As Father Pavel prepared his weekly sermon, his thoughts wandered to the forbidden fruit that tempted him beyond reason. Every Sunday, she sat in the front row with parted legs, so he could see the glistening treasure that made him shamefully hard.
Closing his eyes, he stroked his cock, imagining he was fucking her pussy while her ample tits bounced.
As he was about to shoot his load, Sister Rose walked in.
She quickly knelt before him to catch his thick seed in her mouth and swallowed.
Father Pavel was grateful, as always.
Sister Rose mentally thanked the redheaded harlot.
“You’re a naughty nun,” Father Pavel said as he wiped his cock on her face. “While I appreciate your delusional devotion, you’ve sinned again and must repent. Now, on your knees. You are to say ten ‘Our Fathers’ and ‘Ten Hail Marys,’ then you’ll bend over my counter so I may castigate your whorish haunches to help quell your aroused sex.”
“I’ll say the prayers, Father, but please don’t punish my backside again. I’m not aroused; I swear it.”
“I can smell your juices dripping from your ripe cunt, Sister Rose. Be a faithful servant and take your punishment like a good girl.”
“Yes, Father Pavel,” she replied subserviently. “What method will you use today?”
“Kneel, Sister, and say your prayers. You’ll see soon enough what I have planned for you.”
Pouting, she knelt and began her penance.
Meanwhile, Father Pavel went to his desk to select a ruler to use on Sister Rose. His spent cock was twitching back to life at the thought of reprimanding the naughty nun. In his heart, he knew he would be picturing the lusty redhead from church while he meted out the discipline on Sister Rose’s firm, round butt cheeks. Thank goodness this vestal virgin existed to take care of the needs stirred by the scarlet hussy who sat provocatively in the first pew, teasing him with her wanton behavior.
If he could, he’d fuck the shit out of the crimson cunt who practically dared him to ravage her week after week. But he’d lose his appointment at this very prestigious shrine and be shuffled off to some shoddy little one-room church in some desolate podunk town. So, he resisted the sultry siren and used the innocent, raven-haired novice to suppress his true desires.
He was careful. He never touched Sister Rose with his hands. Sure, he wiped his cock on her face or frock, and he had spanked her with different implements of impact, but he could truthfully say that he’d never laid a finger on her.
When she finished her prayers, he instructed her to undress completely. “You can put your clothing on the chair. Now, Sister Rose, you were very naughty when you walked in on my private time and took it upon yourself to drink my seed. For that indiscretion, you must be taught a lesson. I’ve let you off the hook with multiple warnings and given you harsh punishments, but you still haven’t learned that my manhood does not belong in your mouth.”
“Yes, Father Pavel. I’m sorry; I will repent.”
“Good girl. Now, bend over and present your bottom to me.”
“Yes, Father Pavel.”
Sister Rose felt her juices start to flow again. She knew she was a sinner and truly meant to atone each time she found herself in the priest’s quarters. But, for some reason, her body reacted like a wanton slut instead of a repentant woman of the Lord. Still, she held out hope that one of these times, his physical reprimand would sink in and prevent her from trying to be his slutty cum dumpster. If only she hadn’t developed such a taste and longing for his hot, sticky semen.
“Brace yourself, Sister Rose. You will receive ten strokes on each side for a total of twenty strokes. Your derriere will be sore for a few days, which should remind you to keep your cravings in check.”
Smack! Smack!
The first two strokes left a significant sting. Sister Rose cried out and was quickly admonished by her Pastor.
“Hush! Do you want someone to hear you? Then how would we explain your decadent deeds? I’ll have to use your panties to keep you quiet.”
Sister Rose felt a tingle in her pussy as he stuffed her white cotton briefs into her mouth. She wondered if the redheaded hussy had ever enjoyed such a quirky consequence, then laughed when it occurred to her that the big-boobed bimbo probably didn’t wear panties.
Smack! Smack!
Her moans were muffled now, which seemed to satisfy Father Pavel. Although, she suspected that he’d realize her pussy was starting to drip.
Smack! Smack!
“Your disgraceful cunt is leaking!” he chastised. “The rest of the strokes shall be twice as hard!”
A shiver of lust rippled through Sister Rose. She was sure this was heaven but didn’t dare say so.
After the final strokes on her bottom, Sister Rose came hard. She did her best to try and conceal that fact from Father Pavel, but he wasn’t stupid.
“You’re a whore, Sister Rose. A dirty, dirty whore. You seem to enjoy being punished. I’ll have to think of a clever way to rid you of your wantonness. In the meantime, you may rise and get dressed.”
Sister Rose did as she was told. However, she couldn’t help but notice that Father Pavel’s erection looked like it might burst through his trousers.
“Father, do you need further assistance?” she asked coquettishly.
He looked down at his crotch. “Christ, forgive me; I became aroused while administering your harsh consequence. You’re going to be the death of me, Sister.”
“May I make a suggestion, Father?” she asked as she straightened her habit. “Perhaps I’m not helping you to repress your sexual needs. Maybe we need to get the risqué redhead to take care of business for you so you can get her out of your system.”
Father Pavel frowned. “Are you suggesting that I have sex with that woman?”
“Actually, I was thinking we could both have sex with her. That way, we will both have our lusty libidos extinguished.”
The perplexed priest pondered this proposal for a moment.
“No one must ever know,” he said in a hushed tone.
“How and where?”
“Next Sunday, you will wait for her in the vestibule. You will ask her if she has a moment to speak with me in my office. If so, you’ll bring her along, and I will ask her if she would be willing to help us alleviate this precarious predicament.”
Sister Rose nodded and bit her tongue so she wouldn’t moan at the thought of playing with the redhead in Father Pavel’s office.
Each day, the excitement built until Sunday finally arrived. The consternated clergy clarified their roles in the plan and watched as the people filed in for mass. They began to worry that maybe the brazen beauty wouldn’t show. But sure enough, she finally took her usual place in the front pew with five minutes to spare.
Thoughts of his cock sliding into the perverted parishioner’s pussy made it difficult for Father Pavel to remain focused on his sermon. Primarily because the sultry seductress had her legs open farther apart than ever, tormenting him ruthlessly. Thank goodness his vestments obscured the raging hard-on that ached for relief.
When mass was over, Sister Rose took her place at the back of the church. As the tawdry temptress approached the door to leave, Sister laid a hand on her arm. The woman looked up, her blue eyes filled with lust, and the nun nearly lost her nerve.
“Did you need something, Sister Rose?” she asked coyly.
“I, um, that is, um, Father…”
The striking redhead, whose breast jutted out provocatively, finished her request. “Father Pavel needs to see me?”
“Yes! Yes, he does. Right away! I mean, right this way.”
Sister whisked the woman down the corridor to the priest’s office. When they entered, he looked at Sister Rose and said, “Close the door.”
There was an awkward silence until Father gestured for the woman to have a seat. He wished he could get his inner trembling to calm down. Afraid that he was going to botch things, he nodded to the nun and said, “Sister Rose has something she’d like to ask you, Miss…”
“My name is Jezzy,” the redhead purred.
“Oh, what an interesting name,” the nun remarked as she stalled. It annoyed her that making the racy request was suddenly her job.
“It’s short for Jezebel,” the woman explained as she tossed her red hair back over her shoulder.
Suddenly, Sister Rose felt brave. Certainly, a slutty harlot named Jezebel wouldn’t say no to their idea. Since the priest was still tongue-tied, she took it upon herself to blurt out, “Will you have sex with Father Pavel?”
Father Pavel looked instantly mortified, which made the nun quite cross. He would backpedal and make her look foolish; she just knew it! But before she could say another word, Jezebel shrugged and said, “Well, why do you think I’ve been flashing my bare cunt during mass?”
“Why, indeed, Miss Jezebel? Do you enjoy being naughty?” Father asked, suddenly finding his voice.
“I do, indeed! Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. I want to feel my priest’s cock in my twat.”
“That can be arranged!” Sister interjected. “But it would mean using your tongue on my whorish pussy to stop me from having such wicked, sinful yearnings. Father has tried spanking me, but that makes my cravings more profound.”
Jezzy nodded, “Sure, why not? I enjoy licking whorish pussy.” Then looked at the priest and asked, “What’s your story?”
Their eyes locked as he said, “A certain aptly-named woman shows me her naked sex week after week to tease and torment me. I try to ignore the temptation, but my cock literally aches after mass every Sunday. So, I masturbate, thinking of all the ways I want to fuck her, and this naïve novice feels compelled to allow me to deposit my spunk on her tongue.”
Jezzy laughed. “You two are quite a pair! And you both think having sex with me will purge you of your depraved desires?”
The clergyman nodded. “Yes, it will help me stop wondering what it would be like to shoot my load into your hot, juicy cunt.”
“And it will help me stop craving being spanked for my transgressions with Father,” the nympho nun added.
“Well, then, sure, I’ll play your little kinky game. Just be warned, this idea might backfire and leave you wanting more once you’ve had a taste.”
Father Pavel and Sister Rose looked at each other, then back at Jezzy. “You’re quite arrogant,” Sister Rose pointed out. “But we think we’ll take our chances.”
“As you like. Shall we schedule a time for this debased debauchery?” Jezebel inquired rather aloofly.
Sister Rose went to the door and locked it. “Now,” she said. “Now would be a good time for you to take off that tiny piece of cloth you call a dress and offer your assistance.”
Jezzy laughed, looked at her watch, and untied the sash on her dress. “Sure, now is fine. So, you want some sucking and fucking; what else did you have in mind?”
To be continued…