a message.
‘Sore, it was such a turn-on, but I wish that somebody would tan my arse for real,’ replied Sheila.
‘You have a lovely arse, I love that picture of your arse on this site,’ typed Ted.
‘Does it make you hard? Do you wank thinking of my arse?’ responded Sheila.
‘Yes to both, but usually I get hard looking at your picture and then go to the bathroom to wank, in case my wife comes upstairs,’ replied Ted.
They then had a lengthy online chat during which Ted spanked Sheila, and they followed it with a fuck. Sheila, who was home alone, masturbated throughout and came three times during the chat. Ted was leaking precum into his underpants and hurried to the bathroom to toss himself off as soon as the online conversation was finished.
There was a seventies-music dance coming up the following Saturday at the local village hall. Colin and Linda and Carolyn and Ray would be going, along with other couples from their social circle.
After Ted and Sheila had fucked online on Friday evening, Sheila announced that she would not be online on Saturday evening, because she was going out. Ted replied that he was going out too. They agreed to meet online again on Sunday.
Although the Sharkey couple and the Jennings couple were friends, they were each closer to other couples in the social circle.
The five couples that attended the dance were seated around a large table. The drink was flowing and there was a lot of dancing and everyone appeared to be enjoying themselves. Any couples that had difficulties in their marriages, were hiding it well.
Carolyn had just been dancing with the husband of the couple that she and Ray were closest to, and she returned to the table. The man that she had danced with had gone to the gents.
“I am so flirty tonight,” said the less-than-sober Carolyn to Colin, who was the only person seated at the table at that time.
“Naughty girl, you should be spanked,” laughed Colin, who would probably not have said that if he had had less to drink.
“Ha, yes, maybe I should be,” said Carolyn, who despite her current state, found what Colin had said to be very meaningful.
Colin and Carolyn looked at each other and smiled, both feeling slightly embarrassed by what had just been said.
Carolyn and Colin’s eyes met a few times, and late in the evening, after more drinking, there was a slow dance, and Carolyn asked Colin to dance with her, something that she had hardly ever done before.
They danced, or rather staggered, to the music and Carolyn had her arms around Colin’s neck. Colin could feel his cock stiffening; although the amount of drink he had had might prevent a full erection, he knew that Carolyn should be able to feel his hardening cock pressing against her.
“You don’t usually ask me to dance with you,” slurred Colin, trying to take his mind and Carolyn’s mind off his stiff cock.
“Don’t I?” slurred Carolyn in reply.
“No,” said Colin, trying to move so that his crotch was not pressing against Carolyn.
“Why did you say that earlier?” asked Carolyn, none too clearly.
“Say what?” responded Colin, feeling increasingly embarrassed.
“That I should be spanked,” replied Carolyn.
“Oh, sorry about that,” said Colin, pleased that the song was just finishing.
Colin was pleased that Carolyn headed for the ladies when the song finished, nothing more was said that evening and the various couples went home in taxis.
It crossed Colin’s mind on Sunday when he had sobered up that Carolyn might want a spanking. It did not enter his mind that Carolyn might be Sheila, nor should it. Sheila was apparently of similar age and lived in the same county, but so did a lot of women.
Ted and Sheila met again online on Sunday evening.
‘Did you enjoy your night out?’ Ted asked Sheila.
‘Yes, had too much to drink, but yes. Did you enjoy yours?’ responded Sheila.
‘The same, too much to drink. What was it? A night at the pub?’ asked Ted.
‘No, it was a Seventies night at the local village hall,’ replied Sheila.
That stunned Ted/Colin. There might have been other village halls in the county that had a Seventies night, but not many. He did not, or could not reply for a moment whilst he thought what to type.
‘That is a coincidence, I was at a Seventies night at the local village hall too,’ Ted finally responded.
This time it was Sheila/Carolyn that was stunned. Like the male on the other end of the conversation, she was wondering how many village halls in the county had Seventies nights the previous night.
‘Ha, maybe we were at the same place (joking),’ typed Sheila. She typed ‘joking’ to calm her nerves a bit.
‘We might even know each other,’ posted Ted, reluctant to ask anything outright. They had not yet established if they were at the same dance.
‘Yeah, imagine that,’ typed Sheila, also wondering, but not wanting to ask.
‘It could be that we were at the same dance, but do not know each other,’ reasoned Ted.
‘This is weird, do you think that we need to know if we know each other, or not?’ asked Sheila.
‘Well, it might ruin what we have if we find out that we do know each other,’ responded Ted.
‘Yes, but on the other hand, if we discover that we know each other, what do we do about it?’ continued Sheila.
‘Do you want to know? If you want, I will give you my real name, but then what happens?’ typed Ted. They had not envisaged this online chat going anything like this.
‘Please tell me your name, I promise that I will tell you if I know you or not,’ replied Sheila.
‘Okay, here goes. My name is Colin Sharkey,’ sent Ted; he hesitated before hitting enter.
‘Fuck! I am Carolyn, Carolyn Jennings,’ responded Sheila.
It took a while for both of them to absorb what had just been revealed.
‘What are we going to do?’ typed Colin.
‘What can we do? We can’t now pretend we are not who we are,’ replied Carolyn.
‘You have a lovely arse, Carolyn,’ typed Colin, thinking of her arse pic on the site.
‘Thanks, and don’t think I didn’t feel your cock against me last night,’ replied Carolyn.
‘Fucking hell, what do we do now?’ sent Colin.
‘I don’t know, what do you want to do? what can we do?’ responded Carolyn.
‘Well, we can’t pretend that this conversation never happened, that is for sure,’ typed Colin.
‘No, but do we continue as we are online?’ asked Carolyn.
‘It could never be the same,’ replied Colin.
‘I agree, so do we do it for real?’ asked Carolyn.
‘Are you serious?’ responded Colin.
‘Well, I do not know about you and Linda, but Ray and I have nothing going on sexually,’ posted Carolyn.
‘No, we have nothing either, but are you saying that we meet and, well, do what we have done online?’ asked Colin.
‘Well, I certainly need a good spanking, you even said so yourself last night,’ typed Carolyn, laughing out loud.
‘I did, didn’t I? Fuck, this is weird, but exciting,’ replied Colin.
‘Colin, I want you to give me the spanking that I crave, please,’ sent Carolyn.
‘Oh Carolyn, I would love to,’ replied Colin.
‘Are you hard?’ asked Carolyn.
‘Yes, are you wet?’ responded Colin.
‘Soaked, we have got to do it,’ replied Carolyn.
‘You are serious, aren’t you?’ posted Colin.
‘ Completely, I want you to spank me and see what comes afterwards,’ answered Carolyn.
‘You should know that I do not have a lot of experience of spanking, it is mostly imagination,’ Colin advised.
‘You make me cum several times with your imagination, you will have no trouble doing it for real,’ reassured Carolyn.
‘When can we do it?’ asked Colin.
‘Ray will be at the pub from seven until after eleven tomorrow evening, can you come to my house?’ answered Carolyn.
‘Yes, I will think of a reason for going out, to tell Linda,’ responded Colin.
‘Ha, I don’t suppose Ted is going to spank Sheila now, is he?’ typed Carolyn.
‘Don’t think so, see you tomorrow,’ replied Colin.
‘Can’t wait.’ answered Carolyn.
Colin and Carolyn both logged off the site and both tried to take in what had happened, and what was planned to happen.
Believing that they were strangers, they had helped to give each other sexual pleasure in a series of online encounters which had got increasingly erotic. Now they had discovered that they were not strangers and that they intended to do in real life much of what they had done online.
When Colin left work on Monday teatime, he was nervous. He was nervous about lying to his wife about why he was going to be out for a few hours, and nervous about seeing the first bare female arse that he has seen in about forty years, other than his wife’s. He was also nervous about what might follow the spanking, or at least whether his performance would be satisfactory in whatever followed.
“Some people from work are playing darts at the pub tonight, is it alright if I go?” said Colin to his wife, Linda, when he got home from work.
It was not entirely a lie, because there were some people from the warehouse going to play darts at the pub.
“Makes no difference to me, I will be watching television. Are you driving?” responded Linda.
“Yes, I am driving, but I will not be drinking,” replied Colin.
No more was said except “Bye,” when Colin went out.
Colin parked near, but not at, Carolyn’s house. The time was just after 7 pm so he assumed that Ray had gone to work. He rang Carolyn’s doorbell.
Carolyn came to the door looking radiant; she was only dressed in a blouse and jeans but she seemed to have an aura about her.
“Hello, Colin, or should I say, Ted?” Carolyn laughed.
“You can call me whatever you want, Carolyn, you look gorgeous,” said Colin, and he meant it. His cock had already hardened in his underpants and trousers.
“Well, thank you, I feel so excited,” said Carolyn.
The conversation so far had been on the doorstep, but now they were indoors with the door shut.
“I am excited too,” said Colin.
“So you are,” laughed Carolyn, touching the bulge in Colin’s trousers.
“Why did you ask me to dance on Saturday?” asked Colin.
“Because I had too much to drink, I expect,” giggled Carolyn.
They looked at each other. Colin’s eyes were on Carolyn’s lips, their heads moved together and they kissed, softly at first and then with tongue-swapping passion.
“I want you to spank me very hard,” said Carolyn, when they finally broke.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” replied Colin.
“I want you to, I want you to make my arse as sore as Ted makes Sheila’s,” said Carolyn.
“But won’t Ray see your red arse?” asked a concerned Colin, not concerned about Carolyn having a red arse, but about Ray seeing it.
“No, I will likely be in bed before he gets home, and he will be gone to work before I get up in the morning,” replied Carolyn. Ray had a part-time daytime job as well as his nights as a barman.
“I am still trying to get my head around you being Sheila, and the things we did on the internet,” said Colin.
“Let’s go upstairs and do some of them for real, I have been longing to have someone spank me, and I am so glad that it is going to be you,” said Carolyn.
They went up the stairs to Carolyn’s bedroom; she had positioned a chair for Colin to sit on to administer the spanking.
“Do you want me to get bare-arsed straight away, or do you want to start with my jeans on?” asked Carolyn.
“I don’t know, what do you want?” responded Colin.
“Ha, you had supposed to be in charge, Ted always told Sheila whether she had to bare her arse or not,” laughed a very aroused Carolyn.
“Yeah, sorry, we will start over your jeans,” said Colin, sitting on the chair.
Carolyn lay over Colin’s lap and he studied her arse. In all the years that he had known her, Colin had not really studied her arse before, although he had spent a lot of time studying ‘Sheila’s’ arse in the picture on the sex site.
Colin rested his hand on Carolyn’s buttocks and gave up a little wish that he made a thorough job of what he was about to do.
He raised his hand and SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP he spanked from one cheek to the other.
“Harder,” said Carolyn.
Colin delivered another ten or a dozen spanks and they were certainly harder; he was starting to get into it.
He spanked on and on, and Carolyn was bucking and writhing, but she was loving it.
“Stand up, take your jeans off,” ordered Colin, just as Ted would have ordered Sheila on the internet.
It took a moment for the instruction to sink in, but then Carolyn scrambled up and removed her jeans; her face was flushed and her eyes wild. She lay back over Colin’s lap, the mounds of her buttocks looking wonderful in her black knickers.
Colin spanked hard and fast. Carolyn was twisting but not protesting; her knickers were soaked with her arousal.
The spanking continued until Colin decided it was time for bare arse.
“Knickers off,” said Colin, just as Ted would have done.
Carolyn again scrambled up and took off her knickers. Her cunt was hairy, and glistening; she lay back over.
It suddenly registered with Colin how hard his cock was, and now looking at Carolyn’s glowing bare buttocks was not going to make it soften.
Colin spanked Carolyn’s bare arse cheeks as hard as he could. Carolyn was bucking, twisting, writhing and humping. She came.
“Shit! Oh fuck! Shit!” shouted Carolyn. Colin was frightened of the neighbours’ hearing.
Colin stopped the spanking. He had no idea how many times he had hit Carolyn’s arse but his fears about not doing it properly seemed to have been unfounded.
When Carolyn stopped orgasming, she lay limp, her buttocks ablaze.
“Fucking hell, that was a real spanking,” laughed Carolyn, her voice cracking a bit.
“Did you like it?” asked a breathless Colin.
“I loved it, it was even better than the online ones,” replied Carolyn, still over Colin’s knee.
“You can get up,” said Colin, wondering if Carolyn was waiting for instructions.
Carolyn slowly got up; her face was nearly as red as her arse and there were a few tears, and she sobbed a bit, but she felt so alive.
“I hope that you are going to fuck me as well as you spanked me,” said Carolyn, trying to undo the still-seated Colin’s trousers.
“Are you sure about this?” asked Colin.
“Certain, baby, give me a good fucking,” said Carolyn, who had given up on trying to undo Colin’s trousers whilst he was still sitting down.
Colin stood up, and now Carolyn had no trouble undoing his trousers and pulling them and his underpants down. A quite sizeable erection was exposed, not a monster, but not one to be ashamed of either. Carolyn wanked it for a while.
“Let’s get naked, and fuck,” said Carolyn, taking off her blouse and bra.
Colin got out of his trousers, underpants and socks, and then took off his shirt.
“Mount me, big boy,” said Carolyn, getting onto her back on the bed, with her legs spread.
Colin had never felt such a stud in his life, as he got onto the bed between Carolyn’s legs.
It took the help of Carolyn’s hand to get his cock into her cunt, but once inside, he started to fuck her.
Colin’s thrusts were at irregular speeds to start with, but soon he had got a rhythm; he was giving Carolyn Jennings a good fucking.
“Oh, oh, oh, yes, oh, yes,” wailed Carolyn, as Colin had her cumming.
Colin was pleased with his performance with the spanking, and now with his performance with his cock.
He had Carolyn cumming again but now knew that he was not far from ejaculation.
“I am getting close, do you want me to pull out?” panted Colin.
“No, baby, shoot your spunk into me,” replied Carolyn, who was getting her best fucking in years.
Colin managed a few more thrusts before he groaned, and ejaculated into Carolyn, cumming harder and longer than he could remember doing before. Carolyn came again too.
They were both breathless after their climaxes, and then they both burst out laughing.
“Well, Ted certainly tanned Sheila’s arse and gave her a good fucking,” giggled Carolyn.
“You have just given me my happiest time in years,” replied Colin.
“Awww, that’s sweet, I hope that we can do this again,” said Carolyn.
“I would love to, I love being with you,” said Colin.
“Not an arse spanking every time though,” laughed Carolyn.
“No, but you did enjoy it, didn’t you?” asked Colin.
“It was wonderful, beyond my wildest dreams, really,” said Carolyn.
“I am so pleased… and so is Ted,” laughed Colin.
“What shall we do about Sheila and Ted?” asked Carolyn.
“If we have the real thing, we don’t need them, do we?” replied Colin.
“That was what I was thinking,” said Carolyn.
Colin had still been on top of Carolyn as they talked; now he got off and lay next to her.
“If you roll onto your front, I can kiss your bottom better,” said Colin, and Carolyn did.
Colin kissed and caressed Carolyn’s well-spanked buttocks; the process aroused Carolyn again.
Colin fingered her cunt from behind and brought her off again.
They spent quite a while together, and then Colin had a shower and got dressed.
“See you again soon, Carolyn,” said Colin.
“I hope so,” replied Carolyn, before they had a long kiss.
Carolyn, still naked, walked Colin down the stairs and saw him off.
Carolyn had a shower and was in bed well before Ray got home.
Colin went home and got growled at by Linda because he had spoken when she was trying to listen to the television.
It seemed that Ted and Sheila might be no more, but Colin and Carolyn had been born.