Jeannette’s Sexual Reawakening

"Will end her celibacy with handsome young tour guide?"

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“Happy forty-fifth birthday!  Hope you find that special someone this year.”  Over the course of her one-and-a-half-hour flight from Manhattan to Charleston, West Virginia, Jeanette Polski read and re-read the birthday card from her mom.  Paradoxically, it both touched and annoyed Jeannette.  She was happily single. 

Of course, a life of celibacy wasn’t something Jeanette strived for.  Dateless during her high school years, she gained a complex from classmates’ snide comments about her acne and weight.  In college, Jeanette did everything possible to improve her outward appearance.  She dated but felt used when her paramours abruptly ended seeing her.  After a lover broke off their relationship after only three months of dating (and on the day of her twenty-fifth birthday), she decided to devote her time and energy to building a brilliant career.  But every so often, she wondered if her future included love.

At age forty-five, she was objectively cute.  Blonde, blue-eyed, and slightly plump, she turned more than a few heads.  Her quick wit and natural curiosity made her very appealing.  But the single scene in Manhattan was extremely competitive.  Thus, she remained single.

After a day at the resort, she headed to Sutton Lake.  The resort’s concierge recommended taking a relaxing lake tour and even arranged for a guide, Luke McNamara, whom she was scheduled to meet at noon.

Arriving a few minutes late, Jeannette looked around. “Are you Jeannette,” called a friendly sounding deep voice. 

“Yes,” responded Jeannette.  Her heart pounded quickly when she first laid eyes on Luke.  He appeared young but confident.  His smile, along with his dark smokey eyes and long brown hair, gave him a sexy, mysterious look.  At six feet, he towered over the smitten Jeannette.

“Have you ever rowed a canoe?” 

Jeannette responded she hadn’t.

“No worries, I’ll row.  You just sit back and relax.  Take it all in.” 

Blushing at the unintended entendre, Jeannette followed Luke to his canoe.  He assisted her aboard, grabbed his oars, and started rowing towards the middle of the Lake.  “I have refreshments,” said Luke as he presented her with a basket filled with sweet rolls, sparkling water, and fruit.  Shy at first, Jeanette eventually took an apple.

“How long have you been a tour guide,” she asked. 

“About two years now, but I know this Lake like the back of my hand.  Grew up around here.”

“Just how old are you?” asked the nervy New Yorker.

“I turned twenty yesterday,” he said with an ounce of pride. 

“My birthday was yesterday, but I’m much older than twenty,” she chirped.

“Aw, not too much older, I’d say,” said a smiling Luke.

The two continued chatting over the next hour, discussing their childhoods, careers, and hopes.  In admiration of Luke’s free spirit, Jeannette asked if he was in a relationship.  When he answered “no,” she became excited. 

“Neither am I,” said Jeannette, staring at her feet.  Sensing that there was a mutual attraction, Luke clumsily went for the gold.  “I think you’re beautiful.  I can only imagine that any man who kissed you would be the luckiest guy in the world.” 

“Well then, maybe it’s time for you to get lucky,” quipped Jeannette.  She was now feeling like things were moving fast, but she couldn’t stop herself.  She leaned forward to kiss Luke, who kissed her back.  After making out for a few minutes, Jeannette asked if they could go somewhere private.  Luke rowed to a desolate area, took blankets from his basket, and led Jeannette to a soft, private patch of grass under a thicket of trees.

As the two kissed, Jeannette helped Luke remove his shirt.  They rolled around on the blanket as more clothes continued to fall away from their bodies.  Luke stopped for a second, “I’m new to this…can we take things slow,” he asked. 

“I’ll guide you,” said Jeannette with a comforting smile.  She took his right hand and guided his fingers over her clit, then placed his left hand on her breast. 

Luke wasn’t a natural lover, but with Jeannette’s guidance, he brought her to a small orgasm.  Deciding to end her celibacy, she pled, “Put your cock in me.”  She looked at Luke’s cock. His veiny penis was beautifully shaped and glistened in the sun.  Jeanette laid back.  For the first time in two decades, Jeannette felt a man enter her.  The pair simultaneously exhaled as their bodies connected.  Luke continued to touch her breasts as he rose and fell on top of Jeannette.

Jeannette squeezed Luke’s firm buttocks.  His cock grew large, briefly stretching her.  His warm cum felt amazing as it filled her.  The duo collapsed in each other’s arms.  A few hours later, Luke gently woke Jeannette.  It was dusk, and they needed to return.

After rowing back to the dock, Jeannette invited Luke to dinner.  Their evening was capped with more sex, followed by an entire week spent in Jeannette’s bed.  Saturday arrived in the blink of an eye.  The lovers were sad to say goodbye.  Jeannette promised to return that summer and to write.  Luke’s eyes filled with tears as they entered a final embrace.

Jeannette was true to her word and wrote Luke.  She returned to see him that summer.  Having a young lover who adored her allowed Jeannette to regain confidence and start dating.  After returning from her summer fling, she met Jeff, whom she wed eight months later.  Luke didn’t attend the wedding but did find a love interest of his own.

Years after their love affair ended, Luke and Jeannette remained in touch and were forever grateful to each other.  For they had introduced and re-introduced each other into the pleasurable world of intercourse.

Published 2 years ago

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