Have I Become Mr. K’s Sex Toy? Chapter 3

"Mr. K was very persistent and he was wearing me down."

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It was past midnight, and Aaron had parked in the back of a closed and very dark shopping mall. This routine had become the typical way all of our dates ended. Aaron would pull into a place like this, get me in the backseat, and make out with me for a few, very few, minutes while painfully and clumsily groping me.

Here we go again. I was in the back seat of Aaron’s parents’ car, and we were making out while he mauled my breasts and fumbled with the button on my jeans.

“Oh, April, I want you so badly,” he mumbled as he struggled to pull down my jeans.

After having had sex several times now with Mr. K, I realized that sex with Aaron, or anyone like him, was all about them using me to please themselves and not me. Tonight, I wasn’t horny, at least not for Aaron, nor did I even really want to have sex with him. It had become routine, and I found it easier to submit than do what I should do.

Just so it would be done sooner, I lifted my hips so that my jeans and panties could be pulled down to my ankles. In the back of my mind, I held onto the hope that maybe, somehow, his technique and foreplay would improve. I hoped that he would consider my needs instead of just his own.

I know, wishful thinking.

I leaned back and pulled my knees up to my shoulders, exposing my beautiful pussy lips to him. It wasn’t long before he had forced his way uncomfortably inside of my totally dry vagina.

“Ugh, be gentle! Go slow!” I cried as his cock just rammed its way inside of me.

No foreplay, no lube, no technique—just caveman-style fucking.

Aaron did pause for a few seconds in acknowledgment of my pleas. His consideration of me barely gave me enough time to start to adapt. Then, in what seemed like mere seconds, he quickly began slamming into me again. Each stroke pushed and pulled the dry walls of my precious, sweet pussy. 

Geez, how considerate!

“Oh, wow, you feel so tight, babe.” He grunted as he continued to ram his cock in and out of me.

“Yes, give it to me, baby, harder,” I said, pretending to be mentally into what he was doing.

As he plowed into me, I just couldn’t help but think how lame it was to even have sex with him.

My awakening adventures with Mr. K made me realize there was no comparison. Mr. K had skillfully gotten himself into my head, making me constantly think about him and no one else. I was craving his cock and how he physically satisfied me every time. Just like he promised!

And then there was “Quick Shot” Aaron. Two thrusts, and he was done.

“Uhh, I’m coming…!” he moaned as I felt him shoot his load inside of me.

“Oh yes, you make me feel so fucking good,” I cried. That’s it? That’s all you’ve got, little boy?

He rolled off of me and quickly reached for a Kleenex to hand me. He wasn’t doing it to be courteous; he was worried about stains on his parents’ car seat.

I quickly pulled up my panties and jeans. It was finally time to go home.

“You want to wait and do it again in a few minutes?” he asked.

“No, you wore me out, babe.” Knowing that even if I said yes, I would have to be the one to get him hard again. I just wanted to go home and play with myself as my fantasies and memories of Mr. K played out like a movie in my head. It was something I just couldn’t stop myself from doing again and again.

I had previously made the decision that I was going to break it off with Aaron, but I wanted to wait and see if I could end things with Mr. K first. I was already overwhelmed with emotions over Mr. K, and I didn’t want to add the stress of breaking up with Aaron to the mix. Besides, that’s exactly what Mr. K would want me to do. I wasn’t going to give him satisfaction.

I was feeling angry and frustrated with myself because Mr. K was in my head, and I hadn’t been able to shake his hold over me. He had ruined my relationship with Aaron, although there wasn’t much of a relationship to ruin, and he had definitely made it so all other young men were not going to reach the bar he had set.

I realized that I was slowly becoming not only his sex toy but his submissive as well. His attitude from our last encounter haunted me every minute of the day. He commanded me to say that he could have me whenever he wanted. He kept pushing and pressuring me until I conceded. He didn’t know that I’d not only said it but meant it as well. That’s what scared me the most. It also worried me that if I didn’t get out of my messed-up situation, we would, at some point, be found out.

As much as I was begging myself not to, I knew I had to end it with Mr. K before we got caught. I was smart enough to know that it was inevitable, especially considering Mr. K’s predilection for really risky behavior.


A few days later…

Standing at the patio door, it took my brain a while to make sense of the scene I was staring at.

I’d just walked in from my part-time job. I was dead tired and wanted nothing more but to take a hot, relaxing shower and crash for a while. I had plans to go to a party with Aaron later in the evening. I started walking through the house from the front door, and I heard voices coming from the backyard. A lot of voices!

I changed direction from heading to the stairs to walking out the back door to see what was going on. I couldn’t believe my eyes.

There was my mother and the entire Kelly family! All laughing and chatting together! Sitting in my backyard.

My mother was sitting around the patio table with Mr. and Mrs. Kelly, drinks in everyone’s hands. The two kids were screeching and running around in the yard, playing with my younger sister.

“Hey, hon!” My mom greeted me cheerfully when she saw me.

“Uh…hi. What’s going on? I asked.

“A little impromptu barbecue. The Kellys dropped by with burgers and beer,” my mom said.

“How nice,” I responded, knowing full well Mr. K was probably behind this little visit. Mr. K gave me a little smirk, which confirmed my suspicions.

I didn’t have to ask about my dad; I knew he was at his usual church function. Besides, he didn’t drink, and he really didn’t have anything in common with the Kellys.

“Hi, April,” Mr. Kelly said, raising his beer towards me. He was wearing shorts and an open tropical shirt. He was muscular and gorgeous. My heart rate skyrocketed.

I knew I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t be around him and everyone else and still act normal.

“The girls have been asking about you every ten minutes,” Mrs. Kelly told me with a laugh.

“APRIL!” The kids yelled in unison. “Come play with us!”

“Hi, guys,” I called, giving them an uneasy wave. “I can’t play right now, girls… I’m going out tonight, so I have to get ready; besides, my sister is playing with you.”

“Well, come grab a burger before you leave, dear,” My mother suggested as I walked back toward the house in utter disbelief that Mr. K would risk coming here with his family. Had he no shame? Or was it the risk he was getting off on? 

I was almost positive that Mr. K wouldn’t actually try anything with both of our families here. I had an uneasy feeling that it may not be as impossible as I thought it was.

He’d been quite dominant every time we’d been together. Not to mention the whole “you’re mine” thing that happened last time he fucked me.

I went into the bathroom to have a quick shower and get ready for my evening out. I made sure I locked the bathroom door, as the more I thought about it, the more I wouldn’t put it past Mr. K to try something.

Since I was going out, I picked out a nice short denim skirt and a braless, flimsy, sexy top with my high-heeled wedge shoes. I knew my nipples were well-defined through this top, and it would drive Mr. K wild that he couldn’t touch me.

As I headed out to the backyard to grab a bite to eat, I stopped in the kitchen for a soda. I still had plenty of time before my date with Aaron.

I was getting ice cubes from the freezer when suddenly I felt someone behind me. In an instant, Mr. K’s arms wrapped around me while he pushed me up against the refrigerator.

“Geez!” I said it with my heart racing. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“Wow, you look so fucking hot in that tiny skirt,” he whispered in my ear, his hands pushing up beneath my top to cup my bare breasts.

“Are you insane?” I hissed back. “Your wife and my mother are right outside! And my dad would literally kill you if he found out.”

“I know,” he said. As he pressed his hips hard against my ass, I could feel his long, hard, fat erection pressing in the valley between the cheeks of my ass.

“It just makes me want you even more. Isn’t it exciting that we could get caught at any second?”

“Hell no, it’s not! Let go of me right now,” I said, gritting my teeth. Mr. K pulled me even tighter against him while his hands continued to feel me up.

“You are going to fuck that little dick, Aaron, tonight, aren’t you?” He whispered in my ear.

“That’s none of your business,” I snapped back. Then I added, “But yeah, probably,” hoping it would bother him. Instead, it only made him more aroused, if that was even possible.

“Oh, you’re such a slut, just like your…” Mr. K stopped mid-sentence as his hand slipped up under my skirt and around into my panties. He quickly found my clitoral area. As he began to stimulate me, Mr. K started grinding his hips against my ass.

That comment he made almost slipped past me as I struggled to get away from him.

“Oh, my gawd…” I said, partly out of pleasure and partly out of complete disbelief. He was grinding his hard cock against me and feeling me up right here in the kitchen, where his wife or my mother could walk in at any second.

I kept trying to look over my shoulder, hoping I would be able to see through the kitchen window. There was no way I could get a good view of the patio. We’d have virtually no warning if someone decided to come inside.

“You’re so wet,” Mr. K said, his fingers now finding their way inside me. “Let’s go fuck in the bathroom really quick.”

“Absolutely not!” I snapped.

He started quickly thrusting against me, dry-humping my ass as he fingered me. Being pressed up against the fridge like this was adding an amazing amount of pressure to my clitoral area. The freezer door was still wide open, and the sensation of the cold on my face and nipples while the rest of me was so hot was truly incredible. I would’ve loved nothing more than for him to make me cum right then. But this had to stop. This was way too risky.

“Come on, we can do it really quick in the other room. No one will miss us,” he said. I shook my head insistently, struggling not to whimper as he played with me.

“April,” Mr. K said again, annoyed now. “I don’t want to cum in my shorts like a 16-year-old boy.” He grunted loudly as he continued grinding against me as hard as he could.

“Then don’t cum!” I hissed back, agitated. His fingers were pumping in and out of me at an impressive pace, and I knew if I let him continue, he’d bring me to orgasm very soon. I wanted that to happen so badly, but this wasn’t the time or place.

I was still holding the cup of ice in my hand, so I lifted it back over my shoulder and dumped it on him. That did the trick.

“Fuck!” Mr. K immediately released me and took a few steps back, ice cubes falling off his shoulder onto the floor. I took a moment to rearrange my clothes, then closed the freezer and turned towards him, arms crossed and eyebrows cocked. Mr. K looked at me and shook his head.

“Oh, you are going to pay for that,” he said. I shrugged as I grabbed the can of Coke I’d come in for and walked back towards the patio door.

“Seriously, no one leaves me high and dry,” he called after me. “I’m going to cum inside you before the night’s over.”

“Good luck with that, and clean up that mess,” I said before rejoining the party outside.

For a while, the evening continued on without incident. We had a delicious dinner of burgers, potato salad, and watermelon. I made sure to have lots of conversation with Mrs. Kelly, who was very interested in all the colleges I was thinking about attending. My mother opened a second bottle of wine for her and Mrs. Kelly. Everyone was having a great time.

The only person seemingly not having a good time was Mr. K. He was pretty quiet during dinner and continued to sulk through dessert as well. I could feel him staring at me the entire time.

I will have to admit that my outfit was quite revealing. My high-wedged shoes and short skirt showed off my long legs, and my thin braless top wasn’t hiding much. The more he stared, the more swollen my nipples got.

It was becoming pretty obvious what Mr. K was thinking. Hell, his eyes were locked onto my body, and he was just short of having drool slide off his chin. I could see both Mrs. Kelly and my mother had noticed he was staring at me from the occasional furrows of confusion that creased their brows. I’m pretty sure they could sense what he was thinking, or worse yet, maybe they suspected something.

“Are you alright, Mr. K?” I asked him as he moodily sipped his beer, giving him a tiny smirk that only he would notice.

“Just a little tired, I guess,” he responded.

I excused myself to finish getting ready for my date. I still had an hour before Aaron would arrive to pick me up, but I was happy to leave the party.

As I was getting up to go into the house, Mrs. Kelly checked her watch and said, “It is getting kind of late; it’s past the girls’ bedtime.” I couldn’t help but smile at that. They were going to leave soon, and Mr. K wasn’t going to get his way. Admittedly, I was feeling very smug indeed. Finally, I was the one calling the shots.

“But MOM,” the kids whined. “It’s Saturday.”

“Yeah, Ange,” Mr. K said, perking up a little. “It’s Saturday, and we’re all having such a nice time. Let the girls stay a little longer. Maybe we can play a game.”

“Yes!” The kids jumped at that.

Mr. K’s usual charming smile was back, and I got a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. He was up to no good.

“What game, daddy? The kids asked.

“How about hide and seek?” Mr. K suggested.

“Okay, let’s play!” the kids said.

I walked into the house, feeling increasingly uneasy. I knew Mr. K was up to something, I just didn’t know what.

I had just sat down in my room to apply my makeup when the door burst open, startling me.

“Ugh, seriously?” I spoke with distaste.

“Time to pay up, you sexy little tease,” Mr. K said, closing the door behind him. As he got closer, I could see the evil grin on his face.

“Your daughters could find us at any moment,” I reminded him.

“No way are they going to look here,” he said. “They’re too busy looking in the yard, and my wife won’t get up until the wine bottle is empty.”

“Yeah, you’re such a creep.”

“Ha, ha,” Mr. K said as he grabbed me and held me tight. I could feel the firmness of his body beneath his clothes, and in that moment, all the memories of him fucking me came flooding back. He looked at me for a moment, and I could see the heat in his gaze. It pulled at my stomach, even though I didn’t want it to. I didn’t want to let him win again. I couldn’t help my reaction to him. Damn this man! Why did he provoke me so?

He grasped my chin in his fingers, and it made me shiver; his grip was possessive and dominant. He lowered his mouth to mine, kissing me deeply as he held me still, his tongue pushing into my mouth, invading me. It was just a kiss, but I was already responding to him, whimpering against him. I hated him for being able to turn me on so easily, and I hated myself for being so responsive to him. I realized I was already kissing him back, my body accepting whatever he might wish. In that moment, I realized my inner slut and submissiveness would forever be aroused merely by his very presence.

Why was it that I just couldn’t flat-out say ‘no’ to this guy? Mr. K pulled my top up and grabbed my breasts as his mouth moved against mine. I had to make this quick.

Mr. K sat on the edge of my bed, and in one quick, forceful tug, he pulled me down and over his lap. SLAP! SLAP! He gave me two hard slaps, one on each cheek of my ass. My short skirt and lacy panties provided no protection from the power of each slap.

“Ouch!” I cried out.

“You have been a bad girl, April. You…

Published 2 years ago

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