“Come on, Tina. We are going to miss the bus.”
“Calm down, Molly. They won’t leave until all of us are back onboard.”
It had been a long hot day in D.C. The weather was unusually warm for April. Our school’s annual sophomore class trip to D.C. was always at this time of the year. It was something we all looked forward to, mostly because we got out of a day of school.
My best friend, Tina, had talked me into checking out a section of the capital that was roped off. As usual, I went along with her. I always tried to keep her out of trouble. This time, we both got into trouble.
A security guard stopped us and made us go to the security office. After half an hour of explaining why we were there, they let us go. Now we were running to get back to the bus for our ride home. We were thirty minutes late, and the head chaperone was mean old Mrs. Clemons.
There she was, standing outside the bus as we arrived. She had her typical ‘mean old witch’ look on her face.
“Where the hell have you two been?”
“Umm, we got lost, Mrs. Clemons,” I replied sheepishly.
“I might have known it would be you two who would give me trouble sooner or later. Get your asses on the bus.”
This was going to be a long ride home.
All the other kids were already on the bus. Tina grabbed the last open seat behind the teachers. Oh great, now I get to sit with one of them. Luckily, it wasn’t Mrs. Clemons.
“You can sit with me, Molly,” Mr. Lane said, patting the seat beside him.
“Oh, thank you, Mr. Lane.”
What I was really thinking was. Oh my God, because of Tina, I am going to have to sit with a teacher for the entire four-hour bus trip home. I was so going to kill Tina when we got home.
“Okay, all of you sit down and shut up. Now that Miss Benson and Miss Watson have graced us with their presence, we can get started home,” Mrs. Clemons said sarcastically.
Oh, how I hated that woman and her squeaky old voice.
“She’s a lovely woman, isn’t she?” Mr. Lane said jokingly.
“Oh yes, quite lovely,” I replied with a smile.
Mr. Lane was a new teacher this year. He had just graduated last fall from college. He wasn’t the best-looking guy in the world, but he was kind of cute for a teacher. I had him for history. He seemed nice enough. Not like all the other old cronies we had as teachers.
The driver closed the door, and we began our long journey home. We had left at five in the morning, and it was now after seven in the evening, so we were all very tired.
It wasn’t long before most of the kids were sleeping. It seemed odd to hear a bus full of teenagers being so quiet. I too felt myself nodding off. I was sitting on the aisle side of the seat so I had nothing to lean against.
After a short time, I awoke to find myself leaning against Mr. Lane.
“Oh. Sorry,” I said, blushing.
“That’s quite alright, Molly. The sound of your breathing was very soothing.”
Oh great, he could hear me breathing. I wondered if I was snoring and he was just being polite. It didn’t matter. I was tired, and I knew I would soon fall asleep, snoring or not.
I felt my eyelids getting heavy again. Before long, I was once again asleep and leaning on Mr. Lane.
The bus hit a bump in the road that woke me. I felt something warm on my leg just above my knee. I looked down and saw Mr. Lane’s hand on my leg. Slowly, I looked towards him. He was asleep. At least, he had his eyes closed, so I assumed he was asleep.
He rustled a bit and his hand slid farther up my leg. He was now turned slightly towards me and my head was on his chest.
“What should I do?”
I looked around. Everyone else was asleep. I poked Mr. Lane gently. He didn’t respond. He was asleep. I gently picked up his hand and put it on his lap. He stirred a bit but didn’t wake up.
“Phew,” I sighed.
Soon, I was back asleep. As I drifted off I began dreaming about Mr. Lane. His hand was back on my leg, and he was stroking my inner thigh with his long, smooth fingers. I remember his touch being so warm. It felt good. I had become a little chilled from the air conditioning on the bus.
Before long, his hand had slid farther up my leg. His fingertips were now touching my panties. I wiggled a little because it tickled me. Then I felt one of his fingers slide under the side of my panties. Suddenly, I was no longer cold at all. I was becoming very warm.
I don’t know why, but I opened my legs a bit. As I did, he slid his finger farther under my panties and I felt it touch the outer lips of my labia. My body trembled even more.
He slid one finger slowly up and down over my quivering lips. I was enjoying the feeling. Parting my legs a bit more spread my lips open. His finger now slid between them as it moved up and down slowly. I was even warmer now.
Soon I felt another of his fingers sliding up and down my now moist pussy lips. I had never had anyone touch me that way before. I sat very still. I didn’t know what I should be doing. So I just let him continue.
He rubbed my clit gently with both fingers. I pushed my hips outward towards his hand. It was my way of letting him know that I approved of what he was doing, and I wanted more.
He responded by sliding one finger between my lips and into my pussy as far as he could. My body shook and I moaned. Oh God, it felt so good. My hips began to move slowly against his finger as it slid in and out of me.
It felt like my pussy was squeezing tight on his finger. I loved the warmth of his skin as he slowly finger fucked me.
He slowly continued to probe deep inside me with his finger. I spread my legs. I wanted more. Again he responded and slid a second finger between my wet, pulsating lips.
“Mmm,” That moan was uncontrollable.
I was breathing harder now, and my heart was pounding in my chest. My body shook and I knew I would soon have to cum. This would be the first time I’d ever cum with another person. It was an even more arousing feeling than when I pleasured myself.
My hips were moving now in a slow rocking rhythm. I tried to time it with his thrusting fingers to drive them deeper inside me. As he began to wiggle them around against my inner walls, I felt my orgasm explode within me.
I rocked my hips harder as my cum flowed out of me and down my legs. He added a third finger. I had never put more than two fingers in me. Mine were much smaller than his, so his three fingers filled my virgin pussy.
As he continued to finger fuck me I imagined his cock in place of his fingers. Although I had never had a guy in me before, I had imagined how it would feel many times. I was panting as I continued to wildly rock my hips against his fingers.
My girlfriends and I had looked at lots of cocks in magazines we weren’t supposed to be looking at. They were all different colors and sizes. I imagined Mr. Lane’s to be long and very smooth. I was becoming more aroused as I thought of his long cock being thrust in and out of me. It wasn’t long before I was cumming again.
I was rocking my hips so hard that my body was jumping off the seat. Each time it felt as though he was plunging deeper inside of me. My mind went wild with imagination. Soon I had him turning me over. My body was hanging over the edge of the seat as he drove his hard cock in me from behind.
His hands were on my tits. He caressed them and pinched my nipples. I had never had a guy touch my nipples. Mr. Lane cupped his hands around them as he thrust his cock in and out of my dripping wet pussy. I could barely catch my breath. My orgasms were non-stop, and my body was shaking.
He grabbed my hips tightly as his cock exploded inside me. I could feel his hot cum coating the inside of my pussy. Load after load filled me until it ran out of me and onto the seat. He emptied himself inside me. I felt his cock slide slowly from my pussy.
He sat me back on my seat and pulled my skirt back down. I closed my eyes and tried to catch my breath. After a while, my heart was no longer pounding in my chest. I was breathing slower as closed my eyes and fell asleep.
“Okay, kids. We’re home now.”
Mrs. Clemon’s loud voice had awakened me. I looked at Mr. Lane. He was rubbing his eyes. I looked around at the other kids. Everyone seemed to be just waking up.
I rubbed my eyes and stood up. Tina was beside me, grabbing my arm. She led me off the bus quickly.
“You must have had some dream,” she said inquisitively.
“Yes, you, Molly.”
“Why do you say that?”
“The way you were moving around and moaning, what were you dreaming about?”
Before I could answer, Mr. Lane walked by and spoke.
“Thank you for being such good company on the way home,” he said with a wink and a smile.
“What the hell was that?” Tina asked.
“Uh, I have no idea. We talked a little, but that was all.”
“Sure, Molly. That was all,” Tina replied unbelievingly.
We got into my mom’s car, and she drove us home. It was almost midnight when we dropped off Tina. Our house was just a short distance away.
I was too tired to answer mom’s questions about the trip. I went straight to my bedroom. As I began to undress, I discovered my panties were soaking wet.
I started to think. Tina said I was moving around and moaning. Mr. Lane thanked me for being good company. I began to wonder.
“Was I really dreaming?”