Kate had been struggling with finances since she and David broke up. She had taken over the flat and the costs on one salary rather than two were challenging.
Her wardrobe was full of clothes and shoes she didn’t wear or need. She loved high heels and had many pairs she had barely worn. So Kate spent an afternoon taking photos and posting on a local selling page to raise some much-needed cash.
There were the usual messages with stupid questions which automatically came with these kinds of selling pages. She weeded through the morons and managed to sell quite a few bits over the following weeks. There were several designer heels which hadn’t sold, and Kate wondered if she had priced them too high. There were expensive shoes and barely worn, she thought £50 was a good price, there three times that new. Then an enquiry flew in through the website messenger.
Jamie: I saw your advert and would be interested in your black stilettos.
Kate: Great, thank you.
Jamie: Have you worn them often?
Kate: About three times, I think. They look new.
Jamie: When you wore them, were your feet bare or in hosiery?
Kate: I probably would have worn them with bare feet.
Jamie: Would you mind sending me a picture of the heels with your feet in them so I can see what they look like on?
Kate thought Jamie’s request was odd, but nevertheless, she got them out of the cupboard, pulled off her socks, and squeezed her bare feet in. She took a few pictures of her feet. She had forgotten how sexy these heels were and what great toe cleavage they had. She started to feel sad about selling them but sent the photo over to Jamie.
Jamie: They look amazing. I will take them. Would you take £40?
Kate: Glad you like them. Shall we say £45, and they are yours?
Jamie: OK, deal. I can come and collect tomorrow.
Kate: That’s fine.
Jamie: By the way, your feet look great.
There was then a thumbs up and Jamie went offline. Kate thought this girl was a bit strange but a lot of the types she met through this website were.
The following afternoon after a few more messages confirming her address and meeting time, there was a knock at Kate’s door. She opened it to find a medium-height guy in his late thirties with glasses and brown hair. He was fairly average-looking and had a bit of a beer belly. Not what Kate had expected. It hadn’t occurred to her that Jamie was a man.
Jamie was immediately taken aback by how pretty Kate was. She was a brunette with long wavy hair pulled back in a ponytail. She had hazel eyes and a perfect ski jump-shaped nose.
Kate stood there in blue jeans and a light brown top. She had a pair of sliders on her feet. Jamie’s eyes immediately went down to her perfectly proportioned toes, and Kate had painted her perfectly shaped nails a dark green that morning. It was like she knew.
“Hi, Jamie, I have come for the shoes,” he said.
“Please come in. I was expecting a woman.”
“Jamie is one of those either-or names, isn’t it,” Jamie said with a slight chuckle.
“Yes, I guess so.”
“I am buying the shoes as a gift for my wife,” he said unconvincingly.
“Okay, here they are. I still have the box,” Kate said as they walked into her living room.
“Could I ask you to put them on again, just so I can see what they look like in the flesh, so to speak?”
“Erm, okay.”
Kate sat down on the sofa and took them out of the box. She slid her feet out of the sliders and put on the heels. She got up and walked up and down the room as if she was in a shoe shop wearing them for the first time.
Jamie’s eyes were transfixed on the lovely Kate’s alluring feet. The black stilettos were everything he loved about a heel, the toe cleavage, the accentuating arches of flesh.
“Well, do you think your wife will like them?”
“Yes, very much.”
Kate sat down again and took them off.
“You mentioned you had only worn them with bare feet. Would you mind if I had a quick smell to see if they smelt at all?”
Kate was starting to think there was something wrong with this guy. Jamie picked up a shoe and put it to his nose, smelling Kate’s odour.
“I am sure you can spray and get rid of any smells if needed,“ Kate said watching Jaimie have a good sniff.
“Yes, but it doesn’t matter. They smell great. I will take them,” Jamie said looking pleased.
“These aren’t for your wife, are they?” Kate asked sharply.
“Yes, they are. It’s her birthday.”
“Really, what day?”
“Next Tuesday.”
“What date?”
“Well, erm.”
Kate looked sternly at Jamie as he tried to remember his ‘made-up’ wife’s birthday.
“OK, they aren’t for my wife. I am not married. I just have a thing for feet and high heels.”
“Right. I think you should just leave, you weirdo. Get out,” Kate said as she pushed Jamie towards the door.
“I am sorry. I would still like to buy them though,” Jamie said as he was just about to be thrown out.
“Why? Are you going to wear them?”
“No, I am a bit embarrassed, and I don’t want to waste your time.”
Kate was nervous and wondered what Jamie was going to do with them. She decided if he was still paying, she wouldn’t ask.
“OK, well I need the cash, so I won’t argue with you,” Kate said as she walked back over to the shoes.
“You do have great feet,” Jamie said as he hands over the £45.
“Thank you. Now, please leave,” Kate said, handing him the shoes.
“I am just going to put this out there. I will give you double the cash if you let me kiss your feet.”
“What? You want to kiss my feet?”
“Yes, they are so sexy.”
“You do have a fetish, don’t you? I am not going to let you do that. Now, get out!”
Kate pushed Jamie towards the door again.
“An extra £60. Look I have the cash,” he added, taking some twenties out of his pocket.
Kate stops to think, she does need the cash. What harm can it do?
“What do you want to do, just kiss them?”
“Well, maybe stroke and suck them a little too.”
“OK, another £70 buys you thirty minutes with my feet.”
Jamie smiled as he went back into the living room. Kate offered him a drink; Jamie just wanted some water. Kate went to the kitchen and then came back with the water and sat next to him.
Kate bit her lip nervously. She put her feet on the sofa next to Jamie. He started to lightly stroke them. He pulled one foot up to his face and started to sniff her soles. Then he lightly planted little kisses on the end of her toes. His kisses moved to her ankles, and he then started licking her feet.
Kate loved the sensation of his lips on her skin. Feeling his tongue slide down her skin gave her goosebumps.
Jamie then sucked her big toe and moved down to her others, paying each one a little attention. He licked vigorously slipping his tongue between each green-painted toe.
Kate’s feet were wet with saliva, and she felt aroused by the experience. She then noticed his time was up.
“That is thirty minutes, Jamie.”
“Kate, you have the sexiest feet I have ever seen.”
“I never realised it was such a big thing,” she said.
“It is and they are perfect.”
Before he outstayed his welcome Jamie got up and left. Kate followed him to the door, her moist feet feeling sticky as she walked barefoot across the laminate.
“I wonder would you be up for another worshipping session, Kate?”
“Erm, OK, I guess. You have my number.”
Kate wondered if she would ever hear from Jamie again. And after a few weeks when he hadn’t texted or called her, she was certain she wouldn’t.
But late one Sunday her mobile buzzed with a text from him. He asked if she was free Friday evening. By chance she was. He wanted to have a longer session.
Kate wondered what he would want to do. More kissing, sucking, licking. He would probably want a foot job; she would need to buy some lubricate. Then she thought that at some point he would want to cum, probably on her feet. Was she up for that? Would she like it?
They agreed to meet at her flat at seven o’clock in the evening. Kate had treated it like a date. She did her hair and put makeup on. She wore a black flared dress. She painted her nails a deep purple. Added a gold anklet and toe ring.
She had a pair of five-inch-high heel nude sandals, which she’d worn once to a wedding. She put them on her feet and did up the strap.
Ready early, she sat on the sofa and wondered what she was doing and if this was really such a good idea. Just then she heard her doorbell go off, there was no time to get out of it now.
Jamie was completely blown away by how sexy Kate looked. He couldn’t help but stare at her amazing feet.
“So, Jamie, £200 for ninety minutes, that’s what we agreed, right.”
“Ground rules. You can do want ever you want to my feet, within reason of course. Your kisses stop at my knees. I am happy for you to get naked, but please remember I will be keeping my clothes on. I am equally happy for you to cum on my feet. Is that all, OK?” Kate sighed as she waited for Jamie to respond.
“Yes, that is OK.”
Jamie got the obligatory glass of water and kneeled before her. He looked at her feet so sensually and alluring in those heels. He started kissing them.
Kate’s underwear consisted of a small thong. As Jamie lifted her feet her dress fell back, and she exposed her knickers. Something she hadn’t thought through.
Jamie continued kissing her feet. Then he slowly undid her sandals and took them off. He moved onto sucking, moving her toe ring with his lips
Kate was feeling turned on as Jamie licked and sucked her feet. His kisses went up her legs. He wondered if he should venture above the knee, but not wanting to spoil a good thing he stayed within his boundary.
“Do you want a foot job?” Kate casually asked.
“Urm, yes, please.”
Jamie undid his jeans; his cock was hard. Kate got the lubricant out from under a sofa cushion and handed it to Jamie. He squirted some in his hand and started to massage her feet. Kate loved the tingling feeling as his hands moved up and down her feet. She moved her feet down to his groin and slide her feet up and down his penis. Jamie couldn’t believe her sexy toes were round his cock. As Kate rubbed his shaft with one foot, she smothered his tip with the other foot. Then without warning, she felt him cum, she rubbed a bit quicker as his semen shot between the toes on top of his cock and flowed down and covered the other foot.
Kate looked down at the mess over her feet. She felt sexualised. Jamie felt proud as Kate wiggled her toes and he watched his cum drop on her laminate floor.
After Kate had cleaned her feet with a wipe and Jamie put his cock away, the pair sat and chatted for a few minutes then Jamie left.
After he had gone, it occurred to Kate that maybe she shouldn’t be trying to sell her heels, maybe there was some money to be made in foot worship.
Kate went into the bathroom and washed her feet properly. Then she pulled out a few other pairs of heels. Some black sandals and blue suede stilettos. She still had David’s digital camera.
Kate put on the blue suede number first and took some pictures of her feet. Then she swapped for the black sandals then she put the nude sandals back on and took more snaps.
Kate set up a blog and called it ‘Miss Sexy Feet’, over the next few days she posted the pictures she had taken.
She started to get a few followers. She said she would be happy to create bespoke videos for people and would price them accordingly. Although she got some complimentary comments, she didn’t get any requests.
Kate took all the heels off the selling page and started to wear them out and at work in the office. Each time she would take a few snaps on her phone. But she felt she needed to do more.
Kate texted Jamie suggesting if he was willing to take some photos of their session, he could have it for free. Jamie jumped at the chance.
With more substantial pants on and a black pedicure and a pair of baby pink high-heel stilettos, Kate welcomed Jamie in. The session went the same as before but Kate and Jamie both took photos avoiding getting their faces in the frame.
The finale was shots of Jamie’s cum over Kate’s toes.
Over the next week, Kate put the photos up and added to her services and said anyone in London who would be interested in a foot fetish session to contact her.
She then posted her first picture of her cum covered toes. That got more interest than she expected. And some requests to take advantage of her services. She screened through them with a series of questions about what they liked about feet. Often the messages related to having a shag, which was not what Kate was suggesting and those got an immediate block.
But then another genuine foot lover came along and with nervous anticipation ‘Miss Sexy Feet’ agreed to meet up.