Cinderella’s Stepsisters

"Sometimes you have to take drastic steps to make a fairy tale dream come true"

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“Do you remember Cinderella?” Charmaine asked.

We were in her house again; she’d called and asked me to come over. It was still an odd thing to know the Fairy Queen was living in our modern world, in a small but mostly modern house, driving a car.

“Ehm. I do.” I recalled seeing her in a carriage when I was shagging Snow White, As she brought this up, I suspected something was going to happen again. It had to be, as she’d invited me over for an early dinner.

“Good. She’s in a bit of a problem situation. A frustrating one.”

I asked what she meant by that, and she explained Cinderella had to get to the ball but there was a problem with her stepsisters.

“And that’s where you come in. You have to make sure Cinderella gets out.”

“I have to tie up the stepsisters?” I recalled the fairy tale and how ugly those women were said to be.

“Whatever it takes,” Charmaine said. “I can get you there any time you’re ready; we still have a few hours before she has to get out.”

“Right…” I knew she knew I was ready, so I told her to get going.


She drove us to the parking from where the running group usually started and walked into the forest with me.

“This is the spot where you have to step into Fairy Land. You’ll have to do something about your clothes when you’re there. I don’t have anything for you in this world, so take care.” After a few moments, she asked what I was waiting for.

“For you to push me. You often do.”

“Dave, please. Go through or I’ll kick you.”

“Such harsh words for a Fairy Queen…” I shook my head and turned to step through the brush, when she took my arm and turned me back to her.

Charmaine wrapped her arms around me, pressed her boobs into my chest, and bumped her hips into me. “I hope you know how much I appreciate you doing this for me. For us. All of us in Fairy Land.” She kissed me.

“I think I do, but thank you for making that very clear,” I said after the kiss broke. I tapped her behind, winked, and stepped through the brush growth…


I found myself in a field with some bushes behind me. In the distance was a small village. It looked old-fashioned, even from this distance. One of those houses had to be the one where Cinderella lived, with her step-family, so I started walking, making sure not to be seen until I had managed to change clothes.

To get that done, I would have to be creative. A small perusal of some gardens made me find some garments. I felt sorry for the original owners, but this was serious enough to relieve them from their goods.

The pants were a bit tight, but either they would stretch, or a few seams would give in.

The next step was to find Cinderella’s home. I had no last name, nor a clue, so I walked around a bit. There weren’t many people about, and the few I asked about her, looked at me as if I was mad – until a rather odd, elderly woman came walking along and stopped in front of me. “I think I know what you’re looking for.”

“You do?”

“Cinderella’s house.”

“You’re the Fairy Godmother.” I was sure.

“Indeed. Come with me.”

She guided me to a street and pointed out one of the houses. It was big, almost pompous, in the middle of the street, among more of the same houses. All of them looked overdone in decorations. “You still have enough time,” the woman said, gently shoving me in the back. “If you can, send the girl out the back, to the garden. It’s a bit annoying having to pop in and out there at my age.”

I thanked her, because I’d never have found the place on my own.

On the way to the village, I’d already formed a kind of plan on how to approach the three sisters. Now I’d find out if that would work.

After a knock on the door, I waited. Soon, a young woman opened the door. She looked as if she’d rolled through the dirt, but I recognized Cinderella, from the first encounter.


“Hello,” I said. “I’m here to talk to your sisters. And to tell you, you have to get your pretty ass outside to the back garden. Someone’s waiting there for you.”

Cinderella frowned. “Have we met? How would you know my behind is pretty?”

“Trust me. I know. Now… sisters?”

She frowned. “Are you sure?”

“Very. To keep them from holding you here. There is a plan.” I winked.

“Well… It’s your risk,” she said, and opened the door. She showed me to a large room, which might be a library, had there been any books. “I’ll warn them.”

“And don’t forget the garden,” I reminded her as she walked off.

I wasn’t alone for long. Three women, a bit older than Cinderella, entered the room. They were in their mid-twenties to almost early thirties, and they definitely looked much better than the stories had made me believe.

“Who are you?” one of them asked.

“I’m the one who came to ravish you all,” I said. As the first strike was the best, I took off my pants. Before I could undo the shirt buttons, the three were near and had a close look at my cock. One of them touched it, with predictable results.

The three squealed. I was sure they’d seen a hard cock before, but it had probably been a while ago.

“Cora. Lock the door,” one of them said. She looked at me as she started undoing her dress. “I’m Nora, and she’s Dora. Dora and Cora were meant to be twins but Cora didn’t arrive in time for that.”

Dora was also yanking her dress off. Cora didn’t waste time, she got undressed near the door.

“Who will you ravish first?” Nora then asked. She looked the eldest of the three, so I picked her. My hands found her full breasts and played with them, teasing the huge nipples. They didn’t get very hard, but I didn’t mind that. They were excellent sucking material, and Nora breathed hard as I did so. One of my hands was already between her legs, but Cora (or Dora) grabbed that hand and put it between her own legs.

Either pussy was fine with me. This was turning into a more interesting ‘assignment’ than I’d first assumed.

Dora (or Cora) dropped to her knees and moved between Nora and me, taking my cock in her mouth and started sucking me. She wasn’t very good at it, choking a few times as she went too far, but she learned quickly.

Cora, with the hand and the pussy, commented one of them should keep an eye on their stepsister. Dora let my cock go for a moment and told Cora she was welcome to leave, but this was more important at the moment.

Cora seemed to agree, as did her pussy. She was wet in record time and I was convinced she’d already had her first orgasm.

“Now I want to have that big thing where it belongs,” Nora said, pulling her big boobs away from me. She walked to a big couch and lay down on it, her legs wide apart. “Sisters, watch how it is done.”

Dora let my cock go and Cora stepped away, so I walked over to where Nora lay and slipped a finger inside her. Nora groaned.

“I think this will work,” I said and lay down on her. Hiding my cock inside her was easy, she was wet and wide, and I fucked her until the couch started creaking. Nora visibly and audibly enjoyed it, but agreed to stop this round before the couch collapsed.

“Now I want you to ravish the young one,” Nora said, pointing at Cora. “How will you do that? And do it in a way we can see it properly.”

“Of course.” I pulled Cora along to a table and made her bend over it. She spread her legs. I rubbed her pussy with a hand, feeling how wet she was, and plunged my cock inside her.

Dora and Nora stood left and right, bent over, watching how my hard member slid into and came out of their youngest sister.

“Can you go faster?” Dora was working her own pussy and sounded hopeful.

I grabbed Cora’s hips and pounded faster into her. She was a lot tighter than Nora, adding to my pleasure. Wet slaps were the result.

“Stop, stop,” said Nora, holding me back. She grabbed my cock and licked it clean.

“No, don’t stop,” Cora complained. “We didn’t do that to you either, Nora!”

But Nora licked me clean before I was allowed entry into her sister again. She also announced that Dora had to lick me clean next. Cora complained again, but Nora told her to stop whining because the evening wasn’t over yet. Clearly, Nora was calling the shots around here.

As soon as Dora had my cock in her mouth, Nora decreed I would have to fuck the middle sister next. She also declared this was turning into a much better evening than she’d anticipated.

“Annoying the other kid gets boring after a while. This doesn’t.”

I grinned, knowing what the other kid was doing right now.

Dora let my cock slip and got up. “I want it in a chair,” she said, so I sat down in one of the grand chairs and she climbed on top of me. She teased me and her pussy for a while, dipping down just enough to feel it, before sliding over me. She was wet as wet could be. As she lowered herself onto my cock, a soft, squelching sound came from her pussy.

She grinned and blushed, then leaned over, putting her hands on the backrest. Her breasts moved up and down against my face as she started riding me, so I grabbed them and licked her nipples at every opportunity I saw.

Cora stood next to the chair and put a foot on an armrest. From somewhere, she’d grabbed a candle. Slowly she pushed it into herself while watching her middle sister fucking me. It was quite the view from where I was, watching the thick candle go in and come out.

“I’m… going… to… come…” Dora announced as she rode me faster and faster. Her announcement was just in time. She dropped down one more time and pressed herself against me as a spray of pussy juice left her.

She was another squirter here in Fairy Land, next to Alice and Rapunzel’s witch.

Nora snorted. “That chair will need cleaning.”

Spent, Dora got off me. “That was so good.”

“I’m next,” said Nora. She sat down on me with her back against me and bounced up and down. She was heavier than Dora, which made for a different feeling.

Cora kept working her candle. I reached out and fondled her pussy as well as I could, with Nora having fun on my cock.

Nora came faster than she wanted. She doubled over as she squeezed hard on my cock, cursing a few times, then falling over on the thick carpet, her hands between her legs. “Too soon, too soon, but so good,” she gasped.

I took Cora’s candle away from her. “You’re up next,” I said. “Facing me.”

Happily, she took Nora’s place and slammed her anxious pussy over me. She sat still for a while, eyes closed.

“This is divine,” she whispered. Then she slowly started moving. After a while, she got up, though. “I want it from behind again.” She pointed at the chair.

I got up and waited for her to kneel on the soggy seat. Her ass was inviting me, and I took it up. Slowly and deeply I fucked her. The chair bounced on its back legs at times. Cora wanted it harder so she got that.

Holding her hips, I pounded into her to the point where I feared I’d break something inside her, but she kept at it until she screamed when the orgasm of the century hit her.

A moment later, the door opened and a maid rushed in, holding a key. “What is… oh…”

Nora looked at her, while still lying on the carpet. “Shut up. Come in, close the door, and take your clothes off.”

The maid looked surprised but did as she was told.

Nora sat up and turned to me. “Do her. We will watch. There, on the table.”

“Only if she wants to,” I said. I wasn’t going to do anything without consent. That was something my Fairy Queen always insisted on, and I was with her a hundred percent.

“Oh, I want to,” the maid said, already sitting on the table, her legs apart.

I walked over to her and slipped a hand between her legs. She responded with a gasp. I pushed her down on the table, bent over, and sucked her nipples, making her breath jagged and fast.

She was wet fast, but I waited for the three sisters to gather around the table before entering the maid.

“Do it,” Nora said.

“Do you want it?” I asked the maid, to be sure.

“Yes. Now, please.” Her hands worked her pussy until Nora and Dora took and held them.

I pulled the young woman to the edge of the table and landed my cock inside her without any effort. She was so ready for it. I took my time fucking her slowly and steadily, while Cinderella’s sisters watched and fondled the servant’s breasts.

This was one of the strangest and most entertaining ways to help a fairy tale character get where she had to be.

Nora thought the servant fucking had gone on long enough at some point. “You are here for us, not for her. Do something for us now.”

The woman on the table nodded, so I pulled out.

“I have an idea,” I said. “The three of you all lean over the table, and I will walk around, doing something to one of you at a time.”

The three agreed with that. The servant wanted to leave, but I held her back. “To make this more exciting, we are going to blindfold the three of you, so you won’t be able to see who is going to get something.”

The sisters seemed very happy with that idea, so I told the naked servant to collect some of their clothes and use those things to do the blindfolding. She was eager to help, and not much later, the stepsisters all leaned over a side of the table, their eyes bound and their asses waiting.

I whispered to the servant girl to help me, by simply picking one and shoving a finger inside a pussy. “That way you can fuck them.”

She grinned and held up a middle finger, ready for action. And so we started going around the table. She fingered a sister, I fucked one, she fingered the next, I went to one and slapped a butt. The servant girl seemed to like that and started slapping too.

The sisters groaned with pleasure and sexual arousal. Nora, as was to be expected, was always the most demanding. Being the eldest, she thought she was entitled to more attention. I went to grab a thick candle and blew out the flame. Then I handed it to the servant and pointed at Nora’s pussy. With a big smile, she got to work, fucking the oldest sister with the improvised wax dildo. I wondered if Nora even noticed it wasn’t a proper cock.

At one point, I took the candle back and whispered to the maid she should leave. No one had to know she’d helped me. She nodded, gathered her clothes, and left the room.

I pulled away the socks and other bits of blindfold. “And now, ladies, I want you all to kneel on the floor in front of me. I will jack myself off and spray my stuff on your faces or your tits, whatever you want.”

The sisters didn’t need to be asked twice. Soon, three eager faces looked up at me. It was a delightful view and I gave them several moments to suck me because of the joy they actually gave me.

Until the point where I really couldn’t hold it anymore.

My stream of cum was impressive. It hit all of their faces, dripped down to their chins and breasts. I didn’t remember ever releasing this much goo. It had to be something related to Fairy Land, I assumed, as I squeezed the last drops out of me and deposited those on Cora’s tongue.

Dora wiped cum from her eye, and commented they originally had planned to harass Cinderella.

Nora slapped her sister’s ass and said this had been a much better way to spend an evening. She got up and held my cock. “I hope you can come back tomorrow,” she said, using a finger to scoop up the goo from her face and licking that.

“I can’t promise that,” I said. “I have to move on soon.”

“Do try,” Cora said. “This was so much fun.”

I promised I’d do my best. Then I removed Nora’s hand from my cock, got into my clothes, and found my way to the front door. I had no idea what the sisters would do, and that was their own business.

Walking down the streets, I found the garden where I’d borrowed the local clothes, and put them back. They needed washing again, with the cum stains. I put my own things on, which I had hidden there, and found the road back to the bushes, from where I got back to our own world.

Charmaine was waiting there. “How was it?”

“Cinderella made it in time,” I assured her.

“Good. Come. Stay with me tonight.”

Hand in hand we headed towards her little car. As we walked along, Charmaine casually suggested that I move in with her…

Published 2 years ago

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