An IOU To Remember

"Mark’s wife is turned on when he is spanked in front of her…"

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My parents-in-law were due to arrive later that day for their annual visit, and the tension in the house was palpable. For me, it was a mixture of apprehension, worry, and sexual awareness that was tying my stomach in knots.

My wife, Debbie, on the other hand, had been in a light-hearted, buoyant mood all morning, patting me on the bottom whenever she was close to me.

“Not long now, lover-boy,” she teased with a mischievous grin on her face.

I grunted in reply. The jury was very definitely still out on whether I was looking forward to the visit or not. And Debbie’s excitement didn’t help the churning sensation in my belly.

I couldn’t argue that the miraculous improvement in our sex life was, in large part, down to the behaviour of my in-laws. During the last few months, Debbie had developed an insatiable sexual appetite, demanding to be fucked at least three or four times a week. And when my cock wasn’t satisfying her needy pussy, Debbie found other arousing ways to assuage her hunger. She had taken active charge of our lovemaking, asserting herself in the bedroom in a manner to which I was not accustomed — but that I admittedly loved. She would command my tongue to pleasure her. She even started to enjoy sucking on my cock again, teasing me until I filled her welcoming mouth — something I’d given up on wishing for years ago.

So, what had set all this off? I hear you ask. What had been the catalyst that led to this remarkable turn of events?

To cut a long story short, a couple of months ago, my father-in-law had given me a bare-bottom spanking in front of his wife as a belated punishment for clumsily breaking some of her best crockery. The irony of this was that it had been my idea, not theirs. I had written a letter to Rebecca, my lovely, and very upset mother-in-law, more or less imploring her to give me the good hiding she said she thought I deserved, as I thought it would make her feel much better, and would have the added benefit of clearing the air between us.

Not to mention that I had always had a secret desire to be spanked by my very attractive mother-in-law.

To my astonishment and mortification, after initially turning me down, I had been taken up on the offer several weeks later whilst we were all staying at my brother-in-law’s for a family gathering. Mortification, because it had been David, her husband, who’d actually spanked me. That hadn’t been in the plan at all!  I had thought to myself. The real kicker was that, after I had received my punishment, there had been a strong suggestion that I should give my father-in-law carte blanche to punish me as he saw fit if, and when I misbehaved in the future. Rather foolishly, perhaps, I had agreed to the proposal. The original letter – which I had given to my mother-in-law as an IOU – had been kept by my father-in-law as a guarantee against future behaviour.

My thoughts were still very mixed up about that possibility. The spanking had been both painful and humiliating. On the other hand, whenever I reflected on the experience – which was often – my cock quickly hardened as I imagined my father-in-law spanking me in front of his wife again.

Why was that? I wondered.

And then there was the totally unexpected benefit. When I told my wife what had happened – when she got past her initial incredulity – she became so turned on by the thought of me having my bare bottom spanked by an authoritative figure that she had turned into an out-and-out sex demon, ravishing me at the slightest provocation.

My wife’s response had been a revelation. Whilst she hadn’t been there for my actual punishment, when she learnt about my spanking, it had galvanised both her libido and our somewhat lacklustre sex life, taking it to hitherto unknown heights.

My own enthusiasm was somewhat tempered when I recollected how much it had hurt – not to mention the embarrassment and shame of submitting to David.

It turned you on too, don’t forget…

Well, yes. All in all, the startling dividends seemed to outweigh the downsides of a sore bottom and acceptance of my father-in-law as the alpha male in the family. I’d always resented his slightly bullish attitude, but now… Well, the way our sex life had transformed, I thought, maybe submitting to a spanking from him was worth the price, even if it was painful and somewhat humiliating.

Debbie kissed me, her teasing lips lingering on my own.

“Mum and Dad have just texted – they will be here in a couple of hours, Mark!” she smirked. “I’m soooo looking forward to seeing you spanked.”

I grimaced in response, still doubtful about the whole idea.

“You know, it might not actually happen…” I suggested hopefully.

“You should be so lucky,” chuckled my wife. She gave me another playful smack on my bottom as she walked past me.

And so, a couple of hours later, we duly welcomed David and Rebecca into our home. Thankfully, there was none of the awkwardness that I was expecting, and no mention of spanking, punishment or letters, which was a huge relief!

Or was it? If that was the case, then why did I feel disappointed?


The first three days of the week’s visit flew by surprisingly well and without incident, which was — to be honest — unexpected. Surprising because David was quite naturally a forceful and domineering character, and often managed to get my back up with his snide remarks and criticisms. I wasn’t sure whether to be relieved or disappointed. My wife’s emotions were more obvious; I sensed distinct frustration.

Yet my undecided relief turned out to be somewhat premature. Unfortunately, at breakfast on the fourth morning, I finally snapped at something exasperating that David said — I don’t even remember what now, which is ironic given the consequences.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake, David, give it a rest!” I shouted.

I realised immediately that I’d overstepped the mark, and this was confirmed by the lengthy silence that followed. I recognised I might be in real trouble. Neither David nor Rebecca liked or condoned swearing.

David was glaring at me, his lips pressed together in clear disapproval. Rebecca, however, was much calmer.

“Mark, dear – I think you just stepped over the line — wouldn’t you agree?” she said matter-of-factly.

“I, uh… I’m really sorry, Rebecca. I didn’t mean to be — um, rude…” I stammered lamely.

“Yes, dear. I can see that you are sorry. You do remember, however, how we dealt with you being sorry last time, and how we agreed to deal with it in the future?”

I looked down, blushing furiously.

“Yes, Rebecca. I remember,” I whispered, shame washing over me at the memory.

I swallowed and looked at my wife. Her mouth was slightly open, and her eyes were shining with excitement. It looked like she might be getting her wish after all.

Catching my look, Rebecca glanced at her daughter; I could see her wondering.

Debbie gathered herself and smiled brightly. “It’s okay, Mum. Mark told me about the letter and, er, what happened at my brother’s house.” She reddened in a confused mixture of embarrassment and excitement. After a short pause, she cleared her throat and continued. “I think you should know that you’ve got my full support if you think he should be, um, you know — spanked.” She said the last word sotto voce, almost as if she were worried about somebody else hearing her.

Debbie then turned to me. “You have to admit, you were rather rude, Mark.”

It was my turn to gape. I couldn’t get over how much she was encouraging her parents. She used to defend me, but now, ever since I’d told her about being bent over her father’s knee, she had definitely changed her attitude.

Rebecca smiled warmly at her daughter. “Oh, I’m so pleased, Deborah dear! It makes it so much simpler, doesn’t it? Mark dear, you know we still have your IOU. Your outburst does suggest a punishment is in order and that another spanking from my husband would be appropriate, don’t you think?”

She said it so matter-of-factly; almost sweetly. Yet there was a determination — a distinct steeliness I sensed, behind my mother-in-law’s quiet words.

“It certainly does! You know I don’t approve of swearing — or backchat!” David added curtly.

My mother-in-law was looking at me with such sadness and compassion. It was as though she was on my side. It was what made her so hard to resist.

“Y — Yes, Rebecca. I – I’m sorry, David.”

“Debbie, darling, I appreciate your support, and I fully understand if you don’t want to see this. Your husband made an agreement with your Dad and I — a promise, if you like, and it’s so good that he’s willing to accept the consequences of his actions.”

“That’s alright, Mum — and I agree — I think it’s a really good idea. And he definitely deserves to be punished. Only – only, I think perhaps I ought to watch. After all, he’s my husband and — and maybe I will learn something from it.”

Rebecca looked at her daughter with approval. My mother-in-law had certainly moved on from thinking I was too old to be spanked as she had responded when I first suggested the idea all those months ago!

“I thought you might have learnt your lesson, Mark,” said David. “But clearly, I was wrong. A good hiding is definitely in order, and it needs to be driven home this time. I think it’s an appropriate time to introduce you to my wife’s hairbrush.”

“Oooh, that’s a good idea, Dad,” Debbie piped up. “It’s a very traditional and suitable punishment, isn’t it? And he really does swear far too much — I’m really pleased he wrote that letter to you, Mum, and I think it’s really helpful that you’re here to do what needs to be done, Dad. I don’t think he’d let me spank him, even if he deserved it,” she finished — almost wistfully, I thought.

I glanced at my wife with raised eyebrows and she smiled at me innocently. Wasn’t she overdoing it a bit? Though I’d almost been expecting something like this from her, I didn’t think she’d agree with her parents quite so enthusiastically. I could feel the family dynamics changing with each twist and turn of this unexpected conversation. Even the relationship between my wife and I seemed to be evolving at a furious pace.

“Oh, my dear,” said Rebecca. “I’m sure that’s not true. Or it shouldn’t be. After all, Mark actually asked me to give him his spanking in the first place. I’m sure you could come to some suitable arrangement that works for you.”

Unbelievable! And yet I found my cock subconsciously responding to Rebecca’s words. Would my wife really want to spank me in the future?

“But for now, it’s David’s responsibility to punish him, so I think we should get on with it.”

She turned to me and continued in a very business-like manner.

“Shall we do it now, then? Mark, why don’t you finish clearing the plates whilst we make a suitable space?”

“I’ll go and get your brush, mum,” said Debbie with alacrity. “It’s in your room, isn’t it?”

With resignation, I did as I was told. When I’d finished loading the dishwasher I returned to the dining room to find a good-sized space had been created. One of our dining room chairs sat ominously in the middle of the room.

“You’d better remove your trousers and pants, Mark — you know the drill,” Rebecca suggested. “Come on, don’t be shy! It’s nothing we haven’t seen before.”

I glanced at David as he sat on the chair. David didn’t need to say a word. One look from him and with my face colouring up, I removed my trousers and undies as instructed.

Despite her words, I was still somewhat mortified as I exposed myself to Rebecca. Yes, she’d seen me undressed like this before, but it didn’t make it any less humiliating and as I bent over David’s knee, I knew everyone had an unrestricted view of my forlorn penis and testicles dangling incongruously between my legs.

So many thoughts flashed through my mind as I settled myself in the appropriate position. I felt incredibly vulnerable, bent naked over David’s knee whilst two beautiful women witnessed my unforced submission to a man I didn’t particularly like. Shivering with anticipation, my exposed bottom tensed with the anticipation of the spanking it was about to receive.

I knew that Debbie now thought of her father as the alpha male in the family. How could she not, when I was submitting to his authority, allowing him to punish me like a disobedient child without complaint whilst they looked on?

Unlike the last time, I hadn’t asked to be punished by my in-laws. But a precedent had been set, and I was being disciplined because I’d been judged wanting. And more importantly, I had given my consent in that damned IOU!

And of course, this time, this time it was also with my wife Deborah’s knowledge and approval — her rather volubly expressed consent – encouragement, really – which left me in no doubt of her thoughts on the matter.

I wondered how this would impact on our marriage in the future. My wife essentially giving permission for her father to punish me on my behalf. What did that say about our relationship?

The back of the hairbrush rested briefly on my bottom, its cool touch presaging what was about to happen.

And then it began. And my charming mother-in-law, along with my beautiful, unscrupulous wife, watched as I was thrashed by her father with his wife’s hairbrush.

Splat, splat, splat, splat!

Oh my god — My legs stiffened instantly in response to the blows. This was so much worse than before! His hand had been like iron, but this was in a different league!

I kicked my legs, but David’s own leg locked mine down and I felt the pressure of his free arm on my back, keeping me in position.

Splat, splat, splat, splat!

He spanked me slowly and methodically, alternating cheeks and ignoring my cries and pleas for him to stop.

Splat, splat, splat, splat!

Splat, splat, splat, splat!

I quickly realised that there would be no let-up and I accepted my fate, desperately trying not to cry.

Splat, splat, splat, splat!

Splat, splat, splat, splat!

But I couldn’t hold it in and finally a sob escaped me. And then the dam burst and the tears rapidly began to flow down my cheeks.

Splat, splat, splat, splat!

Splat, splat, splat, splat!

David was giving me a real thrashing, and I was sobbing like a child, but a sense of calm started to settle over me as I lay there. Subconsciously, I knew I’d earnt the punishment and I felt a sense of cathartic release as my father-in-law continued to spank my bare bottom.

Splat, splat, splat, splat!

Splat, splat, splat, splat!

I lay there blubbing quietly and didn’t understand it was over until I dimly heard Rebecca’s sympathetic voice through my tears. 

“Good boy, Mark. Now come and give me a hug.”

For several minutes I couldn’t move. But slowly my sobs diminished and clumsily, I managed to clamber off David’s lap and I reached for Rebecca’s waiting arms.

I could feel my limp cock pressing into my mother-in-law’s stomach as she hugged me tight and embarrassingly, I could feel it respond to the pressure. She must have felt it, but all she did was continue to pat my back.

Finally, she leaned back and looked at me sympathetically.

“Nearly done, Mark. But first I want you to go and stand in the corner and face the wall with your hands on your head. I think some quiet time to reflect on what has happened this morning will do you good, hmmm?”

Her words surprised me. But I didn’t think to argue. Not now. I accepted her right to punish me as she saw fit, so I simply did as I was told, and walked towards the corner of the room. I didn’t look at my wife — didn’t want to see the expression on her face. I stood there submissively with my nose pressed against the wall, my very sore and well-punished bottom exposed and on display for all to see.

“Well done, Dad!” I heard my wife say softly. “He really needed that!”

Tears coursed down my face as I heard my wife’s approving words. Though quiet, I heard a note of awe in her voice. She’d just watched me being given a good hiding by her father, and once again, I wondered what this meant for our future.

Slowly, my sobs lessened. I was conscious of the heat in my bottom and I could hear the others moving around the room chatting quietly. Their words didn’t register, just the fact that they were there.

After about half an hour, my mother-in-law came and stood behind me and spoke.

“You can go and clean up now, Mark. Your punishment is over. But I’ve spoken to Debbie, and we’ve agreed that next time you use language like that in our presence, I’m going to wash your mouth out with soap as well. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Rebecca,” I replied, passively. My voice was thick with emotion and I struggled to get the words out.

“Good. And one other thing. I think, from now on, that you should call me ‘Mum’ if that’s alright with you?”

“Yes, Mum,” I said obediently.

“Good. Give me another hug then.”

I gave a sob as we embraced, and Rebecca patted my back reassuringly. “There’s a good boy, Mark.”


The rest of the day passed fairly normally, except for me now calling my mother-in-law ‘Mum’. That night, though, after we’d said good night to our visitors and retired to our bedroom, my wife practically assaulted me with her passion, slamming me against the wall and kissing me as her hands roamed over my body.

“I want to see…” she panted.

Impatient to inspect the marks on my bottom, Debbie quickly unbuckled my belt and undid my trousers.

I pushed them down and turned so she could have a good look. She crouched down and I could feel her hot breath and fingers as they explored my sore bottom.

“Oh, wow — Dad did a good job on you, didn’t he? There is a lot of bruising – red and purple blotches —it must have hurt…?”

“Uh, yes, I think I can safely say that it hurt, and yep — he did a ‘good job’ on me,” I agreed ruefully.

“Hmm — very nice!” she said approvingly as she stood up again

“I’m not so sure of that,” I said, making a face.

She tutted at my lack of enthusiasm. “There won’t be any permanent harm, will there?” she said, putting her arms around my neck. “And it actually did you some good – I think you learnt an important lesson, didn’t you?” Debbie whispered as she kissed my lips.

I mumbled something incoherent and in response, Debbie gripped my buttock hard, her nails digging into the reddened flesh.


“What was that?” she asked imperiously.

“Yes, I learned an important lesson,” I hissed in acquiescence.

“Good. Dad can be quite dominant, can’t he?” She put her lips right next to my ear. “I enjoyed watching you spanked with Mum’s hairbrush; I thought it was very effective. If I ever spank you, I think I’ll use my hairbrush, too.”

Deborah smirked as she said this, and I wasn’t sure whether to take her seriously. I should have known better…

“It turned me on watching you submit, Mark. And watching your bottom turn red! I thought I was going to wet my knickers.”

She slipped off her skirt and panties as she said this, leaving her just in stockings and shoes. She handed her underwear to me. “See…?”

Her knickers were undoubtedly soaked, and raising the soft cotton to my nose, I could smell the essence of her arousal as well as the tangy scent of urine. Instinctively, I put the material to my mouth and sucked hard.

“God, you are a naughty man, aren’t you?” she giggled. “There’s a lot more where that came from!”

She lay back on the bed and spread her stockinged legs, exposing her hairy snatch. “Taste me, Mark — I want to feel your tongue work its magic!” she commanded.

Debbie’s cunny was sticky and sweet, and I loved burying my tongue in her as she well knew. She moaned as I went to work, her pussy the wettest it had ever been.

“I loved watching you stand in the corner when my mum told you to — you looked very contrite. And I’m looking forward to seeing her wash out your mouth with soap,” she said with her hands in my hair.

Her commentary ceased as her excitement grew, her words replaced by gasps and pants and as she came, she clamped her thighs around my head, filling my mouth with her copious nectar.

As she finally relaxed her legs, I moved up to fuck her, but she surprised me by putting her hands on my shoulders.

“No — lie back!” she ordered.

I did as she said and she leaned over me and quickly wrapped her lips around my cock. I groaned as the warmth of her mouth engulfed me; I was so hard, and so turned on, that I came only seconds later, spurting what seemed like a pint of cum. Laughing, and with a mouth leaking spunk, she moved up to kiss me.

“Open wide,” she grinned, cum dribbling from the corner of her mouth. I met her lips with my own and she moaned as she enthusiastically pressed spunk into my mouth with her wicked tongue. As we shared the messy cum-kiss, I finger-fucked her sticky snatch; my thumb sought her clit, and she came hard again as my digits squelched rapidly in and out of her sloppy cunt. When I finally withdrew my gluey digits, we noisily sucked the cum from them. 

And then my wife gave me a treat I’d often hinted at but had never got. Quickly, Debbie pushed me onto my back, straddled my head and sat back, pulling her butt cheeks apart, exposing her pink, wrinkled starfish.

“You know what to do, Mark – come on, I know it’s what you’ve wanted. I want to feel your tongue in me. Do it, Mark!”

Her ring was sticky with leaking cum and I reached out my tongue and tasted my wife’s forbidden butthole for the first time. I moaned with pleasure at the sensation as her buttocks closed on my face and I pulled her down to smother me in her delightful, sexy bottom. My tongue wriggled inside her, thrusting and licking and I knew her own fingers were busy, frigging herself until she started bucking on my face in another mighty orgasm. I held her in place, my tongue buried in her arsehole as she squealed her pleasure and I felt like I was in heaven and at that point I thought that my earlier humiliating and painful spanking had been more than worth it!

I never did get to fuck her with my cock, but a few minutes later we both fell asleep satiated and content.


The remainder of the visit thankfully passed without further incident, though there was a noticeable difference in demeanour from both our guests and, surprisingly, from my wife. I found myself being ordered to do many of the things that would previously have been asked more politely.

“Mark, would you make the coffee, dear?”

“Mark, can you get the washing in? And make sure it’s folded properly.”

“Mark, make sure you do the washing up before you sit down, won’t you?

“Mark, could you fetch my jumper from upstairs?”

I did the chores without complaint, as I knew what the likely consequences of arguing would be.

And besides, it was worth it. Every night when we retired to our bedroom, my wife was like a woman possessed and I spent a lot of time with my head buried in her needy snatch or between her wanton cheeks; a new delight that she had fully embraced…

“Yes, you want to kiss me there, don’t you, Mark? You love licking my arse, don’t you? Go on — I want to feel your tongue in me. Make love to my bottom with your tongue, Mark!”

Riding my face, she would say these things as I was tongue-fucking her bum-hole and at the same time she would bring me off with her skilful fingers, making me spurt ropes of cum over my stomach and groin.

To my continuing frustration though, she still wouldn’t let me fuck her.

“What’s the matter, darling? Don’t you want me to fuck you? You’ve been loving it for the last couple of months,” I whined with obvious disappointment.

“No. I’ve been doing some interesting reading and I’m trying something out,” she told me. “I’m exploring your naturally submissive nature, Mark, and whilst I like being fucked and sucking you off, I’m not going to let you put your cock in me whilst my parents are here!

“I love you, but in this house, right now, my dad is the alpha male. I don’t think it’s appropriate to allow the beta male to fuck his daughter’s pussy whilst he’s here.”

I was stunned by this news.

Yet, after Deborah’s parents left for home, whilst she continued to make use of my tongue and bring me off with her fingers, she continued to deny my cock entry to her pussy. I didn’t fully understand why, but I sensed that there was definitely more at play here. Our relationship was changing subtly. There was a distinct power shift, but when I pressed her about it, she just smiled.

“Mark, I’ve never been so aroused as I have during the last few days. And let’s face it, nor have you. Since my dad spanked you, our sex life is better than it has ever been. Don’t you realise – this is just the start…

Published 2 years ago

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