My Ménage Men 3 Sex Club Exploration

"Will Ron join this happy couple to make a threesome?"

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“Let’s try it, baby,” Max said to me, “Come on…it’s been so long since we’ve been to a sex club. I promise we’ll only do what you are comfortable with.”

I wasn’t sure we should go back to a sex club. Oh, I had thought about it, a lot, especially after we had gone to one on our staycation when we were living down south. I enjoyed going with Max back then, but things were different between us now that we had reconnected in New York. We were living together in a committed relationship, and we were in love. I didn’t want anything, or anyone, to come between us. 

Last time we went to the sex club we were just watching, not participating. I was worried if we went to this sex club and interacted with other partners before we were ready, it might ruin what we had with each other. 

Our new neighbor friend, Ron, had explained he went to this exact sex club with his ex-wife. He told us about the club and even gave us the card so we had the information. Since his relationship didn’t end well, I thought maybe Max and I weren’t ready for whatever was going on inside that club. 

I suggested to Max that we go to a strip club instead. He had been to them before, of course, and I had too. I figured if we could get comfortable together in that environment, then a sex club could be the next step.

So Max and I went to a strip club he had been to before and said was nice. We walked in holding hands and sat at a table away from the stage. I just needed to watch and get my bearings before getting too close.

We had some drinks, and I told Max I should buy him a lap dance. I saw every other table had girls doing that. Max did not object. I requested it when the next worker came by our table.

The girl took my money and said someone would be by soon. A sexy curvy brunette walked over to us, well to Max, naked except for a g-string.

“Hi baby,” she said. Fuck, don’t say that! That’s MY name for MY man. I tried not to glare at her like I wanted her to go far away, but that’s how I felt. It wasn’t just the words she used, it was how Max responded to her words that immediately made me want to throat-punch her. But I resisted that urge. 

She climbed on Max’s lap straddling him, wrapped her fingers in his gorgeous wavy hair, and started whispering in his ear. Fuck. I moved closer to them, and he put his hands on her ass. I choked a little and tried to hide it. Max looked at me and winked. What did that mean? What was he thinking? I was so not good with this, even though I wanted to be understanding, for him.

After a couple of minutes, she climbed off of him and stuck her waist out at him. He put a few dollars in her g-string. Great… I smiled weakly as she walked away.

“Thanks, baby,” Max said and kissed me as she walked away.

“You’re welcome,” I managed.

“I just wanted that to be you the whole time…” he said, “You do that, and better.” I smiled. That was a good thing for him to say.

“You are good to me,” I said, kissing him. That was true.

“Maybe you would enjoy that more if you were a part of it?” Max asked.

“Maybe,” I lied. I didn’t want any woman to touch him ever. Why couldn’t I just tell him that? Because I was a hypocrite.  I loved to have other men’s hands, and their everything else, on me. Why couldn’t I enjoy the opposite? I loved Max. I trusted Max. I just couldn’t figure out how to give this to him.

“They have rooms…” he said. He looked so excited about doing this, I just couldn’t say no. Even though I didn’t know if it was something I could do.

“Ok,” I offered. Max spoke to the next worker who came by and arranged everything. I smiled but didn’t say a word. I so wanted to make him happy. A few minutes later a girl came back to show us to the back room. Max held my hand and smiled. He had no idea I didn’t want this. I didn’t have the heart to tell him, he looked so happy. 

We arrived in the back room and this woman started immediately stripping. Max looked at me with a what now look, but I didn’t know what to expect.

I smiled so they would think everything was ok. Then she turned her attention to Max, grinding her naked body against him. Although he was still clothed, I cringed inside. She kissed him, and I felt panic in my chest and throat. I tried to swallow it.

When her hands moved to her ass and she moaned, I swallowed thinking I was going to die of a heart attack. I felt my panic rising. The tears flowed, and I couldn’t stop them. I tried to be silent so Max wouldn’t notice my awful reaction. I wanted him to enjoy this, and I knew it was wrong of me to even want to stop it. I needed to support his fantasies and desires too.

She rubbed her hard nipple along his lips, and I must have made a sound because Max finally looked at me. He let go of her and came over to me.

“What, baby?” he asked, “Are you ok?”

“Yes,” I lied, not able to hide my tears. 

“No you aren’t!” he said, “You don’t want this? Why didn’t you just say so?”

“I want it if you do, baby,” I said. “Maybe I just can’t watch it. I’ll just leave. That would be better because I’m going to throw up or pass out or both. I just can’t share you. I’m sorry. It’s wrong of me. I know that. I just don’t know what to do.”

“Not this,” Max said definitively, picking up his shirt and putting it back on. “We aren’t going to do this! We only do what we both feel comfortable with. Always. No compromise.”

“No baby,” I said, “Keep going, I’ll just figure out how to deal with it. I will.”

“No!” he said, more demanding, “This isn’t what I want. I thought you did.”

He thanked the girl, and we left the room. Once we were outside and walking on the street, I started crying again. I didn’t want to, but I couldn’t hold it back.

“Oh baby,” Max said as he stopped walking and put his arms around me, “why didn’t you just say something to me?”

“I thought you wanted that,” I said, “I’d do anything to make you happy.”

“Lie to me?”  he accused, “That won’t ever make me happy.”

“I didn’t lie…I…” I started.

“You didn’t tell me how you were feeling,” he said, “same thing.”

“No…I…” I tried to find the words. “I don’t know what I’m doing…maybe you should leave me.” I had never had that thought. Ever. And as soon as I said it, I felt panic again. What if he said ok?

“Never,” he said, pulling me closer and kissing me. Whew!

“I’m sorry,” I said, “I love you, baby, and I can’t live without you. I just feel bad. I want to give you all of your sexual desires. All of them.”

“But you have,” he said, “It’s you. You are everything I desire. And everything that turns you on, turns me on. I can’t explain it all in words. It just is. I don’t want you to forget that’s why we are having adventures. It’s fun for both of us. Don’t ever…” I saw him swallow. He was getting choked up too. 

“I understand now, baby,” I said, “I’m sorry I didn’t before.”

After our misunderstanding at the strip club, I was determined to make our trip to the sex club better. Our friendly voyeur neighbor Ron, suggested the club to us, and I thought it might be more our speed. I figured a place where there were women and men, as well as different poly combinations, would be more comfortable for me. Then anything goes without expectation or judgment. I figured I could be comfortable in that kind of environment. Of course I couldn’t help but smile at the thought that I have numerous holes, and I could cum lots of times. It just made sense to me to have more than one man to please me. 

“Are you sure?” Max asked as we were entering the sex club.

“Yes, baby,” I said, “we’re just going to do what feels right, for both of us.” I held his hand. It had been a few weeks since our failed attempt to have fun at the strip club.

“Exactly,” Max said, kissing me. We were dressed to kill. Max in a sleek black shirt and trendy jeans, and me in a sexy black dress with no undergarments.

We made small talk with the woman at the front desk who checked us in and gave us an overview of what they had there. It was wild to hear about the kinky layout. Gang bang rooms, all girls rooms, all guys rooms, and on and on. Then she asked how we heard about the place. We told her our neighbor Ron told us about it. She described him, and I said yes that was him. She told us that he was here tonight and my heart sped up. I hadn’t thought about that scenario. Maybe tonight he would do more than just watch us have sex. Would Max be ok with that? It sure seemed like he was open to the idea. 

We went in and started to look around the club. Everything was surprisingly clean and well-lit where it needed to be, but dimly lit where it should be. We peeked in a few rooms, but I couldn’t stay in any of them. There were combinations of people having sex, pleasuring others with their mouths, and masturbating. It was very real, and very raw sex. It was hot, but also overwhelming. Maybe I wasn’t ready. I decided I needed a drink to calm my nerves, so we headed to the bar.

After a couple of drinks, I loosened up. Max and I were joking and laughing with the bartender and the other people at the bar with us. I was definitely feeling more comfortable. Then I saw him, Ron. We locked eyes. He headed right over to me. I tapped Max on the shoulder to alert him.

“It’s ok, baby,” Max whispered when he saw Ron. Max slid his hand down my back to calm me. “Hey!” Max said as Ron approached. They shook hands.

“Look at you!” Ron said to me, planting a big kiss on my cheek, “I’m so glad you guys came.” I laughed since we had been here for a while and hadn’t cum. I wondered if Ron had cum already? And with who, or what combination of people. This place made me have some bizarre thoughts.

“We have had a good time at the bar,” Max said, “but the rooms have been a little intimidating for us.” Thank you Max for putting it all out there.

“I get that!” Ron said, “When I first came with my wife, we had no idea what to do!”

“So how did you start?” I asked and immediately wished I could take it back. It was an invasive question, and he was divorced now so clearly it wasn’t a good move, right? I hated making people uncomfortable. 

“We started in a room that was mostly empty,” Ron said, “that helped.” Well, that made sense.

“Sounds like we need a tour guide like you!” Max said and we all laughed.

“I’m happy to help whenever you’re ready,” Ron said. We ordered another round of drinks. 

Once  we finished our drinks I said to Ron, “I’m ready.”

“Me too,” Ron said, grabbing his cock in his pants and laughing. I laughed too, reaching for Max’s cock.

“Oh,” I said, “he’s not yet. Let’s go find some fun!”

“Baby…” Max said looking into my eyes, “Are you sure?”

“Yes baby,” I said, “let’s give it a try!”

“Let’s go!” Ron said as Max and I followed. We walked around with Ron telling us about each area. After having a few drinks, I found everything more humorous and less intimidating.

“So what are you into?” Ron asked me, “Besides being watched…” he smiled knowingly.

“Before I reconnected with Max I was with two men at the same time,” I blurted without thinking. Maybe I shouldn’t tell Ron all of my kinky desires?

“Really?” Ron smiled. Did he think I was asking him to join Max and me? Was I? 

“Is that something you want to do Max? Share her?” Ron said not holding back. 

“I never have,” Max said, “but yes, it’s something I’ve been thinking about. A lot lately.”

“Do you want sex with the man who joins your threesome too?” Ron asked.

“No,” Max said, “I think I’m just into knowing that another guy wants my hot woman so much but she’s mine. And I don’t think I’m bisexual, although I have no problem with it.” Wow, Max was feeling comfortable with the lingo. I smiled. Had I corrupted him, or had I just let him feel comfortable to let it out? Either way, he was making me hot.

“Good to know,” Ron said, “Let’s find the right room for you two.”

“Ohhhh,” Ron said as he opened the door to a room, “Good timing…”

I didn’t understand. “What?” I asked.

“At least once a night they clear out and clean up a room for a new crowd,” Ron explained, “No one is here yet.”

“So?” Max asked.

“This is a watching room,” Ron said, “one bed in the middle in the spotlight and everyone else is around the outside in the dark doing their thing. Sometimes even calling out requests.”

“Sounds fun,” I said, remembering the room Max and I had been in at the sex club we went to. It was so fun watching the couple on the bed have sex while the rest of us watched and got off, me included. 

Max and I looked around the room. Ron took my hand and led me up the three stairs to the round bed.

“This is your stage, Miss,” he said, “What do you want to do?”

“Have my boyfriend fuck me?” I said nervously.

“Perfect,” Ron said, turning to Max,  “Are you up for it bud?

Max climbed up the stairs and took me in his arms. “For this angel, I’d do anything.” He kissed me and I lit up.

“Yes, baby,” I said.

“Go,” said Ron, “make love just like you do at home. Pretend no one is here. I’ll be the first one in your audience.” He left the bed and went into the shadows of the room.

“Yes, baby?” I said sitting on the bed pulling Max to me. He answered by kissing me and climbing on top of me on the bed. We kissed and groped while rolling around on the bed. At first, I laughed, but then I got turned on. My dress was not covering much below my waist anymore.

“Oh yeah,” Ron called out. I liked hearing him. It helped me be more comfortable being on stage.

“Mmmm,” Max said, grabbing my naked ass and squeezing it.


“Sweet,” we heard a girl’s voice say. Oh, someone else had joined us in the room. Shit.

“You’re so hot, baby,” Max said to help calm me. He knew I enjoyed being watched, but he also knew I would sometimes get too into my head and distract myself from being present in the moment. 

“You are,” I said back. I pulled his shirt off, and I immediately heard a little squeal. Shit. Women would be out there lusting after my man. Well, they should. He’s hot. And the best part is he’s mine. All mine. I’d have to try to have enough faith and trust that he only wanted me. Even though it was hard for me to believe. 

“It only matters what you think, baby,” he said, knowing exactly what I needed to hear. He took off my dress so I was naked other than my sexy high heels.

“I think I want to see your cock, baby,” I said, “I hope you’re hard and ready for me.” I was pretty sure he would be, but it was still fun anticipating seeing his beautiful cock. Max took off his jeans and underwear, and sure enough he was rock hard for me.

“Oh baby,” I said, reaching for him. I pulled him back down on the bed with me.

“How do you want me, baby?” he asked. I knew that was for the audience. He never said that to me before.

I rolled over, got up into doggie style and said, “Punish me, please. I’ve been a bad girl.”

“Oh really?” he asked. I loved how he was checking with me every step of the way. He was the best person I’d ever met. I was sure that no one had ever loved me as much as he did. That made me so happy and so hot for him at the same time.

“Oh baby,” I said loud enough for everyone to hear, “let them decide when each spank happens.”

“You heard her,” Max said to anyone now watching, “You say the word again and she’ll say yes if she wants more. I heard someone say yessss. I thought the same thing. Good one, baby, I thought. Max was so much better at all of this than me. 

“Ready, baby?” Max asked me.

“Yes,” I said, knowing I’d be saying yes a lot now. I loved this. I felt and heard the slap on my ass.

“Again?” I heard someone say, and I thought it was Ron’s voice.

“Yes,” I said, immediately feeling Max’s spank.

“Again?” I heard someone else say.

“Yes,” I said eagerly. Slap. Oh, the tingle was spreading. I was breathing hard.

A few seconds later I heard, “Again?” I waited to answer. I was relishing in the tingle spreading.

“Yes,” I finally offered. Slap on the same cheek. Then, as I predicted, Max caressed my burning ass cheek to survey his work.

“Oh!” I breathed, “Good welts, baby?” I asked.

“Yes,” he said loudly, then he leaned down and whispered to me, “I’m going to have Ron come up and spank you too, okay?”

“Yes,” I whispered.

“Ron?” Max called into the dark audience.

“Yes?” Ron said.

“It’s audience participation time,” Max said, “come up here.” I heard a few oohs and ahhhs. Max was good at this. Max was good at everything. What did I ever do to deserve him?

I saw Ron come into the light and walk up the steps to the bed. He was naked and his cock was standing at attention. I had seen his cock before but only from afar. He was a little longer than Max and wider. I thought about what he would feel like stuffed in my pussy.

“This one,” I heard Max say to Ron. He was positioning Ron to punish my other ass cheek. 

“Now,” Max said and I heard the slap of Ron’s hands.

“Harder,” I whispered for Ron’s sake.

“Really?” Ron whispered to Max.

“Yes,” Max said, “but wait for her to say yes after someone says again.”

“I didn’t hear you..,” Max said to the audience.

“Again?” a girl called.

“Yes,” I said and felt Ron’s hand on my ass, harder this time. He was a good listener, and oh how I loved a man who could obey. 

“Mmmmmmm” I offered involuntarily.

“Again?” I heard a deep voice ask.

“Yes,” I said immediately. I wanted Ron to make the tingle spread everywhere. Slap. 

“Again?” I heard the same deep voice. I imagined he was stroking his cock watching or maybe his girl was stroking him.

“Yes,” I answered. Ron’s slap.

“Again?” someone said.

“Yes,” I said. Slap.

“Again?” someone said.

“Yes,” I said. Slap.

“Again?” someone said.

“Yes,” I said. Slap.

“Again?” someone said.

“Yes,” I said. Slap.

“Ok,” I heard Max say and I looked back to see him grab Ron’s arm. “She doesn’t know when to stop,” Max whispered to Ron. Max put Ron’s hand over my ass cheek so he could inspect his work.

“Oh yes,” I said. Ron caressed my ass and felt the welts beginning to rise. The caress helped spread the tingle. My clit was on fire now.

I was nervous about having Ron so close. Watching from afar was one thing, but having him up close was another. Max kissed me. 

“Do you need something, baby?” he asked, knowing I was ready to fuck.

“Your cock?” I asked.

“How about Ron’s?” he offered. He really did want to share me. I thought he might be doing it just for me, but I was starting to believe he truly got turned on by it too.

“I… Um… yes?…” I looked down at Ron’s cock. It was standing at attention and ready for whatever was going to happen next. When I looked back up, his eyes were watching my eyes and then we were locked in a gaze.

“Yes, what?” Ron asked moving his hand to slip his fingers in my hair and lightly fist it at the base of my neck.

“Oh!” I screamed, liking his forcefulness. “I like… I want…” I couldn’t find the words or the thoughts to figure out where this was going next.

Ron brought my lips to his, stopped just short of the kiss and said, “This? You want me to kiss you?”

“Yes,” I breathed. I had not kissed anyone new since reconnecting with Max. Ron’s lips were touching mine softly and then with more urgency. His tongue found mine, and I liked this new kiss. I got lost in this kiss. As I pulled away from the kiss, I opened my eyes. When I saw Ron I panicked a little. It wasn’t Max, and I wanted Max. I wasn’t ready for Ron.

I turned to see Max right there, so I reached for him and shakily said, “Baby?”

Ron let go so I could go to Max. He wrapped me in his arms.

“I’m here baby,” Max said.

“I need you,” I said, “I’m not ready for…” I couldn’t say it. I needed Max to know I was his.

“I’m sorry,” Ron said, “I can go…”

“No,” I said, turning to Ron while still in Max’s arms. “Stay here and watch if you want. I’m just not ready for you to join. Yet.” Ron smiled at the word yet.

Max and I laid back on the bed and were frantic in our intensity. First Max slammed into me missionary style on the bed, and I screamed with pleasure. Then I rolled him over so I could ride him. I sat up in cowgirl position, and Ron moved so he was on his back next to Max. I could do this.

“You like watching me fuck him. Don’t you?” I teased Ron looking in his eyes. He had watched us before, but now he was right here with us and could hear us too.

“Yes,” Ron breathed, stroking his cock. I could see the precum glistening on the tip. He rolled his thumb over it to get his cock more slick. I sucked in my breath watching him do that.

“You like watching her cum. Don’t you?” Max said, turning his head to the side to look at Ron.

“Fuck yes,” Ron said, quickening his strokes. I could hear the slick sounds on his cock now. Max rocked my hips back and forth on his cock harder.

“Are you going to cum for him, baby?” Max asked.

“Yes…” I moaned leaning my head back so Max’s cock could touch my g-spot as the base hit my swollen clit just right.

“Shit yes,” Ron said, “cum!” I couldn’t hold back after hearing his request.

“Yes! Oh! Yes!” I screamed and rocked, “Oh I’m cumming! Yes! Oh! Fuck!” My g-spot climax made my whole body tingle almost like I was going to faint. It rose so high and crashed so long. My pussy squeezed around Max’s cock.

“Yes baby,” Max said, “Squeeze my cock. Oh! Oh! Yes!” And I heard his grunt and felt him stiffen. I was nearing the end of my climax so I could open my eyes. I saw his mouth open as he bucked with his waves of orgasm. I looked over at Ron and he was watching us as he stroked his rock-hard cock.

“Oh!” I heard Ron. He bit his lip and hissed. “Fuck! Yesssss!” I saw the cum shoot out as he stroked and grunted too.

“Mmmm,” I moaned. I liked that they both came because of me. I tried to look around the outer edges of the room remembering again that others had watched too. Some of them may have cum or might be cumming, but I couldn’t see with the lights in my eyes.

This all had started with Ron watching us at home and now others were watching our kinky three-person setup. I smiled in awe at the turn of events I never would have imagined. 

“What?” Ron asked.

“Thank you,” I said leaning over to kiss Ron with Max’s softening cock still inside me. This was still sex, just not actual intercourse with Ron. Maybe someday I’d be ready for that.

“No,” Ron said, “Thank you for letting me join.” Then I moved to kiss Max. He was the one who made this possible.

The three of us got dressed and left the private room to head over to the bar. We each had water and an alcoholic drink to calm us down after a very sexually charged evening. I needed my brain to slow down and stop thinking of all the new scenarios involving Ron joining Max and me. It was exciting to think about, but I knew taking it slow was the way to go to ensure we didn’t do anything anyone regretted. 

As the three of us sat together enjoying our drink and talking, it all seemed so normal, even though our evening had been quite different from anything I had ever experienced. The fact that all of us still felt comfortable with each other was very important to me. It added even more to the complete satisfaction that I still felt from the mind-blowing sex that just happened. The smile stayed on my face even after Max and I arrived home. 

When Max and I were in bed I confessed to him, “I don’t know if I can let in anyone new. It’s one thing to talk about past times or for people to watch. But it’s a whole other thing for them to join. Maybe I can’t let in someone new because I never want anyone new again.” Max listened patiently while holding me wrapped up in his arms. 

“You can have anyone new you want,” he said, “They’ll never have you all to themselves because I’m never letting you go.” That was the most perfectly sweet thing he could have said. I loved Max for everything he was, especially how he unconditionally accepted me. 

Published 2 years ago

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