Finding Happiness Ch. 6

"Home becomes a source of happiness."

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When Henry arrived back at the house, he immediately went to his bedroom to try and sort things out. His brain was still spinning after leaving Mrs. Fanelli’s. What a series of events this had been lately!

First off, his mother had accidentally barged into the bathroom when he was posing naked in front of the mirror and got a first-hand view of his huge cock which she later described to Laurene Fanelli, her best friend. Henry suspected they were talking about him when he walked into the kitchen where they were whispering.

The upshot was getting seduced by Mrs. Fanelli and getting promises from her for more in the future. She was hot enough, but the situation was complicated by the fact that she also had a husband as well as two kids.

But what about his mother? Would she tell the whole neighborhood about her horse-cock son? That posed interesting possibilities. Henry imagined “Wanted” posters stapled to telephone poles showing him naked with a huge cock hanging down his thigh.

The other underlying issue was trying to figure out why his mother would tell someone about such a thing. Henry, like most kids growing up, had harbored a wide variety of fantasies about sex. Living in close quarters with his family, he had on occasion seen his mother unclothed and reacted with a boner and beating off, but that was just because she had big boobs. Wasn’t it? Or was there something deeper? Anyone’s boobs would elicit the same reaction. He didn’t want to think about it.

Like all kids, he had trouble picturing his parents having sex. Other people fucked, but your parents obviously had a sterile relationship like those old ’60s sitcoms where mom and dad slept in separate beds. They rarely even kissed in front of the kids, and if they did it was just a peck. Henry had discussed this very subject with his older sister on at least one occasion and she had agreed with him. He HAD harbored taboo thoughts about his sister when he was sixteen and she was eighteen and he realized she was hot. He got an open bathroom-door glimpse of her through the foggy mirror and she had a nice set of perky tits. That prompted quick relief with a Kleenex tissue. But his mother? No way.

But now a seed had been planted. That night he got online on his iPad and found a copy of the original Taboo movie starring Kay Parker and realized his mother resembled that actress in both body and face. Her obsession with Mike Ranger’s cock in the movie was portrayed as a forbidden act of love between them, but one that neither could resist. It got Henry thinking. HIs mother was pretty sexy if you discounted the fact that she was his mother. But boys weren’t supposed to think of their mothers that way.

With his sister living in another city, Henry shared their spacious house with only his parents. His dad was often traveling for work, and when he was home, he worked long hours. Rules and procedures were relaxed around the house, and Henry frequently paraded around half-clad or even just wearing his boxers. He decided to add a little spice to the household life.

His mother bought most of the essentials as clothing went, at least as far as underwear was concerned. He approached her one morning and mentioned his boxers were getting a little tattered and asked if she could pick him up some new underwear.

“But instead of loose boxers, will you see if you can get some of those briefs that are stretchy? My friends call them marble bags, but you know what I mean.”

“Sure, I guess. Why the change? I thought you liked the loose kind.”

“Um, well, it’s kind of embarrassing. I need a little more support these days. Plus, styles change.” And they will accentuate my package as well.

His mother found what he was hoping for in a variety of colors and handed them over.

“You’d better try them on to make sure they’re the right size. I bought a large, but I can take them back if they don’t fit. Put on a pair and let me see.”

“You want me to model my underwear?”

“Henry, I’m your mother for God’s sake. Remember, I’m the one who changed your diapers, Honey. I’ve seen it all before.”

Henry stepped into his bedroom and changed. The fact that his mother wanted to see him in tight briefs was not lost on him, but he wasted no time and marched into the living room wearing only a pair of white, tight briefs. His package was impressive in his bedroom mirror, but he stroked himself a couple of times just to be sure. The bulge in front was almost obscene. He smiled at the image.

“Ta daaa! Here I am–famous underwear model Henry Johnson.”

His mother was seated in her recliner. Her eyes immediately fell to his crotch and widened with what Henry later described to himself as disbelief.

“Do you think maybe they’re too tight, Henry? I could get XLs if you want. Are they comfortable like that?”

“No, they’re perfect. They’re very comfortable and have nice support. I’ll keep them, thanks.” Henry turned and flexed for his mother in imitation of a bodybuilder and then strutted back to his bedroom. His mother stared at his retreating figure.

Later, he decided to take a shower but made sure there was no soap in his bathroom.

“Mom, I need help!”

“What is it?” she yelled from outside the door.

“There’s hardly any soap, can you hand me a bar? I’m in the shower now. Just hand me a bar but don’t peek.”

His mother opened the door and found soap under the sink. She glanced at the shower doors and a distorted image of Henry showed him standing under the water with his thick cock hanging at a 45-degree angle. It was even bigger than she remembered, partly because he had been masturbating just seconds before the door opened.

“Just turn your head and hand it to me, please. Thanks. Henry slid open the door and turned to his mother. Her hand was shading eyes but she made sure she could see him in detail. She was not going to miss this opportunity and she wasn’t disappointed. When she left the bathroom she went straight to her bedroom breathing hard.

Lord, I thought his penis was big before, but it is scary big now that I’ve seen it up close. I can’t imagine how he would even fit that thing in a woman. I thought his father was large, but Henry is in another league. He could be a porn star with that cock. She had a hand in her panties massaging her clitoris as the recent image of her son permeated her brain.

Marlene Johnson, Henry’s mother, now in her early forties, had been promiscuous as a teenager, but marriage had changed everything. Jack, her husband was a good provider and good in bed. They had enjoyed an active sex life, but as time went on, their sex life gradually diminished to occasional couplings when, on rare occasions, both were in the mood at the same time. Sex was a hassle. They had to be alone, freshly scrubbed, and in the mood all at the same time. Two kids had slimmed those odds appreciably, especially as the kids grew older. Marlene and Jack were rarely alone unless in a hotel room somewhere. Hotel sex also offered just a hint of strangeness to it that made it more exciting than fucking in their bed at home.

But Marlene hadn’t had sex yet this month and it had been three weeks since their last round of footsie. She had needs and she kept track. Seeing Henry only heightened her awareness. She still had her figure, sort of. Her big boobs hung a little lower each year, but her hips and waist were still in decent shape thanks to lots of walking and tennis. Cellulite was starting to creep into her fleshy ass, but she looked good in yoga pants.

So what was Henry’s new interest in underwear? Something was going on. She could smell it. I wonder if Jodi Haas is making passes at him. He spending a fair amount of time with her lately. She’s single now, and very attractive. But Marlene had no idea how to approach Henry about Jodi, Brenda, or his love life in general without seeming too snoopy.

Meanwhile, Henry was also plotting.

His dad was gone for a two-day business trip and at Henry’s suggestion, he and his mother decided to have a nice dinner together. Even though the drinking age was twenty-one in their state, Henry occasionally had wine with his parents and was knowledgeable about the basics of enology. He had his mother buy a nice Cabernet and together they prepared a steak dinner with beautiful asparagus spears and baby potatoes. Marlene even dressed up for the occasion, putting on a low-cut cotton blouse and a favorite skirt. She even wore a push-up support bra that proudly displayed her cleavage. Fresh lipstick added a finishing touch.

Henry, as usual, had on nylon running shorts and a tank top that showed off his assets.

“I never get to dress up for your father. It’s nice to get out of sweats for a change. What do you think?”

“Mom, you look great! I’d even go so far as to say sexy. If you weren’t my mom, I’d be chasing you. Nice boobs too!”

“Oh, hush, you perv. Remember, you used to suck on these puppies at one time. It doesn’t seem all that long ago.” But Marlene loved the slightly off-color compliment. She had hoped he’d notice.

“Is that an invitation. They do look yummy.” Henry made a gesture as if he were squeezing imaginary breasts.

“In your dreams, Buddy.” Marlene offered a fake frown, but inside she squirmed just a little at the thought.

Dinner was perfect, and afterward, the two retired to the den and put on a movie. Both complained mildly of being tired, especially after sharing the entire bottle of wine. That combined with a couple of glasses of white wine before dinner put Marlene in a lazy mood, and soon she was asleep on the couch with her head on Henry’s lap and his arm around her.

In short order, Marlene was all but snoring and Henry fumbled with the remote. He smiled as he looked at his mother, her medium-length hair partially covered her eyes and her skirt was bunched up to the top of her thighs. Her breasts were flattened somewhat but still large atop her chest, supported by the bra but barely. One large nipple was trying to peek out of the cup of her bra.

Henry couldn’t resist, and he unbuttoned the top buttons of her blouse and opened it up exposing her bra. The wine combined with their joking about her boobs had made him horny. Then the tv movie turned out to have some early soft-core sex scenes and his cock stiffened in response.

He placed his hand on one of his mother’s large breasts inside her bra and felt the nipple harden in his hand. His mother moaned but did not wake. She rolled over slightly so that her mouth was now inches from a growing tubular shape in his shorts. It looked like she was about ready to start sucking his cock in her sleep. Henry turned the lamp off so the room was illuminated by only the tv. His brain was completely in his cock by now. He felt almost dizzy with what he was considering next as he stared at his mother’s sleeping form.

Emboldened by his hand on her breast, Henry ever so carefully slid his shorts and briefs down with his free hand so that his cock was now sticking well above the waistband to his naval. He turned up the volume on the TV slightly and then stroked himself to an erection. His mother continued to sleep soundly. With one hand still on her breast, he gripped his cock in his free hand and pushed the head to his mother’s mouth, and rubbed it against her closed, full lips. The feeling of her soft lips was indescribable, partly due to the riskiness of it and partly because in the dim light he could see that her lipstick framing the crown of his cock.

Marlene gave a little twitch and then settled back to her previous position, but now with her lips partly separated. Henry pushed ever so slightly, and his cock entered his mother’s mouth. At first, she seemed to frown but then she parted her lips and the head of his glans slid partway into her mouth. It was the most exciting thing he had ever seen or even imagined. He stared in amazement as she pursed her lips and swirled her tongue around part of the head. A red ring had formed on his glans from her lipstick at the same time and she quietly began sucking like it was a tootsie roll pop.

Marlene was dreaming a mix of images and sounds, partly due to the movie they had been watching and partly from the day’s events. At some point, she dreamed they had been having dinner and she had drunk too much. Her mouth felt dry but something was in it. Like a peach, but not fuzzy…smooth like a plum. She must have been eating a plum after dinner. And something was pinching her nipple it seemed. She opened one eye and slowly realized her head was on Henry’s lap, but what was in her mouth?

Oh, my god! I have his cock in my mouth!

She froze. Of course, she had no idea how she got into this position but surmised that in a drunken state, she had come on to her son. She remembered talking about him sucking her boobs earlier. What could she do now? Then she realized another sensation she had not felt in some time: tingling in her brain and between her legs–a familiar yearning that she had not sensed in years, it seemed. With her eyes shut, she closed her mouth ever so slightly and licked the soft head of her son’s cock inside her mouth, and then she slowly began to suck at the same time. His cock immediately responded with a bit of pre-cum that tasted familiar. It was just a tiny bit salty but with a musky smell to it. She was actually getting turned on by it.

Henry couldn’t believe what was happening. Was his mother wakening? If so, what should he do? She was definitely sucking on his cock. He had not thought this through and his brain was on fire. With just the dim light from the TV and the way she was facing, he couldn’t tell if her eyes were open or not. But no question about it; his mother was sucking his cock. And she seemed to be taking in more of it now that he was aware of what was happening. She must be awake. Nobody sleep-sucks, do they? Oh fuck. What now?

Marlene was likewise at wit’s end on how to proceed. Should she jump up and make a scene? She found the feelings quite pleasurable between having her breast massaged to the feeling of a large cock filling her mouth. But it was her son’s, right? Then she got an idea. Yes, that’s what I’ll do.

She moaned as if just waking up. “Mmmm, Jack. What are you doing? Oh, Honey, your penis has gotten so much bigger,” she moaned sleepily. “You must be horny, Honey. We shouldn’t be doing this in the den, though. Henry might see us. Better keep the light off, Honey, just in case. You feel so good in my mouth. What’s got into you?”

Henry sat there, paralyzed and saying nothing. She thinks she is with Dad. So he just moaned in pleasure and prayed she would not get a good look at him.

Marlene realized that it was too late to do anything else at this point, so she turned and grabbed the fat shaft in one hand and began sucking in earnest, making sure to not look up. If she could somehow get him to cum, she would then get up and excuse herself.

“Cum in my mouth, Jack. It’s been so long since you’ve done that. Let me taste your sperm, Honey. My god, you ARE excited. You’ve never been this big. I can hardly get my mouth around you.”

Marlene was selling it and Henry was about to lose it. Between hearing his mother talk dirty and sucking the life out of his cock, he couldn’t hold back. His old trick of thinking of his mother during sex to avoid cumming was the wrong thing to do at this point, and in short order, he had to let go.

Oh, fuck, Mom. I can’t hold it.” As a load of cum shot out the end of his cock into a waiting mouth, he realized his huge fucking mistake. Maybe she wouldn’t notice. Currently, she was gagging and choking on a thick stream of cum and trying to keep it in her mouth. Finally, when he was done and his cock softened. She reached up and kissed him on the lips with her cum coated mouth. Her eyes were closed.

“C’mon to bed, Honey. I think I had too much to drink. Don’t wake me up if you watch more tv.

“Thank God,” Henry said aloud when she was gone. How close was that? Jesus, though. That was so fucking hot.”

Henry turned off the TV and headed to bed before his mother came out again and realized what she had just done. But of course, she knew exactly what she had done, and she had liked every second of it even though it was the ultimate taboo. She tried to sleep to no avail.

Likewise, Henry tried to process the events of the night. Jesus, he had just received a blowjob from his mother. What happens if or when she realizes Dad was not even…

Published 2 years ago

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