Three spokes of a Mercedes Benz emblem sat etched into leather before my eyes. I didn’t even see it, for the same reason that my knuckles had turned a ghostly white as my grip burrowed deeper into the steering wheel.
I shouldn’t be here. I shouldn’t be doing this…
A glance up at my surroundings only made the anxiety spill out of my chest and plummet like a cruel anvil into my stomach.
I had poured hours upon hours of research into choosing this exact location. I had crossed two state lines to arrive. Now I was here—in a place nobody would recognize me or ever see me again. But the sight of the neon “Adult DVDs” flickering upon a building this worn and dingy was a final hurdle I had not prepared for. My fingers clenched tighter around the steering wheel. It was my mind’s way to cope, to have control over something, anything, in the place of my bodily desires running so recklessly out of control.
This is so…obscene.
I grabbed the clutch purse in the passenger seat and left the car.
The sound of the ringing bell as I crossed the threshold of the store made me wince. An obese man was standing behind the front cashier’s desk, and he glanced over in his boredom. His face lit up at the sight of me. From the time I was the middle school girl with the D-cup bra, I had always been forced to wield my wardrobe like a shield from the exact look that overcame his eyes.
But today, the pitted battle of my front-zip corset against my overflowing breasts was a gladiator sport designed for public consumption.
Two other men were browsing the shop. It was a simple store of four walls piled high with DVDs and sex toys, with a small floor display in the middle dedicated to the “Golden Years” of porn. But carved into the wall directly to the right was an entrance to a short, red-lit hallway.
“Well, hi there.” The cashier said with an impish smile.
I couldn’t do more than smile nervously back. My eyes were already drifting nervously to the red-lit hallway. The sight of it made my insides squirm. Both male customers had their backs turned as they browsed DVDs on the far wall. In my horniness, all I could see were their bodies…and what those bodies were capable of doing.
Why?! Why am I this horny?!
I swallowed, walked over to the center-floor display, and picked up an old DVD from the 1970s. A big-bushed blonde was on the cover. I turned it over and pretended to read the back. I couldn’t focus with my racing heart. The dual whips of excitement and shame forced it onwards to an undecided finish line.
Am I really going to do this?
One of the customers had made his selection and walked up to the counter. I glanced at the hallway one last time before taking a deep breath. Then I approached the cashier as well and stopped beside the customer as he handed over the DVD to pay.
“Wha–what’s in the hallway under the red lights?” My voice trembled as I asked in feigned ignorance.
Both the cashier and customer turned to me, and I could feel the eyes of the third man suddenly glued upon me as well.
The cashier couldn’t quite contain a wry smile from breaking across his lips. “Oh, that’s some, um, special entertainment that this establishment offers.”
Oh, nice to know. Bye now! I could have easily said that and left. I still had a choice…
“And is that—that special entertainment available for anyone to, um…indulge in?” I asked instead, loudly enough even the third man behind me would hear. I could feel the shifted energy of the man beside me but couldn’t bring myself to even glance at him. All eyes were on me, on my body.
“Only rule is you gotta’ be playing a video. The machine takes bills only.”
I wanted to say something else, but my brain had run out of words. I just nodded and mustered the confidence to smile. Then I turned and stared straight at the ground as I walked towards the red light, carrying the weight of everyone’s gaze with me.
The hallway, if you would call it that, was short, just long enough to fit two black stalls side by side. I opened the door to the second and quickly closed it behind me. The pull handle had a simple button lock, and I pushed it in before turning to gaze upon the inside of the stall. If the sight of the hole on the shared wall wasn’t ominous enough, the words carved into the black paint above it screamed at me:
Similar messages were scrawled on all the walls around me:
I tried to focus on the video screen on the back wall, complete with navigating buttons and a dollar bill feeder. Remembering the cashier’s words, I opened my clutch purse with trembling fingers. A compressed roll of 12 condoms immediately sprung free and spilled to the ground. For a moment, I stared at it, the screaming around me louder than ever. Among my fever rose a twisting sickness in my stomach. But I swallowed it down and took out the only remaining contents of the purse: two ten-dollar bills. In a surreal daze, I fed both into the machine and selected the first video option I saw. Immediately, the giant tits of a woman furiously riding a cock were bouncing in front of my eyes.
I felt the little ember of heat kindling between my legs. Within a minute, my fingers had found their way to the zipper of my corset. Slowly, I pulled it down inch by inch until my breasts burst out. I gently cupped one in my hand and squeezed. I couldn’t stop myself. The excitement of the pressure was nearly more than I could bear. Oh, how I wanted to feel pressure all over my body…
What am I doing here?!!
I closed my eyes and ran a finger over my nipple. It was already firm and erect. There was nowhere in the stall to sit, so I knelt on the floor, watching the fucking on the screen and groping myself with intoxicatingly increasing pressure.
This is not the type of girl I am!
Just then, my racing heart came to a near halt at the sound of the door to the other stall squeaking open and then closing. Then the beating was rushing forward again as a belt was unbuckled on the other side of the shared wall. A half-swollen cock emerged out of the hole.
I stared at it. The warmth between my legs was spreading through my pelvis. My stomach was flipping back and forth in anticipation.
This is so wrong…!
…this is so dirty…!
I reached out and wrapped my fingers around the warmth. The pulse of the stranger pounded beneath my touch.
…this is so depraved…!
The taste of cock reached my brain before I was aware I had made a choice. My lips closed on the warmth. I felt his pulse throbbing against my tongue. I shut my eyes and savored the moment as I slowly pushed my lips down the shaft, feeling it harden in my mouth. The condoms I had intended to use lay forgotten on the floor.
Behind the wall, my anonymous partner let out an excited gasp of pleasure. Oh, how the smallest of sounds can provoke.
When I opened my eyes, they were inches away from the carved-out words: “FILTHY WHORES ONLY”
I engulfed the swollen tip in my throat and pushed farther and farther as I listened to the man’s groans. The words screamed louder still:
Filthy whore!!
I shoved his cock as far down my windpipe as possible.
I glugged aggressively back and forth.
When I retracted for breath the taste of precum teased my mouth. It was a drug that propelled me back to suck and slobber…to utterly ravish that cock with no regard to romance, subtlety, or who it was on the receiving end. It was as though another self that I had contained for so long, confined to a cage deep inside me, was tasting freedom for the first time. What a liberty I’d die for—the love of cock.
It left my clit throbbing like it never had before. I finally lent my fingers to it, trying to satiate the raging fire that had consumed my body. But it wasn’t enough. There was that aching emptiness between my legs that would anguish in restlessness until something, anything, filled it. I spotted the condoms on the floor. I tore one open and put it between my teeth. With a slow motion down the shaft, I left the cock fitted tight in rubber.
“Come over here…” I whispered into the hole with a voice I had never heard. “…shove that cock inside me.”
I reached over to the door and pulled the handle down. The lock automatically disengaged. By the time I could push the door slightly ajar, it was swinging open. The man from the checkout line stood there for a moment, staring down at me in partial disbelief with his haphazard pants just barely covering his cock, before he stepped in and shut the door behind him. Possessed by the frantic thrill, I was already rising to my feet, shedding my skirt to leave myself utterly naked. The ache between my legs had become unbearable. My fever was at a pitch. No words were necessary.
He spun me around, pushed down my back, and grabbed my hips.
In a moment, that torturous ache was relieved. The sudden thickness forced a moan from my lips. I braced myself on the wall. Again, I was left staring at a carved message that seemed written just for me: “I’M A LIL’ CUM SLUT.”
“Yes!” I moaned. “Fuck me!”
Oh, how he did. He gave it to me just as I had given it to him: unhinged and free of subtlety. We fucked like the wild animals humans really are when our hubris melts away. The deep groans of primal passion met my ears, and I moaned like a whore in return. The desperation left me thrusting back, meeting him halfway as we became two bodies smacking together in the same race to ecstasy until he wrapped his arms under my shoulders and spun me around. I stumbled, catching myself on the door, where I just remained curled in pleasure as his humping became unhinged. He pounded me into that door. There was nothing I could do other than take it. There was nothing else I wanted to do other than take it. I could feel the point of no return rapidly approaching, the ecstasy building between my legs like a relentless pressure, sending my hands scrambling for something to hold before it burst. I found something metal and clutched it tight…
…this is sooo dirty, sooo slutty!
…the next second the man was no longer inside me because I was no longer inside the stall. I was on my hands and knees, panting naked in the hallway. What my hand had found was the door handle, and that door remained swung wide open behind me.
I was too stunned and enraged by the fading pleasure to look at what I knew was in my periphery. When I finally spared a glance, four men were staring at me. They were loitering by the entrance of the hallway, the obese cashier first among them, standing clearly in a queue, each as shocked as I was. I should have been horrified. I should have wanted to die…
I was filled again with cock. A sudden yank on my hair set my scalp alight. The tension pulled my head back, using the leverage to deliver thrusts that made me want to do nothing but melt into the floor and exist for the purpose of receiving them. The man was back to finish his. The others just watched. Let them watch. Let everyone watch. That’s what I wanted. That’s why I was here—to feel that thrill of tearing off the mask I wear every hour of every day that convinces even myself that I’m a lady of impeccable class and dignity.
To act out and be a filthy whore.
So I begged him to keep pulling my hair. I begged for him to fuck me harder right there in the hallway. I showed everyone how fucking dirty I can be when chasing pleasure, and the end of that chase was approaching quickly. I could feel that pressure expanding again between my legs, building with every single glorious thrust…
But a final thrust and triumphant groan were the harbingers of an impetuous rage. Suddenly I was empty. No! No! No! DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE!
My neck snapped towards the line of men in the hallway. I shiver to think of the monstrous lust that they must have seen in my eyes. At that moment, the bell to the store door rang and an elderly gentleman joined the room, his silver hair perhaps fashioned for the bingo hall a little later in the evening. Behind his thick glasses, those eyeballs expanded in shock. And excitement.
I slowly rose to my feet and faced the strangers, five of them now. My mask was long gone. I had torn it to shreds.
This was so slutty…so perverse…so beyond the pale of everything I had ever been taught. Could I come back from this? Would I have dignity left to repair?
I turned and planted my hands on the wall. I spread and bent my legs. The men watched with drooling appetites. My own was too ravenous to satiate—I needed to be filled again. I nodded back into the stall behind me, where the rubbers remained on the ground. To any and all of them, I muttered the damning words:
“Condoms are back there.”
The End (or to be continued by your imagination. I give you free license :P)