The Erotic Trade Show – Pt. 2

"Wondering where this journey may lead after yesterday's humiliation"

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The Erotic Trade Show

Part Two

After the ordeal on the Discipliner, and the talking to by Samantha, the remainder of the first day at the show was occupied largely by wandering from exhibit to shop to demonstration, collecting and blagging as many free samples as possible. I suspect that I was mostly in a dream world and contributed little to the general fun but I did my best not to be grumpy nor a drain on the good spirit. I do recall catching myself openly staring at Samantha whilst deep in thought.

Not everyone was planning to come back for day two but there were some larger demonstrations planned for that day and some of the more leading brands and shows were only attending for day two so most of us agreed that we’d come back again. That was the only occasion upon which Samantha spoke privately to me again that day, when she smiled and murmoured

“Great, you never know what fun might be available for a…..willing young girl”.

We had all gone out for food and quite a lot of alcohol on the way home and by the time I tumbled into bed I was under the influence of the most of a bottle of Spanish wine. I will blame that, together with with the evdns of the day, for the fact that I spent much of the night in rather vivid and somewhat embarrassing dreams of being stripped, spanked and humiliated by an array of people (including Samantha). I must confess, to my embarrasment, that I think that I stimulated myself to cuming at least three or four times before morning.

Getting up before 8am, I stood under the shower contemplating, for the first time, the events of yesterday and my decision to return to the show today. There was certainly an attraction to the idea of climbing back into bed for a few hours sleep and affording myself the opportunity to put some distance between myself and the events of yesterday. But without allowing myself to examine it too closely, I was aware of a very strong attraction to going back today and finding out what may be in store for me.

Inspired, perhaps, by some of the dreams of the night before, I extracted my black Elle Macpherson Sheer Ribbons lingerie from the drawer together with a pair of black patterned Falke stockings and a short pleated navy skirt. The skirt could look quite classy in a business environment but I was hoping it would hint towards a naughty school girl paired with a white shirt and navy cardigan and an excess of silver bangles and necklaces with a large cross hanging low. I stuck with the patent leather DMs.

Samantha was leaning against a wall in the underground tunnel at Aldgate East in the City of London where we had decided to meet. She was wearing heavily applied dark eye shadow, dark lipstick, a thin, tight fitting rib knit sweater in black and a tight black satin skirt reaching to below the knee. She completed the look with black fish nets and little stilletto heeled black leather boots. Her hair was lifted up and held by a silver slide with a large silver flower on top. She acknowledged Geri, Ellie, Chris and myself with a nod and, as she met my eyes, looked like she was suppressing a laugh at some private joke. We caught the relevant tube and had to change to the Docklands Light Railway to complete the journey and as I eventually shuffled to the door to disembark, Samantha spoke directly to me for the first time that day. In a whisper, accompanied by a gentle but definite pat on my bottom, she said

“Looking sexy…Jennifer…

So cute and sssp..ankable in that outfit!”

It was more than ten seconds before I closed my mouth. In case I caught too many flies. By then Samantha was a dozen steps ahead, chatting to Chris.

The exhibition hall was noticeably busier than yesterday, with a more urgent buzz to it even at the fairly early hour that we arrived. Kim and Marc had set up a meeting with some people who make movies and we all tagged along as it sounded fun. It was quite interesting to see a proper professional set up but after the most of an hour, Kim and Marc were entranced with specs of lenses and lights and filters and the rest of us wandered off, agreeing that we would all meet up for lunch just after midday.

I noticed that the cages that I had looked at yesterday were now occupied. Two were holding young women in lace lingerie with rather a lot of feather accessories (which I realized belatedly were a nod to birds in cages) and another two cages held bronzed and oiled young men in rather brief gold shorts and gold chains from ankle and wrist cuffs. I was ambling toward a raised podium surrounded by a growing crowd and with a presenter holding a microphone making a presentation when Samantha appeared at my side and took my arm energetcally.

“Come see what I have found”

She spoke with more fun and enthusiasm in her voice than I think I had ever heard from Samantha.

“I saw this…….and thought of YOU!”

She tugged me toward a large stall off on the far perimeter of the hall which I had not reached yesterday. As we stepped into the crammed shop exhibit I nervously looked around what seemed to be almost exclusively black leather and pvc outfits, boots, whips, cuffs and rather a lot of things which I really couldn’t identify. Yesterday had been rather extreme but it was a one time thing. I was excited, if a little fearful, by Samantha’s interest and by the thought of what she may do. But this…looked like it may be a little too extreme.

“Don’t worry sweetie…its just fun. Don’t look so scared.”

Samantha now spoke with a kindness and assurance which again took me surprise. Almost as much surpise as I felt when her hand ran up my thigh, under my skirt and on up to my bottom with the effect, I was rather sure, of flashing my panty clad backside to anyone behind me.

“It was fun trying out the exhibits yesterday. We just thought we could look at some of the things here. Nothing as extreme as that machine….

I promise.”

She smiled and tugged me across the stall to where I saw Geri and Chris already lurking and sorting through some black leather cuffs and things.

“You are such a sex kitten in that outfit.”

Samantha murmured to me, pushing me toward a large display table laden with laced cuffs, leather and PVC shapes with buckles and velcro and even padlocks. She stepped behind me and caressed my shoulders and arms.

“Hey Jennifer. You made it here too.

Sam’s right – you are looking hot hot hot today!”

Bubbled Geri. I blushed as I realised that Samantha must have been talking abut me. And that she has told the others that she thought that I looked hot!

Chris was fiddling with a black tubular shaped leather thing with laces holding it in shape and silver rings hanging off it. He had pushed his hand and arm into the tube but even opening out the laces it didn’t seem to be large enough for his arm.

“This would work with that Desperatly Seeking Susan look you have going on.”

Said Chris.

“Samanatha, wouldn’t these suit Jennifer?”

Chris held out the black leather tube which he had pulled off his arm and lifted another from the display. I looked down uncertainly as he continued to hold them out to me.


Said Samantha

“They are just leather sleeves. They will look great with your shirt, give you that hard sexy edge.”

She giggled playfully, taking my arm and sliding the leather sleeve up and past my elbow, pressing my white shirt sleeve further up my arm. My cardigan was in the way and I allowed her to open the one button I had fastened and to slide if off my shoulders and tie it carelessly around her own.

Samantha neatly folded my shirt sleeve up until it was well above my other elbow before sliding on the other sleeve and then gently tightening the laces and typing bows. The black leather sleeves were made with a cut away area at the elbow so that I could bend my arms and with separately laced parts tied in two sections above and below the elbow bend. I found myself standing quietly and obediently like a child as she dressed me. I wasn’t entirely convinced by the new look but they weren’t really terribly extreme in their appearance and I wasn’t terribly concerned.

“Ah, I see you are trying the sleeve cuffs.”

Said a black pvc clad exhibiter as she walked towards us.

“So versatile in lots of situations”

She looked at me appraisingly as I pondered what she meant by versatile. She appeared to be in her mid forties or a bit older, wearing a tight pvc bustier and skirt to just above the knee and large open fish nets with pvc knee length boots. There were items hanging from a pvc utility belt which included shiny chrome handcuffs and a whip!

“Hmm…quite a nice chest if you threw those shoulders back a little and made a bit more of it.” she said, appraising me as if I were asking for her approval.

The woman placed both hands below my breasts in what I found a most forward and intrusive way.

“Lets have a look at you.”

She turned me around to face away from her and lifted my head by the chin, pulling my hair away from my face and running her hands down my arms, gently pulling them back towards her. I felt like a child being taken in to a shop to buy a school uniform by her parents.

“Hold your head up and show us what you have to offer.”

She said pressing the small of my back, tugging my head back and then again gently tugging my upper arms back so that my chest naturally thrust forward. I felt my face flushing as I seemed to become some sort of doll to be manipulated in front of Samantha, Geri and Chris.

As I struggled to come up with a way to re-establish some degree of control over the situation without coming across as a stroppy cow, I realized something more worrying was happening behind me. There was a click and I felt my upper arms and elbows tugged together behind my back by a strap. The connection between my upper arms was long enough that it wasn’t uncomfortable but it pulled my arms so that my elbows were just behind my back with the result that my hands and forearms swung around helplessly at my sides like one of those dinosaurs in the movies. With another click, another strap connected the lower part of the cuffs on my forearms across my tummy.

This position had the effect of thrusting my chest forward in quite a humiliating fashion, something made rather worse when Samantha, smiling into my gaze, unbuttoned by blouse to well below my bra and pulled it open so that my bra encased breasts protruded from the top of the open shirt. I was glad that Elle Macpherson makes underwear which is both sexy and sensibly conservative.

“No, please, don’t….”

I complained


I squirmed and waved my useless little forearms helplessly, pulling on the strap on my elbows and trying without much success to reach up to the front of my shirt. My elbows behind my back meant I couldn’t reach.

“No NO! Little Horsey.”

Said the shop lady from behind me.

For the second time in two days my nose was pinched and a gag thrust into my mouth and secured behind my head. Is this a thing? Something my mother omitted to warn me about? This time, however, instead of a ball filling my mouth there were three fat hard rubber bars with the front one barely fitting between my lips and with some sort of fixings at the corners of my mouth. I discovered later, in a mirror, that it was made to look like a “bit” like a pony would wear in its mouth with a bridle. There were black straps going straight back around my chin and head and this time two others running up my cheeks and over the top of my ears.


I moaned, shaking my head and realizing that it probably made me look even more like a pony wearing a bridle.

“Ssshhhh…quieten down sexy pony.”

Said Samantha, playfully but not unkindly.

She reached and touched my bit gently with her finger tips. Then touching my breasts through my bra, tugging my shirt a little more open, touching my wrists and hands which flopped and flicked helplessly at my sides. Her hands dropped to my waist band, to my thighs, tugging at the hem of my skirt where I could no longer reach. She looked into my eyes and planted a tiny butterfly kiss on my forehead.

Still holding my gaze she said in a tone and a volume that made clear she was not addressing me as much as the remainder of the group of friends and the lady assistant

“What do we have in the store to make her just a tiny bit more pony?”

“Nnmmmuuuhhhhh”. I countered, shaking my head and squirming pointlessly in my surprisingly effective elbow cuffs. I was acutely aware that the noise I made whilst nodding and shaking my head was probably a most pony like action.

“Oh…I have just what we need.”

Said the pvc clad shopkeeper lady, reaching over to another display.

“One of….these…and…..umm…here we are…and this.”

She returned with a variety of black straps and a tall hairy thing that I really didn’t even want to think about.

“Now just stand here.”

She said, gripping me with a firmness which matched her tone and turning me around to stand facing the table and the main exhibition hall while she stood behind me, placing something around my neck.

She tightened a tall collar onto me which had the effect of forcing me to lift my head with my chin, tilting my head slightly back and up. I felt a downward tug on the back of the collar and at the same moment she pressed the centre of my back, bending me forward across the table.

“Bend over dear, you just need to be brave for the next couple of minutes. This will be a little unpleasant but it will be fine in a jiffy. Just hold still and behave.”

“HOLD her! Hold Her Firmly Please!”

She ordered. Geri, Chris and Samantha all seemed to lean on my back and put their legs around mine, forcing them slightly apart and stopping me from kicking or struggling.

I felt her fasten a leather belt around my waist against my bare skin, slightly above the waist band of my skirt, and then she lifted up the hem of my skirt over my bottom onto my back so that once again I found myself standing bent over in the middle of a shop with my knicker clad bottom on view to everyone in the exhibition. Including Samantha….

The woman threaded something..a thin belt.. down the inside of the back of my skirt. Just as I steeled myself for another spanking, I yelped through my gag to find she had swiftly pulled down the waist band of my panties to below my bottom and was now touching my anus.


I screamed as I pointlessly tried to struggle.

“Yes dear, I know. Just trust me and it will all be over in a jiffy”


I screamed as she pressed a hard, slippery, oily item deep into a place that it had no business being. I am not exactly an anal virgin. In fact, a finger in there can really turn me on…or indeed help get me off! I have tried anal sex with a few lads, with differing levels of success. But this was not the moment. I was most certainly not “ready” and this was some sort of butt plug thrust into me without warning or warm up (so to speak) in the middle of a shop by a stranger. In front of my friends.

I accept that it wasn’t terribly sore and it seemed to be fairly slim and well lubed. But nevertheless, this was all much too extreme for me!

Before I could really process this I was lifted to stand erect again and turned around to face the shop keeper who to my horror had now lifted the front of my skirt and was doing I knew not what. But my knickers were still at my thighs and my most private area on show. She was clearly touching and applying some sort of pressure to my pussy. I realized that the collar meant that I could not even look down and see what was happening whilst the cuffs meant that my hands could not reach below my waist.

“There we are dear….how’s that?”

I felt my panties lifted back into place as the lady stepped back to admire her handiwork whilst Geri, Chris and even Samantha seemed a little taken aback as they took in my predicament.

Below the bridle and bit, I was wearing a black padded collar of about ten or more centimetres forcing my head up and back. From the back of the collar, a strap ran straight down my back, under my white shirt, through a loop in the back of a belt around my waist, between my legs and back up to attach to the front of the belt and pulled tight enough to straighten my back. As it went down my bottom it passed through a slot in the butt plug holding it firmly in place (which was probably necessary given its slim shiney shape). However on the other end of the plug was a tall pony tail extending up to above the height of my waist before arcing out, making it impossible for the waist band of my tights or panties to come up over my bottom and holding the hem of skirt up to waist level, draping down either side of the tail.

In front, a heavily ribbed piece of rubber or laytex was pressing against my sex and protecting it from the firmly buckled strap pulling down my back and up to the belt at the front, tightening uncomfortably if I bent or even slouched.

I was forced to stand erect with my head up and my elbows behind my back, acutely aware deep in my bottom and pussy when the belt pulled and flexed. My wrists and hands flapped helplessly in front of me, elbows secured behind my back. I caught sight of Chris smirking, turned to see Samantha looking like the cat that had got the cream and then Geri who had the timerity to reach out and tug the strap at my back. In fairness I suspect that she didn’t appreciate quite how intimate that felt but it was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I reacted by screaming into the gag and kicking and tossing and struggling – to the very limited extent that I was able to do so. I grabbed what I could reach from the display table and threw it as far as I could. That is not at all that far when your arms are strapped to your sides.

“Calm down Jennifer. CALM DOWN!” said Samantha.

“Here you are Dear, dont worry. Every pony plays up at the start. You just need to break their spirit and then they will be fine.”

Said the shop lady to Samantha.

“You can’t expect to deal with a new unbroken pony without a crop.”

And without further warning I felt the sting of four hard whacks of a wide leather ridding crop across my exposed bottom. The shock brought me up short, not just the genuinely harsh sting but the realization of just how bare and exposed my bottom clearly was, with the tall pony tail arcing up out of it.

“We just need a nice set of reins and you’re fixed.”

Said the lady as she clipped a length of leather to each side of my head.

“OK – so lets take you for a little trot and see how this feels.”

Said Samanth, clucking her tongue as one would a horse and tapping my rear with her crop.

I really couldn’t believe that we were going to step off the stall with me quite this exposed. Seeing photos later, it seems that with my pants and tights pulled as high as they would go and my skirt draping down over each side of my “erect” pony tail, there wasn’t a great deal of my bare bottom visible, at least when I was standing. I suspect that it was more so as I moved. Samantha was swating my bottom harshly with the crop and was perhaps under estimating quite the level of pain and number of bruises she was causing.

I walked off the stand and allowed myself to be guided with the reins and crop through the throngs of people and back towards where we had been with the others. I could tell from their voices that Geri and Chris were with Samantha but I didn’t turn to look back. I was too humiliated but in any event the collar and bridle made it impossible in any event. Samantha was holding and tugging the reins attached to my head and “bit”.

My breasts, albeit incased in my bra, were thrust forward, my hands helplessly flapping in front of me, my head lifted up wearing a collar and bridle and a dark horses tail rising from my bottom, holding up my skirt. And my…rider?…. was guiding me with a crop on my bare bottom. Through the throngs of people in the public areas.

In the context of the exhibition and the displays surrounding us, people were probably paying limited attention. Even those admiring or even lecherous stares were from people assuming that this was some part of a sales demonstration or publicity stunt and as such generated a lot less shock or reaction that it would had they known the reality of my reluctance and confinement.

I am sure that my face was crimson with humiliation and helpless frustration. But I also knew that this level of helplessness was perhaps the greatest sexual turn on I had ever experienced. The circumstance and the constant rubbing and stimulation with each step driving me to one prolonged orgasm after another as I walked through the exhibition hall, moaning into my bridle and squirming and wriggling my bottom and my tail. whilst Samantha clearly relished the control of holding my bridle and reins, forcing me into a trot as she loudly encouraged me and copped my behind in encouragement.

That was all a few months ago. Its not easy to recover any equilibrium into friendships or relationships after going through such a public ordeal. I guess that I will never have the relationship with most of the friends that I had before if always they can bring to my mind my bare bottom being cropped and me trotting around with a tail emerging from a butt plug. But, perhaps that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

Samantha? Well we are friends. Good friends. I don’t have to dress as a pony and wear a bridle. Well….not often. And sometimes she only uses a slipper or her bare hand to give me some discipline. These days the crop is only when I have been particularly childish or disobedient. Or, of course, when she feels that I could do with a reminder.

Published 2 years ago

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