“Oh my God,” Lexi said, sitting topless on her bed. She had cleaned the cum off her face and out of her mouth. “I still can’t believe that happened.”
Maddy was trying not to laugh again. Her initial empathy for her friend and the shock had run its course.
As she looked through her class schedule, she could not believe it had happened either. But because it hadn’t happened to her, she couldn’t help but see the humor in the situation.
“I mean, he saw me with a dick in my mouth,” Lexi said. “and my hand up my snatch.”
“Uh…We all did…Yeah, you did look like you were enjoying yourself,” Maddy said. She was done mapping out her classrooms and started to get dressed. She pulled a big black strapless shirt over her boobs.
Lexi showered and brushed her teeth again. When she left the bathroom in her towel, Maddy was sitting at her laptop. After Lexi picked out her outfit, she plopped down on the bed again and stared at the floor.
“Shit,” Lexi said, thinking about the nonplussed look on Andy’s face. “I still can’t believe that fucking happened.”
Lexi thought back to the humiliated feeling she felt when she saw Andy and Maddy.
She was actually staring into Andy’s eyes, while his jaw hung open under his mustache and she had a dick in her mouth. Cum was literally leaking out of her cheeks, as she pulled a long penis from her face and retreated to her sanctuary of invisibility.
“It happened, bitch,” Maddy said, smiling, without looking at Lexi.
“How long were you two standing there?” Lexi asked. She was still trying to gauge how much of a slut she must look like in Andy’s eyes.
Maddy thought for a second.
“Sometime after he started cumming, but before he finished,” she said thoughtfully.
Lexi buried her face in her hands and groaned while kicking her feet.
“But get dressed slut,” Maddy said. “We need to find our classes. At least you got yours last night.”
They both laughed.
“Sounds like you let Andy,” Lexi said, livening up after her friend’s teasing.
“What?” Maddy asked. “No. I didn’t let him fuck me.”
“I meant your shower. You let him shower with you?” Lexi said, pointedly. “You’ve never done that, right? You love your showers.”
“How’d you remember that?” Maddy said. She was pulling on some booty tight jeans shorts, hopping in order to get them to cover her ass.
“Stacey’s end-of-the-year party,” Lexi explained. She also put on some jean shorts with frayed edges but she wore a hot pink t-shirt and a sports bra. “The ‘Never had I Ever’ we played. You were way too drunk by that round.”
“Oh riiiiight,” Maddy said. “I got fingered by Jonathan at that party.”
“Oh, so just like last night then,” Lexi said and they both grabbed their things laughing. She was brought back to earth a little by a sobering thought. “Ugghh. I bet they are laughing about us right fucking now.”
“They definitely are,” Maddy said as they left the suite. “Assholes.”
“Bro, I still can’t believe that fucking happened!”
The two freshman boys were exuberant with laughter. They had not stopped talking about last night since they left O’Bannon. They were playing Soul Calibur in their apartment’s common room.
“That was hilarious,” Andy said. “I mean legendary first dates.”
“Hall of Fame for sure,” Byron agreed.
“We walk out of the bathroom and you’ve got this bitch by the head,” Andy laughed. He put his controller in front of his groin and gripped it tightly. “Your dick is in her mouth. And you just… HGYUUUGGGGHHHHHH!”
He thrust his hips forward on the couch dramatically. He stiffened his left leg as he mimed the orgasm. He started jiggling and shaking his foot and grunting as he completed his impression. Byron was laughing hysterically.
“Cum all down her fucking jaw. Fucking legend.”
“Man if you two hadn’t come out of the bathroom, I would’ve fucked the everloving shit outta that girl,” Byron said, shaking his head, smiling.
“I believe it,” Andy laughed. “I believe it.”
“And what about you,” Byron said, slapping Andy’s arm. “Soapin’ up those TITTIES! So tell me, whose idea was it; to go to the shower?”
Byron had changed his voice to match his journalism major.
“She wanted to shower when we got up.”
“Uh-huh. Uh-huh…And this was… uh…before or after she… slobbered all over your johnson-rod there?”
“After, although she did suck my cock in the shower as well.”
“I see and you came on her tits? In her mouth? What?”
“All over,” Andy said. “In her mouth. On her tits. Everywhere.”
Byron grimaced and punched the air several times.
“Oh…I love cumming down a chick’s throat,” Byron said fondly. “All in her mouth. Make her taste that shit.”
“Not better than cumming in that bitch’s pussy,” Andy said.
As the game wore on, they continued talking about the night while smoking. They had chosen Ivy vs Taki in honor of Maddy’s huge tits.
“What color were Maddy’s nipples?”
“Man, how did you know she had pink nipples?” Andy asked seriously.
“I fuckin’ knew it!”
The raucous laughter wore on.
“She has a thing about her nipples too,” Andy said.
“What do you mean?” Byron asked. “Like they were sharp and pointy?”
“No,” Andy said, then he laughed when he thought about Byron’s question. “No, they turn her on, though.”
“Yeah?” Byron said.
“Yeah, like as soon as I started rubbing on them, she was ready to roll over for me. She was slapping my cock against her nips when we were in the shower.”
“I still can’t believe you showered with her,” Byron said.
Byron was continuously beating Andy at the fighting game. Andy never got mad, but he was growing frustrated with characters who let him down.
“Did you hear her fucking boyfriend call?” Byron asked.
“Lexi’s? Heh, yeah I did,” Andy laughed. “I didn’t know what was going on til Maddy told me. Then I remembered, you said you thought she had a boyfriend.”
“Lil slut,” Byron laughed along.
“So…what? You were twisting her clit, while they were talking about school?”
“I mean…Basically.”
They could not stop talking and laughing about the evening.
“This is the kind of shit you dream about when you are in high school,” Byron said.
“Yeah, motherfucker. Now let’s call ’em up. Bring them over here, get some drinks, and fuck the shit out of ’em tonight?”
“Well, we probably wanna pump the brakes on that,” Byron said, looking around at the man-sized trash pit that was their college apartment.
Andy stopped dead while selecting his character.
“What? I mean, I feel like we should try to fuck ’em before class starts right?” he asked. “Before they see any other fucking dudes on campus.”
“Oh we’ll fuck ’em…if we do it right. But you don’t just wanna call ’em up.
“Look if we go over there now; they are going to be trying to avoid another embarrassing situation,” Byron said, still staring at the TV. “Are you picking someone or what?”
“Sorry,” Andy said, as he selected Kilik.
“It was funny as hell for us, but Lexi is probably mortified,” Byron continued as the match started. “So they may be trying to pull a night of no sex together—kind of a pact thing. They may not even want us to come over; or maybe they won’t drink. They know we wanna fuck. So we wanna show a little more finesse.
“We also don’t wanna fall into the goose trap,” Byron continued, as Andy listened.
“What’s the goose trap?”
“That’s where you get the best friend on, like the lookout,” Byron said. “They’ll be like…trying to watch out for their friend. Making sure they don’t do anything stupid. Basically, a self-appointed cockblock.
“Lexi will by now have told Maddy all about how fucking embarrassed she was,” Byron continued. “If Maddy with the Double Ds is a good friend, she’ll be trying to cockblock.
“At the very least, she’ll be trying to prevent you from watching me fire a hot one down her friend’s throat, two nights in a row.”
Andy choked mid-inhale of the blunt.
“So look, Maddy is coming off …a lil bougie. Lexi legit seems like she just wants everyone to see her with a man. She doesn’t miss her boyfriend. She misses people talking about her and her boyfriend.”
“Okay…so what do we do…?”
“Bro… What time is it?” Byron asked as he grabbed his phone.
Maddy and Lexi were having a great time exploring their new campus. Lexi had two classes near the stadium and one in the sports science lab.
Most of Maddy’s classes were in the business building. But the two had signed up for a marketing class together, as it matched both their curriculums.
They had eaten breakfast and spent the whole day outside. Both ladies had their fair share of fresh and horny college hunks paying them attention.
Lexi and Maddy liked to see who could get the most phone numbers between the two of them. While they took numbers from guys, they always gave out fake numbers that led to a prank line or to the police station.
Lexi was getting hungry, as they moved back toward the center of campus. She was about to ask what they should eat, when her phone rang.
“Ugglllhhh!” She put her face to the sky, when she saw who was calling on the phone.
“Whose that?” Maddy asked. “Not Alan?”
Lexi sighed and then half-glared at her friend.
“It’s Byron.”
Maddy gasped …
“Really? Oh Shit. What are you gunna say?” she asked.
Lexi mouthed the words ‘I don’t know’ to her friend, as she answered casually.
Maddy engrossed herself in Lexi’s demeanor.
‘What would Byron say? Is he going to apologize? Is he going to be a total jerk? What did he tell Andy? How much did Andy tell Byron?’
“Hey, Lexi.”
“Did you find all your classes okay?” Byron asked, as he nodded to Andy, who was mouthing a blowjob sign.
“Um…Yeah,” said Lexi, taken aback. “Yeah …I’ve got a few classes in the stadium, so that’s pretty cool.”
“That is cool. I need to get over and see that stadium. It’s supposed to be really well done and rebuilt right?”
“Yea…um…what about you?” Lexi asked. She shrugged at Maddy, who was looking for visual cues in her friend’s face. “Did you look for your classes?”
“No, um … I actually just came from the city,” Byron said. “That’s kind of why I called.”
“Oh, what do you mean?”
Lexi had no idea where this was going. She wanted badly to help out Maddy, who was clearly dying to get information. But she did not know how to communicate her own confusion.
“Well I saw the mall and… remembered you said you needed to grab some things,” Byron said. “Kind of thought that could be fun, ya know?”
“Oh…you mean, like with me?” Lexi said, then she glanced at Maddy. “Just me?”
“Yeah, sorry. I know it’s early—in the year, I mean. So, I’m sorry if this is coming off way too awkward,” Byron said.
“No, it’s the perfect amount of awkward. I understand, sorry, I just wasn’t really expecting anything like that,” Lexi said.
She was trying to think about what she needed from the mall. But her brain, it seemed, couldn’t picture anything, but the last time she actually saw Byron.
She was laying with her head on his lap, staring into his deep brown eyes, with his huge dick leaking cum into her mouth.
“Well basically, I thought you’d maybe like to go to the mall with me, if you weren’t too busy,” Byron said. Andy was still making blowjob faces and gestures. He was looking for anything phallic in order to mime fellacio; a Pringles can, the TV remote, a Snickers bar.
“Look,” Byron said, with a voice that did not crack, even as Andy began poking himself in the face with two Gatorade bottles. “I know things got kinda crazy last night. Especially this morning but um…”
“Yeah…” Lexi was looking at Maddy and waiting for her own reaction to Byron’s words.
“I had fun, you know?” Byron continued. “Before, ah, before all that, and I think you are fun to talk to.”
“Oh yeah,” Lexi said. That was not what she thought he would say. “No, um, I did too.”
“Great, okay. Well, would you like to meet at the mall and see what’s up? I’m kinda hungry. I don’t know if you’ve eaten.”
“I…Yeah. That sounds great,” Lexi said, gaining her composure as she made up her mind. “I’m hungry too. I don’t have a car though.”
“I can swoop you,” Byron said, happily.
After they made plans to meet in fifteen minutes, she hung up the phone and stared nonplussed at Maddy.
“What happened?” Maddy asked.
“He …asked me to go to the mall with him,” Lexi said.
“Oh.” Maddy was just as taken aback by this news as Lexi was. “Um, so you are meeting him now, then?”
“Yeah…I guess I’m getting food with him. You’re gonna be alright?”
“Yeah, I’ll just get a salad from the Cafe,” Maddy said, struggling to hide the look of disappointment on her face.
“I’m sure we won’t be long,” Lexi said, reading her friend. “Maybe Andy will call. Maybe…you should call him.”
“Yeah…” Maddy said. “Maybe or…if he doesn’t, you know …it’s whatever.”
“Yeah. Okay. I should run to the dorm and get ready.”
They hugged and split up along the sidewalk.
“And try to keep Byron’s dick out of your face, m’kay Lex!” Maddy yelled, as her friend jogged toward their dorms.
“Yeah, and you keep your titties in your shirt today, bitch!” Lexi called back over her shoulder, as she ran by another couple walking up from O’Bannon.
“Okay,” Byron said after hanging up. “How much money ya got?”
“A lot,” Andy said.
“Of Zeros,” Andy finished.
“You kiddin’ me?” Byron asked.
“Nope. I told you my parents are broke. I need to find a job on campus. Why?”
“Because we need to divide and conquer,” Byron said. “Okay, if I give you three hundred dollars can you pay me back?”
“Yeah, probably.”
“Okay…wait probably? No probably. Can you pay me back?”
“By when?” Andy asked. “What do I need it for?”
“By whenever and ’cause if you do what I say, you’ll probably get laid,” Byron said. “But I need my money back.”
“If I don’t get laid, do I get to keep the money?” Andy asked.
“No. Hell no,” Byron said, shaking his head. “Look. Lexi just wants to be seen. Maddy wants to be wanted. This is what we should do.”
As the day wore on, new and returning students alike took advantage of the last day before classes began. All over campus, students were having sex.
Donald, a freshman computer science nerd, was sinking his dick into the wet hairy pussy of a senior black liberal arts major. It was Donald’s first black pussy and Janice’s first white dick. She’d only planned to suck him off, but she was surprised when he pulled out a fat nine-incher and didn’t hesitate to bend over her own desk, in her campus apartment.
In Governor’s Hall
Cynthia, a freshman dental hygiene major, was getting her teeth whitened by a big splash of cum from her cousin’s boyfriend, Dylan. When Cynthia learned her cousin was going to DePauw, Cynthia knew she’d have an opportunity to get what she’d always wanted. Dylan had no qualms about giving it to her, especially when she took off her blouse to reveal her fat round titties. His girlfriend’s cousin could suck his dick all year, if she wanted.
On the top floor of Ruston
A physics major named DeShaun and his black and Asian girlfriend Keylani, convinced Keylani’s roommate, Margaret, to try out a big black cock for the first time. Margaret and Keylani, two philosophy freshmen, were now making out. Keylani was sitting on DeShaun’s face, while Keylani’s brunette roommate came all over his black dick.
And Dina, a reluctant criminal justice major was on her back getting aggressively fucked by a future mechanical engineer for Nasa, named Steve. The short-haired blonde freshman hadn’t exactly given her consent and she was disrobed rather forcefully by the senior. He knew exactly which buttons to press to make her protests melt away. She certainly looked like a willing participant now, with her pink Scooby Doo socks flopping in the air, while Steve repeatedly drove his dick into her clean-shaven cunt.
Lexi was waiting on the sidewalk in the parking lot. She had changed into a cute flowery top, with blue jeans and a brown belt that matched her purse. She completed the outfit with some sunglasses and tennis shoes. She knew she looked hot.
She had just realized she didn’t know what kind of car Byron drove, when a black Dodge Charger pulled up in front of her.
“Hey gorgeous,” Byron called, from the driver’s seat.
“Whoa,” she said quietly, staring at the shine on the new car. ‘This guy continues to impress.’
“Nice car,” she said, after he kissed her and they sped off toward the highway. They enjoyed their short drive, listening to music and laughing until they arrived at Eastland Mall.
Byron bought them a couple of steak burgers and they got down to shopping. Lexi was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to talk to him, especially after the events of last night.
‘Not to mention this morning,’ she thought.
They seemed to like the same types of movies, they both liked sports and they found out they had similar majors.
“So you’re going to write reports about sports, and I’ll be…reporting on sports,” Byron laughed, as Lexi nodded along.
“That’s awesome. I’ll do something with sports for sure,” Lexi said. “Talking about football with Maddy is like talking to a brick wall; a brick wall with huge boobs.”
They were in a kitchen and bath store and Lexi was loading up her basket with all kinds of things. Once she paid, the two made their way around the mall. When the subject of movies came up again they were in the electronics store.
“I mean, I had to make sure I was ready for college, so I needed a big TV to go with my PlayStation. You didn’t get a TV for your dorm?”
“No, they have one in the common room.”
“Yeah but it’s tiny,” Byron said. “If I’m going to be chilling and watching movies with you, we’ll need a real TV that’s just for your room. Why don’t you let me get you one?”
“You don’t have to do that,” Lexi said, seriously as Byron started looking at TVs. “Really. It’d be one thing if it was just a little TV. These are huge.”
“Yeah I know,” Byron said longingly, still looking at the different displays on the wall. “If I could, I’d stick a whole movie theater in your dorm complete with surround sound.”
Lexi chuckled.
“I’m sure the RA’s would love that,” she said.
In the end, Byron convinced Lexi to let him buy her a 40-inch TV along with a DVD player. She was still bemused at how he hadn’t blinked at the $250 dollar price tag and nonchalantly pulled out cash to buy it.
“We still got some time,” Byron said as they wheeled their mall carts past D-Ice. “Wanna get some ice cream for the road?”
“Okay,” Lexi said, stopping. “New Dodge Charger. Big wad of cash. What is this ‘Big Bank Take Little Bank’? College students are supposed to be broke.”
“No one told my parents that,” he said, laughing. “The car was a graduation present. Like I wasn’t going to make it through high school or something. Also in high school, I had um, what are those things called?”
Lexi shrugged, as they got in line.
“Right,” Byron said, snapping his fingers. “A job. I saved all my tips from serving at the ‘Bees”
“Oh,” Lexi laughed. “What do your parents do?”
“My dad works sales with Mercedes, ironically,” Byron said.
“Oh so like selling cars?” Lexi said comprehending. “That’s pretty lucrative huh?”
“Maybe. My dad like, works regional sales,” Byron continued when he saw she was still wondering. “Basically, he works the figures for the midwest region and recommends to Mercedes how many cars they should have on the market in a given year.”
“Oh damn,” Lexi said, now at the counter. “Two scoops, one chocolate, and one cookie dough.”
They laughed their way back to campus, rapping along to Jay-Z. Lexi didn’t bat an eye when Byron pulled out a blunt and started smoking in the car, but did not take it when he offered to her.
The sun was just starting to set behind the stadium when they got back to Lexi’s dorm.
Lexi checked her phone and saw that Maddy had texted that she would be off campus. So together the two set up the TV and before long they were both admiring the crystal clear picture of an action movie.
Earlier in the day
Maddy had enjoyed her Sunday, despite spending the afternoon alone. She went to the University Cafe and got herself a big salad. After eating in her dorm, she checked her phone and still had no messages from anyone.
‘Stop checking your phone, girl,’ she thought to herself. She didn’t know if she was subconsciously waiting on news from Lexi or a call from…anyone else. So she busied herself with her school stuff.
She went over her pre-packed school bag and made sure she had everything she needed for her first day of classes. After playing some games and scrolling her social media on her laptop, she called her mother. They talked and laughed, as she recounted her first weekend at USI leaving out the unsavory details.
No sooner had she hung up with her mom, than her phone rang. Her mom was always calling back with one more tidbit.
“What’d you forget?” Maddy said, without looking.
“Hello?” Andy’s voice rang through the phone.
“Oh hi,” she said, in a higher pitch than normal before she cleared her throat and for some reason straightened her posture. “Hey.”
“Hello… How are you? Did you have a good day?” Andy asked. He was still in his apartment alone, Byron having left hours ago.
“Um..Yeah. Pretty good,” Maddy said. “Is this Andre’ …right, or was it Andrew?”
“I…uh…Andy,” he said hesitating. “I mean this is Andy from …last night…we…”
“I’m just fucking with you Andy,” Maddy laughed. “Obviously I know who this is. What’s up?”
“Oh ha! I was ’bout to say,” Andy said. “You had me going. Naw, well I was just thinking that I wanted to do something before classes and thought who better to do it with.”
“And what exactly did you want to do before classes?” Maddy asked, apprehensively.
“Well, Pops said it’s a good idea to have a great dinner before your first day. He said it sets the tone for the whole year,” Andy said. “He recommended a place. I think it’s called the Corkhouse or something.”
“Cork and Cleaver? Andy that place is…kinda pricey,” Maddy said looking online as Andy talked. She wanted to know exactly what Andy was getting at.
“Yeah. Pops gave me enough for a dinner there and he said to go with a friend,” Andy continued. “But since Byron is off doing God-knows-what, I thought about you.”
“Oh, so I’m your second choice?” Maddy said. “I’m only joking. I’d love to go.”
An hour later, the couple was sitting down at a table. Maddy was dressed in a fashionable gray shirt and blue jeans with a matching gray hat. Andy thought that she had great fashion, especially for a younger woman.
As they got comfortable, Andy admired how she found an outfit that was both classy and sexy. She had a way of showcasing her large breasts without looking inappropriate.
“Thanks again for thinking of me,” Maddy said. “I would’ve never thought I’d be eating here, especially not during my first week in Evansville.”
The couple ordered and were having a good time talking. They enjoyed hearing the other’s point of view and future plans. By the time the food arrived, the two were discussing life after college.
“So what does this degree have to do with the Marines?” Maddy said. “Why not just go right into the armed forces?”
“Oh sure, I could go into the Marines right now,” Andy said. “But, I had a cousin that went to the Navy and he was stuck in that boot camp life. I wanted a way to, sort of, expedite my service.
“So with a communications degree, I’ll be able to make reports in the field, have extra trips back home and not be just some grunt on the front lines getting my ass shot at.”
Maddy laughed.
“That’s interesting,” she said. “I didn’t know they had programs like that. So are they still paying for your school?”
“Oh yeah. I wouldn’t be here if they weren’t,” Andy said.
They both laughed their way through the meal and they both left very full and with to-go boxes.
“That was easily the best steak I’ve ever had,” Andy said as he walked her back to the dorm. “No sauce needed.”
“Well worth the 40 dollars?” Maddy said. “My salmon was really great too. I don’t usually like gnocchi, but that was really freaking good. Damn, they are loud.”
They were walking through the hallway and before they even got close to their suite, they could hear the ruckus from the dorm across the hall. Loud music and obnoxious laughter was permeating through the doors and down the hall.
They went into their dorm and once again felt like they were walking in on an intimate moment between Lexi and Byron. The two broke apart when they heard Maddy’s key in the dorm, but it was obvious to Maddy and Andy that they were just making out on the bed.
Maddy turned on the light and their eyes were drawn to a big flatscreen TV that was now on their desk.
“Hey guys,” Lexi said while readjusting her flowery shirt. Her face was flushed and Maddy could see a rather large bulge in Byron’s pants as he leaned back against the wall. Of course, Maddy already knew exactly what Byron was packing. “I didn’t expect to see you two back here. Did you… um… have fun?”
“We did. Didn’t expect to see you two back here either,” Maddy said, holding up the to-go bags. “Andy took me to Cork and Cleaver’s.”
“Damn dude,” Byron said. “That expensive steakhouse in the city? Nice choice. Was the steak really good? Tell me you guys got steak.”
“I did. She got salmon,” Andy said, as Maddy put the food in the mini-fridge. “I was just saying it was the best I’ve had.”
“So whose idea was this?” Maddy said, gesturing toward the television.
“Isn’t it awesome?” Lexi said. “Byron insisted that we have our own TV. So he bought it.”
“Oh okay. Now I see why he’s back here tonight,” Maddy said, sitting down on her bed with Andy joining her.
“What do you mean?” Lexi said, her blue-grey eyes narrowing at her friend.
“I mean that’s a big fucking TV,” Maddy said, watching a gunfight with Martin Lawrence on screen. “I’d want to watch it all night too.”
“Well we’ve got class in the morning, but I don’t see why we can’t finish the movie,” Lexi said, checking her phone.
Her stomach dropped a bit. She had five missed calls from Alan and she hadn’t thought about him once, since she had met up with Byron.
The four college students got comfortable. Before long the two couples were cuddled up and in their own worlds. Maddy kept stealing glances at her friend.
Lexi was drinking from her styrofoam cup. She and Byron were whispering to each other and giggling like schoolchildren while they drank. Maddy meanwhile had her own whiskey and she couldn’t believe how her body was responding; being so close to Andy again.
She didn’t know whether to blame the alcohol or Andy’s persistent back rubbing, but before long she found herself leaning back against Andy’s hard chest on the bed. He took that as his cue to reach around her waist with both arms.
At some point, after she felt her nipple hardening, she went to the restroom. When Maddy came out, she fully expected to make it known that she thought the boys should leave and give them time to get ready for early classes. However, when she re-entered the room the three were putting on their shoes.
“Maddy,” Andy said. “Me and Byron are going to go smoke. Lexi is going to join us, but she mentioned you like to partake.”
“Oh,” Maddy said, hesitating. It had been a week since she had smoked, which was quite a while for her. “Yeah. I haven’t smoked in a minute.”
“You sure?” Byron said, pulling out a small jar of weed. “This is pretty strong stuff. I made a stop in Bloomington, on my way down here.”
“I’m sure I can handle it, stud.”
The group made to leave, but Lexi stopped Maddy as the door opened and the boys walked out.
“Hey,” Lexi said. “Don’t be mad.”
“Why would I be mad?”
“Do you…have a condom?”
“Lex!” Maddy gasped.
“It’s just a precaution,” she said, holding up her hands. “I’m not saying I’m going to fuck him. I just want him to stay with me tonight. He was so cool with me today.”
“Ugh!” Maddy groaned. “I don’t have one. The nurse on campus will give you like a bag of them for free. And what am I supposed to do while you aren’t fucking Byron.”
“Just have Andy spend the night. It’s the first weekend Maddy,” Lexi said following the boys out of the dorm, but not before grabbing her drink.
“Exactly,” Maddy said more to herself than her best friend. “It’s the first fucking weekend. Geez.”
Lexi shooed them out of the room, past Angelica, who was sitting on the couch with another red-headed girl and presumably her boyfriend. Once Andy, Byron, and Maddy were in the hall and out of earshot, she turned to the three on the couch.
“Hey,” she began, speaking mainly to the girls. “Do either of you have condoms? I really …only need one.”
The girls exchanged glances before answering.
“Um…no sorry,” Angelica said. “I don’t but uh…”
Right on cue, a roar of laughter came from the room across the hall, easily audible as Maddy was standing in the doorway, rolling her eyes.
“You could go ask those guys,” Angelica said, with a shrug. “There’s a lot of…sex going on over there.”
“Really?” Lexi asked, raising her eyebrows.
“Or at least there will be,” said the redhead, nudging Angelica. “By the sounds of it, we may need to investigate that room.”
“You guys …think you could go ask them for me,” Lexi said. “I would but…ya know…I don’t know them.”
“Fuck it, I don’t know them and I’ll do it,” the redhead said, standing up.
“I think Christa just wants to see what all the hubbub is about,” the boy said.
Lexi followed behind her suitemate’s friends and told Maddy and the guys that she would meet them out by the car. When the dorm room door across the hall was opened, it was obvious what was causing a scene.
There was an apparent lap dance contest between the girls in the room. Most of them were sitting on someone’s lap gyrating with varying degrees of intensity. Lexi peeked into the room and recognized her suitemate Jennifer sitting on the lap of a bearded guy grinding away. There was a tall blonde girl doing the same to a handsome black guy. She also saw the black couple from the day before.
“Now this is my kind of room,” the one called Christa said, as she pulled her boyfriend into the room by his t-shirt. Everyone in the room whooped and hollered, as the couple entered.
“Hey Kaci,” Angelica called over the laughter in the room. She waved over the one called Kaci. The tall blonde bounced off the black guy’s lap much to his dismay. Lexi saw him pinch her butt, as she left his lap.
“Don’t you be grabbin’ my ass,” she said to him. Yet, she was smiling. “Go see what Ash is up to in the other room. It’s been long enough.
“What’s up?” Kaci said, to Angelica. She looked at Lexi, then back at Angelica.
“Hey,” Angelica asked quietly. She was distracted a bit by the scene Christa was now making. Whatever was happening in the suite’s dorm room had Christa and the boys whooping.
“Do you have a condom?” she asked Kaci.
“Oh,” Kaci said, looking from Angelica to Lexi. “I take it, it’s not for you then?”
“Hi,” she said, introducing herself to Lexi. “I’m Kaci and no condom, sorry. Let me ask them.”
Before Lexi could stop her, Kaci had turned around and hollered over the noise in the room.
“Does anyone have a condom!?”
As faces turned to the doorway, Lexi felt her face flush. She knew she had turned red and she tried to make herself as small as possible. She backed out of the doorway a bit, as all the heads in the room looked her way.
There was some whopping laughter and murmurs. A short black-haired girl came out of the dorm room, with her perky boobs on display. But it was obvious that, in spite of all the potential sex partners, no one had a condom.
Lexi went out to the parking lot feeling as though she had suffered embarrassment for no gain. When she found Byron’s Dodge, she thought she saw Maddy and Andy kissing in the back seat. However, when she got into the car, she saw that Maddy was shotgunning Andy.
While Andy, Maddy, and Byron were getting lifted, Lexi was enjoying the music on Byron’s playlist and getting tipsy. She and Byron talked, flirted and the four were laughing, as they got out of the car.
They made their way through O’Bannon Hall, past the loud neighboring suite, and back to the dorm just in time to see Will Smith running shirtless through the streets of Miami.
Lexi was the last one to enter and she hit the light switch, so the only light in the room was from the giant TV on the desk.
Though it was late in the evening neither couple was tired. Lexi had wiggled out of her shorts and shirt, and was lying under the covers next to a shirtless Byron. She was running her left hand across his abs, watching the movie. Byron was content with his shirt off and jeans unbuttoned.
Maddy, despite her earlier reservations, was enjoying her position wrapped in Andy’s arms. Andy was leaning against the wall, with Maddy’s back against his bare chest and his shirt unbuttoned.
It had taken Maddy a while to realize Andy was rubbing her boobs. Not until he lightly pinched her nipples, did Maddy feel that familiar tingle from her body.
Andy confidently found the button on the front of her pants and quickly undid the snap, causing Maddy to jolt out of her relaxed state. The moment the button snapped open, she felt her pussy flood.
She looked over at Lexi and Byron, nervously. They were totally engrossed in each other. Byron was whispering into her ear and she was smiling at whatever he was saying.
Just as Andy began running his fingers under the waistband of Maddy’s jeans, Lexi glanced at Maddy. The two briefly locked eyes, before Maddy turned her brown eyes away from Lexi’s mischievous gaze.
Lexi smiled and ducked her head under the blankets. Without wasting time, she slipped Byron’s big dick through his boxers and took him in her mouth.
Byron gasped at the sudden feeling of warmth. He was expecting to wait until the movie was over, feign sleep with Lexi, and then pounce. Instead, she was happily slurping Byron’s penis, while Maddy and Andy watched the movie.
Byron glanced right. He caught a glimpse of Andy, with his hand inching into Maddy’s pants before she grabbed the blankets folded on the bed and covered herself as well. Andy caught Byron’s eye. The two smirked at each other, when Andy saw Lexi’s head bobbing under the blankets.
‘So much for that self-appointed cockblock’, Andy thought. Just as he reached into Maddy’s slit, the hospitality major turned her head and planted her lips under Andy’s mustache.
Andy gently prodded into Maddy’s moist pussy, while they kissed. Her legs opened and after a few minutes of stroking, Andy was able to find Maddy’s small clit, as it swelled. The two continued making out until she could take no more.
Maddy’s brain was in a euphoric fog, when she broke the kiss. She was still high and her body was abuzz. Her left hand reached over to grip Andy’s right arm, as he fingered her. He was rubbing her pussy slit near the top, circling and nudging her clit, which was now slick with her own moisture.
She was breathing deeply and her nails were clenching Andy’s arm. Andy decided to turn up the heat on Maddy. He reached his left hand into Maddy’s cleavage and quickly found her right nipple.
He started working her breasts under her shirt while prodding at her, clit until Maddy was squirming in Andy’s lap. When he pinched her nipple Maddy cried out in pleasure.
Byron, who had been totally engrossed in his own blowjob, was jarred out of his stupor. He looked and saw Maddy with her eyes closed, lying back against his buddy’s chest, while he pulled out her boobs. Andy was alternating back and forth massaging each massive globe.
Her constant squirming had moved the blanket down and Byron could see Maddy’s jeans had ridden down to reveal her thong line. He also had a clear view of Andy working his hands inside her fly, while she rocked her hips.
Byron felt his dick twitch in Lexi’s mouth. She swirled her tongue around the entire shaft while keeping her lips near the base. Byron reached down into Lexi’s hair, resting his hand on her head, while she went back to sucking his dick.
Lexi was enjoying every inch of Byron’s dick. She ran her lips down the sides, before taking him back into her throat. She had started off trying to be quiet but when Byron’s dick started twitching, she couldn’t help herself.
Byron was in heaven. With his dick in his track star’s mouth, he drank in the sight of Maddy’s tits. Her big pink nipples were easily visible by the light of the TV, poking out from her cute top. He could even see her twitch whenever Andy flicked or pinched one of her nipples.
He felt his dick twitch again between her lips, but he did not want to cum in her mouth tonight. He reached under Lexi’s arms and pulled her up. At first, Lexi resisted, not wanting to release his dick, but eventually crawled up the bed taking the covers with her.
Byron maneuvered her onto her back and crawled atop her. Her legs naturally parted and Byron’s dick came to rest on Lexi’s panties. Byron kissed Lexi. The two began humping into each other, like horny teenagers.
Lexi could feel Byron’s long dick rubbing against her slit, through her fabric. Her pussy was getting more sensitive with each touch. Byron broke the kiss and leaned in to nibble Lexi’s neck.
“I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time,” he whispered.
Lexi cooed and she felt shivers run up her spine. Byron kissed around her collar bone, before lowering his body down the bed. Lexi rubbed his back, as Byron kissed lower down her neck. His hands pulled her bra down, so he could suck on her pink nipples.
Lexi arched her back, reached under, and unsnapped her bra. Byron had already moved down to her belly button. Lexi could feel Byron’s tongue trailing down her abdomen. It gave her goosebumps.
Byron was kissing around her waistline and Lexi was already raising her hips. She was removing her own panties before Byron had a chance.
On the other bed, Maddy was done waiting. Her own desires outweighed her inhibitions. She glanced at Lexi’s bed and saw the two under the covers. She turned her body around and took off her pants, while she turned.
Maddy pulled at Andy’s legs until he understood what she wanted. Andy slid his body down until his head rested on his pillow. Maddy was fumbling around trying to lower Andy’s zipper. She fished his semi-hard cock out and started jerking it.
She again looked at the other bed. Byron and Lexi were still under the covers.
Byron had been teasing Lexi since her panties were removed. He was making Lexi gasp for air and roll her head. He nuzzled her thighs and kissed inside her legs, while under the covers.
His tongue grazed the outside of Lexi’s wet vagina. Against his mouth, it felt like she had some fat pussy lips. Byron licked down the center of her plump lips until he was toying at her hole. He licked back up and found her clit. He remembered from his earlier explorations how to lift Lexi’s hood and find her sensitive areas.
“Oh…gawd,” Lexi mumbled, her hands finding Byron’s head.
He ran his left hand up Lexi’s abs and grabbed her breast, while he ate her pussy. Byron moved his mouth up and down, sucking her fat pussy lips, before moving his tongue under her hood.
Lexi sighed and twitched. Byron was sending jolts of electric pleasure through her body.
He flicked her clit with his tongue, before circling a few times. His hands were rubbing and lightly clawing at Lexi’s body. Byron clamped down on her clit with his lips, making Lexi jerk her waist up slightly.
Lexi was gasping under the blanket, trying her best not to moan into the air. She had no idea that Maddy was busy with her own arousal.
Maddy dropped her head down and started sucking the tip. The sudden warmth and pleasure surprised Andy and he grunted immediately. Maddy bobbed quickly up and down Andy’s dick.
She rolled her tongue under the bottom making a slurping noise, as she sucked. Clearly audible even over the music from the TV. Andy closed his eyes and didn’t see Maddy removing her panties as she blew him.
She deep-throated him. Maddy felt her pussy tingle when Andy moaned again. She released his cock and moved up Andy’s body until his cock was bouncing against her boobs. Maddy rubbed the undershaft against her pink nipples, tracing around her wide areolas.
Andy humped into Maddy’s deep cleavage for a few seconds, before she climbed up even further. Andy reached up to fondle Maddy’s tits while her pussy drew level with his groin. He rubbed her nipples and again Maddy closed her eyes. She grasped Andy’s right hand over her boob and rubbed it over her own nipples. She used his hand to stimulate her own boobs, which were still poking out between her cute gray top.
She was breathing deeply through her nose, while she rubbed her tits. Andy was watching her face. His dick was rock hard under Maddy’s butt. Maddy’s eyes opened and she looked deep into Andy’s. She grabbed both his hands and pinned them to the bed while she crawled up his torso.
“Just relax, stud,” Maddy whispered.
Andy was confused until Maddy’s knees and legs came to rest around Andy’s ears. Andy looked up at Maddy’s beautiful face. She was flushed, breathing hard and her mouth hung open. Her eyes were filled with lust, as she lowered her pussy onto Andy’s face.
Andy was trapped beneath Maddy’s thighs. She opened her legs wider so more of her pussy was pressed into his mouth. Maddy looked down and nearly came at the sight.
The only thing visible was Andy’s nose and mustache just under Maddy’s dark pubic hair. Maddy relished the pleasurable feeling of Andy’s warm mouth around her pussy and she didn’t wait for Andy.
She reached for the back of Andy’s head and began to ride his face.
Lexi couldn’t take much more. Byron was tracing the alphabet over her clit and he was driving her crazy. She needed air. She moved the covers from over her head and took a deep breath.
Her eyes went wide upon seeing Maddy atop Andy’s face. Lexi’s pussy clenched at the sight of Maddy discarding her shirt before she returned her hands to Andy’s head. Maddy was pressing her tiny clit down onto Andy’s tongue, while she gyrated her hips.
Lexi felt her bodybuilding. Once Byron finished the alphabet, he rapidly flicked under Lexi’s clit. Her leg muscles were tensing. She closed her eyes and cried out, once Byron started sucking Lexi’s clit. Her orgasm bubbled fast and before she knew it, she was cumming into Byron’s mouth.
“Ooohh…” Lexi tried to remain quiet through her orgasm.
Byron kept licking at her pussy while she came. Her legs stiffened and she was holding her breath in an attempt to stifle her own cries of ecstasy. She grabbed the back of Byron’s head and pulled him into her pussy. Her pussy convulsed and she felt her clit grow more sensitive, as her orgasm washed over her body. Her brain was in a fog and she was rolling her hips into Byron’s face until she came down from her sexual high.
Lexi was lightly rubbing the back of Byron’s head and could have stayed like that all night. Byron, who was still lightly licking the lips of Lexi’s pussy, had other plans. He’d removed his pants and boxers while Lexi was cumming.
He quickly wiped off his mouth with his hand and covered his dick in Lexi’s juices. He climbed up Lexi’s fit frame, kissing her skin on his way up. He lingered on each breast, taking her nipples into his mouth before kissing around her neck.
Lexi’s eyes were closed, as she was still in her post-orgasmic bliss. But when she felt Byron’s dick against her clit, her eyes snapped open. As Byron swirled his dick around her hole two or three times, Lexi tried to move her hand down to Byron’s dick.
“Wait,” Lexi whispered, so quietly that even Byron could barely hear it. “Wait. Wait. wait…”
Byron ignored her and rapidly massaged her clit with his cockhead. Lexi’s will faltered and her hand returned to Byron’s shoulders.
“We need,” Lexi whispered, as she felt Byron at her opening. “We…”
Lexi felt her pussy lips part as his head slipped inside.
“…don’t have…HMPH!”
Byron slid the full length of his dick into the sport’s science major, enjoying the guttural sound she made once she was filled. Lexi’s long legs wrapped around Byron’s waist and he held his dick completely inside her.
He whispered and told Lexi how good she felt. He slowly pulled his dick from her, until just the head rested inside her fat lips. He then slowly pushed back into Lexi’s warm pussy, eliciting a satisfied groan.
Byron looked to the other bed and his dick jerked inside of Lexi when he saw Maddy. She was riding Andy’s face for all he was worth. Andy’s mouth was open. Maddy was pressing her pussy down into his face, so her clit rubbed against Andy’s tongue while she humped back and forward.
Her eyes were closed and she had one hand planted on Andy’s chest for support while her other hand was behind Andy’s head, pulling him into her pussy.
“Holy shit!” Byron whispered, as he stroked into Lexi while staring and Maddy’s jiggling tits.
“Yeah,” Lexi said, responding to both Byron and to the feeling of him pushing himself back into her pussy.
Byron turned his attention back to Lexi. She looked back, with her blue-grey eyes flickering in the light from the TV. He pulled his dick all the way out of her and used his penis head to stimulate Lexi’s clit.
She flinched and squirmed, as he flicked around her sensitive button, before plunging his wet dick back into her needy hole. Byron began driving into Lexi with force.
“Humph!…hmph!…hmph!…” she gasped, as she took Byron’s dick.
Lexi’s boobs were bouncing around under Byron until he bent down to suck her nipple. As he hammered her, she reached around and squeezed Byron’s butt. Lexi’s other hand was rubbing all over Byron’s back.
She felt his back muscles tense with each thrust. She rubbed the back of Byron’s head. When Byron started sucking at Lexi’s neck, she rubbed her hand down his shoulder. She continued down to Byron’s hard bicep. She gripped it tightly, when she felt another orgasm building.
“Humph!…hmph…hmph…oh!” Lexi panted under Byron. “hmph…hmph!… Hymph!…HUMPH!”
All of a sudden, Lexi was moaning into the air as she climaxed. She tried to stifle her moans into Byron’s shoulder. The problem was Byron hadn’t relented and she felt another orgasm coming.
“Oh…Ah!… Hyumph!”
Byron loved what he was feeling. Lexi’s pussy spasmed when she came and it looked like she was going to come for him again. He did not let up and he watched Lexi’s beautiful face, as she grimaced through her orgasm.
Lexi’s pussy had grown sensitive and she was relieved Byron slowed his pace. They turned their heads at the same time to Maddy and Andy. Byron lazily stroked into Lexi while they watched Maddy get herself off.
Maddy was in her own world. She was watching Andy, while she rode his mouth. His nose was buried in her bush, his mustache mingled in her pubic hair. She was gripping the wooden bed frame for leverage and was now forcefully humping Andy’s face.
She was breathing deeply and staring at Andy. Her left hand held his head exactly where she wanted it. The passion inside her was growing. She was close. She kept gyrating, massaging her clit against Andy’s tongue.
While Byron slowly stroked into Lexi, they watched Maddy throw her head back. Her big boobs jutted out in front of her, as she expelled her low guttural moan of satisfaction.
She continued rocking against Andy’s face. The frame of the bed was knocking against the wall, as Maddy thrusted through her orgasm.
Lexi was moaning now too. Byron was incredibly aroused watching Maddy come and had resumed pounding Lexi. He and Lexi watched Maddy’s orgasm and while she came down from her climax, Lexi felt her third boiling.
Byron felt it too. He was looking at Maddy. She was still slowly rubbing her labia against Andy’s face, when Byron turned back to Lexi. He put his left hand under Lexi’s ass and his right grabbed a handful of her hair from the back. Byron pulled Lexi’s body close and pummeled her pussy with rapid forceful stroking.
“Oh…shit!” she squealed.
Lexi had no choice but to hold on for dear life, as Byron fucked her right through another orgasm.
Maddy finally climbed off Andy’s face. His chin was covered in Maddy’s cum. As Maddy settled with her back against the wall, and Andy wiped his face on his now discarded shirt, they both watched Byron fuck Lexi.
They had a clear sight of Byron on top of Lexi, as the blanket fell their waists. Lexi’s knee was poking out from the blankets and she was whimpering quietly into Byron’s neck.
Even as they watched, Byron lifted Lexi’s left leg in the air and continued fucking Lexi, until she was crying out with pleasure. The blanket fell further. Maddy and Andy could now see Lexi’s pussy under her ass cheeks, barely visible in the dark, getting filled by Byron’s cock.
Byron felt her pussy contract as Lexi came again and it sent him over the edge. He erupted inside Lexi, flooding her pussy with cum. His thrusts continued as he spewed more semen into Lexi. With each thrust Lexi’s body spasmed. Her own orgasmic high, prolonged by the feeling of warm liquid gushing in her pussy and the satisfied groans of Byron.
Finally, he was finished. Byron held himself deep inside Lexi while they recovered from their orgasms. They were both covered in sweat, breathing hard and Lexi’s hair was askew.
They looked at each other. Byron gave her a small satisfied smile and kissed her lips. He moved to get off of her, but Lexi grabbed his arms.
“Stay,” she whispered, her voice still heavy with lust. “For a few more minutes.”
They glanced at Maddy’s bed. Maddy was still sitting with her back against the wall watching. She had a glazed satisfied look on her glistening face while she stared. Andy was still recovering from his pussy thrashing.
Byron grinned and pushed his softening dick back into Lexi’s sodden cunt. She gave a soft sigh when he was fully inserted and he wrapped his arms around her. Lexi pulled the blankets over their heads and enjoyed the feeling of Byron’s dick inside her.
Maddy laid her head on Andy’s chest. The DVD player had started the movie over. Will Smith and Martin Lawrence were getting yelled at by the police captain. With Andy rubbing her back, Maddy’s eyes drooped and she was snoozing in minutes.
A satisfied Byron eventually rolled off of Lexi and it wasn’t long before the two of them dozed in each other’s arms. Andy, who was still rock hard, took another hour to fall asleep.
Author’s Note:
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed the adventures of these horny teens. Please vote and comment. Thanks to My Beta Readers. Feedback is greatly appreciated. Stay tuned for more devious adventures across the hall!