He Gave Her To Me

"I'd wanted her forever, and suddenly my friend gave his wife to me to fuck."

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Do you ever realize that your mouth has outpaced your brain? Not talking; your mouth, mouth. Your body just does things without your volition. It’s like it has a different mind that it obeys. Well, I have, and it got me into things that surprised me. I wanted it, but I never expected to get it.

It started on April 1st when Stu, Barb, and I decided to take a few days down the California coast from Half Moon Bay down to Santa Barbara. We took the San Mateo Bridge across the bay and over the mountains to Half Moon Bay. From there, we went to Pescadero, where there’s a grocery store that makes wonderful artichoke and herb bread. My parents discovered it about nineteen-eighty, and it’s still there.

We got a couple of loaves and dropped back to Highway 1. There I found a place to pull over, and we went down to the ocean to enjoy the sound of the ocean. We found a place tucked in among the rocks out of the wind and had a bite of bread and a glass of wine.

That’s when it happened, I was helping Barb stand up, and I kissed her in front of Stu. As I was doing it, Stu just froze, watching me while I did it. I was tasting her, my tongue played with hers, and my hands, well, my hands were teasing her breasts. Shocked, I whispered, “Sorry, Barb, I’m sorry.”

Barb’s hand moved to the back of my head, and she murmured, “Ed, ah, Ed.“ Then she stopped and looked toward Stu.

It was sudden and not like me at all. I’d never just kissed someone out of the blue like that. It was shocking, but enjoyable.

I had to pause for a minute, then I gathered the rest of our things and pretended nothing had happened. My feeling was that I’d stepped way over a line and started something I might not be able to stop. Luckily, Barb and Stu seemed to want to pretend it hadn’t happened too.

Stu did the driving to Santa Cruz, where we’d decided to play tourist for the evening. I was sitting in the back, thinking.

What happened there? I’d enjoyed kissing her and touching her breasts. I especially enjoyed doing it in front of Stu. The strangest thing was that Stu hadn’t stopped me. He stood there the whole time, watching me kiss her and watching as I felt her breasts.  Another strange thing was the fact that Barb had been surprised, but she hadn’t stopped me either. Now, that was interesting.

We found a motel near the beach and did some touristy things, looking at shops, galleries, and a bookstore. In the bookstore, I found a book of poems called Sensual Delight that celebrated ‘the first couplings of lovers.’ Wonderful, so I bought it to give to Barb when we’re alone.

That night I was lying in bed, thinking—at least what I call thinking. It’s Stu’s wife I’m lusting after. I want to make love to her; I want Barb to make love to me. Actually, I want to fuck her, put my cock in her, and release a full load of my cum. But there’s no way I could do any of it and still respect myself afterward.

I couldn’t interfere with their marriage, so I had to get away from them. That morning, I got my office manager to call me with a problem I needed to resolve. After a two-minute conversation with Della, I turned to Stu and said, “Hell, I have to get back to the office today. If you can drop me off where I can rent a car to get back, You and Barb can finish our trip.”

Barb tried to insist that they could take me back and we could finish our trip when we could.

I insisted; they insisted, but I outlasted them. I ended up at home, and they finished our trip.

Ed, you made it out in time. Kissing Barb, I can apologize for, but how it would have ended up if I stayed, I don’t think so.

Stu and Barb went down to Santa Barbara, spent a few days, and returned the second week. I spent the time working, trying to forget that I was going to have to apologize.

They got back on Wednesday, and Friday evening, Stu called and asked if they could come by. The bell rang at precisely seven p.m. I thought the preciseness of the timing didn’t bode well, but I needed to apologize, so I decided, Let’s get it over with. 

When I let them in, Barb was pale and nervous, and Stu looked green, like he was about to get sick. I led them into the living room and started to apologize, “Barb, Stu, uh, what I did at the beach, um, ah, I’m sorry.“

Both Barb and Stu tried to interrupt, and with me raising my voice, it turned into a cacophony of noise. Finally, Barb made us all shut up, “Ed, Stu, one at a time, and let’s start with me.” She looked at Stu and me, daring one of us to say a word. She started, “We need to say something to you, Ed. Uh, Stu and I have been your friends since college, before Stu and I got married. We’ve, me especially, tried to think of a way to…”

Stu interrupted, “What she’s trying to say is that the kiss on the beach wasn’t, ah, Barb tried to…“

Barb interrupted Stu back, saying, “Look, we’ve been trying to start a conversation about this, and we thought a trip with the three of us might be a chance to start. When you kissed me in front of Stu, we both thought that if you’d continued, I’d have let you take me right there.

“We want, we’re inviting you.” She paused and said, “I want you to, uh, I want you. To fuck me. How the hell does a married couple tell a friend they want him to, yes, fuck the wife? Stu, uh, wants you to cuckold him. He wants to see you fuck me. God, I want it too. Ah, even before I knew Stu wanted to watch us fuck, I was attracted to you.

“We’ve thought about it, Stu especially, for some time. It’s not just a spur-of-the-moment thing.”

I just stood there, trying to rearrange things in my head. I don’t know what I looked like to them—probably dazed. I led them to the living room and sat in my chair with them on the couch. They were close together, holding hands. It was obvious that they were still a couple; they both wanted this.

Hell, I’d made plans about seducing Barb; I even bought that book of poetry for her to help me. They wanted it. I wanted it. Should I fuck, no, make love to her? Could I do it?

“Um, this is a surprise—a huge surprise.” I paused for a bit before trying again, “The reason I left and came back here was because I was going to t-try to seduce you, Barb. That kiss? I planned it. I bought a book of poetry in Santa Cruz.”

I reached over to the table by my chair, retrieved the book, and gave it to Barb. “It says it celebrates the first coupling of lovers. I was going to give it to you secretly, hoping it might help me seduce you. In the end, I couldn’t do it, so I left.“

I smiled at them ruefully and said, “Talk about missed signals; we all wanted the same thing and didn’t know it.”

Barb smiled at me, looking hopeful, “So, there’s a chance? A chance you’ll say yes?”

“No, there’s not a chance I’ll say yes. I’ll say hell yes. Uh, I can see one problem, though, I don’t know if I can make love to Barb in front of you, Stu, for the first time at least. I’d never thought about what would come next.

“You’ve talked about it together. Right?” I paused, and they both nodded, so I continued, “How are you picturing it happening, not just the first few times but later?”

Both of them tried to respond, but Stu held his hand to stop her. Then he answered, “This is up to me to answer, so let me do it.” He paused, “I want to watch, but I know that at first, sometimes it doesn’t happen that way.

“I want it to happen now if it can. Soon if it can’t. Uh, could we go out for dinner somewhere, with me as the cuckold and you as lovers?”

I answered, “No, I’ve eaten, so no dinner. If you’ve not eaten, You can get something and bring Barb back. But you still haven’t answered my question about how you pictured it going later. For example, you used the word cuckold, what would that look like? You want to watch; does that mean you want to participate too? Don’t fob me off with generalities, okay?”

“I changed my mind because I didn’t want to damage your marriage or our friendship. We need to start by agreeing on how it’s going to begin. If we can’t, I’m going to change my mind and say hell no! So, who goes first?” I stopped talking and waited.

Stu and Barb looked at each other, then Stu started, “I guess that’s me again; I get to go first.” He paused, thinking, “What I was picturing, I guess, was mostly the two of you having sex and making love to each other. I’ve read cuckold stories that go beyond what I’m comfortable with. The ones that focus on demeaning and degrading the cuckold.

“I’m seeing you making love but also fucking. Doing things I’ve never been comfortable doing to Barb. I guess.” His voice trailed off.

I interrupted, “Taking her ass? Coming in her mouth, coming on her face and tits, restraint, spanking? Maybe stronger than spanking? Bring in other men to fuck her? Me fucking you, is that possible?” I hesitated there. “Even breeding Barb? Getting her pregnant with my child? That happens, doesn’t it?”

Barb interjected, saying, “Stu, when we were talking, we went over this same thing. I remember what you said; that’s what Ed is talking about. Don’t hold back because you’re embarrassed. If you can’t tell him what you told me, I can, and I will.”

Stu looked discomforted and embarrassed when he restarted, “You’re right, Barb. Ed, yes, we talked about it, what I was looking for. I want to be your complete cuckold—everything you said plus anything you were unable to say. Do you know what a complete cuckold means? You can do, or demand anything. I want to be Barb’s complete cuckold, and yes, we talked about what a complete cuckold can mean. God, yes, Ed, it means you can breed her. That’s the ultimate submission, isn’t it?”

That’s when I realized I couldn’t stop Stu from watching the first time I cuckolded him.

I looked at Barb questioningly until she answered, “Yes, I know what he wants; I’m not sure if I can go as far as he wants us to. Some things he wants run the risk of outing us, and I’d want those out of town. But the limits are between us, not with Stu. She stopped, straightened her posture, and then continued with a strained voice, “God, Ed, we’ve talked about you making me pregnant, and he wants you to. He sees it as the ultimate submission as a cuckold. If I’m willing, Stu will be.

This was beyond my wildest dreams. I could hardly believe what they were saying. I couldn’t wait, so I told Stu, “You’re right; let’s start tonight. I want you to undress Barb for me. Then I want you to tell us you’re giving her to me to fuck.

“You go home after watching us and bring back some more clothes for her to wear Monday morning, when I’ll return her.”

Stu responded, “Sunday evening, I need and want some time with her before we go to work.”

I answered, “Sunday evening, then. Shall we start? This is your first big step.”

I moved back, giving him room to approach Barb. I could see him trembling as he realized he was taking an irrevocable step. He started unbuttoning her top and removed it, laying it carefully over a chair. Barb stopped him when he reached for her skirt. “No, Stu, not my skirt; my bra is next. Ed needs to see my breasts next, so my bra.”

Stu flinched but unfastened her bra, removed it, and slowly placed it next to her top. She stopped him again and cupped her breasts, offering them to me. I pushed Stu out of the way and took over Barb, caressing her breasts and tweaking her nipples. I finished by leaning so I could suck on them. After thoroughly sucking them, I slowly backed away so Stu could finish undressing her.

He unbuttoned the top button, of her skirt, unzipped it while she was toeing her shoes off, and pulled both her pants and panties down and off. She wasn’t shaved but trimmed, neat, and tidy with enough pubic hair to look like a woman—perfect.

He placed her pants and panties on top of the rest of her clothes, then stepped back. He hesitated awhile before he started, “Barb, I’m giving up, I’m giving.” He stopped for a bit before continuing, “I’m giving you to Ed, to Ed to fuck, to cuckold me; I want to be your cuckold.”

He looked at me and said, “Ed, I’m giving her to you; take care of her; I’m her cuckold, and I’m giving you, hell, I’m giving you Barb to fuck. I’ve been imagining this day for a long time. “

He took my hands and placed one on her tits and the other on her pussy. He looked at me and said, “Ed, can I? I want, the first time, the first time you screw, ah, fuck her; can I watch?  Barb said it would be okay, so it’s up to you. I want to see it. I know it’s going to be, um, hard. Hard to see your cock take her, but I need it. I need to watch as she takes your cock in her cunt. Please, Ed, I want to see her as she welcomes your cum. I want to see when she takes your cock in her pussy, and I want to see it when she accepts your cum in her. Ed, I want to be able to see it when you make me a cuckold—a real cuckold.”

Barb smiled at me and said, “I’ve wanted this for years—being naked in front of you, with you, your hands on me, your hands on my breasts, no, not my breasts, my tits. I want you to handle my tits. I want to be taken and fucked hard. I want you to fuck me rough. undress so I can see your cock, then we can move on.”

I could hear them talking to me, but it didn’t make sense to me. All I could think was, I have the chance I’ve wanted. I can have Barbara with no guilt. Hell, that’s what I’ve wanted. I can fuck her; I can cum in her; I can do anything I want.

We were all naked when we started up the stairs to my bedroom. She was so delectable that I stopped partway up to the bedroom to play with her some more. I made Stu hold her while I was playing. I finally relented when Barb insisted we get to the bedroom or fuck her on the stairs.

I led them to my bedroom, where I put Barb on my bed. I undressed and then joined her, kissing, caressing, and touching her everywhere. Stu was sitting on a chair beside my dresser, tense, and I could see he was trembling a bit. I could also see him close his eyes as if he didn’t want to see what I was doing with Barbera and then open them so he didn’t miss anything.

“You want it rough?” Then I slapped her tits hard several times, and I stopped when they were turning pink.

She cried out, “Yes, like that, take me, Ed. Stu can’t do that to me.”  She grasped my head and guided it so my mouth was on her right tit, and then she commanded me, “Bite it, God, bite them. Please, Ed.”

I heard Stu standing up, then I heard clothes rustle, and then I looked at him. I’d completely forgotten that he hadn’t left. He was watching us, now with his pants on the floor and his hand on his cock.

I had Barbara’s tit in my mouth, and I bit, sucking, trying to mark her as mine, and I forgot Stu. I had something a lot more interesting to think about.

I had Stu’s permission, I had Barb’s permission, and we had Stu’s permission to do anything we wanted to do.

I stopped for a minute to savor the moment and just looked at Barb, soaking in the sight. She was on the bedspread, laid out like a vision of beauty, desire, and lust, and she was mine to fuck.

Her tits are perfect—lightly tanned, big enough for a handful, but still perky. Hmm, there is a scar on her right tit. It’s just enough to make perfection real. Her hair, spread on the pillow, frames her face perfectly. She’s looking at me wonderingly, like she doesn’t understand why I stopped touching her, and I was just looking.

“Barb, I’m just admiring you. I’m trying to truly believe that you’re mine to fuck now,” I said. I glanced at Stu and then continued, “You look perfect there like you’re eagerly waiting for me.”

“I am. Uh, I’m waiting for you, Ed; I am eager for you,” she whispered back, “Ed, please make love to me. No, fuck me. I want you to take me.”

She hesitated, then said, “Stu wants to watch, and I’d like him to see it, but if it makes you uncomfortable, we can ban him. We talked about how we—you and me—might send him out if you’re uncomfortable.”

I glanced at Stu and smiled at him. 

“No, don’t do that, Barb. I thought it might when I was imagining it, but Stu seeing us, makes it hotter,” I said, “I want him here with us.”

I reached down and touched her nipples and pulled on them. One hand drifted down her stomach, caressing her. Gradually, my hand drifted lower and closer to her mound until I was touching her pussy and then her clit. 

“Is this what you want, Stu?” I asked.

Stu whispered back, “I want more; I won’t be satisfied until I see you coming inside her. Don’t stop. Please. 

I looked at Barbara and asked her the same question, “Is this what you want, Barb.”

“I won’t be satisfied until I feel your cock in me,” she said, “Your cock coming in me. I want you to cum in me, Ed. But more than that, I’ll do anything you want. Forget me; forget Stu. It’s up to you. I’ve dreamed of submitting to you, and I’ve wanted you to do things to me that Stu can’t or won’t. I’m going to want you to do things to me that I’ve never thought about or heard about. I want you to force us to do anything. I’m your submissive, complete submissive. just like Stu’s your complete cuckold.”

That’s perfect; I still don’t know if this is a cuckold relationship or polyamorous. I’m willing to go either way.

I kissed her, and she responded, kissing me back. I moved down her neck to her shoulder, where I sucked a hickey and then took a bite. I could hear Stu’s breathing become harder and louder.

I’d dreamed of doing this, though in my dreams, Stu wasn’t there watching. My hands went from her neck to her shoulders to her breasts, caressing her as I went. I was trying to imprint the sensations, as I was doing this for the first time.

It was as memorable as the first time I had sex. As memorable, but a lot more satisfactory. I was tasting her mouth, exploring it, and then sucking her tits. When I was satiated with her breasts, I moved lower with my hands and mouth, exploring her pussy.

Stu gave out a gasp, and I heard him say, “Yes, yes.”

I continued exploring her pussy while my hands went back to her breasts. It was fabulous tasting her, feeling her move under me in response, and hearing her soft gasps as something I did forced it out of her. It was like I’d dreamed it.

I was in a wonderful trance-like state as I enjoyed my explorations. Finally, she said, “Now, Ed, your cock. I want to feel it; I want it in me.”

I moved up until my cock was teasing her, just about to enter her, when I heard Stu gasp, and I could see him cum. I pushed inside, and Barb gripped me hard, tensed, and gave a small scream. I kept moving, fucking her, until I could feel the first sensations as I started to cum. I pushed inside her as hard as I could and released everything I had inside her.

I’d just fucked Barb in my bed with Stu watching. Barb is mine now. Even better, I had both Stu’s and Barbara’s permission to use her any way I wanted to.

Published 2 years ago

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