Straight Dad Took Me At The Gym

"Miguel was a straight guy, so I thought"

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So I worked in a gym for several years…I saw a lot of things… At the time, I had just begun to accept who and what I was. Saying ‘I’m gay’ wasn’t something that quite rolled off the tongue yet.

I had been the type of person who kept his head low and worked really hard. I got moved to the closing shift at my gym, and that’s where the story kind of started.

I was always very by the book. I followed all the rules. The only problem was that nobody else did. For anonymity’s sake, I am gonna be vague on certain details.

Some members at the gym would become very upset with me because they were used to getting things free that we actually were supposed to charge for. I had a hard time with this because it felt wrong to charge some people for the extra services and not others. I was just beginning my shift one evening when in comes this man who I will refer to as Miguel.

He was gorgeous to me, smooth skin like brown sugar…tattooed sleeves adorning his pretty massive arms…everything on him was well-built. He looked like the type of man who earned a living off of his callused vascular hands. He had deep dark brown eyes and thick eyebrows that seemed to glare into my soul threatening to reveal all my secrets.

I was intimidated by his rough exterior. And even more intimidated when he became upset with me because I wouldn’t give him the aforementioned service for free…I politely explained that I would be more than happy to give it to him today, however, I’d have to enroll him in the service in order to keep providing it in the future.

He called me a rude name in Spanish and walked away. I didn’t think much of it…as I was used to people getting upset by me following the rules. The next time that I saw him, and he asked for the service and I began to explain the rule, he went off on me. Claimed that I was discriminating against him personally.

I thought he was getting ready to kick my ass but he went into my manager James’s office …who happened to be working late. I could hear him yelling about me. James, to his credit, stuck up for me, and said I was doing everything the right way.

Miguel had calmed down by the time he came back out. He approached me, almost embarrassed.

“I owe you an apology, I’ve been having a rough time and, I shouldn’t have… taken my anger out on you,” he said.

I was really surprised by his change in disposition. I replied with a silly, “Dude, you’re all good… The company pays me per insult. Call me a bitch again, I’m saving for a house, bro!”

And for the first time, I saw him smile. I was taken aback. It was stunning. I literally wanted to cry as I watched his usually tense face transform into one of the kindest. His eyes glittered catching the light. I was taken instantly. My awkward, sometimes quick wit, just became awkward, as I stumbled over my words.

Over time we became gym friends. He would stop and talk to me on the way in, and on the way out from his workout. He even began staying extra late to make sure I made it to my car okay, which I really appreciated as our gym was in a rougher part of town. He was very slow to open up… I got the feeling he didn’t really talk much to anyone about anything real. He had two boys one about my age and the other almost about to turn eighteen. He seemed almost lonely.

Anytime he would become excited or show too much genuine emotion. He would kinda just shut down and dismiss himself to go work out shortly after.

One of the things that started to happen as we became friends, was that Miguel would stay later and later. By the end of the night, he would always be there to see me to my car. The gym was in a rougher neighborhood and I would be lying if I said it wasn’t a comfort having him around. At first, I thought it was just in my head…A coincidence maybe. But I took note that even when Miguel wasn’t talking to me, he would wait in the lobby till closing…or sometimes out in his car, and see to it that I made it to mine okay.

He would always brag about his women. He talked a lot about the women he was ‘dating’ (stand-in for banging). He would always say that one hit and they were addicted to his cock. It always made me wonder why.

One day he asked me if I was dating any girls. And I told him I was single; not wanting to be forthright.

And he said, “Why? You’re a good-looking guy, you can get tons of girls.” I decided, fuck it. I told him that I’m not into girls. That I was into guys.

Confusion washed his face, and the conversation got really awkward before he dismissed himself to work out. As he walked away though, he did something he had never done before…

He looked back.

Sometime after, it was another closing shift for me, and Miguel had come to work out…as the night went on and I began to close the gym, I realized that I hadn’t seen him leave. I did my walkthrough, making sure the place was empty. When I got to the locker room I heard a shower running…

Now, Miguel never showers at the gym. I walked in and called out that we were closed in a loud voice. But heard no answer…no body movement. It sounded to me like the shower water was hitting nothing as it made its way to the floor.

It’s not uncommon for people to leave the showers running and just leave. I approached with caution though…calling out

“Hey, we’re closed!”

Nothing could prepare me for what I saw next.

I opened the shower door to find Miguel inside showing. Creamy suds melted off of his perfect body. It all happened in slow motion. I got a view of his ass, round and yet firm. The V of his back. And without warning he turned toward me and I got my first glimpse of his massive hard cock. It had to be a solid 8″ and thick…his balls were plump and hung low as well in the steam of the shower.

I was too stunned to move.

“Oh shit!” he said as he saw me trying to memorize the freckles on the tip of his penis. He put his hands over his dick to cover himself. I snapped back to reality, backing up not forgetting to pick my jaw up and take it with me.

I stood at the desk, slumped over in bewilderment and embarrassment. Yet all I could do is wait for him to finish showering. It was well after closing by this time, and he wasn’t coming out. I was so nervous. I didn’t want to face him, but I couldn’t just leave him in the gym either. We would have to have an interaction.

Finally, I heard him call my name. “Yo, Jay!” he shouted. I practically jumped. “Bring me a towel, will ya?” I could see him peeking around the corner. Hiding his perfectly sculpted body from my curious eyes.


I grabbed a towel and brought it to him, making sure to keep my eyes turned away from him. He’s standing there completely naked. I could feel him watching me. When I looked up I instantly met his eyes; there was a dangerous lure to them. He looked… nervous. I was terrified, but growing more aroused.

The more Miguel and I became acquainted, the more my fantasies about him would overtake me during the day. And here we were, face to face.

He was still almost fully hard. His balls seemed to hang impossibly low and glistened under the fluorescent light. I was staring at this point and when I found his eyes again there was a definite mischievous smile there.

My inner voice said ‘fuck it’. I walked over to him, swallowing hard, a deafening thunder coming from my chest.

Our lips touched first.

He kissed me with a tenderness that I hadn’t felt before, and didn’t expect from someone like him. His coarse facial hair and the absolute smoothness of his lips had my dick throbbing, threatening to burst from my joggers. And I tried to stay quiet, but as it moved from my lips to my neck, I started to moan in pure ecstasy.

Those vascular hands were exploring my body, gripping me in places I didn’t know needed his undivided attention. I began to get undressed. He helped me out of my polo work shirt and pants. And when I pulled my cock out…He was floored.

I am used to this reaction because I am a big guy myself. Longer than Miguel, but I think he’s got some girth over me.

He just kinda stared at my cock watching it pulse and throb for him. And then slowly his lips touched ever so gently against the tip. He was in disbelief and so was I. I couldn’t believe this was happening.

He just sat there lips barely touching the tip…almost as if he’s afraid to move further… like if he doesn’t actually taste it, then it didn’t really happen. He’s panting, the warm air from his mouth and the softness of his full lips almost driving me to madness. Finally, I felt his tongue, warm and wet and inexperienced. It caused my whole body to shiver in pleasure.

The head he gave me was some of the best. He began to test his limits on how much of it he could take in.

When it was his turn, I dropped to my knees and began to work on that uncut piece of meat. He moaned loudly, telling me how much he loved it. Gasping at how deep I can take it. I focused on his balls too. They mesmerized me. Heavy and soft, I took them in my mouth applying some light pressure. Again he gasped and laughed in disbelief, like almost nobody had ever done that to him before.

He stood me up, kissing me again tongue buried deep inside my mouth. I had never felt this type of pure powerful connection with another man. It was like I was losing my virginity. Even though he was far from my first. I had sex plenty of times but this… This was not that.

Finally, he surfaced for air. He took me by the back of the head and pulled me in to his chest, whispering in my ear. It was so powerful yet gentle, and I was so overwhelmed by emotions that I almost didn’t hear what he was saying to me. “Let me fuck you,” he whispered.

I know I shouldn’t have. But I wasn’t thinking straight.

We went back to the shower…he lubed himself with his own spit, some of mine and soap. I am usually a top…but Miguel had me… I was scared, but he was good. He knew how to work his size…sliding in slowly and working up to a nice rhythmic pounding. I had never bottomed for someone who I cared for like Miguel. It made the pain pleasurable. The intensity in his stare was more concerned and caring than its usual hostile overtone.

After a while I could feel his thrusts start to become more erratic, his balls tightened up close to his body. He pulled his kiss away involuntarily and drew in a deep breath. His eyes glazed over, and his mouth dropped open. I knew what was about to happen.

“AHHH!” he called out as he unloaded deep inside of me. “AHH!” again and again with each pump. “AH, AH, AH… AH… AH!” He writhed and jerked as he pumped me full of his milk.

Once he gained control he leaned back in and kissed me again, moaning the whole time, letting out a little yell as the pleasure would jolt back through his body in short bursts. “Mmn…AH….mm…ah-hah!”

After I had finished myself off, Miguel stayed and showered with me. He took time washing my body, and while he was silent. While he avoided eye contact…he still kissed me. I had never had a guy do anything like that with me.

We showered and got dressed, walking out the door as if nothing happened.

That was the first time. And while I was sure it was probably the last, I soon found out that we were just getting started…


Deepest gratitude for your time.

-J. Brooks

Published 1 year ago

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