Sebastian M And The Race For Andrea’s Cherry

"A player finds a young Christian too tempting to resist"

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In the year of 2017, Sebastian M arrived at the University of Girona to begin his study of politics and philosophy. He was tall and well built at eighteen, with a blonde crew cut. He was elated to finally escape the family home and find his freedom. His relationship with his mother had deteriorated badly as he began to assert his independence, and he now referred to her as Matri-narc.

Sebastian surveyed his college dorm room, pleased to have an ensuite bathroom but irritated by how small it was. The single bed would be a squeeze for a big guy like him, and minute for two. He’d have to try out a bed share tonight. There was a welcome Freshers party that would be full of young, horny women. At least a handful of them could be virgins. Now that would be a good start. He unpacked his toiletries, placing his Spanish Leather cologne next to his mouthwash and toothbrush then laying out his extensive range of lotions and shampoos.

 He heard movement outside his room and the door next to his opened. He stepped outside. The next door was open. Looking in, he saw a young woman bustling about an open suitcase. She was short and her brown hair was tied in a ponytail. When she turned to face him, he saw she was rake thin. She was wearing jeans and a t-shirt that said, “Dios es la Fortaleza de la Corazon” “God is the strength of the heart”, but it hung loose on her bony body. Sebastian folded his arms and leaned on the doorway.


She turned and nodded politely, but did not smile.


“I’m Seb. I live next to your room.”


“What are you studying?”

“Theology and philosophy,”

“No kidding. I’m doing philosophy too, with politics. We’ll be in class together sometimes.”

She said nothing for a moment, then said, “That’d be nice.” And for the first time, she smiled. Andrea’s voice was as quiet as a mouse.

“Yeah,” Seb said grinning. She was interesting to him now.

“Hey, I’m going out to the Freshers party tonight. We could go together?”

“Thank you. But I don’t drink,” and she patted the slogan on her chest.

“You don’t have to drink. Just come and dance.”

“Thank you, but no. It’s not my scene.”

“Well, I’m sure we’ll have plenty of opportunities to hang out! If I can help you with anything, just knock, ok?”

Andrea smiled for the second time and Seb stepped away. Conquering her would wait for another day. He returned to his room and began to prepare to go out on the hunt.


Her name was Carlota, although he pretended to have forgotten it in the morning. She had a flat button nose, brown eyes, a nose piercing and shoulder-length blonde hair. The second he got her into his room, he knew she was no virgin. She was too confident and nerveless as she undressed methodically, politely hanging her black dress, then her bra over the desk chair. Carlota pulled down his pants and she took his cock in her hands, skillfully working up his erection. Seb let her work it, enjoying watching her spit down onto the tip and the tingle on his circumcised penis when she massaged it.   

In due course, Carlota stood and pulled down her knickers, then joined him on the bed. Seb invited her to spread her legs and eased up close to her pussy. Pausing to breathe in the sweet scent of her vagina, he began to lick her crotch. There was a little too much hair for his liking, but she tasted good. Seb was well practiced in cunnilingus, and he skillfully strummed her clitoris. Carlota began to shift left and right on her hips and, shortly, he heard her breathing rise above the sound his tongue was making and the creak of the bed. She was panting now, and he ticked and teased her, trying to loosen her tongue. 

Some minutes later, she said, “Like that! Oh my God, like that, please!”

She was swollen now, and the juices were oozing out. Seb let her take her time. He knew her pleasure was in his gift and that it would be repaid in time. And he couldn’t stop until she…

“Ah! Yes! Oh!”

Until she had let Andrea, in the next room, know that he was a skilled lover who knew how to make a woman come.

Carlota had a long, vocal orgasm but she pushed him away eventually. She got up and had him lie back, then she straddled him. Her wet pussy sliding down his cock felt great, and he enjoyed diddling her and fondling her breasts. He looked up at her face, drinking in the fuel from her smiles and occasional gasps and squeaks. His balls felt full. The squeezing and flexing of her vaginal muscles were like a jaw closing and releasing during a blowjob.

Making sure he lasted long enough for her to come again, he got ready to finish. She was on her back now, and her breasts made a pretty sight jiggling as he pumped her. Her eyes were closed, and she was smiling, her face a picture of pleasure. Seb felt it coming, he began to gasp, and she opened her eyes. He saw her watching him, and he couldn’t wait anymore. He pulled out, grabbed his dick, and shook it hard, and, with a yell, his cum fountained out onto her stomach.

Carlota was a good fuck; he’d make her the first of his college stable…


Seb was not a man who was easily surprised, but there was a shock in store for him the next day. He bade farewell to Carlota as the sun came up, then he went to the kitchen. As he was making breakfast, Andrea came into the room. She nodded and smiled, and he noticed that this time she briefly touched her hair. He knew that gesture.

“How was last night?” he asked, innocently. He was wondering what she’d thought as she listened to Carlota come. He felt sure Andrea had wished herself in her place.

“Nice, thank you. I watched a movie and went to sleep,” she said quietly.

“Any plans for today?”

“Going to Sunday school. I teach the kids there. Then, Church.”

Seb couldn’t imagine this slip of a girl finding it easy to control and entertain rowdy kids. He said,

“Oh, good. I have fond memories of Sunday school. I might ask around and see if there is a Christian society at the college.”

Her face brightened. Inwardly, he grinned at Andrea falling for this bullshit.

“Really? I have an email. I’ll pass it on to you. They meet on Thursdays, I believe.”

“Thank you,” he said, careful not to overdo it.

“So, I’m off out, Andrea. I’m off to check out a gym to join. I’ll see you later.”

“Bye bye.”


Seb went out, found a gym and worked out for a while. But when he got home, he was startled to find Andrea sitting at the kitchen table and holding hands with a man. The guy was broad-shouldered, well dressed and handsome. He turned and addressed Seb with a creepily fake smile.

“Hi there! Nice to meet you!”

There was something in the way he greeted Seb that irritated him. It was like, “Welcome to my territory, guy who lives here!” The man had practically peed on the table leg.

“Hi, Andrea!” Seb said brightly, “Who’s your friend?”

“I’m her fiancée, Davide,” the man said a little darkly, “Andrea didn’t mention I was staying tonight?”

“She didn’t mention you at all, mate. But you’re here now, so, nice to meet you!”

The men shook hands. Andrea was looking down, her shoulders drooped.

“So, how did you guys meet?” Seb asked.

“At church. We’ve been together three years…”

After some perfunctory chat, Seb made his excuses and went to his room. Straightaway, he pulled up his social media to look Andrea up. He was really curious now. What was that confident jock doing with a drab, plain girl like her?

Her profile had very little on it, and what was there was disgustingly wholesome. There she was at camp with some kids. With a scout group. With some middle-aged people at a church. And Andrea always seemed to wear dresses, baggy T-shirts and trousers. Not so much as a low-cut top, never mind a bikini.

Following a link in her bio, he found out that her father had money. Serious money, the guy was the chief executive of a gas company. So that was what he saw in her, the rascal. He resolved to listen in on what was going on in their room that night through the wall. He picked up his i-phone, and downloaded an app called amplitude, which specialized in magnifying and recording sounds. Setting it up against the wall, he turned to other matters and waited for the evening.

At first, there was a lot of huffing and puffing, as if someone were breathing heavily. There was some quiet chatter that even on replaying the tape, Seb couldn’t make out. There was some creaking, they both used the toilet and then there was silence. Not a peep for the rest of the night. Clearly, Seb thought, Davide had not made her cum, not like he had with Carlota. Seb went to bed both intrigued and triumphant.

The next day, when Andrea and Davide were in the kitchen making breakfast, Seb happened to leave his room and noticed that their bedroom door was open. Peeping in, he was surprised and delighted to see an inflatable mattress on the floor.


“Cheers!” Seb clinked beer glasses with Davide. He’d invited him out for a drink.


“I never said, congratulations on your engagement. You seem very happy together.”

“Thank you. We are.”

“Andrea’s a nice person. She’s a great flat mate. Tidy, clean, quiet. She’ll be a wonderful wife for you, dude.”

“Yeah,” Davide smiled.

“So, man to man, I bet she’s an animal in the sack, eh? It’s always the quiet ones!”

Davide looked away, half smiled, then took a sip of his drink.

“Actually, since you ask, and not that it is your business. But Andrea and I are waiting for our wedding night.”


Oh, it was too good to be true, Seb thought. She’d be his pet project.

“That’s unusual these days, to wait?”

“We both felt that it was the Christian thing to do. And it’s not like we have to wait long, in the grand scheme of things. We’re young, we’ll be married a long time…” There was a very, very slight slur in his words when he said that…

Seb pounced. He ordered another round of drinks and two shots. An hour later, when Andrea joined them, Davide was drunk. Back at the flat, he heard them arguing through the wall.

With Davide gone the next day, Seb had Andrea alone in the flat. He suggested they take a walk and, strolling through the park, he unleashed his intellect on her. They talked about history, philosophy and the church. He made sure to sprinkle occasional bible quotations on her. He took her for dinner and drinks. He never made the mistake of making a move, but he knew that she was thinking of him in the next room that night.


 Seb brought Lucia home two days later. She was dark-skinned, Moorish, from Granada. Lucia was a regular in the student bar and he had clocked her singing karaoke alone. She was brassy, but there was a lonely girl underneath, he could tell. He’d taken her to a dance. He’d let her tell him secrets in the private booth of the club. He’d mirrored her interests and dreams. He’d gradually, painstakingly lowered her barriers and brought her home.

He’d speculated on Andrea being an animal in the sack. It was clear at once that Lucia was worthy of the name. She expertly blew him until he was hard. He enjoyed the sight of her breasts bouncing as she rode his cock and, when she was good and wet, she wanted to be taken from behind.

Grasping Lucia’s buttocks, Seb entered her. Oh, she was tight! That felt amazing, her tight, wet lips embracing his penis. He began to thrust firmly into her, rocking hard back and forth on his knees. Lucia urged him on in full voice, which delighted him, as he knew Andrea was alone next door.


Lucia’s cunt fit his cock like a glove and Seb was in ecstasy as he drilled into her. His cock felt like some novelty, half magical lolly that Willy Wonka might make, hard, cylindrical, wet as melting ice and yet never reducing in size even at the warm temperature of Lucia’s innermost depths. Jesus Christ, this felt good. Lucia was coming now, and Seb drank in the fuel as she squealed again and again.  

When she’d finished, there was a wordless agreement between them. He pulled out and stood. Lucia was onto his cock like a dog with a bone, tugging and gnawing and sucking hard and fast until he was gasping, helpless, weak at the knees. A few minutes later, his penis juddered as if in the throes of a seizure and his jizz fountained out into Lucia’s mouth. His mind couldn’t have been further from Andrea as his cum waterfalled down Lucia’s throat and his cock deflated in her soft, warm mouth.

But when he was calmer, a devilish plan occurred to him. If it came off, he might just…

“Hey, what do you say we meet tomorrow for a drink? I know a cool place! In fact, it’s cool in both senses of the word!”

To his delight, she accepted.


The next day, Seb was talking to Javier, who he had made friends with at the gym. They were both alphas, both cut from the same cloth. They’d bonded by working out together. Seb spoke,

 “I need a wingman to help me get this girl, Andrea. You’ll be doing me a favour and you’ll probably get laid with Lucia. She’s this hot gypsy chick I met the other day.”

“Oh yeah? Sounds very cloak and dagger! I’m intrigued!”

“I’ve invited Lucia for a drink at the ice bar and, separately, I’ve invited Davide for a drink at the same place. Davide is Andrea’s boyfriend, for now. I’m not going to show, but you are. He’s a fucking simp so you don’t need to worry about him. What I need you to do is make sure they are photographed and preferably videoed having a drink together. If you can get him drunk, so much the better. Next week, you and I will go out and invite Andrea to join us. That way, you can mention your fun evening at the ice bar, show us the photos and…hey presto! She’s devastated and falls into my arms and my bed!”

“Dude, you are one sick fuck! Why are you so keen to get into this girl’s pants, anyway?”

“Honestly? She’s kind of a wet blanket. There isn’t much to her to be honest, apart from her virginity. At first, it was the challenge of seducing a virgin, particularly a Christian one. But since I knew about Davide, it’s become about getting one over on his self-important ass. He walks into my flat like he owns the place, well, I’m going to walk into his girlfriend’s virgin pussy like I own the place!”

Javier laughed uproariously at this, and the men high-fived.


As he sat next to Andrea in the meeting of the University Christian society the next evening, Seb’s mind was on events at the ice bar across town and his mind was racing as to whether it would all come off. He could always deny all knowledge if it didn’t, of course. Neither Andrea nor Davide knew Javier or Lucia. There was nothing to link Seb to either of them. Except for the fact that he’d invited both Davide and Lucia to the same place at the same time. That was the weak point, the potential flaw. He could only hope it would never come out.


“So, I was at the ice bar the other day. And I stole a girl from under a guy’s nose!” Javier was stretched back in the chair, arms open. The picture of confidence. Seb saw Andrea watching him. Sizing up this new friend. Javier continued, “There he was, chatting her up like nobody’s business, I sat at the next chair and said hi. He never stood a chance!”

“You rogue. Hey, Andrea, lock up your daughters when this one is around!”

Andrea smiled.

“I even have pictures to prove it!” He whipped out his phone, showing the images to Seb initially. Seb leaned forward eagerly. The first image was from behind the subjects. Davide was sitting on a bar stool talking to Lucia. Then there was a photo from further away, surreptitiously taken to Lucia’s right. There could be no doubt it was Davide. Finally, there was a selfie of the three, Davide, Lucia and Javier.  

Seb laughed, then passed the phone to Andrea. He watched her countenance fall as she realized what she was seeing.

The conversation moved on, but Andrea barely said another word that night. Seb reveled in the success of his plan. All he had to do now was reel her in.




“Cheers, Andrea.”

“Cheers, Seb.”

“To friendship!”

“To friendship.” She sounded weary as she spoke.

“Look, you’ll be fine. You guys can take some time apart. He’ll come back with his tail between his legs. You’ll both have some space and…”

“Can we talk about something else?” She broke in.

 “Sure. Hey, I’ve been listening to this guy, he’s a Canadian professor called Peterson, talk about the book of Genesis. Have you heard it? I think you’d find it interesting.”

“No. Who is that…?”

The first bottle of wine lasted an hour. By ten pm, they were well into the second. Andrea was speaking, evidently tipsy by the way she rocked in her chair and drawled her words.

“I mean, I don’t know what I’ll do out there, Seb. I can’t join Tinder. All those guys just hoping for a one-night stand. I don’t drink. Not much to look at.”

‘You got that right’, Seb thought. But what he said was, “Hey! That’s in the eye of the beholder!”

“Pfff. Come on, I’m no hottie. Just boring, God bothering Andrea.”

She raised her glass in an ironic toast with a flick of her wrist.

“You’re a good person, Andrea. Believe it or not, that’s all a lot of guys want.”

“Yeah, that’s what men want, right? No tits, no experience but ‘Hey, your mum will like her!’”

“I don’t care if my mum likes you,” Seb said quietly, “It’s enough that I do,” Andrea leaned closer, and their eyes locked together. They held each other’s gaze.

Andrea pulled at her hair. Seb leaned closer, then she did too.

“Don’t…unless you mean it,” Andrea whispered.

Seb paused, their eyes not so much as blinking. He leaned in and kissed her. She responded hesitantly at first, but after twenty seconds she threw herself into the kiss and he grasped her around the head, and she flung her arms around his neck.

Seb stood and pulled her hands to guide Andrea up out of her seat. He held her close, and they kissed some more.
He took Andrea’s hand and led her out of the kitchen, and she followed him willingly to his room. They got onto the bed and made out, kissing urgently, fiercely, passionately. Seb’s cock began to swell. He escalated cautiously. First, he intertwined their legs and pressed his erection against her. Then he kissed her neck and, as he did so, he realized that the personal smell of the girl matched her character. It was plain, not unpleasant but solid and homely, like a fresh carpet. Then he took hold of her breast.

The second he did that, her hand was on his crotch, grabbing, squeezing, and groping. Seb reached down and slipped his hand up her dress, felt her warm thighs and then the soft, damp cotton of her panties. She grabbed his wrist. He thought she was going to ask to stop, but instead she said,

“It’s my first time.”

Grinning inwardly, Seb feigned shock.

“You’re kidding?”

She shook her head.

“But I want to.”

“With me?”

Andrea nodded.

“Let’s undress.”

She got up and he helped her with her dress. Down to her underwear, Andrea stood awkwardly in the room, covering her breasts with her hand.

“Let me help you with that,” Seb said. He stood behind her, reached around her body and gently guided her arms away. He unhooked her bra and helped her take it off. Oh, he’d give a lot for Davide to be seeing this now, as he caressed Andrea’s breasts from behind her, kissing the back of her neck!

Seb spent a few minutes making love to her breasts. Then he took his own shirt off and lowered his trousers. Andrea fondled his cock through his boxers then, in a move that surprised him in its boldness, she pulled the elastic over his erection and yanked them down.

Seb watched as she stared at his penis for a second. He wondered if she’d ever seen one before, even on the internet. Presently, he felt her seize it with her hands. She began to jerk it up and down, grasping the shaft firmly.

“Is that good?” she said quietly.

“Yes. If you put some spit on the top, you can rub there as well,” Seb said.

“Ew. I don’t spit,” she said. Seb smiled. Getting her to blow him might have to wait for another day.

He did feel good. She smelt nice and was playing gently with his penis. And he was savouring the triumph of bedding her.

“Let’s get you naked,” he whispered after a while.

Andrea stood, then she slipped her knickers down. Evidently, she had not planned this, for her pussy had not been shaved for some time, if at all. No way was he going down on that bush. She blushed instinctively, feeling him size up her naked body. She crossed her arms again.  

“Lie down,” he told her, rolling to his knees. She did. He gently prized her legs open and rubbed her slit. Seb slipped two fingers into Andrea and began to diddle her, expertly strumming her clitoris. Andrea was lying back with her eyes closed.

“Is that nice?”

She didn’t reply but just nodded. Seb maneuvered himself closer to her and guided her by the wrist to resume tugging at his cock. She wasn’t as effective now, and he guessed she was struggling to focus when her own pussy was being pleasured. He felt her squeeze and tug. He was ready. He just wanted to be sure she was too. He felt her juices begin to seep into the skin of his fingers. She was, unmistakably, wetter than she had been five minutes ago. He pulled out briefly and lifted his fingers to his nose. Mmmm, she smelt nice down there. He’d have to get her to shave so he could get his tongue into that tasty pussy. Seb resumed diddling Andrea, pinching her nipples between his teeth.

Andrea’s chest rose and fell in ever deeper compressions. She began to moan softly.

“I’m going to get a condom,” he said. She smiled, without opening her eyes.

Seb rolled the condom onto his cock, looking Andrea’s naked body up and down. He noticed a few little things he hadn’t paid attention to when she undressed. Her navel stuck out a little bit. There was a mole on her breast, and she had a scar on her upper right thigh.

“All good. Are you ready?”

She nodded. Seb eased up between her legs. Before he attempted entry, he kissed Andrea tenderly.

“I’ll be gentle,” he whispered into her ear. She spread her legs a little wider, and Seb thrilled at the thought that he was breaking virgin ground for the first time in so long. His last virgin had been at least three years ago.

‘Disrespect me in my home, this is what you get,’ he thought to Davide. His cock was nudging Andrea’s pussy now and, with a push, he slid into her. She gave a faint, barely audible gasp. As he thrust into her slowly, building up speed, Seb wondered if her hymen had been intact, if there would be blood on the sheets. Andrea’s vagina was soft and wet and felt great, even through the condom. He caressed her left breast with his right hand, then he leant down and kissed her. Her breathing was rising again now, and he felt her reach behind him and rub his bare back.

Andrea murmured something he didn’t catch. She was mouthing something, in fact, and, when he put two and two together, he realized that she was praying. But praying for what? Forgiveness for being fucked out of wedlock, he guessed. But if everyone who did that prayed, God would have no time to deal with all the prayers for good exam results and sick aunties and calling people to do missionary work…

Mmm, speaking of missionary work, Andrea had just lifted her legs and he was deeper inside her now.

Seb looked down. There his cock was, stroking her virgin clit and stroking his ego. He couldn’t see any blood…perhaps her hymen had broken on the exercise bike or something. He’d heard that could happen.

Suddenly, she opened her eyes which, up to this point, had been screwed tight shut.

“Don’t come, Seb, please, just stay inside me. Just stay inside me. It feels so good. It feels so good…”

“Do you want me to go faster? Or we could change position?”

“No, just like this.”

Was that a ‘just like this’ because she was enjoying herself? Or a ‘just’ like this, because the missionary position was the only church-sanctioned one? He would soon find out…

Andrea looked deep into his eyes as he pumped her, and they were wide, perhaps a little excited and perhaps a touch fearful. She really did look like an innocent, as if she could hardly believe what was happening. Well, it was about time she was initiated into the ways of the world.

Andrea gasped suddenly. Then again. Seb felt her vaginal muscles crush against his cock as he thrust in. Oh, that squeeze felt great. Andrea gasped a third time and Seb realized she was about to come. He slowed down, but, still looking straight at him, she shook her head.

“Faster, Seb. I want to have an orgasm.”

Seb was delighted to oblige. He brushed his right hand against her naked right thigh as he switched support arm, then he increased his stroke, and with every thrust he felt a surge of power over Davide. Seb pinched her erect nipple, thrusting firmly but gently into her, watching her facial expressions. He felt a hot wave of breath hit his face and it was sweet, so he did not object. He heard her squeal and then she exclaimed, and she bit her lip and grasped his flesh, and he knew she was coming.

Andrea was one of the few women to orgasm in his bed without naming God. There were ‘Oh’s and ‘Ah’s and a barely audible ‘yes’. But he guessed, correctly, that her faith, that deep faith that, though she didn’t know it, had made her such a tempting target, prevented her from taking her creator’s name in vain in the presence of her first procreator.

Andrea was moaning softly to herself as Seb pumped her, but he was getting bored. He gave her another minute, then pulled out. He reached down and grabbed her shoulders, then pulled her roughly over onto her front.

Andrea gave a cry, as if in objection, but it was only a matter of seconds before she assumed the doggy position, hitching herself up to her hands and knees. Seb grinned. There was a firecracker in her waiting to come out, he was sure of it. He entered her quickly. Seb could feel how hard his cock was. He wasn’t far from orgasm himself.   

He grasped Andrea’s bottom firmly, pulling the cheeks apart to get a view of her asshole, then began to thrust into her. Hard, fast and firm, so his stomach bounced against her buttocks repeatedly, Seb gave Andrea the pounding she deserved, the rogering that he knew she had longed for. Her tongue was soon loosened, and she called back to him,

“Yes! Yes! More! I love it!”  Seb reached across her back and pulled her hair, pulling her head back towards him.

“Yes! Oh, Seb! Fuck me!”

Her pussy clenched tight around his cock, Seb fought the approaching orgasm by slowing down. He pressed Andrea down to lie flat on her stomach and continued, but he couldn’t hold it back any longer.

“Fuck! Fuck!” Seb cried as his cum shot out of his cock and into Andrea’s pussy. 

“Oh, I came so hard!” he cried. His penis was tingling as it deflated, soaked in his own cum within the condom. Slowly, he eased himself out of Andrea. Andrea lay face down on the bed, burying her face in the duvet.

Seb pulled off the condom, binned it and cleaned his cock with a tissue. He lay down on his front, next to Andrea and ran his fingers through her hair.

“I’ve been thinking about doing that for a long time,” he said quietly.

“So have I,” she whispered.

Half an hour later, Andrea rode Seb’s second erection of the night. Seb watched her rock back and forth on his cock and thought to himself that it was as if she had been born in the saddle. Her frame was so light on him, and when she stretched back a little to alter the angle his cock was at, he saw the bones of her ribcage protrude a little.

When they’d both come, Andrea said, “I want more. Tell me when you’re ready to go again.”


“Please don’t tell Davide, Seb. Please. I’m begging you. Let us rebuild our relationship. Don’t destroy us for a one-night stand. Please…”

Andrea was desperate in the following days. She had apparently decided that she wanted to save her relationship and was visibly wracked with guilt as she pleaded with Seb. Seb made her pay dearly for his silence. There were small favours here and there. There were meals cooked for him and drinks bought.

And, about a year later when, through social media, he learned that she was marrying Davide on a warm June afternoon, he thought of Andrea naked in his arms and laughed at the story of how he had painstakingly reeled her into his bed and stolen her purity from under Davide’s nose.

Published 1 year ago

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