Husband At Work While His Wife Has Sex With Her Libyan Lover

"I am a happily married lady but my husband has been performing poorly in bed so I started taking a lover."

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When Belgacem left, I was unable to express the pleasures I had when we were both in the back seat of his big car, making love. He reawakened my dormant thirst for sex. Now that I am in the hotel room with my husband, I will try to persuade him that staying in a hotel room in Tripoli, without Belgacem, will be unbearable.

In Libya, males are polygamous. A man is entitled to four wives. Bearing this in mind, he earlier told me that his wife and children wouldn’t mind having me as their father’s sex partner, staying in their guest studio apartment for the whole week I was in Tripoli. He also reassured me that such visits may happen once in a while, and the studio apartment will be available for me and my husband. It is assumed, by his wife and adult children, that I will be at their father’s request any time he fancies sex with me. My husband was listening carefully to what I’d just said.

“Are you suggesting that you’ll pack your belongings tonight and will follow Belgacem tomorrow to stay in his home till the day he’ll drive us back?” he asked.

“I am not suggesting, honey. I strongly believe that it is what I’ll be doing,” I quietly answered.

“I have no intention to stop you, and I am not asking to be with you when you both make love. What I wish, though, is that you write me, like a letter, in which you describe everything each time you and your lover engage in sexy fun,” he explained.

“I’ll do that with great pleasure, darling,” I answered.

The following morning, Belgacem came to take my husband to the company headquarters. He then returned to pick me up to go to his place. I felt so happy and relieved that I was about to start a long-lasting, sexual relationship with this man.

Upon arrival at his home, I was greeted by his wife, Chikha.

“Please take care of Belgacem, as he will be staying with you in the guest house,” she told me.

“I will, my dear Chikha,” I answered.

Let me know if you need anything extra in the house,” Chikha added. I felt so embarrassed, but I kissed her on the cheeks and expressed my thanks.

My home for the week was much better than my suite at the hotel, but, what was more important was that I was not going to be with my husband. Belgacem was my soul and my heart. He allowed me the time I needed to settle down and sort out my luggage. Just before three in the afternoon, I started getting ready for his visit. I then made myself very attractive and charming, wearing clothes that would arouse his sex drive and cater to my sexual instincts. Belgacem arrived around three-thirty; as soon as he stepped in, he held me tight and took me to the bedroom holding his bulge in between his legs.

Belgacem proved himself to be a raving cunt-maniac. As soon as he joined me in the room, we tore off our clothes and feasted our eyes on each other’s naked flesh. It was the first time I’d seen him completely naked, and his prick was stiff and hard. I cupped my enormous forty-eight-inch tits in my hands and offered them to him.

He grabbed me violently and threw me down on the bed. I moaned with lust as he rubbed my fucking great milk churns with both hands, pummeling the soft flesh until my nipples were stiff and erect, just like his cock. Then, he knelt between my thighs and pointed his huge come-pistol at my fucking great, hairy cunt. His sperm-heavy balls were hanging down loose and swinging. He made a lunge and smashed the purple knob of his erection into my wet cunt- hole.

“Put it in!” I bellowed, insane with lust.

He rammed it into me, up to the hilt, ripping into my wet, tight cunt like a battering ram. Soon, he was thrusting in and out like an animal, snorting and sweating., All of a sudden, he gave a shout, and I felt the hot thick spurts of spunk blasting into my baby tunnel, and I just went mad.

“I’m coming, I’m coming!” I screamed. I lifted him half off the bed as my sex hole orgasmed itself stupid on his milk-jetting rod.

Belgacem didn’t have much time for lunch, so he gobbled what I gave him and promised to get back straight from work. He told me to cook nothing, as Chikha would bring me my dinner here around 08:30 in the evening. He promised to be with me slightly after 10:00 in the evening.

“It’ll be another night of sex till dawn. Be prepared, Mrs Bahloul!” he told me with some sense of humor when using “Mrs. Bahloul”.

Chikha, Belgacem’s wife, came to me with dinner and fruit around 7:00 in the early evening. She spent some time with me and recommended that, when her husband returned later, I should ask him to take me to a beautiful spot, nearby, where we could stay and enjoy the moon until midnight.

“Hardly any soul will be there after nine in the evening,” she added.

“Summer evenings are better spent in the open under moonlight,” I said.

Belgacem came back just after ten in the evening, and I soon told him that Chikha suggested that we spend the evening and part of the night in a beautiful spot close to the woods and the beach. First, he suggested that I should make him some coffee, which I did.

He drove off to that place. When he stopped at a bushy clearing, he pulled me quietly from the backseat and we walked a few yards down to a quiet lane. There was nobody about in the cool, summer evening, and we were able to wander, arm in arm, to the darkest part of the lane. We embraced and sank wordlessly down to a patch of grass just off the thoroughfare. It was dark and quiet there, but not too dark for me to see that Belgacem had undone the zipper and belt of his tight-fitting, tapered jeans and eased them a few inches down over his hips.

In the faint moonlight, I caught my breath at the sight once more of his large, flaccid penis, the largest I had ever seen, quickly swelling under my very eyes until it stood tall and throbbing, straight out from the front of his trousers. It was pale and friendly-looking, but still monstrously big, and I was timid about touching it. until Belgacem grabbed hold of my hand and fastened it around the warm and hard shaft, encouraging me to tug the loose skin up and down in a wanking motion.

Now, I was no novice to the art, but I hesitated to handle such a monster with my customary skill — hesitated, that is until I felt Belgacem’s hands yanking down my knickers and his fingers clawing their way up into the hot, secret, moist cleft of my cunt. Then, I grabbed hold of the scepter of his passion as hard as I could and stroked him off to the best of my ability while he stabbed a long index finger up my slit, pausing in evident disbelief at the tightness of my pussy.

While he was still reclining in the dark grass, with my juice liberally libating his hand, I had masturbated him to the point of no return. Suddenly, his back arched, his knees jerked, and the big, hard prick leapt convulsively in my hand and spurted a long skein of thick, white spunk through the night air, clean over my arm and looping silently into the darkness behind me. Belgacem groaned once, and his tool gushed heavily into my hand; mechanically, I wiped it off on the grass beside me, watching the thick, long hardon finish sperming.

When he had recovered from this spunk-up, he tried to get me to suck his sticky cock, and I obediently started to do so, savoring his cum-covered cock in a systematic clean-up. Belgacem asked me if I had enjoyed it myself, and I mumbled by way of reply, refusing the cigarette he offered as we still lingered, caught up by emotions that were hard to explain.

In truth, I had been so aroused both by the sight of Belgacem’s penis vomiting cum through the air and his finger strongly forcing its way inside my private slit that I was on the point of asking my Libyan to enter me deep, there and then. Yet, I knew full well how impractical it would be for him to try and force his big cock up my sheath, no matter how much I wanted it. Then, I thought, involuntarily, of my husband sitting or sleeping in the hotel room by himself, and I felt disloyal in some way as if I required my husband’s approval.

Belgacem and I were about to leave the bushy clearance to return home. It was then 02:00 in the morning. On the way to my studio apartment, I kept hoping that Belgacem would still have the energy to penetrate me and allow me to have another orgasm!

Published 2 years ago

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