The next morning, Valerie was awakened by the smell of coffee brewing. But it didn’t sound like her coffee maker at home. She got out of bed, still naked from the night before, and put on her robe. She was sneaking into the kitchen when Jeff suddenly turned and smiled at her.
“Good morning, Sweetheart. Did you sleep well?”
“I have never slept so deep in my life. I have never been so relaxed in my life. Mmmm, my Magic Man. What you did to me.” Valerie was hugging herself and closing her eyes as though she was reliving the night before. “What kind of coffee maker do you have?”
“That, my Sweet Ginger Snap, is a percolator. It’s the same percolator my mom used to make my dad’s coffee every morning. I think it makes the best coffee in the world. I hope you like it.”
“I have never smelled coffee so rich. I almost want to just crawl into the cup.”
“You can do that, but you must remove your robe. Too much fiber, you understand. Now, how do you like your eggs?”
“Sunny side up, if you please.”
“That reminds me of last night. You are so sexy. You were lying on the bed, looking up at me. Beautiful eyes, beckoning lips, arousing breasts so sexy, so alluring. You looked so inviting, Sweet Ginger Snap.”
“My Magic Man. What adventure do you have in store for today? You already have me getting wet. It seems that every time you get me this way, another adventure surprises me. Are you giving any clues?”
“Have you ever been to a spa?”
“Well, I have had my nails done, does that count?”
“Well, a bit. I mean where you are pampered.”
“What do you mean by pampered, Jeff Thurman?”
“Where you felt as though you were floating. Having every muscle, tendon, and cell massaged and fondled?”
“Hmmm. Well, Magic Man, where am I going to find that attention in a cabin in the woods?”
“Follow me.”
Jeff led Valerie from the cabin down a narrow path that was leading her closer to the creek. She could hear the babbling as the water flowed over the smooth rocks. There seemed to be a comforting feeling from the trees and ground cover as they approached the creek. The trees and bushes seemed to cover their path. It was as though their presence was to be kept secret. She began feeling warm inside. She was getting excited but didn’t understand why.
Jeff led her through sparse growth. When the undercover parted, they were at the edge of the creek. Valerie felt a sensual urge. She was being seduced by her surroundings. The breeze, the creek, and the soft green grass beneath her feet had taken over her senses.
Valerie looked at the edge of the creek. Jeff was standing there. He was removing his tennis shoes, then his shirt. Valerie focused on his strong chest. She watched it rise and lower with each breath. Then Jeff lowered his shorts and left them on the ground. Valerie started to pant.
Jeff slowly walked into the creek. His eyes never left Valerie’s. Without realizing it, Valerie removed her sandals, and then her tee shirt. She stood on the bank of the creek, topless, staring at Jeff standing in the creek. It was as though she was hypnotized. Valerie left her shorts on the bank and joined Jeff in the creek.
She walked up to him, and they embraced and kissed each other, first softly then with passion heating in their souls. She felt his hardening shaft against her torso. Valerie inhaled sharply. Jeff wrapped his arms around her and held her close.
“Jeff, what, uh, oh, mmm, what are you doing to me? My senses. So intense. My breast against your chest. Squeeze me.”
Valerie wrapped her arms around Jeff’s neck, and he had a firm grip on Valerie’s firm, round ass cheeks. He slowly slid his tongue into her mouth, and Valerie began sexually fencing with hers. Jeff held her ass cheeks in his strong hands and guided Valerie’s demanding pussy onto his erection. Valerie moaned with each inch he inserted into her.
For several minutes, they held each other, waiting for the moment when the gentle current of the creek would raise her just enough to lower herself onto him and they would become one. She looked into Jeff’s eyes; he returned the look of desire they had. He gently began stroking in and out of Valerie.
As the creek raised and lowered Valerie on and off Jeff’s rigid cock, her breasts gently floated on the top of the water and grazed his chest with the creek’s rhythm. The creek’s cool water surrounded them as their heat pushed them deeper together.
“Jeff. I can’t – oh god – hold me.”
“Valerie, I can’t hold back. You are pulling everything from my balls.”
“I want your cum in me.”
Jeff could no longer hold back on his desire. He unleashed a torrent of sperm into Valerie’s pussy. He continued to pump his cock into her wanting pussy. Then Valerie moaned, “Jeff, oh, please, now. It feels so good, I’m, oh, yes, sooo good.”
Valerie released her warm climax. It slowly drifted down Jeff’s erection from deep inside her pussy and onto his empty balls.
Valerie clung to Jeff’s neck as she felt his weakening shaft slide from her grasp.
“Jeff, no.”
“I’m sorry. You feel so good, Valerie.”
The lovers lay down on the sand. Jeff put his tee shirt down for Valerie to lie on. She pulled it a bit over her shoulders. She wanted to inhale Jeff’s scent. Her senses had never been in this state of arousal before.
The afternoon sun warmed and dried them. Valerie fell asleep in Jeff’s arms.
The afternoon sun began to cool. It disturbed the sexual slumber of the two lovers. Valerie was the first to notice the temperature change. She grabbed her tee shirt and covered herself. The commotion stirred Jeff from his slumber.
“Honey, I’m sorry to wake you, but I’m getting chilly.”
“Yes, I see that you are.”
“Jeffery Thurman! Then do something about it,” Valerie cooed.
“I think we should head back to the cabin. I’ll fix us a warm tea. While the water is warming, I have a warm blanket for you to curl into. The problem is, it doesn’t work if you have clothes on.”
Valerie tended to the tea and Jeff lit a fire in the stove. It appeared as though the night may be cool, but not cold. He didn’t want Valerie uncomfortable. She brought the tea into the living room as Jeff was selecting some soft music.
“Can we sit in front of the fire? I know you can make it bigger, but I want to sit in front of a small, warm fire. Do you mind?”
“Oh, no. I have some big pillows. We can use them for more comfort.”
They were lying in front of the fire, Jeff in his briefs and Valerie in her soft robe. The fire danced in front of them. Jeff brought Valerie next to him. He wanted to feel her flesh, but she was warm in her robe. She cuddled next to him and sighed a heavy sigh. She was so content.
Jeff covered them in his heavy blanket. Valerie was breathing softly and easily. She had drifted off into a quiet slumber. Jeff, lying next to her, was comforted by her easy breathing and quiet heartbeat. He loved Valerie. And she made his world perfect. He fell asleep next to his love.