A TRANS Formation – Chapter 49 – Magic Happening At Lake Tahoe

"A sad Christmas finally over, the girls get to have their own Christmas"

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As their flight approaches the Reno airport, Rosy’s resting her head on Jill’s shoulder, waking up from an hour-long nap before they land. She can hardly believe she woke up this morning at her mom’s house in Ralston, Iowa, and here she is, about to land halfway across the country.

Since she got on the Greyhound bus at six-thirty this morning, she’s been laser-focused on her desire. During the two-hour ride, all she could think about was her lovers Jill, Carla, and Allie. Jill was there waiting when she stepped off the bus in Des Moines, and she ran into her arms the moment their eyes met.

“Oh damn, Rosy… I missed you!”

“I missed you too, baby. I hated being away from you.”

“How was Christmas with your mom?” Rosy asks as they drive to the apartment.

“Better than I thought it would be. She didn’t give me any shit about my hair this time. We mostly just tried to enjoy our time together. I think she sensed the difference in me, almost like she knew this might be the last time she sees me. It was so hard to say goodbye this time. I couldn’t help crying most of the way home.

“I was really depressed when I got home, but then Carla called. She was feeling depressed, too.”

“I thought Carla wasn’t coming home till this morning?”

“She wasn’t, but her family made her feel like shit, so she came back last night. I’m glad she did, ‘cuz we cheered each other up. She spent the night with me and Allie.”

“Did you cheer each other up with sex?”

“No, we weren’t a bit horny. We just snuggled in bed and loved each other. But anyways, that was my Christmas. How was yours?”

“It was OK, yeah. She started ragging on me again about not having a boyfriend, but I cut her off. I told her the truth about me having girlfriends and I didn’t want to hear any shit about it.”

“What did she say when you told her that?”

“She surprised me, actually. She said she didn’t understand about girls loving other girls, but she didn’t try to judge me. She said it’s my life and she loves me no matter what. She just wants me to be happy. We both felt good about when she kissed me goodbye at the bus stop.”

They talk about their moms until they get to the apartment. Before they go in, Jill gets the two oil paintings out of the trunk of her car.

“What’s in the boxes?” Rosy asks.

“You’ll see. Something I had made for us.”

Carla’s just finishing drying Allie’s hair when they walk in. “Rosy…!” she yells. “Oh baby, I’m so glad you’re back!”

“Me too!” says Rosy, “I couldn’t wait to get back to my three lovers.”

“What’s in the boxes?” Allie asks Jill.

“Merry Christmas, you guys! I had these made for us to hang in our bedrooms.”

“Oh my God… It’s a painting of us!” Carla gasps. “Where did you get these, Jill? They’re gorgeous!”

“I had Sarah paint them. Don’t you just love how she painted us?”

“Fuck, babe,” Allie praises, “what won’t you think of next? You never stop amazing me!”

“I’m glad you like your presents,” Jill says, “but we better be leaving soon. I think it’s time to tell you girls where we’re going.”

“Yeah, no shit,” Rosy laughs. “It’s about time.”

Getting a manila envelope from the travel agency out of the closet, she pulls out their airline tickets, but the girls can’t figure out where they’re going.

“Where the hell is DEN and RNO?” Rosy asks.

“Those are abbreviations for the airports,” Jill says. “We’re flying to Denver first, then we’ll change planes and fly Reno.”

“Reno, Nevada?” asks Carla.

“That’s right,” Allie says, “from Reno we’re going to Lake Tahoe.”

“Wow!” Rosy shouts, “I’ve heard of Lake Tahoe. This is going to be a trip!”

“Well, after all the shit we’ve gone through with our families,” Jill says, “it’s about time we have our own Christmas.”

“No shit,” says Allie. “Let’s get this show on the road.”

“Do we have to go to our apartment to get our suitcases?”  Rosy asks.

“No,” says Carla, “I brought our stuff over last night. It’s a good thing we packed before we left for Christmas.”

“I think we’re ready. Let’s lock up and get the hell out of town,” Jill says.

Laying the two paintings side-by-side on the freshly made bed, they kiss one more time before leaving for the airport.

Getting there early gives them plenty of time to check in and grab a light snack before their flight. Jill and Rosy are browsing in one of the snack shops and as they pass by a wall of paperback books, one book catches Rosy’s eye. She’s drawn to the big letters of the title, “The Many Sides of Sex”.

“This looks interesting,” she tells Jill.

“Let me buy it for you. We’ll be sitting in a jet all day, you’ll have plenty of time to read.”

She puts the book in her purse as they join Allie and Carla at the gate. Anticipating their very first flight, the girls stare out the window as their plane arrives at the gate.

“Isn’t this exciting?” Carla says to Rosy.

“The most exciting day of my life.”

“Just think, Rosy, we’re flying for the very first time!”

“Not just that,” says Rosy, “I’m excited about where we’ll be tomorrow, and where we’ll be when we get back.”

“We’ll be in Des Moines when we get back, silly,” Carla chuckles.

“No, I don’t mean that,” Rosy says, seeing another opportunity to plant thoughts in Carla’s mind. “I mean about where we’ll be as two couples when we get back. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been thinking more and more about how we belong with Jill and Allie. It’s our destiny, Carla, don’t you feel it?”

“I’m starting to. Last night when I slept with them, I felt so comfortable and safe. I wasn’t in the mood for sex, and neither were they. They just held me and loved me. I could imagine myself sleeping with them forever.”

“Could you marry Allie if she asked you?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never really seriously thought about her like that. But now that you’ve mentioned it, I probably could, as long as you married Jill and we could all live together.”

“Well, if Jill asked me, I’d marry her in a second. I’ve been thinking about it a lot.”

Just as Carla starts to reply, she feels Allie’s arms around her.

“Time to board the plane,” she says.

With Rosy’s freshly-planted thoughts in her mind, she says to Allie. “I’ll go anywhere with you, Allie-love.”

Rosy’s getting excited as she walks behind Jill, holding her hand as they make their way down the narrow aisle to their seats. She’s feeling very pregnant with her desire, realizing she’s getting close to having it become real.

With Allie and Carla seated in the row in front of them, both girls take the window seat as they await takeoff. Having never flown before, they gaze out the window as they go down the runway and into the air.

It’s an overcast day in Des Moines, and as they fly through the grey cloud cover and into the bright blue skies above, Rosy feels like their lives are about to break into clear blue skies and a sunny future.

“Isn’t that beautiful?” she says as they fly above the cloud formations.

“Not as beautiful as you,” Jill says, kissing her cheek.

An hour into the flight, Rosy starts reading the book that caught her eye at the Des Moines airport.

The book isn’t what she thought it would be. Instead of being a sex story, it’s more like results of clinical studies the two authors conducted about the many variations of human sexuality.

It’s interesting at first, talking about how society rejects and attacks any sexual relationship that isn’t heterosexual. Rosy and her three lovers know all too well how true this is.

She reads about various sub-forms of heterosexuality, but she’s starting to lose interest because of all the medical terminology. Pretty soon she’s just scanning the pages until she comes across a section about lesbianism. Now that she and Carla are actively having sex with biological males, she’s wondering if they’re really lesbians at all.

In another section, she discovers a term she’s never heard of before… bisexuality. People attracted to both sexes. She realizes she’s not lesbian; she’s bisexual, and so is Carla.

Reading a little further, she comes upon another term she’s never heard of… polygamy. Loving several people and having multiple sexual relationships at the same time. She feels a moisture between her legs when she realizes this is what the four of them have become.

Again she thinks about her desire, and how easily they all fell in love. It seems perfectly natural to her that the four of them should be married, living and loving under the same roof.

She puts the book in her purse when the captain announces their approach into the Denver area. Resting her head on Jill’s shoulder, she’s never felt so sure of herself than she does right now, thinking about the polygamous relationship she shares with her three lovers.

With an hour layover in Denver, they go into a bar where Allie and Jill get a beer and the girls drink a glass of wine.

“What do you think so far?” Allie asks the girls.

“I feel wonnnnn-derful!” Rosy says. “I loved my first plane ride!”

“Weren’t all those clouds beautiful?” says Carla. “It was so awesome looking down at clouds instead of looking up at them.”

Jill’s made this flight several times when she was in the Army, and tells the girls, “Wait till you see our next flight. We’re gonna fly right over the tops of mountains.”

“What time are we gonna get there?” Carla wonders.

“Around six,” Jill says, “It’ll probably be dark when we land.”

They’ve all got a little booze-buzz going when they board their next flight. Rosy’s kinda giggly when they get seated and has fun whispering to Jill all the things she’s gonna do to her cock tonight. Jill jokingly tells her to stop because she doesn’t want the other passengers to see the hard-on she’s giving her.

Back in the air, the girls are again dazzled by the majestic scenery below as they fly over the Rocky Mountains. The late afternoon sun casts beautiful shadows as Rosy stares out the window.

By the time they land in Reno, they’re all tired from flying all day. They’re yawning as they step out of the plane, but once they get into Reno airport, there’s a buzz of excitement in the air. They hear mysterious bells and clanging sounds and the girls get their first look at slot machines.

“What are those?” Rosy asks.

“Slot machines, baby. Wanna play one?”

“Not really, I can wait. I’m kinda tired right now.”

“There’ll be plenty of time for that when we get to our hotel.”

“Where are we staying?”

“You’ll see.”

The cold night air on their faces wakes them up as a Harrah’s attendant puts their luggage on a cart. The girls are shocked when a limousine with a Harrah’s logo pulls up to the curb.

“Really…? A limo?” says a surprised Carla.

“Yes, really,” says Allie, “it came with the room reservations.”

“Welcome to Reno, folks! I’m George. I’ll be your driver to Lake Tahoe,” he says as he opens the door for them.

Carla and Rosy are thoroughly impressed as they climb into the luxurious limousine. They weren’t expecting anything like this.

“How long will you folks be staying with us?” George asks as they leave the airport.

“Four nights in Tahoe and two in Reno,” Allie says.

“It’s good you flew in tonight,” George tells them, “we’re supposed to have snow later tonight and most of tomorrow. Are you going to see a show while you’re here?”

“We’ve got reservations for Laura Nyro Thursday night,” Jill says.

“If you want the best seats,” George says, “get in line early and give the usher a big tip.”

The girls look out the windows, but it’s so dark when they get out of town, they can’t see a thing. Once they see the heavily-lighted casinos at Tahoe, they’re wide-eyed and awake.

Inside the hotel lobby at Harrah’s, they’re dazzled by the beautiful Christmas decorations and the huge tree in the center. As Jill checks them in, the girls hear slot machines clanging and take a peek into the main casino area.

“Damn, Carla,” Rosy says, “can you believe this?”

“I couldn’t have dreamed of anything like this,” Carla says. “I think somebody loves us.”

“This is our destiny, Carla, we belong with Jill and Allie.”

“Damn straight,” says Carla, “our girlfriends are gonna get their cocks sucked real good tonight.”

“Yeah… cocks sucked and anything else they want. Fuck… let’s be their sluts on this trip.”

“Like we aren’t already?” Carla laughs.

Jill comes up behind them, “I got our keys, girls. You wanna go check out our room?”

The elevator seems like it’s going up forever as they ride to their floor. They’re in another world when they step out into a quiet, plush-carpeted hallway. Halfway down the hall, Jill sees their number on the door.

“Here’s our room, this’ll be our home the next four nights.”

They’re all in awe when they see their room.

“Holy shit…!” Carla says. “Look at this!”

“Wow!” says Rosy. “Look, Carla, a big round bed!”

She runs over and jumps onto the bed. “Shit…! It’s a fuckin’ water bed! Look at this, Carla… there’s even mirrors on the ceiling.

“Who wants to fuck me?” she laughs, rolling around on the plush bedspread.

Jumping on the bed with her, Carla says “Get over here, you guys! We need to get fucked.”

“Yeah, c’mon…” Rosy offers, “we’re your personal little sluts. Come fuck us.”

Jill and Allie don’t need much encouragement to get them on the bed.

“Oh God, I love you, Jill.” Rosy says as they kiss.

“Want your cock sucked, Allie-love?” Carla offers.

“Oh yeah, babe,” says Allie. “I don’t know how long I’ll last though, I’m fuckin’ hungry as hell.”

“So am I,” says Jill.

“I’m hungry too,” Carla says, “but I’m more hungry for two special cocks.”

“I’m hungry for your sweet pussy,” says Allie as she pushes her hand between Carla’s legs.

There’s a knock on the door as they play on the bed.

“That must be our luggage,” says Jill.

Sure enough, Jill opens the door, their luggage has arrived. It only takes a minute to wheel it in and tip the bellhop. But in that minute, they all realize they’re a lot hungrier than they thought.

Jill feels the hunger as she walks towards the bed. “I don’t know about you guys, but I need something to eat. Sex sounds really good, but we’ll have more fun if we get something to eat first.”

They all agree they need food right now more than sex. Carla has to pee and about blows her mind when she goes into the bathroom/shower area.

“Rosy…!” she shouts, “Look at this! We got a fuckin’ Jacuzzi!”

Rosy’s as impressed as Carla, “Fuck…! this is incredible! Look at that huge shower. Four shower heads, we can all shower together.”

“We can all fuck in the shower, is what you mean,” Carla laughs.

“We can fuck wherever they want, whenever they want, is what I mean,” Rosy chuckles.

“Damn, you guys,” Carla says when they’re finished in the bathroom, “how much does this room cost?”

“It’s not a room,” says Jill, “It’s a suite, and don’t worry about how much this costs. This is our Christmas, and this trip is me and Allie’s Christmas present to you two. Partly to say thank you for teaching us about being girls, but mostly because we love you both as much as we love each other.”

“Me and Carla also love you two as much as we love each other,” Rosy says. “We love each other like we’re a family.”

“That’s for sure,” Allie adds. “Let’s go eat so we can come back and play on that waterbed.”

The girls are hanging on them as they walk down the hall to the elevator. They kiss their guys until the elevator stops at a floor and more people get in. On the main floor, they all get energized as they walk through the main casino.

In a restaurant off from the main casino area, Rosy’s drawn to the KENO tickets on the table and their waitress shows them how to play. They all get excited when the KENO runner takes their entries, and all eyes are on the big board as the numbers appear on their game.

Rosy wins $13 on her numbers, but the others are not as lucky. That first game was all it took to get them in the gambling mood. They play several games of KENO as they eat, but Rosy’s first game was the only winner. They play the slot machines after dinner, amazed at how the casino atmosphere makes them forget about how tired they really are.

After an hour of gambling, they all have to use the restroom. Rosy and Carla  are in the ladies’ room and Rosy sees another opportunity to plant thoughts in Carla’s head.

“Can you believe we’re in a place like this?” she asks Carla.

“Fuck… I could never imagine a place like this. It’s so much more alive than anything in Iowa.”

“It feels more alive because Jill and Allie make us feel more alive. Remember what I said this morning in Des Moines? This is our destiny, Carla. We’re supposed to all be together. Can you feel it now?”

“I sure do. You asked me if I’d marry Allie if she asked me. Right now, I’d say yes without even thinking about it. You’re right, Rosy, we belong with them. We can’t fight it.”

“Why should we fight it? When we get back up to our room, let’s fuck ’em so good they’ll want to ask us. I’ve been thinking about it for a while now, I wanna get married.”

Back in the casino, they put their arms around their lovers like girls on a mission. Rosy’s never felt more pregnant with her idea now that she’s convinced Carla she wants it too.

“Are you guys about ready to go back up?” Carla asks..

“Let’s go, guys,” Rosy tempts, “me and Carla want you to take us bed.”

They don’t get any arguments as they hang on their guys all the way back to the room.

“I wonder how high we are,” Carla says, back in their room, “it sure was a long elevator ride.”

“Let’s open the curtains and find out,” Allie says.

Opening the curtains on a very large window, they’re in awe once again as they look out into the blackness of the night. They can see millions of bright stars in the sky, and when they look down, they see tiny little cars on the  brightly-lit street far below.

Allie gets a joint from her suitcase and turns the lights way down low as Rosy and Carla cover Jill with erotic kisses. There’s no doubt what’s on their minds as their hands run all over her and Rosy unzips her to grab her cock. By the time Allie lights the joint, she’s got Jill’s cock in her mouth.

“Damn, Rosy,” Allie says, “you can’t wait.”

“Neither can I, Allie-love,” says Carla as she rubs her crotch. “We’ve waited all day.”

“Well, we couldn’t exactly have sex on the airplane,” Jill says as she takes a hit.

Rosy stops sucking long enough to say, “I’d have fucked you on the airplane if you wanted.”

Jill lifts her up so she can look into her eyes, “I didn’t want to fuck you on the plane,” she says as she kisses, “but I wanna fuck you now. Let me show you how much in love I am with you.”

Allie passes the joint and tells Carla, “I wanna show you how much in love I am with you, too, babe.”

“I think I already know, Allie-love, but show me anyways.”

As they pass the joint, they undress each other in front of the window. It’s such an erotic mood as they stand naked, looking into the starry night. Jill and Allie just feel the closeness of the moment, but Rosy and Carla kiss with a different passion. They’ve been brought to an enchanted world they never knew existed.

They’re determined to show their boy/girl lovers they’re meant to be together forever. As they make their way to the bed, they’ve got a hand around their hard cocks, spreading the pre-cum over the heads with their thumbs. They let them know they’re in charge as they lay them on their backs, side-by-side.

Allie and Jill kiss as the girls make beautiful love to their cocks. They’ve got them moaning as they suck like they’ve never sucked before. Jill and Allie smile as they look up at the mirrors on the ceiling. It’s erotic watching their girlfriends’ naked asses rubbing against each other, and each girl has a hand playing with the other one’s tits.

The girls switch partners, with Rosy now sucking Allie’s cock as Carla sucks Jill’s. This is a four-way love affair, and as Rosy sucks, she thinks about the polygamy she read about on the plane. She thinks about her desire to marry and tells Carla it’s time to fuck.

Rosy kisses Allie as she slides her wet pussy over her hard cock. She gives Carla a wink as she does the same to Jill. Carla licks the inside of her ear, whispering, “Hi-yee, Jillie-love. You like my pussy?”

“Shit, Carla,” Jill pants, “I love your pussy. You know that.”

“You can have my pussy whenever you want, just like Rosy’s.”

Rosy hears what Carla’s telling Jill and she whispers to Allie, “You can have my pussy any time you want too, sweet Allie.”

“Can you believe this, Jill? These two ladies are fuckin’ hot tonight!”

“Oh yeah, I’m loving this. You like Rosy’s tits? ‘Cuz I sure love Carla’s.”

Rosy’s loving what they’re saying. This is what she wants. This is her plan. She’s already gotten Carla’s brain aligned with her wishes. Like a sly little fox, she plants a thought in the minds of Jill and Allie.

“Ain’t it nice having both of us?” she says as she lifts her pussy off Allie’s cock. “Wanna switch cocks?” she asks Carla.

“Oh yeah, I love having two cocks,” Carla gleefully replies. She rolls over on her back next to Allie, “Wanna fuck me, Allieeeee-luvvvvv?”

Allie doesn’t say a word as she gets on top of Carla, jamming her hard cock into her. Jill gives Rosy a few kisses before she rolls on top of her.

“You two are horny tonight,” she says to Rosy.

“Mmmmm, yeah… well… what did you expect? You bring us here and treat us like this…? You’re gonna end up with two horny girls.”

“We didn’t expect anything, sweet babe. We brought you here because we love you.”

Rosy lets out a moan as Jill slides into her. With Allie and Carla fucking so close they can feel each other’s skin, she wraps herself around Jill any way she can. She keeps planting thoughts in their minds to bring them into her desire, like she’s done with Carla.

The waterbed makes waves as they all fuck together, and after a half-hour of serious fucking and switching partners several times, Rosy’s mind begins to fade. It’s been a long day for all of them, but a longer day for Rosy. Having to catch the early bus to Des Moines this morning, she’s been up hours longer than the others.

She lets her guard down; her sly little fox mentality leaves her. As her body fades from pure exhaustion, her female soul whispers her true intentions in Jill’s ear, “I wanna be with you forever.”

She closes her eyes and drifts off to sleep with a smile on her face and Jill’s cock sliding in and out of her. Carla has another orgasm just before Allie cums, and Jill continues her gentle fucking until she realizes Rosy’s fallen asleep. As she  drifts off to sleep herself, Rosy’s words stick in her mind, “I wanna be with you forever.”


One by one, they wake up the next morning in a tangled mass of naked flesh. The large window shows a neutral gray color as it lights the room. Having to pee, Jill’s the first to get out of bed. Looking out the window, she tells the others, “It’s snowing outside.”

She makes coffee in the little coffee pot in the room as the others get up to see the snow. After a good night’s sleep, they’re all refreshed and ready for their first day in Tahoe. Rosy’s feeling the love as they watch the snow coming down.

“Isn’t the snow beautiful?” she remarks.

“The snowflakes are so huge,” Carla notices.

“It was beautiful the way we went to sleep last night,” says Allie.

“Mmmm… yeah, it was,” says Carla.

“Just think,” Jill adds, “we can go to sleep like that every night we’re on vacation.”

“Longer than that, if we want,” Rosy’s sly little fox mind plants another thought in their heads.

Jill picks up on it right away. She puts that comment together with Rosy’s last words before she fell asleep last night, “I wanna be with you forever.” She thinks she knows what desire Rosy’s made herself pregnant with.

As they enjoy themselves in the spacious shower, Jill’s seeing it more clearly. The way Rosy goes down on her cock, and the way she and Carla switch cocks as they suck, the girls are sending the same message. Jill thinks she’s figured out Rosy’s plan, but she doesn’t say anything. Allie, on the other hand, has no clue; she just loves having her cock sucked.

“Are we gonna dress as girls today?” Allie asks Jill.

“I dunno. What do you ladies think?”

“We’d rather be with boys today,” Rosy says.

“I wanna dress up sometime when we’re here,” Allie says.

“OK,” Carla says, “how about you dress as boys in the daytime and you can dress like girls at night.”

That’s a good compromise, and as they ride down the elevator looking like two normal couples, Rosy’s filled with joy. She sees how they all get along so perfectly, easily resolving any potential conflict before it ever becomes a conflict.

Rosy sees a clock as they wait in the line for the breakfast buffet. “Wow,” she says, “it’s only nine-thirty. I thought sure we slept longer than that.”

“We did,” says Jill, “it’s eleven-thirty in Des Moines. We gained two hours yesterday.”

Allie whispers in Carla’s ear, “Two more hours to fuck.”

“You got a one-track mind, you silly thing,” Carla laughs and gives her a playful slap on the arm.

When they get in the buffet line, they’re overwhelmed by the huge selection of entries to choose from. This is so much bigger and better than anything they have in Des Moines. By the time they get to the end, their trays are overflowing.

Much hungrier than they thought, they spend an hour replenishing their bodies, feasting on the endless variety of breakfast and dessert items.  They have the best time talking and laughing about everything and anything. Their eyes are always watching the KENO board, as they play four games.

After breakfast, they walk around the main casino floor, soaking up the energetic atmosphere with thousands of other people. They play a few slots and spend a little time watching dice being thrown at the craps table.

After an hour, they decide to go out and see the snow. As soon as they step outside, they’re in a winter wonderland as huge snowflakes fall from the sky. The Christmas decorations everywhere put them in a glorious frame of mind.

“Damn, this is awesome,” Rosy says, absorbing the energy around her.

“We can walk to California from here,” says Jill.

“How far is it?” Carla asks.

“Right across the street.”

“Shit, Carla,” Rosy says as they cross the street, “we’re in California!”

They have a blast walking in the snow and browsing in the many unique shops. Snowflakes gather in their hair and they buy themselves stocking hats to keep their heads warm and dry.

The girls didn’t bring warm shoes with them, and their feet get cold walking through the snow in their thin pumps. Passing by a ski apparel shop, Jill and Allie take them in and buy them both a warm pair of fur-lined snow boots with cute fur lining on the top.

Heading back to the casino area a couple of hours later, they walk past Harrah’s to check out the smaller casinos. They’re not that impressed, but as they get near the end, Rosy homes in on a white building with light blue trim. She doesn’t know why, but her intuition focuses in on it like a laser.

“Let’s keep walking,” she tells the others, who were starting to walk back towards Harrah’s. The closer they get to the building, the more it looks like a church. “A church next to all these casinos?” Carla says as they approach.

When they’re close enough to read the sign, Allie reads it out loud.

“Love’s Wedding Chapel,” she laughs.

She’s totally oblivious to the feelings the others have been having as she jokes, “Wow, this place has everything! We can even get married while we’re here,” she laughs.

Rosy’s not laughing; neither is Carla. Inside Rosy’s mind… bells, whistles, and fireworks are going off all at once. This is the moment she’s been waiting for. Her female brain is shouting at her. “Do it…! Do it Now!” her intuition screams.

Without even thinking, she turns to Jill, who already has her arm around her. She looks directly into her eyes, “I’d marry you in a split-second,” she says.

A few seconds of silence follows until Carla follows Rosy’s lead, looking Allie in the eyes and saying, “I’d marry you, too, Allie-love.”

“Are you serious?” Allie responds.

“I’m as serious as serious gets,” Carla says.

“I can tell you’re serious, too,” Jill tells Rosy.

“Yes, I am. I wouldn’t have said something like that if I wasn’t serious.”

“Oh wow,” says Allie, “I’ve never even thought about getting married.”

“Maybe you should start thinking about it,” Carla says. “I mean, we’re so much in love already, isn’t getting married the next logical step?”

“Normally it is,” Allie says, “but we’re not normal people.”

“Maybe that’s why we fell in love so easy, maybe it’s because we’re not normal,” Rosy says, “maybe that’s what’s brought us together.”

Jill breaks in to say, “I’m not against us getting married. I think we should talk about it. I’m getting a little cold out here. Let’s go back up to our room, get in the Jacuzzi, and talk about it.”

The girls are really hanging onto their guys now as they walk through the casino. They’re glued to each other on the elevator. Rosy’s pussy is wet walking down the hall as she feels her desire about to come true. She knows this is the day she gets engaged.

Jill turns on the water to fill the Jacuzzi as soon as they get in their room.

“I just love my new snow boots,” Rosy says as she takes them off. “Thank you for buying them for me,” she tells Jill.

As is her habit, Allie gets a joint from her suitcase. “Anyone want to get high?” she asks.

“No, Allie-love… not right now,” Carla firmly says. “We’re gonna talk about something very important. Our heads need to be clear so we can think straight.”

Sensing the seriousness of the moment, they don’t say much as they undress each other and kiss as they wait for the Jacuzzi to fill. The very warm water feels wonderful when they get in. Walking outside in the snowstorm made them cold to the bone, and they spend a few minutes soaking in the warm bubbly water just getting warm.

Rosy turns off the jets and asks everyone, “Are we ready to talk about spending the rest of our lives together?”

“What should we talk about?” Allie asks.

“Well, let’s start by talking about why we shouldn’t get married,” Jill begins. “Do you girls realize what me and Allie do with the guys at the Club? We’re whores… do you want to be married to two male whores?

“I mean, we fuck dozens of guys there every single month. And during the week, we meet guys at hotels and let them fuck us as much as they want.”

“We’re girls, too,” Allie adds, “we need cock as much as you do. We’ll always have to go out with guys to get the cock we need.”

“It’s not like we don’t already know what you do at the Club,” Rosy says. “I didn’t realize you have sex with that many men, but it’s not a deal-breaker for me. As long as the sex is just physical and you don’t fall in love with them, I can handle it. What do you think, Carla?”

“I’m OK with it as long as they can still give us the sex we need when they get home. Like you said, as long as it’s with other men and it’s just physical.”

Jill then says, “It might not always be with just men. I fucked a woman on one of my dates before Thanksgiving.”

“You went on a date with another woman?” Rosy’s a little surprised.

“It wasn’t just with her. It was her and her husband. He wanted me to help her learn to do anal sex, and fucking her was part of the date.”

“As long as it was with her husband and you didn’t want more of just her,” says Rosy, “I’m still OK with it.”

“One thing I’m wondering about,” Carla brings up, “is if I’ll still be a lesbian if I get married. I like thinking of myself as a lesbian.”

“We’re not lesbians, Carla,” Rosy says, “We never were. Sure, we lived as lesbians before we started dating these two, but if we were pure lesbians, we never woulda wanted their cocks in the first place.”

“Then what are we?”

“We’re bisexual, Carla. I read about it on the plane yesterday. We’re bisexual women, because we love having sex with both sexes. And another thing I read about was polygamy. We love more than one person and we have multiple sex partners. That’s polygamy, and that’s what we’re doing.

“If we get married,” Rosy goes on to say, “the marriage certificates will say I’m married to Jill and Carla’s married to Allie. But in our hearts, it won’t be that way at all. Jill and Allie will be married to Rosy and Carla. They’ll have two wives and we’ll have two husbands. We can have sex with any one of the three anytime we want with no jealousy at all, just like we’ve been doing.

“I love getting fucked by both of them,” she tells Carla, “and I think you do too.”

As they’ve been talking, the girls have been lightly running their fingers up and down their guys’ cocks. They’re hard as hell and the girls’ pussies are very aroused.

“I know I sure love having two girls to fuck,” Allie says.

“If we get married and live together,” Rosy says, “you can have either one of us, or even both of us, any time you want.”

“Damn,” says Carla, “I’m getting so fuckin’ horny. I wonder if it’s possible to fuck underwater?”

“Let’s find out,” Rosy giggles.

Rosy and Carla straddle their cocks, guiding their heads into their pussy-holes and easing down at the same time. They don’t actually slip right in, like when they’re in bed, but as they shimmy and squirm, little by little, they’re able to get their cocks deep into the depths of their vaginas.

“Oh damn,” says Jill, “that feels good. I don’t think we can pump very much, but it feels great having my cock snuggled into your hole like this,” she tells Rosy.

“I don’t want you to pump me,” Rosy says, “I just want you to fill me. Fill my life with your love. That’s the best sex I can think of.”

“That’s what I think too,” Jill replies. “So… is there any other reason we shouldn’t get married?”

“The girls need to know,” Allie says, “when we signed the papers for our loan, the Club owns us for the next five years. We signed up to be their whores for five years. And another thing is, we don’t know how it’s gonna be when we start taking estrogen. What if our cocks shrivel up and we can’t get hard anymore?”

“I don’t care about you being whores for the next five years, or even the next ten years,” Carla says. “It’s what you do, and I understand you need real cock. That’s something me and Rosy can’t ever give you. As long as it’s a job and not a love affair outside of our four-way marriage, then I’m fine. And as far as you getting on estrogen, that excites me. And if your cocks stop working, we’ll be four lesbians, we’ll just use toys.

“I may not be a pure lesbian, like Rosy said, but I’m a hell of a lot more lesbian than I am straight. We trained you girls all summer long. We loved watching you becoming more female all the time. The more girl you are, the happier I am.”

“Me too,” says Rosy. “I’m bisexual, but I lean real strong towards being a lesbian, just like Carla. The more you look and act like girls, the happier I’ll be.”

“I can’t think of any other reasons why we shouldn’t get married,” Jill says, “but I can think of tons of reasons why we should. I realized how much I love you girls when we were apart at Thanksgiving and Christmas. I feel like we’re a family, the four of us.

“I think about moving into our new house. We have to gut the whole inside and remodel everything. Me and Allie don’t know shit about remodelling anything.

“It takes a real woman to make a house a home. With just me and Allie living there, it’s only gonna be a house. With the four of us living there, it’ll be a home. The four of us can turn that fifteen acres of land into our own personal paradise.”

Tears are rolling down Rosy’s cheeks as she sits on Jill’s hard cock. Right next to them, Carla and Allie are having tears as Allie’s cock fills Carla’s pussy.

Rosy’s emotionally overwhelmed. She’s kept herself pregnant with this desire for a few weeks now, and she can hardly maintain as she feels her baby about to be born.

Like she’s wanted her to do for a long time, Jill presses her forehead against hers, starring into her beautiful eyes.

“Rosy…?” she asks, “will you marry me?”

Rosy breaks out crying, “Oh yes, Jill…! Yes, of course I’ll marry you!”

Allie can hardly talk as Carla starts to cry. “Carla…?” she asks the question, “will you marry me?”

She buries her face in Allie’s shoulder as she cries. “Yes… Yes… Yes,” is all she can say.

In the warm, quiet water, they’re joined at the genitals, crying tears of joy as the four of them give each other loving kisses and hugs. No one’s happier than Rosy. Her desire’s now complete, except for when they actually take their marriage vows. She’ll be having her baby soon.

One would think they’d want to fuck each other’s brains loose, but with their pussies already filled with hard cock, the girls just want to kiss and love. They’ve got the rest of their lives for sex, but they’ll never have this moment again, so they all savor it as long as they can.

They’d love to stay in this rarefied state of mind forever, but eventually the water gets cold and the cocks go soft. As they get out of the Jacuzzi and dry off, Allie goes over to the window and proclaims, “Look outside! It’s stopped snowing. The sun came out!”

They all stand naked, looking out the window. For the first time all day, they’re able to see majestic Lake Tahoe nestled in the beautiful mountains that surround it.

“The sun looks so beautiful right now,” Rosy says.

“Yes, my love,” says Jill, as they stare out the window with their arms around each other. “The sun’s come out on Lake Tahoe, and the sun’s shining on our lives.”

Published 3 years ago

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