The Cheerleaders Hold The Chastity Key

"My mind drifted in class, while it seemed so real."

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The time between high school and college was strange. We all searched for our place and mostly fumbled about. Clicks and popularity contests are the everyday event. My mind and thoughts drifted from reality and took me somewhere new.

She moved so gracefully up the stairs. Her hair swung, almost floating around her, while her smile emanated warmth and cheer to whoever saw it. She was wearing her cheerleading skirt, which should have been a crime. Her long legs stretched out from under the yellow and purple outfit. She had blonde hair with just a slight hint of red shade. Her face was like a sculpture of Michelangelo. Looking closely, you could see the softest little freckles on her cheeks. I felt the freckles made her look more innocent. She had a perfect little curvy body and the cutest bubble butt.

Her name was Kelly Ann; she was eighteen and the head cheerleader, unlike the other cheerleaders who sometimes had such an attitude. Kelly was friendly with every student in school. Every teacher had nothing but good things to say about her. I had known her for about three years. I never heard of her dating anyone.

Who am I? I am no one special. I was in my first year of junior college and wanted it over. I worked as a teacher’s aide. I had no plans in school and knew I wanted out. My friends were an eclectic bunch of rockers, punkers, brainy, and even athletes. I never judged anyone and was very friendly to everyone. I had as many girlfriends as other guys my age, losing my virginity a while back. I was three to four months out of my last relationship.

School just started, and I found I was the teacher’s aide in Kelly’s biology class, which was the end of the day. Kelly, being a cheerleader, would have practiced during P.E. in the sixth period. Kelly lived only a block from our high school. I’d met her father during the summer, who allowed me to help him build the plane he had in the garage. The more I was around her house and saw her, the more she stuck in my mind.

Kelly had a swimming pool in the backyard and would always have other girls over for a swim. I always enjoyed looking at women in bikinis; Kelly was exceptional. I would find myself staring at her through the rear garage door. I don’t think she had any idea how much I stared. I thought she was watching me look at her, but her hat covered her face. Once school started, I couldn’t help her father and only saw her at school. We sat across from each other and only spoke when she needed information about assignments.

She began a chapter with equations; the assignment required a worksheet. I noticed Kelly had some difficulties with the work. Class ended; I was standing in the courtyard when someone grabbed my shoulder. I turned to see the most beautiful, soft blue eyes looking at me. Kelly spoke and asked if I could help her with class. I woke from my trance, hearing her ask if I could come Saturday morning to help. My heart skipped a few beats, thinking about spending time with her.

The next day, Kelly was in her outfit again for the game. I was trying to be calm and not stare or have her catch me staring. She kept crossing and uncrossing her legs. My cock was stirring in my pants, noticeable if I stood up. Everyone at the table was talking about the football game that night. I looked up in a daze, staring at Kelly. Kelly asked if I was going. “What?” I said, because I was in a trance staring at her.

She reminded me to be at her house at 9:30 for the tutoring. She mentioned I should have my swimsuit. It was going to be a hot day. Time went by in a flash. I was trying to remember the game or anything else. I arrived, and she greeted me at the door in white shorts and a bright blue top with her bathing suit straps showing. It was the same blue color, bright cobalt blue. What a fantastic color on Kelly.

We sat in her living room. I was getting ready to sit down when she told me to sit on the floor. I set up on the floor while she got drinks for us. She handed me a lemonade, and I asked if I could have water. She smiled and said I would take the lemonade. I shook it off, took the lemonade, and sat on the floor. Kelly sat on the couch above me while we started studying. Quickly, Kelly caught on, almost like she already knew how to do the work.

A few hours later, she asked if I was hungry and wanted food. “Sure,” I said, and then she told me what she was fixing for me. We began to have lunch when I noticed she was still sitting on the couch and I was on the floor. I mentioned it, to which she said she preferred me lower down than her. I shook off her response. She leaned over me and spoke words I couldn’t comprehend. Kelly said, “I need a loyal person to take care of my needs and be there whenever I need something.”

I told Kelly I was always there if she needed help from me. She was a special friend to me. She smiled at me and asked if I would promise and even allow her to hold me to it. Of course, I would do anything for her. Then her eyes got huge. “You would do anything?” she said. I laughed and smiled at her. Then she told me we would have a secret bond, and no one could ever know about it, and I had to swear. Keeping a secret with the hottest girl I know, I’m all in.

I said to her, “I swear.”

She told me she wanted to give me something strange and I had to wear it. I spoke so fast with an excited “Yes.” She went upstairs and came down and handed me a velvet bag. I pulled out some metal items that I had never seen before. “What is this?” I asked her. She tells me it’s a friendship guard. It had a lock and keys and was tube-shaped. Kelly said I needed to wear it for us to be the closest of friends. How to wear it? Kelly tells me it goes over my dick and balls.

It sounded ridiculous. Kelly was standing over me, pushing my head back.

“You will wear it, understand?” she said.

I started to laugh and said I thought it was weird and silly. Kelly told me her parents were in San Diego for the weekend. She just needed me to wear it so we could go swimming. Okay, so I need to put this on my dick. Just for us to go swimming, I had to wear it. I thought how silly, but now I thought how amazing seeing her in her suit would be.

I was a horny nineteen-year-old; my hormones would make me do many things. Okay, I will put it on to go swimming to see Kelly. I have wanted to do nothing but see her in a suit.

I went into the bathroom, and looking at the picture, I figured out how it goes on. It was tough to do, and my erection was fighting me. It was small, and I never thought I would fit it on. I had to use the lock through the hole to keep it on. I went out by the pool.

“Let me see,” she told me. I was shocked.

I replied, “Are you serious?”

Kelly looked straight at me with no expression on her face.

I slowly lowered the waistband of my shorts. “To the floor, please,” Kelly told me. She stood close and seemed pleased, then asked for the keys so she would put them safely on the table.

She took the keys. She stood in front of me, then removed her shorts and top. She turned her back to me. It was slow and seductive. For a nineteen-year-old boy, I was going out of my mind. She stood with a hand on her hip and asked how she looked. My mouth fell open, and I was sweating. That was until the pain hit me. I had pain so bad like someone had kicked me between the legs. I let out a moan, dropping to my knees. I was grasping at my groin.

She saw my pain. She smiled with a grin and told me that the cold water would help. She reached out and patted my shoulder. I strained to stand, pulling my shorts back up. I jumped into the water and felt the easing of my anguish in my prison.

We swam and talked about school and friends; I shared some family stuff. I almost completely forgot about this steal prison my cock was in. I was sitting on the stairs when Kelly swam up between my legs.

I was shocked my body reacted. It would not have mattered how cold it was. I was turned on and trying to get erect. The pain returned, and Kelly rubbed her hands under the water up and down my legs. She grinned at the agony on my face.

“Are you alright? Do you want to stop swimming and get dressed?” she asked.

I replied, “No, I am good, this is great, I like it.”

Kelly asked how I was enjoying the reinforcement of our committed friendship. That was a strange way to put it, but we proceeded to talk.

She asked about my past relationships. Kelly wanted the deep and dirty stories of who and what I had done. I spilled everything about my past sexual experiences. This subject was not helping the pain I felt in my shorts. I still felt obligated to answer any question she had. There are things I would never have told a soul. I was freely giving her all the information she wanted. She now knew all the dirt on me, unable to hold back anything.

Kelly’s phone rang, and she exited the pool and ran to the house. I was watching her run. When I noticed she was looking back. I am trouble; she caught me drooling over her. Once she was off the phone, she said some girls were on their way so they could practice cheer. She said I needed to hurry, get out, and dress. I rushed to the bathroom, stripped, and remembered I had this gadget on my manhood. I panicked, yelling for the key. Kelly said she would get it. I heard her going through things, and then she said these words I’ll never forget, “I can’t find them.”

I thought I had gone deaf. I was unable to hear a sound. I ran up to her and asked what I should do. Her response was I should go home, and we’ll get it later. Feeling anxious and hurried, I dressed, grabbed my stuff, and left. I walked in the door with my parents standing before me, “How was studying?” In my mind, I was standing there naked with steel wrapped around my cock, and my parents were looking down at me, shaking their heads. Look at what he has gotten himself into.

I shook the thought and told them studying was tremendous, and I would jump in the shower. My head down, I stared at my prison. My dad said, “Kelly is on the phone for you.” I jumped. I grab the phone just out of the shower. I had a towel around my waist. Kelly told me she was sorry but had not found the key yet; we will meet tonight at the football rally.

My buddy Rick pulled up front with our surfboards in the truck. He comes and tells me that “Steamers is 3-5ft,” I could use some time chilling on my board with waves, not thinking about this cage. I was shocked that the cage didn’t show much in the wetsuit, and I could paddle and ride. Back from surfing, it was early evening, and I headed out to the pizza party for the football rally.

I arrived, met a few friends, and grabbed drinks and pizza. I had been there for a couple of hours when a friend walked up and told me that Kelly was looking for me. “Yes,” as the adrenaline shot through me, I would get this thing off. I jumped out of my seat and pushed around the restaurant and outside. I saw Kelly talking with a few other cheerleaders and ran up.

Kelly’s face went blank when she saw me, and once I stood there in front of her, “I lost it; I don’t understand,” she said. Lea, one of the girls standing there, wanted to know what she lost. My mouth spits out, “She lost or forgot the tutoring I gave her.” I explained that she needed help understanding the work we went over. Quick thinking on my part.

I turned to walk away; Kelly looked into my eyes, down at my crotch, and back up to my face. “Can you get us some drinks and pizza now?” I turned and walked to the counter to order. I looked back at her; she just nodded her head.

Later, I found myself walking to her table with pizza and sodas. I put them down and looked at her for approval. She smiled and motioned her head for me to leave. I went outside, stood with friends, got in my car, and went home.

In bed, I was confused about what had happened. Sleep took me over. I awoke from the pain in my groin early and could not figure out how to stop my erection. I got up and into the shower, got dressed, and found myself softer. I was contemplating what my next move would be.

Kelly answered the phone when I called. She was on her way to the airport to pick up her parents. She told me we would fix it tomorrow. Before hanging up, she told me I was a “good boy.”

I was at the high school Monday looking all over for Kelly until lunch when I found her. She was with all the other cheerleaders on some steps. I walked up to talk to her. A few girls were saying hello when they saw me. Rebecca, a sweet, shorter blonde girl, joyfully turned and thanked me for the pizza and drinks at the rally. She had been starving all day. I was about to speak to Rebecca. Kelly stepped forward and said for me.

Kelly placed her hand on my shoulder, telling Rebecca she was welcome, and I was happy to do it since Kelly and I had been close friends for a long time. Then, he grinned at me and said, “We will be for a long time to come.” I turned to walk away; Kelly said she’d call me later.

Then Kelly noticed her shoe had come untied. She roared, “Darn it, I need my shoe tied.” I immediately turned back, kneeled at her feet, and tied it for her.

She replied while looking down at me, “Good job.”

All her friends standing there were surprised and envious of her. They all wanted to know why I tied her shoe and how she got me to do it.

I left and went to Santa Cruz. I needed to think while I surfed. Sitting on my board, I felt that maybe Kelly had had the key all this time. No, she was the sweetest girl I knew and would never do that to me.

Tuesday and Thursday, we have Biology, so with my cock locked in this steel dungeon, I entered class on Thursday. It started to rain from the incoming storm. At the end, of course, Kelly turned to me to ask. She said, “John, I’ll be taking your jacket because it’s raining; you don’t mind if I take it, do you?” I stood there without resistance and handed her my jacket; she turned and walked out.

I went to my class at the college and then home without my jacket. I entered my house, drenched and soaked to the bone. I got into the shower and tried to warm up. After my shower, I just lay across my bed.

It was after dinner when I got a call from Kelly. We spoke on the phone for about an hour; she assured me she would get me unlocked as soon as she had the key. She thought it best to act as normal as possible until we met. Then I would get opened.

Over the next few weeks, I found that my body had adapted to its new appendage, and I hardly paid attention to it. My character changed; I had become softer and always checked in with Kelly Ann. She would smile and commend me for checking in with her. Other times, Kelly gave me tasks to complete for her. She always seemed very appreciative of me following her directions.

Time flew by; I had not noticed the subtle change in my behavior or actions. It was winter break and time for a ski trip. I always found time to go; nothing could keep me away. After school one day, Kelly told me she needed to speak with me.

We met near a gate on the football field. Kelly wanted to know if I needed to tell her something. I didn’t think of anything I had to say to her. She got a stern look on her face and became slightly mad. “You did not ask me if you could go on the ski trip.”

I was startled and confused; I asked, “May I go on the ski trip?” She stood in silence, staring at me while my stomach knotted up.

She asked, “Is that the best way to ask me?” I looked around and then went to my knees and asked again. Then she smiled, called me “silly,” and said she would let me go.

I replied, “Thank you.”

Kelly called the night before the trip and told me she needed Taco Bell. I got in the car and picked up her order. When I arrived at her door, she and Rebecca answered. They thanked me as I was leaving. Kelly told me to have fun. “Watch out for Michelle.” Michelle was a friend; she was also on the trip, but that was a strange thing to say.

The morning came, and I arrived at the bus at four-thirty. I loaded my stuff, and I sat beside Michelle for the ride. I looked out the window to see Kelly and Rebecca in her car beside the bus. That was strange to see. Why would anyone get up that early? They were not going on the trip. Then my eyes locked on what started everything. Kelly looked at me from her car with a smile and her hand holding the key that hung on her necklace. My heart dropped; she had it all the time.

On the ski trip, Michelle tried to start something with me, but I was caged and couldn’t let her discover it. Every minute, all I thought about was the key. I could not wait to get home and get the key.

I arrived home late and had to get to class in the morning. Once I finished my course, I rushed to the high school. All I wanted was to find Kelly. I started asking everyone if they had seen her. Then, at the top of the stairs, I saw her and Rebecca talking and laughing. I ran over when Rebecca jumped in front and started talking to me. I didn’t want to be rude, but I needed Kelly to give me the key. Kelly was unhappy when I asked her for the key, informing me it was at home.

That night, Kelly told me to go to her house at seven. I arrived but found Rebecca and Kelly together. She invited me into her home, so we walked to her room. I stood before Kelly and Rebecca, waiting to change my situation. I was a little loud and anxious when Kelly snapped and told me to sit down. I sat on her bed and stopped talking. Kelly then informed me that she accidentally let it slip to Rebecca about the cage. My face turned red, and I was sweating badly.

Kelly told me to tell the whole story to her and Rebecca and not leave anything out. Things at home and difficulty showering, sleeping, and having no sex with women.

She told me that Rebecca thought it was cool and wanted to see it to believe it. I laughed out loud momentarily when she told me, “Quiet.”

She told me that if she had the key to unlock me, I would need to be naked. I needed to kneel at her and Rebecca’s feet. I would beg her for the key. Then, as I looked at her, she just grinned and tilted her head. Humiliated, I stood and took off my clothes, standing in only my underwear.

Kelly said, “Everything!”

I replied to her, “Yes,” while dropping my head.

I lowered my underwear, exposing the steel dungeon locked on me. Rebecca gasped, and then she replied, “It’s real.”

I got down on my knees and bowed, head to the floor. I was humiliated down to the core. My dick was hard.

My cock was trying to break out of its confines. The pain from it squeezing into its cage made me a bit dizzy. Rebecca stepped forward and looked closer, then sat on the bed.

“Kelly, can you please unlock me now, and we can end this craziness?” I cried out.

Kelly said, “I’d like to, but I don’t own your key anymore, so what you did was for nothing.” I needed clarification. She said she would have unlocked me if she had the key.

She doesn’t own the key anymore. She stood there looking at me and smiling.

Then, I felt the world start to spin as I turned around. There, sitting on the bed, was Rebecca smiling. She held a key on a gold chain around her neck.

I fell to my knees and begged her to tell me what she wanted.

Rebecca smiled, stood up, stepped over me, and said, “Nothing right now, but I will let you know.”

She told Kelly owning boys as pets was going to be fun.

I dressed and left for home; once in my car, I realized it was just the beginning.

Published 2 years ago

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