K-I-S-S-I-N-G Part 4

"The Day family go on vacation. Roman and Angelica have a misunderstanding, but grow closer."

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The Day family went on a Spring break vacation in the Dominican Republic. Perfect weather, modern resort, clear water, soft sand beaches, food, family, and fun. They spent most of the first day traveling and getting settled into their accommodations, Mr. and Mrs. Day taking a suite near the top floor and Angelica taking a room down a long hallway from her brother on a lower floor. By the time everything was in place, the sun was setting.

After a wash and a change of clothing, the family met up again to find a nice restaurant. Dinner time was pleasant as usual, full of laughter, love, and ease. Angelica surely appreciated the quality time she spent with her whole family, but she couldn’t help but frequently glance in her brother’s direction, coveting his lips. She longed for a kiss. Ironically, Angelica had spent more time around her brother than she had in months – an hour to the airport, an hour to board the plane, a five-hour flight to Florida, a two-hour layover, a three-hour flight to the Dominican Republic, all spent in close quarters with Roman. But it was the longest time she had gone without kissing him since the first time.

Angelica was glad when her mom announced she was exhausted and wanted to get some rest, but then she felt guilty for being glad. After all, she loved her mom and dad dearly too, and very much enjoyed all their company the whole day. But Angelica started to feel homesick for her brother’s tender kiss. Her soul yearned for it as did her body. It would be the perfect signature to a perfect day.

Back at the resort, they all rode the elevator together. Angelica and Roman said their goodnights to their parents as they exited the elevator. The two walked silently down the hallway, and instead of turning left towards his room, Roman turned right with his sister. It was expected. Angelica’s heart raced as she slid her card key through the mechanism and opened the door, leading Roman into her dim room. There was something different about it this time. It didn’t feel like a big brother was innocently giving his sister a good night peck (though the innocence had long ago become an illusion.) This time, it felt more like two lovers on their honeymoon.

Once they were both inside and heard the door click shut, Angelica turned toward her handsome older brother. No teachers or classmates to look out for. No danger of being caught by their parents. The possibility of being discovered had added to the excitement of kissing Roman but now, in this room, completely alone with her brother, she realized how dangerous it was to be left to their own devices. We could do anything, she thought nervously as her brother stepped into her personal space.

Before Angelica could warn her brother of the sensuality in the atmosphere and the trouble therein, Roman’s arms were at her hips and his lips were closing on hers. Her body melted in reaction and she didn’t protest, kissing him with as much zeal as she had the last time. They were alone, and they were free to kiss each other as passionately as they pleased. Knowing this, Angelica let her body follow what felt natural. She lifted her left knee beside Roman’s hip and he gripped her thigh, pulling her body into his. She felt his erect cock press against her and groaned deeply.

Her hands were sliding up the inside of her big brother’s shirt and exploring his masculine abs and chest. Roman responded by taking two, healthy handfuls of his sister’s neat little ass and squeezing firmly. She rose on the toes of her right foot, following her instincts as Roman’s graceful tongue played gently against hers. As she rose on the tips of her toes, Angelica felt her brother’s erection rub against her pussy, causing her to shudder and whimper even through their layers of clothes. Her body’s message to her Roman was clear: I want you. The words scared her enough not to whisper them into her brother’s ear as he lifted her up and turned to press her against a wall.

Angelica’s heart sang as she hummed on her brother’s sweet, sweet kisses, her legs spread beside him as he ground his groin against hers. Following her horny body’s prompt, Angelica slid her hands up the inside of her brother’s shirt, revealing his entire torso. Then, pinning her to the wall with his pelvis, Roman removed his shirt in one smooth motion, breaking the kiss momentarily and releasing them to pant audibly. Surprising Angelica, Roman pulled her top up over her head just as quickly. She didn’t even realize she had lifted her arms to let her brother undress her.

Wearing a cute pair of short shorts and a white cami bra top, Angelica clenched her brother between her legs and wrapped her arms around his wide shoulders. She felt she needed to ground herself; her mind was in a million places and her body screamed for escalation. With her eyes squeezed shut, she sucked hard on her brother’s forceful tongue, focusing her thoughts. It’s only kissing, she thought urgently, heart racing. It’s only ever gonna be kissing! Having that imaginary line as a safety net, Angelica resolved that if all she could have was kisses from her big brother, she’d get her fill. She indulged, moaning and cooing as she kissed Roman, softly writhing and shaking with nerves. She teased her twitchy body with visions akin to her most naughty dreams, imagining her brother completely naked, his cock engorged at the sight of her nakedness.

When the kissing simmered down and cooled, Angelica gave her brother her spare room key to be sure he could kiss her awake in the morning. They expressed their love for one another and Roman left toward his room. Angelica peeled off her shorts, intending to go to sleep, but after only about thirty seconds of lying in bed, her panties were at her knees and her fingers were sliding back and forth through her drenched slit, answering the plea of her buzzing body with a resounding ‘yes.’

Angelica spread her delicate flower petals and played in the shallows of her virgin sex, then after a while began to massage her clit in a circular motion, rolling her hips with the steady rhythm of her self-pleasure. The guilt she used to feel was a world away, leaving her free to slowly and deliberately explore her many different buttons and taste all their yummy effects. She taunted her horniness by taking her hands off the rising pleasure in her core to tweak her aching nipples. Looking down over herself, she could appreciate her body in its excited state, so raw and intimate as she practiced the art of self-love. Her tight, pink nipples stood prominently atop modest mounds of pale, perfect skin.

Angelica watched her fingers play and noted the sparks that shot up and down her spine. She could see her flat tummy and cute belly button, leading down to her slightly widened hips, the protrusion of hip bones visible beneath the flesh. Between her white thighs was her soft pubic mound, furnished in a brunette thicket, growing naturally in a neat pattern toward her vagina, from sparse whiskers to a lush tussock of feathery soft hair, untouched since the dawn of her puberty.

Pushing her covers away, Angelica saw further, where her thighs were spread like the wings of a butterfly, her lucky-green bikini panties stretched apart at her knees. Four months ago, she would have thought the scene lewd and distasteful, and wrong, but her brother’s kisses had unlocked her appreciation for desire, allowing room for self-satisfaction. And now all she saw was the sexiness and sensuality of her petite, feminine body and the sweetness of the tender moment.

Her hands returned to her moist center with a sigh. “Mmm, Roman,” she moaned her brother’s name, imagining it was his fingers strumming her most precious parts so nicely. It made her young heart flutter. “Touch me. Yes, mmmm, yes, Roman. Touch my coochie, mhm.”

Soaking in the steady stimulation, Angelica patiently rubbed herself until a strong climax overtook her. She slowly played between her slick labia with gentle, deliberate strokes and sporadically treated her clit, spreading her skin and exposing the little pink nub to very lightly glide over with a fingertip. She twitched suddenly and involuntarily. It was like adding kerosene to a bonfire. Then back over the surface of her horny coin slot her slippery finger went. “Mmm Roman,” she whispered, “you made me cum. You make your sister cum so good.” Angelica didn’t have to look down at the ruddy clouds on her chest to know she was blushing, she could feel the heat in her cheeks and on her neck. But it didn’t keep the knowing, devilish smile off her red lips. She told herself she only said those things to make herself feel good, that there was no harm in envisioning Roman touching her or invoking her brother’s name mid-climax. It was only a fantasy.

Feeling justified but mostly horny, Angelica slipped her cum-slick fingers into her mouth, fantasizing it was her brother who made her taste her juices off his fingers. She shuddered, then sighed contentedly, having unwound her tightly coiled body. She turned over on her side to finally get some rest but ended up rubbing herself off once more for a little dessert before falling asleep, panties still down around her thighs.

Early in the morning, while Angelica’s mind was still hazy with sleep, she felt a hand on her lower back underneath the covers with her and then soft lips on her cheek. Roman, her fuzzy mind rejoiced at the perceived presence of her elder brother and she turned over in bed to give him her lips. His hand slid around to her flat tummy as she moved and then to her bare hip. Angelica, still half asleep and reacting as if she were in one of her sultry dreams, spread her legs wide, stretching her panties taut across her thighs.

As she kissed Roman, she wondered in confusion why he hadn’t reached between her legs to cup her crotch, as he had in so many dreams before. Roman, true to their morning ritual, uncovered his sister’s body, stripping away her covers. Gasping, Roman paused. Angelica’s bright green panties were down around her thighs, revealing the dusky fuzz between her legs. Through her dark thicket, he could make out her pinkish inner labia between the puff of her pouting outer lips.

“Angelica,” he stammered, staring at his sister’s pretty pussy in awe.

When she opened her eyes, confusion was still fading from her face and the fog in her mind was slowly dissolving. After a few moments, the realization came and she looked down at her naked lower half, quickly pulling her panties back up to cover her crotch. Angelica flushed with embarrassment, covering her body with the bedding and pulling her knees to her chest.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t see anything,” Roman said, sounding half panicked. “Well, I did see a little bit but I didn’t…I didn’t….” He paused to collect himself as Angelica stared at him, awaiting a coherent response. After a few moments of shame, he smiled. “I’m sorry,” he said, “I did see.” He grinned wide and breathed, “It was so pretty.” He was blushing. It was so cute.

Roman’s boyish charm and apparent bashfulness made Angelica smile too, even as her face flared from self-consciousness. She giggled at his discomfort and awkward compliment and Roman started to chuckle too. What had just transpired, Roman tasting Angelica’s secret cherry with his thirsty eyes, was a bold line to cross, but they masked any implications of the event with light-hearted laughter.

In a minute, everything seemed to go back to normal. They chatted casually for a while, waiting for the sun to rise, and went through the patio doors to the balcony of Angelica’s room to watch. In only her panties and cami bra, Angelica sat in her big brother’s lap on a big wicker patio chair and watched the orange sunrise slowly from beneath the clear, wavy ocean. The girl found herself smirking to herself, thinking, he saw my kitty, and he thought it was pretty. To ruminate on the awkward moment brought anxiety, causing her heart to flutter, but also a strange sweetness as well. In the comfortable silence, Angelica knew he was thinking about it too.

She enjoyed kisses from Roman as she sat, having to twist awkwardly to find his lips. After she’d had her fill of her brother’s lovely tongue, she rested with her back against his chest as he kissed her cheek, her neck, and her shoulders, caressing various parts of her body as he lavished her with brotherly kisses and tiny licks that were a tad peculiar, but not unwelcome.

Roman’s hands went all over his sister’s slender body. From her knees, up her thighs, gliding over the band of the apple green panties at her hips, leaving a hand there to fiddle with the narrow bikini string. The other hand slithered up over her flat tummy, feeling its way up until it parked right underneath one cup of Angelica’s cotton cami bra. She felt the heat rise in her blood as her brother rested his hand just under her left breast, moving up and sideways in tiny little caresses like he was awaiting permission. Angelica froze, her heart knocking in her chest. He was apparently awaiting some form of assent.

After what felt like a long time sitting as still as a broken clock, Angelica sighed and carefully adjusted her position so that she leaned back further against her brother, slouching down a little against his body. Roman’s palm made incidental contact with the small orb of his sister’s breast. Angelica’s heart beat so intensely she was sure her brother could feel the thumping even through her pillowy breast. After a fraction of a second, he returned his hand to its original position, surely afraid that he had misread her subtle hint.

A moment passed. Roman’s hand began to rise again, ever so slowly crawling up to cup Angelica’s supple titty. Once his palm rested squarely on the rondure, her taut nipple prodding his palm through the fabric, they both exhaled slowly, Angelica shuddering. After a few brief moments, Roman began to massage his sister’s tit.

Angelica forced herself to focus on the shimmering ocean as the sun slowly crept over the horizon, the tantalizing feeling of her brother fondling her breast made her nervous. As time went on, the nerves faded more and she began to relax, justifying her brother’s gropes. He’s probably been wanting to do it anyway, and I didn’t mind…, not really. It’s just a boob. We kiss all the time, and with our tongues too. Why shouldn’t he be able to touch my chest? It’s not really a private part. There’s nothing sexual about it. And with such rationalizations, Angelica embraced the serene feeling of her brother caressing her tight-tipped breast and cast off her reservations. “That feels really good,” Angelica whispered.

At that, Roman’s left hand crept from her hip up to her other breast, fondling it too. “Kiss me,” she said, looking forward toward the rising sun. Roman hungrily spoiled his sister with sensual kisses to her face, neck, shoulders, and earlobes, careful not to suck her fragile skin so hard as to blemish it. She giggled gaily at first but then moaned when she felt Roman’s wet tongue prod her ear. She turned to kiss his lips, arching her back to thrust her breasts forward into his magical hands and her perfect, pantie-veiled ass into his ever-hard shaft. He squeezed her breasts hard as he nipped her earlobe. God, it felt amazing and made Angelica’s already excited body shudder with neediness. She had a mind to slide her hand into her panties and bring herself to fruition, sitting right in her brother’s lap as he fondled her! She might have done it had it not been for her room telephone’s ringing.

Angelica answered on the fourth or fifth ring. It was their mom, telling her that she and Dad had planned breakfast and some outings. They would be down in the lobby in 45 minutes, and they asked her to go down the hall and wake her brother, assuming he was still asleep since he wasn’t answering his phone.

Roman kissed Angelica once more, told her he loved her, and went to his room to dress. Angelica, after sending her brother away, latched the door locked, lifted off her cami bra, and peeled off her freshly soaked panties. Tweaking and twisting her excited nipples until it was almost painful, Angelica rubbed her pussy quickly and steadily, calling her brother’s name and begging for his touch. She orgasmed in enough time to make it to the lobby early, and she would have, had she not masturbated a second time.

The rest of the second day was spent mostly with the whole family, as on most days of their trip. They enjoyed the days eating in exotic restaurants, listening to interesting guides as they toured the city, and dawdling away the time relaxing on the beach. Angelica could tolerate the beach as long as she had her sunscreen and an opaque umbrella to shield her temperamental skin from the sun’s harmful rays. The days were amazing experiences for the entire family, but the mornings and the nights, they belonged to Angelica and Roman’s secret world of kisses, caresses, love, and lust.

Angelica never forgot the time Roman saw her furry mound, being stunned momentarily and calling her most intimate parts pretty. She blushed and smiled whenever she remembered, even when she was alone. It made her want to be seen undressed by him again, an equally daunting and exciting prospect.

One night, Angelica decided to sleep topless, hoping that when her brother visited for her morning kiss, he could see the petite breasts he had fondled over…

Published 2 years ago

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